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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Let Go Let God Grow In Life

Life Gives Me A Constant Opportunity For Growth. 

The very nature of my being alive means I have ongoing opportunities to change and grow. In every moment I am capable of adapting to challenges, no matter my age or how long I have been set in my attitudes and behaviors. Just like the changing seasons, I am in tune with an ongoing cycle of growth. I am confident that I can handle what life gives me and believe all experiences can be used as catalysts for progress. The ever-evolving process of life allows me to grow and change, evolving into a higher version of myself. I seek understanding of myself and life through my experiences. Through self-reflection and contemplation, I create meaning and build resiliency. I trust my ability to change and approach life with openness and a willingness to grow.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.–2 Peter 3:18

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Let Go Let God Enter Inner Peace

I Let Go And Enter The Inner Sanctuary Of Peace. 

Amidst a storm, anxious disciples called upon Jesus to calm the wind and still the rolling sea. I bring this story to mind when an inner storm of surging thoughts overwhelms me. I shift my attention to the Christ essence within me to lead the way to inner peace. To do this, I seek quiet in the outer world and within myself. I begin to let go as I lay my burdens aside. The inner realm of quiet and solitude is a sacred space, a healing place, a resting place. I let my whole being feel peace. In the Silence, I am open to receive. I am a willing vessel to be filled with divine ideas and with guidance to make my path easier to travel. With gratitude, I emerge refreshed and serene.

They went to him and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we are perishing!" And he woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm.—Luke 8:24

Monday, June 28, 2021

Let Go Let God Live In Expectation

Expectation Keeps My Mind Positive And My Heart Full. 

Living in a state of expectancy kindles a quiet excitement in my heart, keeping me passionate about my life. I expect good things—peace and prosperity, health and plenty—and my positive thoughts and feelings help create those conditions. The expectation I feel is my faith in action. I need not wait for good things to happen to feel grateful, eager, or happy. When I make the choice to live with a grateful, happy heart, I am creating fertile ground that encourages the seeds of joy to bloom. Any fear or trepidation I may have let stop me in the past is no match for the positive expectation that keeps me confident and eager to go into the world to meet my good.

For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.—Luke 11:10

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Let Go, Let God

I Do What Is Mine To Do And Release The Rest. 

I am equipped with powerful spiritual tools to use toward creating the life of my dreams. Through prayer and meditation, visualization, and affirmation, I am willing to work for what I want to see manifest in my life and in the lives of those I care about. Sometimes I can be so focused on what I’m doing that I forget the importance of stepping back from my efforts and releasing my attachment to specific outcomes. There is great peace that comes from knowing I have done all I can do and then—in perfect peace and clarity—releasing outcomes to the Divine that is in all people and circumstances. I heed my guidance to discern when to take action and when to yield to the activity of Spirit.

But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Let Go Let God Through Faith

I Create My Life With God Through Faith. 

My faith inspires me to go far in the world. As I commit to doing the inner work of faith—praying, speaking affirmations, forgiving—I also do my work in the world to practice and demonstrate my faith through action. How I choose to live is a demonstration of my faith. From the uplifting, affirming words I choose, to values I uphold, my faith is demonstrated in my every word and deed. I live my faith in prosperity when I share freely of my supply. I live my faith in wholeness when I make choices that encourage my health. I live my faith in peacefulness when I listen openly and forgive willingly. Through my awareness of the indwelling God, I create my life of faith.

For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.—James 2:26 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Let Go Let God Trust

I Walk In Peace And Faith As I Trust My Inner Light To Guide Me. 

When I keep my thoughts centered on God, deep peace encircles my heart and blissful clarity permeates my mind. As I live my life from this place, my trust in my ability to discern my inner guidance becomes increasingly strong. I am no longer swayed off course by the unpredictability of an ever-changing world, because I have placed my trust in the constant and enduring reality of God that is alive in me. I trust my intuition and inner knowing to lead me to places, people, and situations that will help me grow, realize my potential, or be of service. I trust my good intentions and actions to create the positive energy necessary to bring forth fulfilling outcomes.

Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.—Psalm 143:8

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Let Go Let God Belong

Authentic Living Is My Key To Belonging. 

