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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

Wholeness is my true nature. I am vibrant and strong.
My true spiritual identity, the “I Am Who I Am,” is the source and catalyst for my healing. As I turn to this inner presence to reaffirm my wholeness, I find that what I have been seeking is already present within me. So I relax into this place of love and light and rediscover everything I need for healing. Wholeness is my true nature. At the core of my being is the eternal truth that wholeness is my natural state. I am one with unlimited spiritual life and power. When I tap in to that divine essence, I feel energized and revitalized. My path of healing is an inner unfolding and a satisfying journey into the truth of who I am. Wholeness is my true nature. I am vibrant and strong.
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” He said further, “Thus you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”—Exodus 3:14

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I follow my inner light and move forward in faith.

I am continually guided by an inner knowing. Just as certain birds instinctively migrate and animals hibernate, I have a natural inner wisdom that guides and leads me to do what is mine to do. As I take time in the Silence, I am blessed by the dawning of a new vision. Spirit is guiding me, and I know what I need to do. The answer I seek may also make an appearance through synchronous events, seeming coincidences, or repeating circumstances. I ask myself, What is Spirit telling me? Once my direction is clear, I take action. I tune in to my guidance and move forward in faith. As I follow my inner knowing, I am filled with peace.

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.—Psalm 32:8

Friday, January 29, 2016

Let Go Let God in the Light

I delight in the illuminating power of God in me.
A houseplant sitting near a window naturally turns its leaves toward the sun’s nourishing, bright rays. I, too, come alive when I dwell in the brilliance of God’s light within me. When I turn my attention to inner illumination, I instinctively feel a surge of new life. Feelings of melancholy melt away. I am aglow with divine light radiating in my mind and body. The light of God within lights my way and shines forth through me to bless others. Thoughts and emotions flourish as I dwell in the light of God. I joyously affirm: I delight in the illuminating power of God in me. As I hold to this realization, the presence of Spirit dispels all darkness. My mind is free. I am at peace.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.—John 1:5

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Let Go Let God in World Peace

I bless the world as I express peace.
I may see reports of world events that trouble me. I may hear others wonder why something has happened or what can be done. Regardless of the situation, I call forth a vision of peace and understanding surrounding the globe. From outer space, no borders exist between countries. In our hearts, there needn’t be any separation either. Aware of my oneness with all beings, I make a conscious effort to contribute to greater peace and understanding in my community. I greet friends and strangers with a smile; I speak words of connection and reconciliation; I follow through with my commitments. Each step I take is a step toward manifesting the vision of peace and love in the world. I envision a borderless world, with all people united.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.—Matthew 5:9

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

My connection to God fuels my compassion for others.
I am infinitely connected to God. And because God is the source of all life, my connection unites me with all living beings. Like a thread in a beautiful tapestry, I am an individuation of the whole. Other people may appear separate or different from me, yet when I look at the entire picture, I see that we are all connected. Compassion wells up within me upon the realization that we are all one. If the emotions of others seem so overwhelming that my peace of mind begins to be affected, I find strength and resilience through the practice of prayer. I support and care for all of life by visualizing the perfect health and wholeness of each being. I do this because I am infinitely connected to all living beings through our oneness in God.
Pray for one another, so that you may be healed.—James 5:16

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

The presence of God within is my peace.
The presence of God is within me and all around me. Like a comforting, ever-present friend, God is always available to me. I can easily access the peaceful stillness of Spirit. I experience God when I see the good in myself and in others. As I go within and connect with the calming energy of God, any stress or anxiety dissipates. I know God is working for my highest good and I am able to trust myself. As I behold the Divine in others, I interact with them in kinder, gentler ways. My relationships strengthen and I create peaceful connections everywhere I go. I am safe and calm because the peaceful stillness of God is always with me. The presence of God within is my peace.
Put things in order … and the God of love and peace will be with you.—2 Corinthians 13:11

