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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Pray For Others, Trusting The Indwelling Power Of God Is With Them Always.

I feel honored when someone asks me to pray with them or for a loved one. I’m aware it can be hard to trust and believe when weighed down with worry. This is why it is my joy to hold the high watch in prayer. No matter the situation or prayer need, I center myself in the truth there is no lack in God. As I pray, I envision them whole in every way, filled with health, prosperity, joy, and happiness. They may not be aware of their divine gifts right now, but I know the truth of their divinity. I see those for whom I pray as they truly are, perfect spiritual beings. Knowing this, I do not pray for specific outcomes. Instead, I pray for their highest good to come to them and for them to deeply feel the presence of God, with and within them always. 

But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the words of my prayer.—Psalm 66:19

Friday, September 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Tender

I Am Tender, Meeting Life With Grace And Acceptance.

When I touch a flower’s petals, I notice their softness and how tender and supple they feel. Yet flowers grow and thrive outdoors, withstanding sunlight, rainfall, and wind. Today I will be like the flower, growing in the sunshine and bending with the wind and rain. I will be tender, adapting to the world as it changes and growing through my experiences. I am true to myself, living freely and authentically. Like the flower, I bloom and stand tall. I am tender, bending when the storms of life blow around me and reaching for the sky when the sun returns. In my softness, I am strong. In my flexibility, I am resilient. In my tenderness, I grow through even the most challenging circumstances. 

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.—Matthew 5:5

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go And Let God Work In And Through Me.

Trying to control the outcome of a situation can be frustrating and wearisome, leaving me anxious and unsettled. I may think I know best what needs to happen either for myself or another, but do I really? As I pray, I hear the quiet whisper of my heart to trust and let go—to know something even better than I had imagined awaits. As I release my attempts at control, I open the way for the highest and best outcomes. If I struggle, I affirm: I release this in love. I let it go. With these words, I speak my heart’s desire to see good unfold. As I let love guide my thoughts and actions, I more fully align with the good that is always seeking to manifest. I let go and trust the right and perfect outcome is on its way. 

It is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.—Philippians 2:13

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Let Go Let God With Enthusiasm

With Enthusiasm, I Enjoy All Life Has To Offer.

The world becomes more interesting when I become more interested in it. I remember this when I wish to rekindle my enthusiasm. Our earth home is a wondrous place filled with amazing people and a stunning diversity of life. When I think of all there is to learn and discover, how could I not feel enthusiastic? I can also undertake a journey of discovery within myself. As I delve into the awesome mystery of God, I learn even more about myself. My spiritual practices broaden my awareness of the Divine and of my power and potential as a divine being. I grow in enthusiasm as I live from my spiritual nature, using my creative power to direct my life and to be a blessing of love and service in the lives of others. 

Render service with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to men and women.—Ephesians 6:7

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Grateful

I Lift Up My Heart With Gratitude.

Although I may not be inclined to give thanks for all things, I can practice gratitude in every situation. Gratitude elevates me. With each thankful prayer, I feel a lift of my vibration, consciousness, and circumstances. How can I ruminate or obsess while I am giving thanks? Through my grateful thoughts, I feel the light in my soul becoming clear and bright as any dark clouds of doubt or disappointment dissolve. Spiritual guidance shines through my mind and heart, making my direction sure. My grateful heart guides and moves me toward my highest and best outcomes. My path is clear, my way is sure, and I give thanks as I walk with conviction along my journey of soul evolution. 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone.—1 Timothy 2:1

Monday, September 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Forgive

Seeing From Divine Love Within, I Forgive Others And Myself.

I remember times when I felt so relieved to be forgiven for something regrettable I had said or done. Knowing I had hurt someone’s feelings or caused them pain was difficult to bear. Receiving the gift of their forgiveness helped me move forward and forgive myself. I keep this in mind when I am hurt by the words or actions of another, especially one to whom I feel close. When they come to me with words of apology, I listen. I do not deny my pain, but I am willing to move beyond it. I may pray for the strength and grace to forgive. I see the one who hurt me as worthy of God’s love and forgiveness because they are a divine being, just as I am. I forgive and as I do, I feel light and free. 

