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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Let Go Let God with Expectation

I Look Forward to the Blessings that are Coming my Way. 

Few things are more exciting than looking forward to something new. I recall past moments of expectation: the beginning of a new relationship, awaiting the birth of a child, or moving into a new home. Each time, the expectation filled me with energy and joy. My connection with God keeps that feeling of positive anticipation strong and helps me to expect only good in my life and in the lives of people for whom I pray. I see myself as a child of God, filled with wisdom, power, and strength. I have faith that I am being guided and blessed and that good things are happening to me and through me. How exciting it is to be a partner with God in this experience called life!

For the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all your undertakings, and you shall surely celebrate.—Deuteronomy 16:15

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Let Go Let God Give Thanks For Prosperity

I am Grateful for my Prosperity. 

Prosperity is not so much about a shift in outer conditions but a shift in awareness. When I fully engage with life’s abundance, appreciating the good that is already present, I am energized. As I am attracted to new life and new energy, I am primed to notice and act when even more good comes into manifestation. By giving thanks for all that has already been provided, I move into the stream of divine ideas and open myself to experience that flow. New thoughts of possibility and plenty replace old thoughts of worry and doubt. I place all of my attention on my connection with God within and give thanks for all the good that I am now experiencing. My gratitude grows as my prosperity and plenty come forth with ease.
Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper, and happy are those who trust in the Lord.–Proverbs 16:20

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Let Go Let God Live in Mindfulness

I Live in a State of Presence.

When I am not acting mindfully, my attention may feel scattered. When I am in a state of presence, however, I feel deeply connected. I eat mindfully, listen with an open heart, and make wiser decisions. In these moments of connection, I feel resilient, resourceful, peaceful, and empowered. I recognize the value of my state of mind and the role it plays in my life, and I commit to making time to focus on my true identity as a child of God. I tune in to the presence and power of God that is available to me as infinite heart-wisdom in all circumstances. My life feels as valuable and precious as a rare treasure when I live in a state of presence.

For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.—Psalm 139:13-14

Monday, April 27, 2020

Let Go Let God Commit

I Commit to Expressing my Higher Self. 

Today I resolve to carefully observe my thoughts and actions and notice where I can make improvements. I begin by being more aware of my judgments and more attentive to what others are saying, perhaps by being more forgiving of perceived shortcomings or errors of my own. I commit to living my life as an adventure. I recognize the good in all people and in the world. I make an inner journey and expand my understanding of my spiritual nature. I make a commitment to explore my higher Self. I let my divine nature guide all that I say and do. Every step along my path of self-exploration is a step to better express who I am and value and understand the knowledge and perspective others bring to our united experience of life.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.—Psalm 37:5

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Let Go Let God Release

I Release All That Does Not Contribute to my Highest Good. 

John’s gospel tells of Jesus’ restoring life to his friend Lazarus, who had been dead four days. As Jesus cries, “Lazarus, come out!” his friend emerges from the tomb, burial cloths still covering his face and wrapped around his hands and feet. Jesus says to those who have gathered, “Unbind him, and let him go.” Even after a spiritual resurrection, I may remain bound, like Lazarus, by thoughts, ideas, feelings, or habits that keep me from the full experience of freedom. Through my divine power of elimination, I release negative feelings, dissolve error thoughts, and free myself from habits and actions that do not serve my highest good. I am no longer bound. I am free!

The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”–John 11:44

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

My Prayers Bless Others and Uplift the World. 

With so much struggle and strife in the world today, prayer is a powerful blessing for humanity. Each person has the opportunity and responsibility of making the world a better place for everyone. When we recognize God’s presence and power within our hearts and minds, we begin to express our spiritual nature more fully in the world. I take my mindful, intentional thoughts into prayer to access a higher consciousness of peace, joy, and abundance. Thoughts become prayers when I use intentional thinking to bring forth a better vision of the world. As my mind aligns more fully with my divinity, I embody my unique role and use my gifts, shining my light outward. My prayers support me and others as beacons of light even during dark times.

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord.–Psalm 31:24

Friday, April 24, 2020

Let Go Let God Set an Intention

I Set my Intention and Meet my Goals. 

Upon awakening, my first thoughts are of gratitude. Following my prayers of thanksgiving, I ask myself what my intention for the day should be. I might simply decide to use every opportunity to radiate love into the world, no matter my activities. I recall the words of author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer, “Our intention creates our reality.” When I set a goal to be loving, I may find myself met with people and situations that call for love in challenging ways. Remembering my commitment, I pause. With the awareness that God is love and I am within God, I realize the opportunity my intention has shown me. My focus on love will give me the chance to be more loving. Aware of the sacred energy of love in my heart, I radiate love and I am grateful.

But those who are noble plan noble things, and by noble things they stand.—Isaiah 32:8

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Let Go Let God Feel Free

I Freely Choose Where to Place my Energy Today. 

