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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Let Go, Let God

I Bless Myself When I Let Go And Let God.

If I find myself ruminating over a concern or a weighty decision, I release its grip on my attention by letting go and letting God. When I let go, I am placing my trust in divine mind, the source of infinite potential. I believe there are solutions and remedies of which my limited, human mind simply cannot conceive. When I let God, I am trusting the grace of God will bless my life in the most wondrous and even surprising ways. Letting go and letting God is how I live my faith. I surrender to spiritual truth—the presence and power of God—and believe the best outcome is going to be so much better than anything I can imagine. I affirm: I let go and let God and relax into knowing I am deeply loved and abundantly blessed.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.—John 14:1

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Let Go Let God Focus

I Focus On The World I Wish To See.

My wish is to live in a world of beauty and wonder, filled with kindness and gentleness. I focus my thoughts on those qualities, allowing them to fill my mind and my heart. As my thoughts of beauty and harmony grow, they begin to crowd out troublesome concerns about conflict and discord. I am present to the world as it is, yet I remain mindful of its changeability and impermanence. I focus my attention on that which is changeless—the love, peace, and perfection of God, all around me and always within. I am never at the mercy of present circumstances, no matter how troubling, when I can focus my attention on all that is right and true. By focusing on divine love, peace, and perfection, I help manifest them in the world.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.—Colossians 3:2

Friday, July 29, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Through My Thoughts And Actions, I Pray For Others.

There are many ways I can bless others with prayer. My prayerful thoughts of peace and strength may lift up a dear one who is struggling. I can envision an abundant world of love and compassion. I can enfold my friends and family members in thoughts of love and picture each one blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity. My actions can be prayerful as well. I can lend a helping hand to someone in need. I can offer my time and energy to someone short on both. I may attend a spiritual service or a class and share my prayerful energy with others. I am grateful for the honor to pray for others—people in my life and members of my human family worldwide—and I do so each day through my thoughts, words, and actions.

Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.—Philippians 2:4

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Let Go Let God Glow

I Am Aglow With The Light Of God.

The light of just one candle illuminates a darkened room, creating a soft, comforting glow. Similarly, a smile from a passing stranger can lift my spirits and brighten my day. My heart feels the warmth of their inner light. I envision my indwelling Christ essence touching every part of me, illuminating my thoughts and lighting my way. I nurture my awareness of the divine light within and pray to be a lamp through which it shines. As I let my light shine, I imagine the glow spreading into the hearts of people I hold dear. Then I picture it radiating beyond my circle of family and friends in an infinite, brilliant pattern that touches all life, encircles our earth, and continues far beyond my awareness.

No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light.—Luke 8:16

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Let Go Let God Share Prosperity

I Joyfully Share My Prosperity.

Those who tend a garden know there will be an abundance of fruit, vegetables, or herbs to share at harvest time. Likewise, I know I am richly blessed with divine ideas and can tend to those ideas in my consciousness just as I tend my garden. When those ideas take manifest form as my talents and gifts, I share that harvest with joy. Today I reflect on prosperity as gifts I can share. Whether the gift is sharing one of my talents or skills or providing something material, I put my love and grateful energy into it. I am never diminished when I share of myself. Rather, I am enlarged as I give, magnifying my prosperity and celebrating the glory of God.

Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.—Proverbs 3:9-10

Friday, July 15, 2022

Let Go Let God Declare Divine Order

Declaring Divine Order Restores My Faith.

Sometimes life feels like a jumble of challenges, overlapping and competing for my attention. At these times, my human efforts seem no match for all that I face. I may not even know where to start. I begin by declaring divine order to remind myself that wherever I am, God is. I do this not to make something happen, but rather to recognize the perfection underlying all things. Even when order feels beyond me—a distant force moving stars and the planets—it also supports my life. Looking back, I recall times of confusion and despair, maybe even thinking my situation seemed hopeless. Yet it was always resolved, often in surprising ways. I remember those past experiences as I gratefully affirm divine order now.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.—Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Let Go Let God Find Serenity

Peace And Calm Are Mine As I Take A Serenity Pause.

Serenity is the perfect counterpart to activity, essential to the ebb and flow of life. I find time to pause, even briefly, to regain my balance by immersing myself fully in the presence of God. I remember Jesus went to the mountain to pray. I take my cue from this story and step away from my activities, however briefly, and practice the presence of God. Uttering simple prayers—I am grateful, or I breathe the breath of life, or I am at peace in the presence of God—leads me back to serenity. These prayer-filled pauses keep me calm and focused, able to move forward with greater energy and peace. I give thanks for my blessings and for experiencing the peace of knowing I can always find serenity in the presence of God.

