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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Let Go Let God Share Enthusiasm

My Enthusiasm Colors My World. 

Whether I am hard at work or relaxing and having fun, I have a spirit of enthusiasm that keeps me engaged and focused on all I choose to do. My life feels dull and gray if I do not bring my full attention, creativity, and passion to my activities. Living in a state of enthusiasm is like painting bold brushstrokes with every color of the rainbow. My enthusiasm doesn’t just brighten my world—it creates a brighter, more vibrant world for everyone around me. I am committed to drawing upon the divine life deep within my soul and using it to inspire me in every moment. I share my deep joy and enthusiasm throughout every day. My gift of enthusiasm energizes me in all I do.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Proverbs 4:23

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Let Go Let God With Expectation

Expectation Keeps Me Passionate About My Life. 

Expectation keeps me in a state of gratitude about all the good that is on its way to me. I may not know what the future holds, but I dream big and maintain a bold vision for my life. I take steps to create the life of my dreams. I nurture my relationships with friends and family, take care of my physical and emotional health, bring my best efforts to my work, and share my talents through service. My prayer life keeps me attuned to the wonderful possibilities for my life. As I claim peace, prosperity, and joy in prayer, I carry a confident expectation into my daily life. I do not fret over how or when my good will manifest. I maintain a joyful expectation that the life of my dreams is already mine. 

For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God.–Romans 8:19

Monday, March 29, 2021

Let Go Let God Receive Guidance

I Quiet My Mind And Receive My Guidance. 

When I am not sure which direction to follow, which option to choose, or whether to move forward or stay put, I seek guidance. I may weigh my options, seek advice, or do some research. While I can gather information and heed my intuition about the best course of action to pursue, I may be better served by turning away from thinking and doing and retreating to the sanctuary of prayer. In this stillness, I relax until the chatter in my mind begins to fade so I can receive the spiritual guidance that is always available to me but often drowned out by the roar of my thoughts. I pour out the concerns of my heart. I wait with expectant faith, trusting that my inner guidance will show me the way.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.–Romans 8:14

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Let Go Let God Sing Hosanna

Guided By The Divine Presence Within, I Follow The Path To Spiritual Freedom. 

I imagine Jesus’ experience, riding a young donkey through the gates of Jerusalem, seeing the waving palm branches, feeling the people’s love, hope, and even their fear as they shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” His followers looked to Jesus as the one who would free them from the bondage of Roman rule. Jesus, embracing his Christ nature, the spiritual identity he shares with all people, had accepted the greater mission of leading humankind to freedom from all bondage, all limitation, even freedom from death. Taking my inspiration from Jesus’ example, I fearlessly embrace my Christ nature. Guided by the divine presence within, I follow the path to spiritual freedom.

So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!”—John 12:13

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Let Go Let God Become Tranquil

Tranquility Places Me In Harmony With The Universe. 

With purpose and intention, I make time to pause and create space for deep, restorative calm. Making myself comfortable in a quiet place, I move my awareness from outside to within. I may close my eyes and picture a serene scene to help me reach that place of stillness at my core. Breathing mindfully, I envision each inhalation bathing every cell of my body in peace. Every exhalation allows the release of tension and restlessness, and I become more still and relaxed with each breath. I soon feel the hush of tranquility settle within me, and at that moment, I find myself in quiet harmony with the universe. I rest in this peaceful space, floating freely as all earthly limitation falls away.

Better is a handful with quiet than two handfuls with toil, and a chasing after wind.—Ecclesiastes 4:6

Friday, March 26, 2021

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My Faith Is Unshakable. 

The world seems to be changing more and more with each passing day. The changes may happen so fast, in fact, that I may feel shaken or even a little frightened. At these times, I am grateful that my faith remains unshakable. No matter what is happening in the world around me, I can take refuge in the Truth, the enduring reality of God. At other times in my life, I may have placed my faith in the things of the world only to be disappointed by their impermanence. Worldly conditions will always come and go. Today I place my faith in the unchanging Truth of God. I believe that there is one presence and one power, which is absolute good. My faith is unshakable and stands me in good stead to weather whatever comes my way.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Let Go Let God Be An Original

I Am An Original.