Monday, January 25, 2016

Let Go Let God Take Right Action

I take right action, guided by the all-knowing mind of God.
To take right action, I must first get into alignment with the inner light that will guide my way. Establishing my connection with the intuitive guidance within means getting in tune with it. How can I best lift myself out of my everyday thoughts and plant myself firmly into my “rightful mind”? What can I do to bring myself into line with the spiritual part of me that already knows what to do? Right now, I breathe and relax into a feeling of trust, an inner knowing that I am being guided into right action. Whatever judgment I may have had about my situation, I set it aside and stay in touch with the awareness that I am being guided. I am on the right track because I am in tune with God Mind within me.
Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.—1 John 3:18

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Let Go Let God with Compassion

I am one with all of humanity.
When I think of the spiritual quality of compassion, I think of Jesus. The love he gave others was like a healing balm. In quiet moments I remember God’s compassion for me and for all people. I set aside time to fully engage with God’s love. I extend myself to others through my compassionate thoughts and actions. Throughout the day, I behold the Christ in others and send them compassion-filled thoughts and prayers. These heart-to-heart connections enhance my sense of oneness with the world. We are one with God and one with each other. I am an expression of God’s love, and through compassion, I connect to—and serve—all humanity.
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.—Colossians 3:12

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Let Go Let God with Willpower

I am blessed with the strength of divine willpower.
Willpower is like a muscle, becoming stronger with regular use. Willpower is a trusted part of me, allowing me to hold on or let go, whichever serves my highest purpose. When I choose to do the will of God, I express my spiritual nature. My willpower allows me to release what no longer serves my highest good. I focus my attention on the good I desire and affirm my ability to accomplish what I want in life. My will empowers my intentions and provides the impetus for fulfilling them. Using the strength of my willpower to direct me, I enhance all the good coming to me and through me. I am blessed in mind, body, and spirit through the directive power of my will.
You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.—Job 22:28

Friday, January 22, 2016

Let Go Let God in This Moment

I live in the now, appreciating each moment.
As I center myself in an awareness of the present moment, I recognize the preciousness of life—my own, my family and friends, and all others. Whether the emotions I am experiencing feel positive or challenging, I welcome them as part of the exquisite gift of being alive. In this moment, I feel the vitality and power of life in and all around me. In this moment, I experience the ecstasy of knowing I am one with the Divine. In this moment, I know the absolute peace of God at the center of my being. Living in this moment with the presence of God to guide and inspire me, I am truly alive. I make the most of each day by giving thanks for the blessings I receive. Here and now, all is well and my heart is filled with joy.
See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!—2 Corinthians 6:2

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Let Go Let God with Joy

True and lasting joy arises from the Christ within me.
I take these words to heart and realize the importance of my spiritual practice in my time in quiet meditation. In this inner sanctuary I am replenished, comforted, guided, and lifted up in Spirit to know joy. Although I enjoy outer activities, people, and events, my true source of everlasting joy is my spiritual nature—the Christ in me. The unchanging source of joy in my life is Spirit. I feel a sense of peace and bliss when I am consciously aware of this sacred presence. I am blessed to intimately know my source of joy, and I let it flow freely in my life. True and lasting joy arises from the Christ within me.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.—Romans 15:13

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Let Go Let God in Healthy Living

I trust my inner wisdom to lead me to perfect health.
As I move into this new year, I resolve to make health a primary focus. I consider goals for my physical body as well as my emotional and spiritual health. I envision myself and my life in a state of wholeness. I needn’t turn to external sources such as magazines, the Internet, or friends for tips. I trust my inner wisdom to help me set personal goals. During a moment of quiet contemplation, I ask, What steps can I take this year to better my health physically, emotionally, and spiritually? I affirm that I am a unique expression of the Christ. There is no one who knows my needs better than me. Without hesitation, I trust the answers that arise in the Silence. Healing unfolds as I let Spirit lead my choices in all areas of my life.

