Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I behold the Christ in you.

I have faith in the power of God at work within every person for whom I pray. I see each person filled with inner light, innate strength. I see each empowered with divine wisdom to overcome any challenge. Whenever I think of my dear ones, I hold them in love. I see them free of limitations and overflowing with infinite opportunities. I think of them and affirm, “I behold the Christ in you, the perfect spirit, soul, mind and life of you.” I trust in the power of God in those I care about. I have faith that all things are possible in their lives; that all challenges can be transformed; that all disease can be healed; and that all dreams can come true. Beloved ones, I behold the Christ in you.
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you.—3 John 1:2

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