I am blessed with a unique blend of talents and interests that have helped me find my special place in the world. As I have traveled my path, I have learned from people I’ve met, places I’ve visited, and choices I’ve made. Together, my experiences have helped me shape my perspective, fuel my passions, and give meaning to my life. Like everyone, I am a spiritual being. But I am also an individual, expressing my divinity in ways that are unique to me. No one is exactly like me, and I give thanks today for all the ways I can share my spiritual nature, innate gifts, and blend of life experience through my relationships, my work, and my service. I am an original, and it is my joy to share myself and make the world a better place.

We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith.—Romans 12:6

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Let Go Let God Shift Outlook

My Outlook Determines My Experience. 

It is a blessing to know that whenever I feel discouraged or circumstances are not as I prefer, I have the power to shift my perception and change my outlook. More than mere positive thinking, my outlook is how I engage the world and my life at every level of my being. I am inspired by the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000. All there was to eat among the multitude were five loaves and two fish. As he was given the food, Jesus “looked up to heaven,” blessing what he had, giving thanks for it. The crowd had more than enough among them. As I lift my eyes up, shifting my gaze away from apparent lack, I know that I always have enough. I set the intention to keep this outlook and live from this awareness, starting now.

I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.—Psalm 121:1-2

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Let Go Let God Flourish

Deeply Rooted Within God, My Divinity Is In Full Bloom. 

When I see a healthy plant bursting forth with blossoms or a beautiful tree laden with fragrant fruit, I am witnessing the products of deep roots fixed firmly in fertile soil. It is the same with Spirit. The deeper I anchor myself in the truth that I am inextricably one with God, the fuller and more peaceful my life experience has the capacity to be. The more time I spend drawing my sustenance from the well of divine knowledge, the more of my innate divinity and intelligence I will be able to freely express, and the more abundantly I will be able to share my gifts with the world. Today I affirm: I am divine energy blossoming forth into unique expression, nourished and sustained within my Source.

They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God.—Psalm 92:13

Monday, March 22, 2021

Let Go Let God Know Comfort

I Am Comforted By The Presence Of God Within. 

As I look to the presence of God’s love within me, I find comfort in the midst of troubling circumstances. In a moment of peace, I catch a vision of life that is eternal and changeless, and I feel renewed. I feel the presence of God fully, and this presence reassures me and lifts my heart. I am surrounded by and enfolded in the energy and peace of infinite Spirit. I wish to carry the comfort of this enveloping peace with me throughout the day. I resolve to think loving thoughts and use kind words to share the comforting love of God. As I close my eyes and let waves of appreciation and gratitude wash over me, I am immersed in a feeling of deep well-being. This act of reminding myself of my divinity comforts my heart.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.—Isaiah 40:1

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Extend Forgiveness To Myself.

Throughout my life, I have forgiven those who have hurt and disappointed me. In turn, I have been grateful when others extended understanding and forgiveness to me. Even though I have learned to be forgiving with others, I may still find it difficult to forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made, disappointments I have caused, and commitments I have broken. Today I open my heart, and with love and compassion, I forgive myself. I remind myself that everyone makes mistakes and deserves understanding and forgiveness, even me. I remember how the Prodigal Son’s father received him with joy when he came home. This joy is mine when I let go of self-condemnation and finally come home to myself.

But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.—Luke 15:20

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I Dwell in the Peace of God. 

Relying on the world around me to give me peace is like gazing at a picture of food and expecting to feel full. As I withdraw my attention from outer things and focus on my inner peace, I attune to my spiritual nature. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul because my spirit is already serene. I have only to remember this by gently pausing, breathing, and remembering who I am. I welcome this feeling of peace by resting my mind and settling into the silence that I find deep within me. Everything I need for my poise and well-being is already mine. I claim my divine identity; I am an expression of God’s perfect peace. I am grateful to dwell in the harmonious balance of the peace of God.

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.—Isaiah 30:15

Friday, March 19, 2021

Let Go Let God Rely Upon Divine Strength

I Rely Upon My Inexhaustible Spiritual Strength. 