And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray.—Matthew 14:23

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My Faith Empowers Me.

I have within me the power to overcome doubt and push past fear. I have the power to improve my life by aligning my thoughts and feelings with divine truth. I have the power to accomplish great things, even things that may at first seem impossible. With gratitude, I use this power, my spiritual gift of faith, to believe in possibility, to believe in myself, and to believe that God is greater than any perceived obstacle or difficulty. I have faith that I am a beloved child of God and therefore I already am all I could ever need to be. I have faith I can meet life bravely and boldly, anchored in the belief that nothing is impossible with God.

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.—Matthew 17:20

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Let Go Let God Through Ideas

My Ideas Shape My  Life.

Through my creative ideas, I have the power to shape my life. When I combine my ideas with my imagination and focused, affirmative thoughts, I fill my life with blessings and contribute to the creation of a world of abundance, peace, and harmony. In times of prayer, I envision my mind as fertile ground, ready to receive divine ideas. As these ideas grow and flourish, I relax and trust I will receive inspiration to act upon them. Creative solutions blossom when my mind is calm or when I am involved in my day. They may come gently and quietly or as powerful a-ha moments. However they come, I am receptive to my spiritually inspired ideas, knowing they derive from God and carry the seed of manifest good.

How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!—Psalm 139:17

Monday, July 11, 2022

Let Go Let God Claim Healing

I Thrive In Wholeness.

My thoughts and words are creative—charged with energy that influences my whole being. I think and speak with intention to claim my healing and know my wholeness. I respond when my body needs attention and care. I recognize discomfort or fatigue as a signal, a call for help, just as hunger and thirst are calls for nourishment. I marvel at my body’s ability to ask for what it needs. I praise it with words of gratitude. I care for myself by seeking healing treatments, trusting God works through those who care for me. I speak positive words that affirm my body’s strength and healing capacity. In thought and action, I honor myself as the wondrous child of God I am.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.—Proverbs 16:24

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Let Go Let God Give Generously

As I Give, I Share God's Abundance.

The limitless resources of infinite Spirit flow through my loving heart and clear mind as a never-ending supply of divine ideas. I always have all that I need to live abundantly, and I share my abundance with others joyfully and freely. I give generously of my resources, talents, and skills, happy to support those I care about. I am generous with praise, gratitude, and encouragement. I give generously of my time. I am a good friend, a devoted family member, and a compassionate listener. Whenever I give without thought of reciprocation, I center myself in the divine flow. I am a grateful, trusting recipient of Spirit’s unfailing generosity and a conduit through which all of God’s blessings flow.

A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water.—Proverbs 11:25

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Let Go Let God Embrace Fun

I Embrace A Spirit Of Playfulness And Make Time For Fun.

Fun is an essential part of a full, well-rounded life. Just as crucial as work and accomplishment and as important as rest and relaxation, having fun is necessary to ensure my ongoing growth and well-being. So much more than diversion or a way to pass the time, fun lightens my heart and brightens my view of the world. I am better able to bear up under life’s inevitable struggles and setbacks when I have a reservoir of cheerful and happy memories from which to draw and reasons for laughter and levity to look forward to. I love to have fun and dive into playful adventure and exploration. I prioritize recreation and the activities that make me smile, laugh, and forget my cares for a while. I honor God and my divine nature when I make time for fun.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.—Ecclesiastes 3:4

Friday, July 8, 2022

Let Go Let God Grow In Wisdom


Wisdom Calls To Me From Within.

I always have the spiritual power to discern the best path to travel, the right decision to make, the direction that will accelerate my growth. My intuition, my inner knowing, is always calling to me from the depths of my soul. I quiet the clamor of outside voices and inner chatter to receive the call of my heart. Soft as a whisper yet persistent as a drumbeat, my wisdom is the nudge I feel pushing me toward my dreams. It is the quickening I feel to discover and explore that which ignites my passion. As I turn my attention inward, the whisper grows louder, leading me to discern my next steps to grow in wisdom and deepen in understanding. I am led to an ever-deepening appreciation of myself and a greater experience of life and of God.

Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice?—Proverbs 8:1

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I Heed My Inner Voice And Find Peace.