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Let Go Let God Affirm Healing

Divine Life Lives As Me. I Am Whole And Well.

When I am experiencing a healing need, I focus my thoughts beyond illness and discomfort. Even as I seek treatment for the injury or illness, I see myself whole. I remember that I am created in the image, according to the likeness of God. I know my life is God’s life, living as me. Divine life fills every cell, strengthens every muscle, bone, and organ, and quickens every nerve in my body. It restores perfect order to all my body’s functions, releasing and replacing anything unlike itself. When someone asks me to pray with them, I do not ask about their symptoms or circumstances. I affirm the healing activity of divine life in each one with whom I pray. I see them as the spiritual beings they are, whole and well. 

In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.—John 1:4

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Envision Protection

I Am  Secure In The Light Of God Within Me And In The World.

The light, love, and presence of God is within and around me always. I affirm this statement of truth, infusing my thoughts and feelings with power. Placing my attention on God causes my fear to subside and fade into nothingness. One with Spirit, I am secure and calm. I live each day with confidence and well-being. I pray for and behold my loved ones secure and protected because I know with absolute faith that wherever they are, God is. I respond to troubling events with prayer. As I pray, my loving, caring energy goes forth from me to all beings and our earth home. I pray for the divine protection of others near and far. I envision healing light enveloping all and encircling our beloved earth. 

Do not fear, greatly beloved, you are safe. Be strong and courageous!—Daniel 10:19

Friday, September 22, 2023

Let Go Let God With Kindness

I Am Joyously, Generously Kind.

Kindness is the language of my heart. As I go about my day, I do what I can to lighten a load, bring a smile, or give comfort to a lonely heart. My thoughts, words, and actions bless all those along my path. So often it’s the simple things that can mean the most. If I ever feel discouraged by the state of the world, I focus my attention on kindness. I feel grateful for the kindnesses others show me. I look for ways to pay those blessings forward. There are so many opportunities to touch another’s life. My heart is full with the love of God. This love flows from me as I devote myself to considerate acts of service. I pray others know this divine love of God through the kindnesses I share with them. 

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.—Proverbs 31:26

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For World Peace

Peace In My Heart Is My Gift To The World.

Today I envision a peaceful world. I imagine harmony and cooperation inspiring the minds and hearts of all people. Like a lake that has been disturbed momentarily by movement, I see fear and anger dissipating, ripples fading into the distance as the surface of the water becomes still. Calm engenders calm, and peace grows. Compassion fills every heart. I begin this important work by searching within myself for simmering resentments, judgments, and unkindness. With compassion, I forgive myself, softening the hardened parts of my heart. From this place, I need not wish for peace because I bring peace. As each heart softens and opens to include all others, peace will blanket the earth. 

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.—Colossians 3:15

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Comfort

Divine Love Is My Comfort And My Refuge.

If I’m in the midst of a difficult or challenging situation, the idea of setting aside my heavy burden and resting for a while may feel impossible. But the calm and comfort of a time-out or a period of release can ease my mind and soothe my feelings. Even a few moments to step away and feel the warmth of sunshine or seek the supportive words of a friend comfort me. Whatever prompts me to seek consolation is a call to care for myself, to open my heart to the comforting presence of divine love. As I turn to this presence, I relax my shoulders and feel tension subside. I feel loved and comforted by the always present source of life itself. Throughout the day, I return to this calming practice of opening my heart to feel nurtured and loved. 

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Trust Divine Order

Divine Order Is The Truth Of My Life.

When I pray affirming divine order, I declare my belief and trust in the divine idea of order. This simple prayer has great power and efficacy, not because it makes something happen, but because it aligns my awareness with my spiritual nature. Affirming divine order lifts my awareness beyond seemingly disordered circumstances into the expanse of infinite potential and possibility. In this place of peace, agitation and anxiety fall away, and I feel the presence of God. By affirming order, I am placing myself in the flow of ideas from divine mind to my human mind to the material world. I do not try to force a resolution before its time. I cooperate with order, yielding to divine timing, trusting the right and perfect outcome is on its way. 

The crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth.—Luke 3:5

Monday, September 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Let Grace Flow

The Grace Of God Flows To Me And Through Me.

There are so many times I was spared an outcome I feared, relieved it did not come to pass. In other instances, I have been pleasantly surprised by a resolution that surpassed my highest expectation. In both kinds of instances, I could feel the presence of divine grace. It’s a wonderful way to receive the blessings of God and know I am always divinely cared for. In the same way, the impulses I feel to ease another’s burden through forgiveness or understanding or to delight someone with help they didn’t ask for are ways God’s grace can express through me. As grateful as I am for the grace I’ve received, I am equally grateful to extend it to others. 

Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.—Hebrews 4:16

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Let Go Let God As Joy


God's Joy Blesses Each Day Of My Life.

The aroma of my favorite foods from childhood brings a happy memory to mind. Hearing the voice of a dear one warms my heart. Looking upon a newborn’s face for the first time evokes a feeling words can’t even describe. While the giddy excitement of a child’s joy may now be a memory, the joy I know today still delights me. Each day I embrace more completely the joy of knowing I am a living expression of God. God’s life lives as me. God’s wisdom is within me, my guide to a deepening understanding of myself and the world around me. The love I share with people who are dear to me is God’s love, living in each heart and expressing as each of us. What greater joy could there be? 

Rejoice always.—1 Thessalonians 5:16

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Eager

Centered In God, I Am Energetic And Enthusiastic.

Enthusiasm for life rises in me like the sunlight spilling over the horizon as it slowly and steadily brightens the whole sky. I feel eager for the day ahead. From the simplest pleasures to the most grand undertaking, I approach it all with gusto. I feel motivated and ready to take on the day’s possibilities. In the past, I may have hesitated or given in to doubt. Today I choose zeal, which gives me an eagerness and appetite to use my divine gifts to reach higher, go further, and get the most out of life. Through it all, I am energetic and enthusiastic, eager to shine, grow, and uniquely express the light and goodness of God as only I can. 

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.—2 Timothy 2:15

Friday, September 15, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Unlimited

Trusting In The Love Of God, I Find Unlimited Possibility.

Divine love is unlimited. I can call upon it to heal and strengthen myself and to promote peace and harmony in my life and in the world. The love of God is simply inexhaustible and everywhere present. Knowing this, I feel no need to doubt or limit myself or the pursuit of my dreams because I live in a world of unlimited possibilities. I need only search my mind and heart for all the ways I may have limited myself. God is my source. As I focus on that unlimited source in prayer, I become an open vessel of joy, guidance, health, and peace. Oneness with God suffuses my awareness. I emerge from prayer with renewed peace and positive expectation. Unlimited blessings are truly mine. 

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.—Deuteronomy 6:5

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Let Go Let God On This World Day Of Prayer

In Prayer, I Claim Wholeness, Prosperity, And Peace.

No matter the worldly situations that trouble my mind or burden my heart, in the stillness and bliss of prayer, I find the peace that surpasses all understanding. I bring my healing needs to the Silence. Setting aside that which troubles me, I focus my attention on the presence and power of God. In this place of precious contemplation, I apprehend the health beyond illness, the abundance beyond lack, and the peace beyond clamor. As I touch the healing presence of God, I claim it for myself and my dear ones and all the world’s beings. Even in the midst of difficult times, I am part of life’s heartbeat, in touch with the presence of God through all life’s seasons. 

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.—Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Gladness

I Feel Gladness Deep In My Soul.

Gladness is that wonderful feeling when all parts of my life–inside and outside, my body and my mind, my thoughts and my actions–are in easy harmony. There is such bliss in moving in rhythm with life. I feel part of everything, and I hold the entirety of the world within myself. In this place, I feel my oneness with God. I perceive the presence of God all around me. It’s in the sights and sounds of nature, in the smiles and hugs of family and friends. But mostly it’s in the connectedness I feel with all life and the profound contentedness I feel as a spiritual being, a beloved child of God. I am grateful to be in the flow of life, attuned to the world through my senses and to God through divine guidance. I am so very glad. 