Among the billions of people on this planet, there is only one me. There is not another soul on earth who can make the unique contributions I am here to make. The most wonderful paradox is that the more I choose authenticity—the truer I am to being myself—the more easily I find myself with people and in situations that show me how much I truly belong. Embracing and celebrating all that sets me apart helps me see how each of us is here to do what no other can. Each one of us is a part of the full spectrum of creation, and we all belong. Even as I celebrate differences, I look beyond them to see the divinity that joins us as members of one family, to which we all belong.

So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.—Romans 12:5

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Let Go Let God Illuminate

I Am A Glowing Light Of Love And Peace In The World. 

At the apex of a prayer vigil chapel sits a cupola where a light continuously glows—a symbol of the light of prayer shining out to the world and the loving faith of all who sit beneath it, holding others in prayer. It also represents the light that shines within me, an unfailing source of illumination that guides me. I, too, let my light shine. I hold others in prayer and affirm their highest good. I greet people with a friendly hello or a smile. Together we are radiating centers of light and love. I shine my light with every act of kindness and every breath of gratitude for the actions that bless me. As I let my light shine, I feel my connection with all the world. We are one in a family of divine love.

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Isaiah 60:1

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Let Go Let God Forgive

When I Forgive Another, I Free Myself. 

Occasionally, I may become aggravated or upset over the actions of another. My reaction may lead me to say or do something that I later regret. The words of Jesus remind me to forgive, over and over again, as often as necessary. This is not to free others of their responsibilities. Rather, it is to free me from carrying the burden of resentment. When I forgive, I free myself. Who I am is greater than what I have done. The same is true for all others. Remembering this keeps me from holding on to pain and allows me to be more accepting of others, and even of myself. I forgive others for their actions and words. And I forgive myself for my reactions and my words. As I forgive, I am set free.

“How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.”—Matthew 18:21-22

Monday, June 21, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Joy

I Have Joy In My Heart Today. 

I let these lyrics sing in my soul: “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” With or without the melody, this is a powerful affirmation reminding me that my joy is inherent. Singing aloud or softly to myself puts a spring in my step and a twinkle in my eyes. Joy is part of my divine essence and not dependent upon things that can fluctuate and fade. Because joy is my natural state, I need only to free it in order to feel it. Even in the midst of an undesirable situation, I can open myself to joy. I focus on my blessings and on the divine love and life within. As I am lifted up, I feel the joy that comes from trusting Spirit. I am calm, peaceful, and joyous deep down in my heart.

For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.—Isaiah 55:12 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Let Go Let God Give Thanks For A Father's Love

I Give Thanks For My Father And All Expressions Of Fatherly Love. 

I treasure my childhood memories of feeling safe when my father or a father figure in my life was nearby. I remember my father’s encouragement as I was learning to ride a bike, as we explored the wonders of nature together, and as he taught me to use money wisely. Even when I made youthful mistakes, my father’s sometimes stern but always wise judgment helped me find the way back to my right path. I give thanks for both the sacred human and the unfolding expression of God within my father and everyone who has blessed me with fatherly love. Today I pray for my father and for all fathers, affirming for each of them growing wisdom, understanding, and willingness to nurture others with a father’s encouraging love.

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love.—John 15:9

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Let Go Let God Affirm Freedom

I Affirm Freedom And Peace For All People Now. 

I am one in Christ with all people, for we are all children of God. I focus on this truth as I pray that all people know freedom. I see the human race as a family, occupying the same home—planet Earth—and united in Spirit, regardless of race, religion, or place of origin. I envision that all families are free to know safety and security, practice their faith with exuberance and openness, and pursue their dreams and goals without obstacles. I behold each member of my human family with love and dignity. I value their freedom as I value my own. I affirm that equality and acceptance are replacing separation and prejudice. I am grateful for the peace, cooperation, and understanding that spring from freedom.

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.—Galatians 3:28

Friday, June 18, 2021

Let Go Let God Unwind

I Unwind In Peace And Love. 

