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Monday, January 31, 2022

Let Go Let God Receive Grace

The Grace Of God Flows Freely Through Me. 

Within the turbulence of a storm exists the delicate beauty and perfection of the raindrop. Filled with renewing, cleansing water, each drop contains the nourishing promise of new life. I can think of grace the same way. No matter the storm, the presence of God is within it, vibrantly alive and discoverable in every detail. When life’s hurricanes arrive, infinite grace shelters me from the deluge. It is easier to weather a downpour if I am prepared and protected, so I step confidently into the powerful shelter of my faith. Mindful of my every blessing, I cherish all the gratitude and grace I can find. I don’t simply ride out the storm, I grow through it, appreciating the power and majesty of each precious drop of rain.

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.—John 1:16

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Let Go Let God Envision World Peace

I Envision All People Living In Harmony. 

Sometimes I wonder about my place in a world that is changing so rapidly. I realize that many of the world’s people may be wondering the same thing. Change can feel scary, especially when I feel as though I have to navigate a shifting landscape alone. I expand my awareness and wonder whether others are feeling the way I do. Feeling fearful or insecure can overwhelm feelings of peace. As peace seems further and further away, it’s easy to drift into isolation and discord. I pray, reclaiming peace by feeling my divine identity as a child of God. I remember that all people share this divine identity. I include all the world’s people in my prayer, envisioning us coming together in harmony to create a peaceful world.

Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.—Hebrews 12:14

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Let Go Let God Care

Care Is The Language Of My Heart

My heart is filled with love and compassion for others. I believe these feelings are meant to be shared without reservation—freely and generously. The best way to express my loving feelings is through the care I give to others. I give care when I lend a helping hand before being asked, lift someone up with my encouraging words, or am a reliable, supportive presence for those who are struggling. The unifying presence of divine love within me, along with my interconnection with all life, inspires me to care about people, animals, our earth, and the causes I support. I revere life, and I have abilities and gifts to share for the good of all. Through all the ways I care, I am a conduit for divine love and light.

Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.—1 John 3:18

Friday, January 28, 2022

Let Go Let God Commit To Forgiving

As I Forgive Others, I Am Healed. 

Today I take the words of the Bible to heart and commit to forgiving, even if I have to do it again and again. I understand it’s natural to feel resentful when someone does or says something that hurts me. I don’t judge myself for feeling hurt, but I also understand that remaining stuck in those feelings only compounds them. I choose forgiveness again and again, for as long as it takes my heart to heal. I travel the path of love, focusing my thoughts on God. God’s love within me is the soothing balm that makes my commitment to forgiveness possible. My body, my thoughts, and my soul are nourished. Forgiveness brings peace and comfort to my heart.

“How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.”—Matthew 18:21-22

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Let Go Let God Desire

My Deepest Desires Are Divinely Inspired. 

When I ask myself what I long to do and achieve, I think of what matters most to me and is closest to my heart. Tangible things may come to mind, but those are fleeting and temporary. As I focus more on my enduring desires, I imagine having family, friends, health, peace, and all I need to live comfortably, not extravagantly. Discerning my deepest desires warms my heart and gives me a feeling of possibility and positive expectation. With faith and gratitude, I acknowledge God as the source of my desires for love, health, and peace. I feel the presence of God within guiding me as I direct my indwelling spiritual gifts of strength, zeal, and imagination as I work to bring my desires to life.

I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight.—Psalm 119:174

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Let Go Let God Receive Healing

As I Support My Health, I Receive My Healing. 

My body and mind respond to my loving attention and care the way a growing flower responds to sunshine. I add to this care and love by including my health and wholeness in my spiritual life. Whatever precipitates my healing need, my prayer always is to release thoughts of illness and claim wholeness. I then release my concerns about my health, trusting in the divine perfection of my mind and body. When praying for others, it is easy for me to believe strongly that their healing is taking place. When I pray for myself, I must apply that same strong belief. I have faith there is only God, only good. Affirming this, I am completely healed in mind and body. I am grateful to know my wholeness.