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.—Psalm 51:12

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I Find Peace Within Every Situation.

It’s easy to imagine tranquility and see a vision of a monk, sitting beatifically on a lush green hilltop, removed from the busyness of the world. I might have envied the monk, believing the way to peace is to escape all worldly concerns. Now I understand true harmony is mine when I am centered in an awareness of my divinity, no matter where I am or what is going on. Even when I am busy or coping with change, I can find peace by bringing my attention back to God and my true nature as a spiritual being. I create stillness and connection to God even in the midst of noise and chaos. I become the light of the world each time I claim my soul’s knowing of divine harmony and accord with every earthly experience. 

May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!—Psalm 29:11

Monday, September 11, 2023

Let Go Let God Honor

I Honor The Life Of God In Everyone And Everything.

I honor the legacy of all those who have come before me and their contributions to the world. I take a moment in silence to speak a prayer of peace and gratitude for those who have passed. I honor the courage and strength of all people who have served to make this a better world. I honor the sacredness of all life. In a consciousness of oneness, I honor the spirit of God in all. Everything I see is the life of God expressing itself. Life is eternal, and I trust my loved ones will live on forever. I cherish the memories and the love we shared. Nothing and no one can take that away. With immense gratitude, I send a blessing and a prayer to all those who have enriched my life. 

Pay to all what is due them … respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.—Romans 13:7

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Care

I Am Here, And I Care.

Sometimes my heart goes out to a friend or even a stranger who is struggling. Other times, my heart breaks when I learn of another’s devastating news. In those moments, I feel the urge to help. I pray, affirming healing, peace, or comfort. I may offer financial support or material goods. I might call on the phone or visit in person. Even so, I may feel my efforts are not enough, especially when needs are great. But the impulse to care is in many people, the activity of God streaming through so many hearts and hands. As I join my efforts with theirs, I trust we can lift up even the most dire situation. I am a caring presence, ready to help, serve, and love. 

So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.—1 Thessalonians 2:8

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Let Go Let God Have Faith

No matter the circumstances, I Lean Into My Faith And Believe.

In the Gospel of John, sisters Mary and Martha called upon Jesus to heal their brother Lazarus. When Jesus arrived days later, however, Lazarus had already died. Even so, Jesus prayed, “Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me” (John 11:41-42). Jesus then called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, and he did. I remember this story when I am faced with a seemingly insurmountable circumstance. I center myself, give thanks, and lean into my faith. I place my attention beyond whatever seems wrong. I align my thinking with the divine truth that underlies all things. I affirm that with God, all things are truly possible. 

Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”—John 11:40

Friday, September 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Open To Guidance

Open And Receptive To God's Guidance, I Live My Best Life Now.

Whenever I face a difficult decision, God within me seems to whisper the answer. Whether it is in the area of family, career, or any other part of my life, I use my guidance to make the best choices. Like a crossroads, my future is before me, and I give thanks for my guidance, which tells me the way to travel. I am never alone because God is always with me. I close my eyes and open my heart to listen. In the Silence, I discern my guidance. I move forward with clarity. As I align with the truth of my being, I know what is mine to do. No matter my path, I am divinely guided. I travel with God. I am loved, protected, and so very blessed. 

And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”—Isaiah 30:21

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Let Go Let God Shine

I Shine My Light Of Love To All.

The sun warms everything it touches. It brightens the days with warmth and light and lifts me after days of clouds and rain. My inner light does much the same. Divine light warms my soul and lifts my heart. As I let my light shine from within, guiding my thoughts, words, and actions, I am a blessing on my journey through life. I shine when I give my best efforts. I express my true self in all that I do. I live in alignment with who I am as a spiritual being and who I want to be in the world—an expression of divine love and wisdom. I shine when I am kind, warmhearted, compassionate, and forgiving with others. I shine my brightest when I use my unique talents to help make the world a better place. 

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Isaiah 60:1

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Let Go Let God Release

There Are No Chains That Bind Me.