When my day has not gone as I had hoped, I may have faced one challenge after another. Perhaps I was caught in snarled traffic, frustrated by a difficult class, or flustered by a temperamental child. I may want nothing more than to untangle my thoughts and feelings and unwind. I get comfortable and begin to relax. With each breath, I release the day. I imagine a favorite place: the woods, a stream, the beach. Settling into this place, I imagine songbirds, trickling water, or the tide’s ebb and flow. I feel at one with the rhythm of this place as all else falls away. I unwind even more as I recall those moments of the day when I gave or received a blessing: a kind word, a smile, a helping hand, a sincere compliment. These sweet memories restore balance and bring peace to my world.

But I have calmed and quieted my soul.—Psalm 131:2

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Let Go Let God In Divine Order

I Plant The Seeds Of Hope And Harvest The Fruit Of Success. 

To harvest ripe fruit, I must first plant a tree in nurturing soil where it can get sunshine and rainfall. The tree must grow strong before the fruit appears and is ready to eat. Likewise, when I wish to harvest the fruits of my efforts, I begin by taking good care of myself. Tending to the well-being of my spiritual self aligns me with the truth that I am a divine being, endowed with the strength, wisdom, and love of God. Before any undertaking, I ground myself in that truth, ready to take the steps necessary to bring my efforts to fruition. With patience, I plant the seeds of my success and wait with a grateful, expectant heart for the results of my labor to yield their fruit in season.

So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.—2 Corinthians 4:16

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Let Go Let God Share Comfort

The Love In My Heart Is My Comfort. 

The love I feel in my heart is my refuge. No matter my circumstances, my comfort is in the love that sustains me through all things. Like a warm blanket that shields me from the cold, my love shields me from life’s occasional harshness. I accept the seasons of loss and pain that visit everyone at some point. I do not shrink from any sadness I feel because the love I feel—the love of God—is greater and more steadfast than anything I may be called to face. The love that comforts me is also mine to share. It is the love in the kind word, gently spoken. It is the love in the tender touch and the patient, listening ear. The love in my heart calls me to respond with compassion, to take comfort and to give it, assured of its healing gifts.

The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.—Jeremiah 31:3

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Let Go Let God Give

I Am Grateful As I Give With Joy. 

Giving is the key to living my fullest life. I eagerly accept my good with joy and appreciation, and I feel a deep desire to keep that joy alive by giving generously, serving humbly, and sharing without hesitation. I give with an open and caring heart, knowing that I am not just sharing material goods or even my time. I am sharing the love and care of God through my actions, answering the call to serve that I feel deep within my heart. I visualize the receiver blessed far beyond my gifts, perhaps inspired to give something of themselves in service. Giving gladdens me and draws me closer to those with whom I share my bounty. When I seize opportunities to share my time, talents, and treasures, I help create a world of generous abundance that is a gift to all.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.—Proverbs 3:27

Monday, June 14, 2021

Let Go Let God Protect

I Am Protected By The Love Of God. 

When I feel in need of protection, I turn within and seek shelter in the love of God. As I focus on the protecting energy of love, my faith dissolves my concerns and fears, lifting me above any negative, worrying thoughts. No thought can withstand the spiritual presence that is God within me. I align with this presence and feel protected. I feel the empowering energy of loving Spirit, strengthening my trust and awakening a deep awareness of peace. With this comes the warm reassurance that I am safe in Spirit. I am now centered in the light, strength, and protection of God. I continue to remain mindful of this protecting presence. In deep peace and abiding trust, I release others to their own indwelling protecting presence.

Let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep me safe forever.—Psalm 40:11

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Let Go Let God Share World Peace

Peace Shared Between People Spreads Throughout The World. 

I contribute to world peace when I join in spirit with all people who dedicate themselves to expressing divine love, united in the belief that God is within everyone. I affirm the divinity of humankind and honor each person as a unique expression of God. I recognize and release any unkind thoughts or feelings toward any person or group of people. I respect all others and seek to learn more about customs and beliefs that are unfamiliar to me as I grow in a spirit of kinship. I believe a warm, friendly attitude communicates my intentions as effectively as my words. I smile easily and extend myself to others in a spirit of friendship. I remain mindful that as peace flowers between individuals, peace grows in the world.