When I carry a heavy load, my muscles can tire and my bones can grow weary. Unlike physical strength, spiritual strength is limitless, an aspect of my divine identity. I use my strength to stay the course when my attention wanes, maintain my endurance when I’m tempted to give up, and withstand my trials when it’s easier to give in. To refresh my awareness of my spiritual strength I close my eyes and imagine a tree with a wide trunk and roots that reach deep into the ground below. Even as hard rain falls and wild winds blow, the tree stands tall, unshaken by the weather, its roots holding it steady. Today I am like the tree, rooted in divine strength.

Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.—1 Corinthians 16:13-14 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Share Love and Kindness Through My Prayers. 

There are many ways to be a supportive presence in the lives of the people I care about. I may offer a listening ear, a warm embrace, or a helping hand to show my love and concern or to ease another’s burden. I continue to offer my support through my prayers. As I center myself in the divine presence of God, I know prosperity, health, and peace for all those I hold in prayer. This knowing helps me, too, keeping me from worry and the futile feeling of wishing I could do more to help. My prayers are love and kindness in action. It is my joy to share the goodness and grace of God through prayer, to know the Truth for those in my life, especially when they are not able to see it for themselves.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.—3 John 1:2

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Let Go Let God Trust Divine Order

I Relax and Trust Divine Order. 

Sometimes my imagination runs wild if I let myself worry about how a situation will turn out. In fact, the more invested I am in an outcome, the more I may be troubled by thoughts of developments I do not want. When I catch myself ruminating, I take it as a cue to stop and affirm the process of divine order. I remind myself of the many times I could not see a solution to a problem, only to have it resolve in a surprising way. I recall times when I received unexpected assistance, a windfall, or an opportunity I could not have anticipated. Remembering these instances helps me remain positive about whatever I may be facing now. Affirming divine order is a bold declaration of my belief that God is in and through all things. Divine order is a blessing in my life.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Let Go Let God Accept

Acceptance Is My Path To Peace. 

If I touch a rose’s petals, I may delight in their soft, velvety texture. If I hold the bloom to my face, its sweet scent may make me smile. Grasping a rose by the stem and touching the thorns, however, may pierce my skin and cause me pain. The seasons of my life are like the rose, sweet and soft as well as sharp and prickly. As I seek the rose’s beauty and fragrance, so, too, must I accept its thorns. In my life, I have enjoyed pleasure and plenty just as I have endured hardship and scarcity. Through times of joy and times of sorrow, I am grateful for the presence of God within and all around me. I accept my life as I accept the rose—from the dewy rosebud, to the rose’s fullest bloom, to its last, withering petals.

In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; God has made the one as well as the other.–Ecclesiastes 7:14

Monday, March 15, 2021

Let Go Let God Claim Healing

I Am Healed Through The Divine Presence Within. 

When I am in need of healing, I do what is necessary to care for my body, mind, and spirit. I get proper rest and eat nutritious food, I cleanse my thoughts of worry, and I make time for devotional practices. As I commit to these activities, I create a fertile field for my healing. Knowing I’ve done everything I can to support my health makes it easier to release my healing concerns in prayer. I claim my wholeness in prayer, knowing and feeling grateful for the divine perfection of being made in God’s image and likeness. I carry this awareness with me. As I focus on wholeness, it grows in my consciousness. I continue to hold thoughts of health and wholeness and do everything I can to encourage them through my choices. I am healed.

I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; indeed, I will heal you.–2 Kings 20:5

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Let Go Let God Renew Energy

The Energy Of Divine Life Renews Me. 

How do I have the focus to achieve my goals? How do I have the strength to carry on through challenging times? How do I have the aptitude to learn, grow, and change when I’m called upon to do new things? At the heart of everything I am called to do is the energy to do it. I am a divine being, and I call upon the power of God within me to channel my energy in deliberate ways. Divine energy is inexhaustible. Unlike my muscles, which can tire, and my mind, which can feel frazzled, the power of God within flows through me unimpeded. In prayer, I claim divine energy and imagine it flowing through me with the force of a mighty waterfall. I am grateful for my renewal.

Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.–Isaiah 40:30-31

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Let Go Let God Practice Empathy

Empathy Opens My Eyes and Softens My Heart. 