Oh, restore me to health and make me live!—Isaiah 38:16

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Let Go Let God Forgive

I release resentment and live in love.
Today I take an assessment of my life with forgiveness on my mind. In some or all parts of my life, I am ready to begin anew. I willingly release any resentment or judgment that might be holding me back. First, I forgive anyone who has said or done something to spur my resentment or unforgiveness. I do not condone their behavior; I simply refuse to hold on to blame or pain. I loose it and let it go. By holding on to resentment, I only hurt myself and block my own healing. I give my hurt over to God, which opens the way for joy and peace to enter my heart. God is the one Presence in which I live and move and have my being. I step into a new beginning as I choose to feel the purity, the joy, and the love of God in every area of my life.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven.—Luke 6:37

Monday, January 18, 2016

Let Go Let God be Free

We are free! Praise God, we are free!
As children of God, we are inherently free. We claim our freedom by laying aside outworn or erroneous beliefs. When we release habits that are not in our best interests, our attention will naturally shift back to the truth: We are free. Awareness of what is holding us back sets us free. Through self-observation and introspection, we connect with our deepest self. Spirit flows through us. Release of the old opens the way for new growth and self-expression. Insights and ideas blossom within us, as do fresh perspectives and opportunities. Today, let us commit to living and expressing from our spiritual core, our true selves. Together we affirm: We are free! Praise God, we are free!

Do not … consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth.—Isaiah 43:18, 19

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Let Go Let God be Dynamic

I am a dynamic spiritual being.
The word dynamic is used to describe someone with an outgoing, energetic personality. The Greek origin of the word, dunamis, means miraculous power. So in the truest sense of the word, those who study and apply Truth principles can be considered dynamic. When we tap in to Truth, we connect with our own miraculous power. We are dynamically alive! Our spiritual power energizes further through prayer and meditation, forgiveness, and love. We may see tangible results or simply gain a profound sense of peace. The important thing to remember is this: We are dynamic spiritual beings expressing divine power through our oneness with God.

Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion.”—Genesis 1:26

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Let Go Let God be Comforted

I am comforted by divine love.
In times of sorrow, I recognize my need for comfort. Grieving is a natural part of life, and I allow the process to happen as I open my heart to the healing power of love. I rest in the soothing, comforting energy of divine love. The fullness of love in my heart correlates with the depth of grief I experience from loss. Divine love flows through me as a comforting sense of peace. Even as I walk through the valley of darkness, I know I will emerge into the light of a new day. In time, the ache of grief will be soothed by the poignant joy in cherished memories. I will see beyond the pain to find the gratitude in my journey. Love never ends. I am comforted by abiding love, and the love of God that is with me always.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.—Matthew 5:4

Friday, January 15, 2016

Let Go Let God with Dedication

My spirit soars with a sense of purpose.
My dedication to my family reveals itself through my ongoing love for them. My dedication to God shines forth in my love and faith and by my ongoing commitment to be my highest and best self. Made in the image and likeness of God, I strive to be the “best me” I can be. To do that, I align myself with the all-good, everywhere-present wisdom of God. In my relationships with others, in my thoughts and prayers, in my daily activities, I am a conduit of divine energy and life. My faith strengthens, my mind clears, and my spirit soars with a sense of purpose. I am living from a foundation of faith. Living in love, on purpose, is more than just a commitment. It is my way of life.
My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips.—Psalm 63:5

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Let Go Let God with Grace Upon Grace

My heart is open to the extraordinary gifts of divine grace.
The greatest deed cannot earn me God’s grace, just as the worst mistake cannot keep me from it. Grace is independent of anything I say or do. It is the natural effusion of love itself. Love intrinsically seeks to extend itself. When love exceeds my expectations and wildest dreams, I experience it as grace. Divine grace prepares a path for me to move forward with compassion and forgiveness for all. Immeasurable and unrestricted, grace flows to me and through me regardless of my troubles, sorrows, or joys. Grace expands my ability to experience the richness of life. God is good, all powerful, and giving. My heart is wide open and receptive to the glorious gift of God’s abiding grace.
But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift.—Ephesians 4:7

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I give and receive with a grateful heart.
I open the way for greater prosperity in the new year as I dwell on the highest and best in me and in all life. Looking at what is right in my world lifts my spirits and deepens my gratitude. My prosperity may include a relaxing hobby, a job I enjoy, or a favorite chair. I may savor simple pleasures, such as sipping my morning coffee or looking at treasured photos of family and friends. By appreciating what I already have, I amplify abundance. What I look for, I find; what I think about, I magnify. As Jesus said, “Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” This year I invoke greater success and happiness as I thank God for the riches already present in my life.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.–Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Let Go Let God Live Dreams

