Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Monday, January 1, 2018

Let Go Let God as a New Beginning

I am the creator of my life’s path.
This is the year to consider the possibilities and allow myself the bravery of beginning anew. Perhaps I will travel. Maybe I will start looking for a new job or career. I might even go back to school or decide to claim a new pattern in an existing relationship. I am the creator of my life’s path! Before I embrace a new role, I pause. I move my attention gently and purposefully into my heart space. I become fully present in this moment, taking a deep, conscious breath. I ask myself, What is mine to begin? I feel the question move through me with each new breath. Attuned to creative power, I listen and feel for an answer. I am the creator of my life’s path.

This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.—Exodus 12:2

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