If I do not understand where another person is coming from, I may be tempted to close my mind and heart. Practicing empathy helps me expand my perspective. When I place myself in the shoes of another and strive to comprehend the world as they do, I show compassion through my desire to understand. Deeper than mere listening, empathy helps me see the world through another’s eyes. As I take on a new perspective, I can more easily appreciate how another person views the world and the viewpoints of others. Empathy keeps me centered in the awareness that all people are divine and equal as children of God.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.—Matthew 9:36

Friday, March 12, 2021

Let Go Let God In All Prosperity

I Am Prosperous In All Areas Of My Life.

My awareness of my prosperity grows when I keep my focus on God, the source of all my blessings. My faith in God as my source helps me see that outer sources of prosperity are merely channels for the prosperity that begins at the level of Spirit. When I think prosperous thoughts, I see evidence for prosperity all around me. I am grateful for my loving family and friends. I give thanks for the food on my table and for the beauty of nature. Even the joy in my heart prospers me with happiness. The more I focus on the good in my life, the more of it I discover. I am grateful for the prosperity already in my life as well as the prosperity now on its way to me. With God as my source, I am prosperous!

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go And Look To The Future With Joy And Expectation. 

There are times in life when I may find it difficult to let go of an idea, a relationship, or a dream or goal that I have held for a long time. Perhaps fear of change or lack of confidence are holding me back. The realization that I am a child of God imbued with great strength and ability fills me with peace and gives me confidence to do what is mine to do. With God, I am free to let go and move forward. I see beyond any obstacle or feeling of doubt and envision success and happiness. I visualize happy, fulfilling relationships, decisive action toward goals, and the successful pursuit of my dreams. I let go and let God within guide me to a life of peace, joy, and success.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.—Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Let Go Let God Create

I Am a Powerful Creator. 

When I feel an urge to create something new, I call upon the divine ideas that enable me to shape my life in positive, healthy ways. I draw upon thoughts of vitality and feelings of vibrancy when formulating my health and fitness goals. I call upon thoughts of love and feelings of connection when I want to create deeper relationships. I recognize that I can positively influence conditions in my community and in the world when I use the imaginative power of my mind to help bring into manifestation a world of fairness, opportunity, peace, and joy for all. Through my creative thoughts, words, and actions I give shape to my life and impact the world around me in positive ways.

All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.—John 1:3

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Let Go Let God Fulfill Intention

I Set My Intention To Stay Spiritually Grounded. 

Sometimes I feel like a leaf in the wind, tossed about capriciously, unable to remain still or direct my course. While it’s true that I may not have control over what happens around me, I can claim dominion over what happens within me. Today I intend to respond to my life from a place of deep equilibrium and poise. I use my spiritual tools of prayer, visualization, and affirmations to keep my mind focused on what is mine to do. I breathe deeply and concentrate, giving mindful attention to my endeavors, crowding out any distractions. Through my intention, I am like the roots of a tree, drawing my strength and sustenance from God within. I feel newly strengthened and in the flow.

My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention.—Isaiah 46:10

Monday, March 8, 2021

Let Go Let God Express Compassion

I Am Loving and Compassionate. 

Compassion comes naturally to me when I behold the spiritual nature in everyone I meet. Offering myself in loving service to those who need my help, I show kindness and understanding—acknowledging that we are all connected. I also take time to express compassion for myself. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing everything I think is wrong, I reaffirm all that is right and good. I am made in the image and likeness of God, and I treat myself as the divine being that I am. To be compassionate is to express the Christ in me mindfully and with love. I am confident my kindness will have a wondrous effect in the lives that touch mine.

Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him.—Matthew 20:34

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Let Go Let God Sow World Peace

Celebrating Diversity and Affirming Unity, I Am A Presence of Peace in the World. 

The road to world peace begins with my openhearted acceptance of those who are different than me. Our world is vast and diverse, and its people come from a wide variety of cultures and histories. The more I learn about those whose lives differ from mine, the more I can appreciate their perspectives and empathize with their struggles. When I make the decision to understand others, I discover that judgment fades in the light of compassion. Today I sow peace through my acceptance and understanding. Peace in the world grows as I join my brothers and sisters in celebrating the glory of human diversity and affirming oneness in God. 