Sometimes I may feel bound by my circumstances when there are family matters that demand my attention, individual goals to meet, obligations to satisfy, and more. How can I be free of the stress of juggling my many commitments? I cannot simply disregard my promises to others and to myself. I remember that my work does not need to be done by me alone. I quiet my mind, ask, and patiently listen for the still, small voice and heed its guidance. I am empowered by Spirit within to make the best choices for the highest good of all. The gift of free will allows me to decide what to do and when to do it. I take a deep breath, feel my oneness with Spirit, and know that everything I need to do will get done. I feel a sense of freedom.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Let Go Let God as Earth Care

I am Blessed to be a Caretaker of the Earth. 

This Earth Day, I take time to recognize that I have a responsibility to this planet as one of its stewards. The abundance of God is all around me. As new leaves sprout and the flowers come into bloom again, I am awestruck. The majesty of the mountains, the songs of the birds, the oceans, lakes, rivers, and the plentiful land replete with delicious vegetables and fruits, a kingdom shared with animals of all kinds—they are a part of me, just as I am a part of the world that I inhabit. We are one. My eyes are open to the oneness of all life. I fully accept, with ease and grace, my role as a caretaker. I care for my surroundings, not just for my sake, but for all who dwell here in the present and for generations to come.

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice.—Psalm 96:11

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Grateful

I am Grateful for all my Blessings. 

Sometimes I forget to give thanks because my blessings are such a regular part of my life that I take them for granted. I pause to consider a life lived without those blessings and the people who provided them. Would I miss them? Would I wonder how I ever got along without their kindness and wish I still had them? Would I regret not telling them what their thoughtfulness meant to me? Today I remember the importance of being grateful. I’m thankful for the people who have blessed my life, and I let them know what their kindness has meant to me. A gesture as simple as a card or a phone call will brighten their day the way they have brightened my life. I share the amazing power of gratitude.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.—Colossians 3:15

Monday, April 20, 2020

Let Go Let God Affirm Healing

I am a Spiritual Being, Wondrously Made. 

Whatever challenges I am coping with in my life or my body, they cannot discourage me when I remember that God is within me. I choose to see myself as a perfect expression of my divine nature. Truly, nothing can keep my healing from me. If I feel discouraged, I remind myself that I have everything within me to experience healing. I affirm that I am one with the Divine. I let go and let God’s healing power wash over me. I am not swayed by outward appearances as I continue to see myself as whole and perfect. I am grateful for the gift of life and express that gratitude directly to my body and mind in moments of prayer. I maintain my steadfast faith in my ability to be healed, and I have an unshakable faith that it is done.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”—Luke 8:48

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Let Go Let God Practice Understanding

I Open Myself to Spiritual Understanding.

When I feel frustrated by a personal or professional challenge or feel unsafe or concerned about a situation or event, I seek greater understanding. When I try to understand, I open my heart. Maybe I just need to gather more information or request the advice of someone I trust. If I am in conflict with someone, I practice understanding by listening with a curious mind and loving heart. I grow in spiritual understanding when I discern and heed my inner guidance. Beyond conscious thought, spiritual Truth begins to illuminate my consciousness. As I release all that stands in the way of understanding and stand firm in the love that calls it forth, I am guided by my growing spiritual understanding.

Your decrees are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.—Psalm 119:144

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Let Go Let God into Adventure

I Lean into the Adventure of Life. 

The legendary literary character Peter Pan proclaimed, “To live would be an awfully big adventure.” More than just the stuff of fantasy, I let these words remind me what an incredible gift it is to simply be alive. Millions of electrical impulses are coursing through my heart and brain every second, and my muscles rhythmically contract and relax so I can live, move, and thrive—all without a single conscious thought or effort on my part. Today I revel in the adventure of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Beyond sight, I envision infinite possibilities. Beyond hearing, I listen for quiet whispers of source guidance. Beyond sensation, I feel in harmony with the world around me. I lean in, ready and excited for the next adventure!

He does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number.—Job 5:9

Friday, April 17, 2020

Let Go Let God Know Guidance

I am Open and Receptive to Divine Guidance. 

I know that wherever I am, God is. Love is. Peace is. From that awareness, I know that I am loved, because God is love. If I should face a challenge along my journey, I know that, as a spiritual being, I need only turn within to listen, to be present, to be still. In this blissful stillness, I draw from a reservoir of infinite wisdom. Divinely guided, protected, and blessed, I know what is mine to do and I do it with confidence and clarity. I remember the words of Jesus, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” The “I am” within me is the Christ essence that spoke through Jesus. Living from the Christ within is the way to lasting peace, happiness, and prosperity. I am so blessed, humbled, and grateful to live and love in this way.

