Wholeness is my true nature. I am vibrant and strong.
true spiritual identity, the “I Am Who I Am,” is the source and
catalyst for my healing. As I turn to this inner presence to reaffirm my
wholeness, I find that what I have been seeking is already present
within me. So I relax into this place of love and light and rediscover
everything I need for healing. Wholeness is my true nature. At the
core of my being is the eternal truth that wholeness is my natural
state. I am one with unlimited spiritual life and power. When I tap in
to that divine essence, I feel energized and revitalized. My path of
healing is an inner unfolding and a satisfying journey into the truth of
who I am. Wholeness is my true nature. I am vibrant and strong.
said to Moses, “I am who I am.” He said further, “Thus you shall say to
the Israelites, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”—Exodus 3:14