Today I celebrate that my dreams are unfolding.
Deep within my heart, my intentions and my faith intertwine to reveal glorious possibilities. Despite any outer appearances of seeming lack or limitation, I remain firm in my faith to live my dreams. My intentions are powerful, and they contribute to a new vision for my life. The thoughts I hold in mind shape the experiences of my day. In my quiet times, I draw upon divine ideas as the building blocks of my life. As I tap in to divine ideas, my life manifests new and positive outcomes. Moment by moment, my dreams are becoming reality. I focus on the highest vision for my life. As I notice my goals and dreams coming into fruition in my outer life, I recognize that a spiritual awakening is also unfolding within me. I celebrate my dreams coming true!
For nothing will be impossible with God.—Luke 1:37

Monday, January 11, 2016

Let Go Let God in Truth

I anchor myself in and live from my truth.
I am the child of a loving God. My authentic self shines when I live from the truth of who I am. But what lens am I looking through when I view the rest of the world? Am I upset and seeing the situation through a veil of hurt feelings? By paying attention to the lens I am looking through, I can change my mind and change my experience. I choose to think, speak, and act in ways that are in alignment with God. Spirit is the true nature of my being. My creator imprinted within me the blueprint for love, goodness, peace, abundance, and joy. This truth fills me like an overflowing cup and spills forth into everything I do. I bring forth my best self when I remember and live from the truth of who I am.
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.—Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Let Go Let God with Divine Spark

The divine spark within guarantees my success.
Have you ever felt as though you were just one step away from success—in your relationships, at work, in your education? At times our goals may seem unrealistic or unattainable. Perhaps what we are missing is not some thing, but rather an awareness of God. Prayer is the key to moving forward and tapping into potential success. Prayer reminds us of our connection with Spirit and that all things are possible. Focusing on God ignites a divine spark within that illumines the way. Infinite possibilities are now revealed. God is right where we are, in the experiences we are living. Prayer ignites the divine spark toward realizing and releasing our infinite potential.

Lift up our heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in.—Psalm 24:7

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Let Go Let God Listen

My relationships are transformed through sacred listening.
If I find myself in the midst of a misunderstanding with another person, I recall this verse from the Letter of James, “Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger ...” This wisdom encourages me to listen carefully before reacting. Even during a challenge with another person, I listen for the wisdom of God and feel at peace. Accessing this wellspring of peace within, I offer empathy and listen with my heart in my interactions. Before speaking, I pause and listen in order to strengthen communications. In all situations I speak with clarity, calm, and understanding. In my mind I hold a clear view of peaceful outcomes. I am grateful that my relationships are transformed through sacred listening.
Let the wise also hear and gain in learning, and the discerning acquire skill.—Proverbs 1:5

Friday, January 8, 2016

Let Go Let God as Sacred Work

I honor my sacred work.
Artisans turn raw material into art. Bakers transform flour into bread. Retail clerks use their communication skills to fill other people’s needs. When we use our gifts to bless and serve others, we are doing holy work. I honor the sacred work that is mine to do by communing with Spirit before starting my daily routine. I ask God for guidance prior to facing the tasks ahead. As I use my talents, I benefit in many ways, including connecting with others and the satisfaction of giving. I am the eyes, ears, hands, and heart of God expressing to the world. I honor my abilities and use them to do sacred work. At the end of the day, I say thank you for all the blessings, challenges, and learning experiences.
You have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.—Matthew 25:23

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Let Go, Let God

God and I are One.