Giving myself loving care brings me immeasurable peace. I listen to the signals from my body and mind and respond with self-compassion. Rather than pushing through fatigue or discomfort, I listen to what my body is telling me. I slow down. I rest. Likewise, if I feel restless or agitated, I release energy by getting some exercise or doing some physical work. If my mind feels muddled or tired, I take a break and find something fun or enjoyable to restore my equilibrium. Peace lies in the precious balance between activity and rest. No one can give it to me, and the more I chase after it, the more elusive it becomes. I listen as my body and mind tell me what my soul needs to be at peace.

Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.—Proverbs 3:17

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Let Go Let God As Energy

Divine Energy Enlivens Me.

The presence and power of God flows through me as a divine wellspring of energy. It enlivens me with fresh ideas and power, giving me the zeal to accomplish all that is mine to do. Divine energy is infinite. I can never exhaust my supply. In prayer, I claim the divine idea of zeal and feel an influx of dynamic power flowing into me. It is the spark that gets me started and the fire that keeps me going. My energy manifests as a creative notion, new idea, impulse to move forward, and will to overcome obstacles. Energy bolsters my faith that there is always a way forward and gives me the determination to find it. I affirm: I eagerly move forward with abundant energy to accomplish great things.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.—Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Let Go Let God With Grace

I Speak And Act With Grace.

God’s grace shines from within me blessing everyone I meet. The love and kindness of God are present in everything I think, say, and do. I see life as a beautiful garden and the world’s people as flowers of all colors and sizes. Living with grace means accepting all people equally and extending compassionate understanding to all. Through my example, I share the truth I know. God’s grace is constant and enduring, manifesting in countless ways. I have felt it many times in my life as an unexpected kindness or relief from a troubling time. It is my privilege to be the conduit through which God’s infinite grace flows into the world. The life and love of God shine through me radiantly, blessing all.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.—1 Corinthians 1:3

Monday, July 4, 2022

Let Go Let God Declare Independence

I Declare Independence From Limiting Beliefs.

My beliefs about myself, the world, and God formed over many years, taking shape through what I was taught, what I observed, and all my experiences. I am so much more than the sum of those experiences. I am a divine being, endowed with the power to change my beliefs and lead myself into a deeper relationship with God and a fuller experience of life. Today I declare independence from outworn beliefs that bind me to the idea that I am less than whole, not deserving of an abundant life, or limited because of my personal history. This is my independence day. I am a child of God, unlimited, loved, and abundantly blessed.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.—Romans12:2

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Let Go Let God Live Free

Living From My Christ Nature, Sets Me Free.

As a spiritual being, I am always free. I remember this at those moments I feel at the mercy of an unpredictable world. While I may not be able to control what happens around me, I can take comfort knowing I don’t need to. I am free to choose my response, but even more, I am free to meet life from my divinity, the breadth of my spiritual power. In prayer, I claim divine ideas. I use my gift of imagination to envision the life I wish to live and the gift of will to make choices to bring it about. I speak affirmations to raise my consciousness and help create conditions for my highest and best outcomes to manifest. I find precious freedom realizing that life doesn’t happen to me. Life happens through me.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Let Go Let God On A Spiritual Journey

With Faith, I Undertake My Spiritual Journey.

Before I embark on a journey, I take time to prepare. I may pack a suitcase, create an itinerary, and ensure I have the necessary resources for pleasant, stress-free travel. I prepare to advance my spiritual journey in much the same way. I may revisit favorite sources of inspiration and open my mind to new ones. I may enrich my learning by enrolling in a class or reading the works of a particular author. Maybe I feel the need for deeper scriptural study or a desire for more moments of prayer and meditation. I am a spiritual traveler, dedicated and committed yet open and flexible. My journey is ongoing, sometimes straight and level and other times full of surprising turns. I trust the journey, knowing I travel with God.

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.—Psalm 143:10

Friday, July 1, 2022

Let Go Let God Live Carefree

I Face This Day Unlimited And Carefree.

Today I make the choice to release my worries and live a carefree life. Moment by moment, I am mindful of my abundant store of rich blessings. My life is full, and I claim my good with every affirmative thought. Not only do I bless my life by letting go of tension, I bless my community by allowing others to live their lives free from my judgments or criticisms. I remember that the people whose lives touch mine are children of God, just as I am, and that they are free to make choices and take the steps they are meant to take. I see them whole, well, and free. Gratefully, I go about my day with ease and grace. My mind is at peace. I am safe and secure in the heart of God.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.—Matthew 5:8