If I’m carrying something heavy, I may struggle to travel with it, especially for a distance. My back may hurt or my legs might buckle under the weight of my load. But when I lighten my load or set it down completely, I am able to move forward unencumbered. I feel free. This happens in my inner life as well. I may feel weighed down by too many obligations, too many things to do or think about. When I release the cares of my mind and the burdens of my heart into the care of God, when I release my worries in prayer, I feel my lightness return. I release again and again. As I let go, I deepen my relationship with God, trusting that whatever I feel called to carry, I am never alone. 

Now look, I have just released you today from the fetters on your hands … See, the whole land is before you; go wherever you think it good and right to go.—Jeremiah 40:4

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

My Awareness Of Prosperity Gives Me A Peaceful Mind And Contented Heart.

Prosperity is so much more than bank balances and possessions. It includes having a comfortable home and the support of family and friends. Even having a pet’s love and companionship is a way to feel prosperous. But even if I don’t have those things, I can find abundant blessings in my relationship with God. Divine love and grace are constant reminders I am worthy and valued. Calling upon my inexhaustible spiritual gifts of faith, strength, and imagination, I trust my intuition to lead me to the best opportunities to give of myself and add to others’ prosperity so I may more richly know my own. I give thanks each day for all the ways I have been prospered and for the peace that dwells deep in my heart. 

Then your prosperity would have been like a river, and your success like the waves of the sea.—Isaiah 48:18

Monday, September 4, 2023

Let Go Let God Seek Balance

I Slow Down And Spiritually Balance Myself.

Jesus taught how to relax, rest, and flow. In the Bible, he used ravens and lilies as examples from nature. Ravens do not fritter away their precious energy feeling anxious, yet they have all they need. Lilies need not toil or spin, yet they are perfect exactly as they are. What did Jesus say to do instead of sowing, reaping, or worrying? How about walking the quiet path of spiritual practice, which he called seeking the kingdom of God? Taking this lesson to heart, I slow down, pray, and rest. That may be quite a challenge in today’s world, but this now moment is my opportunity to do so. This quiet time is a good start, an invitation to take a few minutes to settle in to absorb and enjoy what is right here before me. I am blessed by the love and peace of God. 

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.—Luke 12:32

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Let Go Let God Refresh

Honoring The Divine Presence Within, I Am Refreshed.

Stretching and yawning after a good sleep, enjoying a brisk walk in the early morning, or sipping a replenishing drink after a workout or time in the sun, I feel refreshed. I move forward into my next activity with a renewed feeling of well-being. Building upon and refreshing my knowledge may relieve me from thinking too much about my obligations. Spending time with a good book or revisiting favorite passages from my favorite writing can give me a relaxing mental pause. I find many opportunities to refresh my awareness that God, the divine presence, is within me wherever I am, whatever I am doing. It takes only a moment to find God’s presence reflected in the people and animals I encounter and in the natural beauty that surrounds me. 

So that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company.—Romans 15:32

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Free

I Am Free To Be Me.

There may have been times in my past when I felt I had to keep a part of myself hidden because I feared I would not be accepted exactly as I am. Today I leave fear behind. I am ready to live fully into my identity as a beloved child of God, expressing uniquely as me. I accept and celebrate all aspects of myself. Even as I grow and change, my divine identity is my anchor. My connection with God tells me I am worthy, deserving of all good things, opportunities to shine, and being welcomed and accepted for who I am, as I am. This awareness is the key to my freedom. I need not rely on approval from others to know I am valued and blessed. The Christ within is my true identity. I am wondrously, gloriously free. 

Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place.—Psalm 118:5

Friday, September 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Choose Positivity

Choosing Positivity Brightens My Life.

Throughout the years, I have met folks who stayed upbeat, even when they encountered difficult times. Likewise, I have met others who seemed downbeat or anxious, even during seemingly stable periods. It’s up to me to decide the kind of person I wish to be. I want to expect the best, keep my heart open to love, and keep my mind open to new ideas, so I choose positivity again and again. I meet life eagerly and focus on the good I will do and all I might accomplish. I greet people warmly and go about my business lightly. At day’s end, I look back with gratitude for everyone I encountered and all I did. Each day might not be perfect, but I know I have the power to find the good around me and be optimistic no matter what I’m doing. 

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Proverbs 4:23