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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Let Go Let God Achieve World Peace

Peace in the world begins with love in my heart.
Like individual droplets of water merged to form the ocean, we are all one in God. The consciousness I hold flows through the drops around me. When collective consciousness unites together in belief, cause, or nation, it may form flowing ripples or crashing waves in the world in which we live. World peace is a worthy goal and even more important, a state of consciousness. As I affirm thoughts of peace, those thoughts ripple out to the world around me. I choose to live in peace with all humankind, and join together with like hearts and minds. Peace and love flow through me as I am reminded that we are all one in the ocean of God. Love ripples out bringing peaceful solutions where disharmony once crashed.
You silence the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples.—Psalm 65:7

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