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.—Isaiah 2:4

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Let Go Let God Say Yes

I Say Yes To Life and New Possibilities. 

My world opens up when I say yes to life, to love, and to new experiences. My mind and soul expand as I welcome new people, new learning, and new horizons. I view new opportunities as a way to express my optimistic nature. I have the courage to say yes to new things. I am eager to try new ways of doing and being. I look beyond all apparent obstacles to find the blessings, no matter how small or insignificant they seem, knowing that saying yes infuses situations with hopeful energy and a positive expectancy. Saying yes gives me abundant opportunities to shine my light in the world. As I give of myself—my gifts and talents—I am sharing the unique expression of my divinity. I am making the world a brighter place when I say yes to life!

I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding.—Psalm 119:32

Friday, March 5, 2021

Let Go Let God Renew

I Give Myself Loving Care. 

I take time today for my favorite renewal practices. I am careful to choose activities that bring peace to my mind, vitality to my body, and make me more receptive to the presence of God within. I may care for my body with exercise or I may freshen my look with a haircut or new clothes. I may pray and meditate to become more attuned spiritually. As I make positive changes or try new approaches, I am renewed in mind, body, and spirit. It is as if the shining sun is illuminating a new path, a new awareness within me. The sun always shines, even on the cloudiest days. The light of God is always within me even when I am not aware of it. I am renewed as I attune myself to the presence of God within, and my divine light shines brilliantly.

From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised.—Psalm 113:3

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Protected

I Feel Safe and Secure in the Love and Warmth of God. 

When I remember that wherever I am, God is, I feel safe. No matter what is going on around me, I keep my thoughts focused on God. This gives me the perspective that outer conditions are temporary, and the presence and power of God is the only enduring reality. Today I remember that this presence and power is within me and expressing as me. This truth keeps me steeped in the awareness that I am strong and wise and braver than I often allow myself to believe. No circumstance in the world or in my life is greater or more constant than God, and God is always as near to me as my heartbeat. I meditate on this truth and know that at the level of Spirit, I am always protected.

The fear of others lays a snare, but one who trusts in the Lord is secure.—Proverbs 29:25

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Let Go Let God Remember Joy

My Memories Bring Me Joy. 

Calling my fondest memories to mind means that my joy is never far from me. The sweet recollections of weddings, births, vacations, holiday celebrations, or even casual times spent with family and friends live in my mind and in my soul. Spending time reveling in these precious memories quickens the feeling of joy that warms my heart. I give thanks for these times and for the people in my life who have enriched it with their love, light, care, and generosity. My best experiences remind me that God is the source of all that is good in my life, including my joy. I take a deep breath and give thanks for the presence of God in and through all things. That spirit of gratitude brightens my day, and my joy is made full.

My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have rescued.—Psalm 71:23

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Let Go Let God Through Grace

My Life Is Made Light Through Grace. 

When life feels hard, when I struggle to make things happen or wrestle with circumstances I might desperately wish to change, I pause to remember how the gift of grace helped me get through other trying and difficult times. Perhaps I felt God’s grace through the sweet relief of clarity and guidance when I didn’t know where to turn or through blissful peace when chaos swirled around me. Perhaps grace came through the love and kindness of others—the help I did not have to ask for and forgiveness I believed I did not deserve. Remembering that the grace of God is always mine helps me travel lightly through life.

But I do not count my life of any value to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news of God's grace.—Acts 20:24

Monday, March 1, 2021

Let Go Let God Be Free

I Am Free and Unlimited In My Mind and In My Life. 

I am meant to soar as free as a bird. But when I am in the midst of a challenge, hesitation or fear may leave me feeling stuck. At these times I say to myself, I am made in the image and likeness of God. My soul is meant to soar. Affirmative thought and prayer open me to a higher wisdom and infinite possibilities. I love the feeling of freedom I claim in prayer. As I follow my inner guidance, I remind myself that freedom is the foundation of my life. I am learning to respond to my life’s circumstances in new, productive ways where before I felt stagnant. I do not let outer situations dictate my state of mind. Instead, I choose empowering thoughts that fill me with confidence. I now fly free with a newfound sense of freedom in every area of my life.

I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts.—Psalm 119:45