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.—Micah 4:3

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Let Go Let God Have Fun

I Live A Joy-Filled, Inspired Life. I Love To Have Fun. 

I will never outgrow my love for having fun. I regularly tap into my childlike nature and allow myself to let go of whatever is on my mind and play. I approach every day with wonder and enthusiasm and let myself play and be curious. My impulse to have fun is the call of my soul to reclaim my joy, to live an ebullient life full of optimism. As I play, my spirit begins to feel lighter as I laugh and smile. As I am uplifted, I uplift and inspire others to share in the fun I am having. I commit to making fun a priority in my life and sharing my vibrant, lighthearted energy with all those I meet.

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 18:3-4

Friday, June 11, 2021

Let Go Let God Heed Guidance

I Heed My Inner Guidance And Work For My Success. 

My mind is full of ideas and plans, and dreams and goals. At times, it may be difficult to sort them out and formulate a cohesive plan that ensures my success. This is where my guidance comes in. To receive my inner knowing clearly, I quiet my mind to better tune in to the still, small voice, my link to my divine nature. With every plan I create, I remind myself that I need not rely solely upon my knowledge and reason. I also can access my guidance, which I may discern as a persistent feeling or a nudge to do something. If my guidance is unclear or difficult to discern, I wait with patience until I can determine how to proceed. I allow my inspiration to speak to me as I continue on my path.

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.—Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Let Go Let God Shine

My Shining Light Brightens The World. 

From a great distance, the stars at night shine brightly, a constellation of brilliance that resembles an array of diamonds against an inky, velvet sky. If I were able to see the stars from a closer distance, I would see each star as an individual light, no two alike. All the lights shining together illuminate the sky, but if even one were missing the sky would not be as bright. I am a star, shining my divine light as only I can. No one else has my exact gifts and abilities; no one can express the goodness and grace of God exactly the way I can. This is true of me and everyone else on earth. Each person is a brilliant star, shining the light of God uniquely, contributing to our shared, luminous life.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; indeed, star differs from star in glory.—1 Corinthians 15:41

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Let Go Let God Rest

I Rest In The Deep Peace Of God. 

My body gives me the power to exercise or perform physical work, and I reward it with rest from labor. My mind uses its creative energy to solve problems and formulate solutions. I nurture my busy mind with time in the Silence and meditative stillness. As I rest my body and mind, I find deep, rejuvenating peace in God. So much more than mere indulgence, restful interludes are necessary for my body and mind to function optimally. I do those things that help me to let go and release the busyness of my day. I find my deepest rest in God, where I am closest to Spirit in my mind and heart. I release what is and what will be in faith that the divine presence within is the source of my good.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Affirm The Highest And Best For You. 

My prayers of love and faith are among the greatest gifts I can give to a friend or loved one. No matter the nature of my concern, when I envelop my dear one in thoughts of wisdom, peace, wholeness, and safety, I am at peace. Enfolding my dear ones in prayer, I release worries and become a channel of peace. I affirm: I love you. God within you is a guiding, healing, presence of peace and goodness. I give thanks for this presence through which you live and breathe. You beautifully and abundantly express your divine qualities and claim your good. I then breathe deeply and utter a prayer of thanks. In gratitude and love, I envision the highest and best outcomes and feel assured that all is in divine order.

In our prayers for you we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.—Colossians 1:3

Monday, June 7, 2021

Let Go Let God Love

Love Connects Me And Sustains Me. 

Love is the unifying power that connects me with the whole of creation and guides and inspires me. I am a link in the great chain of humanity, in harmony with the whole family of humankind. Focusing my attention on the power of divine love, I discover the point of awareness within my heart that sees the love within all people. Even when that love is not apparent to me, I call it forth into visibility through my faith that the power of love is always at hand, even when it is hard to find. What a warm feeling arises in my heart as I immerse myself in the indwelling love of God. In essence, love is who I am, so I yield to the presence of divine love in every relationship and circumstance. I remain centered in that love.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end.—Lamentations 3:22

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Let Go Let God Affirm Healing

My Thoughts, Words, And Actions Affirm Divine Life. 