It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body.—Proverbs 3:8

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Let Go Let God Affirm Divine Order

Divine Order Is A Blessing In My Life. 

No prayer is as powerful as simply affirming divine order. The beauty of this prayer is that it doesn’t call for a specific result but instead affirms that everything is unfolding according to a divine pattern. The manifestations of this prayer may seem miraculous, but they are actually perfect demonstrations of spiritual law. Divine order brings harmony to my life and to the world. Just as I trust the sun to rise and set daily, so, too, I trust divine order to support every aspect of life—seen and unseen, known and unknown. I affirm divine order and rest assured that infallible, unchanging spiritual law is, always and forever, in and through all things.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.—Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 24, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Happy

My Heart Is Aglow With Happiness. 

Happiness flows from my inner joy, peace, and compassion. From this place of contentment of my soul, I feel happy in all I do. Even when things are not going the way I want or expect, I can choose happiness, finding the good in every circumstance. When I let love and joy flow from my heart, I have more than enough bliss to share, and I brighten the days of those around me. My happy thoughts and actions are blessings in my life and in the lives of others. I share my cheerfulness with friends and family when I fill every corner of my life with positivity. My joyful expression is not for me alone. The more freely I share it, the more my own happiness deepens.

Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise.—Psalm 84:4

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Am Praying For You. 

Just hearing the words “I am praying for you” helps me relax into the calm strength of a trusted friend’s faith. Reassured, I feel my own faith growing stronger. My friend may be next to me or calling from far away. The power of prayer is undiminished by distance. Grateful for the gift of others’ prayers for me, I welcome every opportunity to pray for anyone who asks. Having heard the prayer need, I let go of concern. In faith, I behold the Christ presence within the one for whom I pray. Knowing the truth of another’s wholeness, I release any thought of illness. I affirm divine wisdom guiding important decisions and divine strength relieving any weakness. I feel the warmth of God’s love bringing peace and restoring hope to those I hold in prayer. 

We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers.—1 Thessalonians 1:2

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My Faith Empowers Me. 

The words I believe contain tremendous power because they show me where I am placing my faith. If I catch myself believing disempowering thoughts, I don’t despair. I use the moment to recommit to my faith in God as the one presence and power that is all good all the time. Believing in the goodness of God means I have faith in prosperity, not lack. It means I have faith in health, not illness. Faith in God means I believe all things are possible. Faith gives me the strength and power to live life fully and to let nothing stop me. Believing with all my heart, I affirm: The best and highest outcomes are unfolding in my thoughts, my intentions, and my actions. I can do all that is mine to do, and I will.

Jesus said to him, “If you are able!—All things can be done for the one who believes.”—Mark 9:23

Friday, January 21, 2022

Let Go Let God Rest In Comfort

God's Comforting Presence Fills And Uplifts Me. 

The indwelling essence of divine love is always mine. I rest in the knowledge that I am one in Spirit with those I love. If we are separated by death, we are still eternally connected by love that never ends. The love, the memories we made, and the bond we have remain alive in me. I am reassured by the awareness that our truest connection is spiritual and eternal. I draw upon the comfort and light of God at any time and rest in the sanctuary of peace. I am strengthened and renewed in Spirit, knowing those I love are part of God, just as I am. This knowledge helps me continue on my life’s journey at peace, blessed with eternal comfort and hope.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.—Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Let Go Let God Through Mindfulness

I Am Centered And Peaceful, No Matter What. 

Today I set my intention to live in the present moment. I begin with a few quiet moments of meditation, stilling and centering myself. If distracting thoughts pop up—conversations, day-to-day activities, or any anxiety or doubtful thought—I welcome them and recenter myself. Now relaxed, I view my life through a lens of nurturing thoughts and ideas. I am gentle with myself and others. In tune with my feelings, I release judgment and lovingly accept who I am. I let go of both my past experiences as well as thoughts of what the future holds. I leave my meditation relaxed, invigorated, and ready to begin my day, committed to an awareness of each moment and my place in it.