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.—Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Let Go Let God with Joy

My Heart Overflows with Joy. 

Joy is more than the expression of happiness. Happiness is a result of being joyful. Joy is an inner quality, always available to me, no matter my circumstances. Even in a time of sorrow, I reach within and find the joy that is part of my very nature to overcome a feeling of loss or sadness. I acknowledge my feelings, then go deeper into my mind and heart to connect with my joy. I take time to find the beauty and love that touch my heart. I feel joyful watching a puppy’s playfulness or a toddler’s exploration. My heart overflows with joy as I witness the love between a couple or a parent and child. Encountering selfless expressions of giving or viewing beautiful scenery fill my heart. All of this is possible because joy is already within me, waiting to flow out in my own loving expressions.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.—Nehemiah 8:10

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Let Go Let God All Is In Divine Order

Divine Order is Established in my Life. 

When I remember all of the people I have known and the experiences I have had, I see how divine order has been at work, even if it did not seem like it at the time. Looking back, I see how I have used divine intelligence to make choices that have helped direct my life. As I let go and begin to trust more completely in divine intelligence expressing as me, I begin to understand the perfection with which my life has unfolded. As I recognize that everything is already in divine order, I can release myself into God’s perfect flow and relax. I offer no resistance to the flow of harmony and goodness. My life is in divine order. I open my eyes to see it now.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Let Go Let God Show Compassion

I Show Compassion through Empathy and Understanding. 

Compassion helps me practice love and kindness. When I show compassion, I put myself in the place of another by calling upon my empathy and understanding. Compassion is the key that allows me to see beyond a person’s behaviors that I don’t like or agree with and see the Christ within them. I am then able to act with love and warmth because I remember that we are all connected in God. I have compassion for others when I view them not through the lens of judgment but through the lens of love. This can be difficult with those with whom I am in conflict or those who have beliefs different than mine. I improve with practice and commitment. Compassion roots my entire being in love, and when I act from love I more easily practice kindness.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.—Romans 12:15

Monday, April 13, 2020

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I Find Peace as I Look within to Divine Love. 

Things happen every day that can disturb my peace of mind if I let them: health concerns—my own or those of a loved one—concerns about the economy or my work environment, or stress from raising a willful child or caring for another family member. I rise above these stressful moments as I consciously connect with divine love that lives within me. Love is the power that lifts my spirit. Taking a few deep, cleansing breaths, I still my thoughts and let everything around me slip away. I am one with God, and in this oneness, I find a deep sense of peace. I let love wash over my soul. I have faith that I can overcome any obstacles and contribute to the well-being of others.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Let Go Let God it is Easter

I Recognize the Risen Christ in Family, Friends and my Spiritual Community. 

Early in the evening on the day of resurrection, Jesus, unrecognized, joins two of his followers as they journey from Jerusalem toward the nearby village of Emmaus. Accepting an invitation to stay and share a meal, Jesus takes bread, blesses and breaks it, then gives it to his hosts. In that moment, their eyes are opened, they recognize Jesus, and, alive in their hearts, he vanishes from their sight. Later, the two explain to others how the risen Christ became a living presence to them in the fellowship of breaking bread. Easter celebrates the risen Christ, an immortal presence freed from all limitation, awaiting discovery in every person and life event. I recognize the risen Christ in shared experiences with family, friends, and my spiritual community.

Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight.—Luke 24:31

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Let Go Let God as Faith

My Faith is my Foundation. 

I may not know what the future will hold, there may be aspects of my life I’d like to improve, or I may feel overwhelmed and discouraged. No matter how my life may appear, I know that in all things and in all ways, God is. This inner knowing is faith. My faith gives me confidence in the allness of God, despite worldly circumstances that might cause me despair. I think of Jesus’ followers after the crucifixion but before the third day’s dawn, how bleak the world must have seemed to them. They could not know what the next day would bring, but their faith sustained them during Jesus’ entombment. Today I look beyond anything that troubles me and, with faith, I affirm wholeness, peace, prosperity, and love, all aspects of my birthright as a spiritual being.

For we walk by faith, not by sight.—2 Corinthians 5:7

Friday, April 10, 2020

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Freely Forgive All Others and Myself. 

During times when I struggle to forgive, I remember the example of Jesus, who asked for God to forgive those who crucified him. If I am feeling a pain too great for me to offer genuine forgiveness, I affirm that, in Truth, the forgiving love of God is intended for everyone, no matter what they may have done. I remind myself that forgiveness is a process, and I am gentle and patient with myself as I continue to forgive. I practice self-forgiveness as I remember it is human nature to be more critical of ourselves than we are of others. God’s love heals all sorrow and helps me to forgive myself, other people, and all situations. Nothing is beyond my ability to forgive because, in God, nothing is unforgivable. As I practice forgiveness, I let go completely.

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."—Luke 23:34