I may think that my needs are too insignificant or too large for prayer. In Truth, all of my heart’s desires are in the infinite care and power of Spirit. God and I are One. Keeping this thought in mind, I easily release any personal struggles or concerns and place my faith in the universal love of the one Presence and one Power. I let go and let God. I am worthy of my dreams coming true, so after letting go, I trust. The Universe conspires to ensure my happiness. I am divinely supported in living my highest potential. One with all that is, I enjoy a thriving and prosperous life.
The Father and I are one.—John 10:30

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Let Go Let God Receive Gifts of Spirit

I am open to giving and receiving the gifts of Spirit.
I live my life with an open mind and an open heart. My encounters with others are like gifts we give each other. We may also give material gifts, such as a small trinket of appreciation, financial assistance, or a home-cooked meal. The greatest gifts—the gifts of Spirit—do not fit in a box. Rather, they touch the heart. These gifts include kindness, joy, compassion, and love. As I open myself to receive from others, I receive the gift of their love, wisdom, and experience. My mind and heart are ready to share, so I create a channel for Spirit to move through me. Spirit guides me in being a gift to others. I may be of service by sharing my time or talents. With gratitude and an open attitude, I see that life is filled with the gifts we give and receive.
There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.—1 Corinthians 12:4

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Let Go Let God with Clarity

In prayer, I create a clear vision for my future.
When I set goals, I pray for my way to be made clear. I center myself and turn to the quiet place within. In the stillness, I listen for divine guidance. What is mine to do? How am I to do it? Gaining clarity is the first step toward achieving my vision. I call to mind the image of a crystal clear glass of water and ask Spirit for the same crystal clear clarity of my future direction. I trust that my path is unfolding in the perfect way at the perfect time. All is in divine order. Divinely guided, I follow the clear path to my vision. Aligned with Spirit, I advance toward my goal with clarity and confidence. What was once beyond my reach is now within my grasp.

Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he looked intently and his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.—Mark 8:25

Monday, January 4, 2016

Let Go Let God with Faith

I am meant to live a great life!
As I begin the new year, I step out in faith. I am excited to know that God has given me all I need to have a great life. “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” I gratefully accept! The energy, life, and love of Spirit move through me easily and effortlessly. I open to divine ideas and discern what is mine to do. I am blessed with unlimited possibilities to experience God. Opportunities to connect with the Divine arrive in new and unexpected ways. I am now conscious of others expressing kindness, joy, and peace. I feel one with all that is. I feel certain that my circumstances will work out favorably, perhaps in unimaginable ways. As I deepen my connection with God, my faith grows ever stronger. I am meant to live a great life!
For we walk by faith, not by sight.—2 Corinthians 5:7

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Let Go Let God with the Lord's Prayer

God is with me and all is well.
If I am not sure how to pray or even what to pray for, I remember the advice of Jesus and pray the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Focusing on God sharpens my understanding of what my true need is. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.” I let go and let God bring divine order into every area of my life. “Give us this day our daily bread.” God blesses me with enough. I have only to ask and God will provide. “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Just as God forgives me, I forgive others. I release grudges and trust God to clear up misunderstandings. Most important of all, I forgive myself. I am grateful to God for all my blessings.
“Your will be done.”—Matthew 6:10

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Let Go Let God Contribute

I make a positive difference.
The contributions I make to society may not always be monumental. Yet every day I find meaningful ways to be of service and leave the world a better place. I do so by sharing my gifts, talents, and abilities as I’m cheering someone up, volunteering, or being of service wherever needed. As a child of God, I am born to express my innate divinity. I look for opportunities to contribute to the world by sharing my gifts and my love. When I greet others, I offer kindness and a ready smile. I know that when I freely give, I make a difference. Through my affirmative thoughts, words, and actions, I send out ripples of positive energy. As I share from an open heart, I contribute to a better world.
Above all, maintain constant love for one another.—1 Peter 4:8

Friday, January 1, 2016

Let Go Let God with a Fresh Start

I behold and delight in a fresh start.
The new year stretches before me like a blank canvas. What kind of life will I paint this year? I choose the brushes of service and relationship—those that feel most natural and meaningful to me. I select colors that stir my soul as I prepare to paint a new picture of my life. What palette best reflects my spirit and intentions? Bright, vibrant tones or understated, earthy ones? I choose accordingly. I pause before the blank canvas of my life until I feel guided to create. Once nudged in a particular direction, my creativity comes alive, and I begin my masterpiece, each movement carefully selected with the Master Creator’s direction. I behold and delight in the fresh start Spirit inspires in me.
This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.—Exodus 12:2