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make melody. Awake, my soul!—Psalm 108:1

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Let Go Let God With Jubilation

I Send My Joy Into The World. 

Just imagine if people joined together from all parts of the world to express joy. Every- one who hears or reads this message could join in and add their uplifting joyful noise and praise to the collective symphony. We could let singing, laughing, drumming, dancing, smiling, and joyful gratitude reach far and wide. Surely, we would lift spirits, elevate minds, and touch hearts with healing energy. I often think of adding peaceful thoughts, words, and actions to the collective work of peace on earth; likewise, joy and jubilation work the same way. Today I express my joy, not based on the circumstances of my life but because it is within me as part of my divine identity. I call jubilation forth and eagerly radiate it into the world to bless us all.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.—Psalm 98:4

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Let Go Let God Share Inner Peace

I Share The Peace In My Heart. 

There is no better way to experience the peace that lives inside me than to practice it regularly. Daily, I pause from whatever I am doing and take time to rest in my heart space. The peace I feel in my heart is a gift that I give myself, a gift that expresses as a calm bearing, kindness, and patience in all situations. I am an ambassador of peace as these expressions of tranquility bless all those I encounter to go within and discover it for themselves. Peaceful feelings spring from my awareness of my connection with God, which extends to feeling a kinship with all other living beings. I draw from the inexhaustible well in my heart and am refreshed and replenished with peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.—John 14:27

Monday, January 17, 2022

Let Go Let God Aspire

I Aspire To Live And Share My Ideals. 

The world’s needs are so great that sometimes I feel overwhelmed, wondering how I can help. The magnitude and scope of the needs can make it hard to get started. I remember the words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said, “The time is always right to do right.” I begin by searching my heart for what matters most to me. As I offer my time and talents in service to others, I am also aspiring to create the world I wish to see. Working toward my aspirations soothes my heart and gives me purpose. It keeps me positive that the world I wish to inhabit and leave for the next generation is within my power to help create. I aspire to live in a just and equitable world, and I do what I can to make it happen.

To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.—Proverbs 21:3

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Let Go Let God Rise

I Rise In Consciousness To Help Create A World That Works For All. 

Throughout time, there have been people who led lives that changed the world forever. Their words and deeds provided hope and inspiration for those who would carry forth their legacies of love, growth, and evolution—long after they left this life. Their most powerful contribution, however, was their ability to inspire others to express their own divine purpose. As more and more people reach their highest potential, the whole of humanity ascends. Today I honor those who have led lives of service, striving for love, truth, and justice. I take steps, not just to commemorate their journeys and contributions, but to embark upon my own. I rise, grateful to contribute all I can to the growth and evolution of humankind.

Take action, for it is your duty, and we are with you; be strong, and do it.—Ezra 10:4

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Let Go Let God Serve


I Find Joy In  Service. 

When I give my time and energy to a cause or a person, I feel a special kind of fulfillment. It’s great to know I am making a positive difference. Serving brings greater meaning to my life. It is an affirmation of spiritual affluence that extends beyond myself. My talents are put to even greater use when I share them. I serve with no expectation of recognition or reward. Just knowing that my efforts and energies are helping those who receive them fills me with peace, contentment, and a fuller experience of God. The more I share the work of my hands and the love in my heart, the more my joy grows, sending ripples of blessings into the world. 

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.—1 Peter 4:10

Friday, January 14, 2022

Let Go Let God With Intention

My Intention Is To Be Loving And Compassionate. 

I believe in the power of kindness, and I strive to treat all people with the consideration and patience with which I like to be treated. Sometimes that can be quite a challenge. I may struggle with some people and situations that trigger me. At those times, it may feel especially difficult to summon the grace to fulfill my best intentions. I pause to remember this truth: I am a divine being, just as all people are. I then reaffirm my intention to respond to all people and situations with kindness. When I commit to beholding the Divine in all people and in every situation, the grace of God flows through me and expresses as gentle words, patience, and consideration. With practice and commitment I fulfill my intention to always be loving and compassionate. 