Today I give thanks for the constant activity of divine, healing life, especially when my body is experiencing illness. To bolster my awareness of my capacity for healing, I place my attention on my inherent wholeness. I affirm life in my thoughts, my words, and my actions as I care for my body and meet its needs. My faith assures me that illness is not the truth of me nor is it my enduring reality. Through my actions, I am affirming wholeness as my true nature and encouraging my healing. Even when I am not facing illness, I greet each day by blessing my body, affirming my wholeness and the ongoing activity of divine life in every organ, every cell. I give thanks for the gift of divine life by giving thanks for my healing and living joyously.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”–Luke 8:48

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Let Go Let God Share Grace

I Receive Grace When I Extend It To Others. 

Grace is one of my greatest gifts, the blessing that magnifies the good in my life and lessens my hardships. As I share grace with others, it grows in my life. Today I give thanks for the many ways that grace works in my life. For example, instead of standing in judgment of someone’s failings, I view a person through the eyes of love and acceptance. If I see someone struggling, I offer a helping hand or maybe just a listening ear to let them know they are not alone. I remember we all carry burdens no one else can see and I open my heart, sending a silent blessing. In gratitude for the amazing grace of God that is mine with every breath, I humbly let it flow freely through me.

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace would no longer be grace.–Romans 11:6

Friday, June 4, 2021

Let Go Let God Claim Prosperity

The Richness Of Life Surrounds Me. 

Prosperity is mine to claim every time I notice the overflowing blessings all around me. If my narrow definition of prosperity limits its meaning to material wealth alone, I risk missing the richness of life. I can find prosperity everywhere. The more I am able to see, the more I will discover. Perhaps I am rich in friendships or I experience a burst or outpouring of creativity. I may notice the bounty of beauty in nature or feel the unconditional love of a beloved pet. I might enjoy the luxury of a moment of stillness during a busy time, or the sensory richness of a delicious meal. When I open my mind and heart to the world around me, I become ever aware of how I abound in prosperity.

Do you not say, “Four months more, then comes the harvest”? But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting.—John 4:35

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Let Go Let God In The Silence

In The Stillness, My Soul Is Enfolded In Peace. 

True silence is a destination, a place of deep, abiding peace and tranquility. I can reach this place by resting in the peace of God, breathing deeply and mindfully to settle my thoughts. In these quiet moments, I let go of everything I’ve been holding on to. I release judgments, and I allow thoughts about the future to fade away. As I relax, the Silence envelops me. I touch eternity in this place where the past and the future do not exist. I feel peace and calm that remain with me throughout my day, even after my time in the Silence has ended. I am grateful I can deeply enrich my life by taking regular time to replenish myself by resting in the Silence.

He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.—Mark 6:31

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Let Go Let God Provide Wisdom

My Wisdom Springs From The Harmony Of My Mind, Body And Spirit. 

I have been learning all of my life. I have grown in knowledge from my education, other people, and my life’s experience. As my intelligence has blossomed, so, too, has my body. My body works to keep me alive and my senses give me vital input about the world around me. My mind and body are my gateway to my life of spirit, where I can rest in the awareness of God within. Together, my body, mind, and spirit harmonize and give me wisdom, a depth of understanding that comes from the integration of all aspects of my being. I am grateful for my wisdom, honed through my deepening thoughts and feelings, my actions and instincts, and the awareness of my divinity.

I now do according to your word. Indeed I give you a wise and discerning mind; no one like you has been before you and no one like you shall arise after you.—1 Kings 3:12

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Let Go Let God Be Adventurous

I Live My Life As A Continuous Adventure. 

In the past, I may have felt scared to try new things, feeling intimidated about looking foolish or feeling frustrated about not doing something well. Today I take a new approach and see trying new things as an adventure. Life is meant to be lived fully even if it means taking some risks. With an adventurous spirit, I open my mind to the possibilities around me. I step out of my self-imposed boundaries and welcome new experiences. I may join a club, take a class, or learn to play a musical instrument. More than that, I am welcoming a change in attitude within myself. I see myself deserving of growth, fun, and a life full of color and energy. With courage and fortitude, I declare I love to try new things. I am adventurous!

See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.—Isaiah 42:9