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his intention toward me was love.—Song of Solomon 2:4

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Let Go, Let God


I Do What Is Mine To Do And Then I Let Go. 

I welcome the inner knowing that informs my mind and heart of what is mine to do. I release my notions of what the result will look like, and instead have faith that each next step I am guided to take will lead to what is best for me. This same inner knowing tells me when it is time to cease worldly activity. When my work is done, I clearly know that my efforts are complete and I have done my part. I resist the temptation to wonder or worry about specifics, timing, or anything else beyond my control. I trust the work I’ve done in the world is enough and that the proper result is on its way. At peace, I release my need to control the details; I let go and allow inspired actions to flow forth from the well of Spirit within. 

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Let Go Let God With Zeal

I Enthusiastically Answer The Call To Move Forward. 

I am inspired by the impulse to go forward—to start a new creative project, to begin something truly meaningful. I am blessed with spiritual gifts, including my creative nature. Guided by God within, I enthusiastically pursue my passions. I believe in possibility knowing that with God, all things are possible. The intelligence, strength, order, and faith of God are mine, part of my spiritual inheritance. I claim these in prayer, filling my consciousness with the very power of God. Resuming purposeful activity, I spring forth, brimming with vitality and ready to make my mark on the world. Every moment contains the seed of a new beginning. Every cell in my body vibrates with divine energy, and I can’t wait to get started.

Christ is proclaimed in every way, whether out of false motives or true; and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.—Philippians 1:18

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Let Go Let God Know Friendship

I Give Thanks For My Friends. 

So much has been written about the meaning of friendship: poems, books, songs, personal letters between friends. Thinking of my treasured friendships, I pause to wonder how I would write about them. How would I express the message of my heart? Exploring these questions brings my friends deeper into my heart and soul. I am grateful for how they enrich my life. I recognize and deeply feel the love that we have built upon. I recall how we met, what we’ve shared, and how we have been there for each other through the highs and lows of life. I give thanks for sharing the laughter and the tears. I pray I am the friend to each of them that they are to me, for we are faithfully united in a sacred bond. Dear friends, I pray for you, I cherish you, and I am grateful for you.

I have called you friends.—John 15:15

Monday, January 10, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Free

As I Express My Divinity, I Am Unbound. 

The truth of my existence is spiritual. Although I am fully human with a body, mind, thoughts, and feelings, I am also fully divine. When I claim this truth, nothing can take my freedom from me. Nothing can bind me to any thought of limitation. I remember I am made in the image and likeness of God. My experience of life is what I choose to make it. What joy, what freedom I have as a child of God! Today I set an intention to know spiritual freedom through my awareness of oneness with all that is. As I rejoice in this feeling, I discover I can be in the world but not of it. I am always free to choose my responses. The world’s affairs are but a reminder to pray, affirming that Spirit is in and through all things.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Let Go Let God With Guidance

Divine Wisdom Helps Me Discover My Unique Spiritual Path

Tending to my spiritual life keeps me attentive to the whispers of my heart and in tune with my guidance. I am grateful for those moments I can rely upon my spiritual intuition to discern my path forward. But sometimes my guidance feels far away and hard for me to access on my own. At those times, I may seek the assistance of my trusted friends and advisers. I may seek the wise counsel of my minister or a spiritual counselor who encourages me to discover the wisdom found in the depths of my own consciousness. She, he, or they pray with me, listen with empathy, and share my joy as my innate wisdom leads me along my unique spiritual path. I am grateful for those who walk the path alongside me.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.—John 14:26

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Strength

My Strength Is My Support. 

Whenever I feel overwhelmed by that which I am called to face, I remember that the strength of God within me equips me to overcome adversity and thrive. Divine strength can manifest in many ways. It can be the mental acuity giving me fortitude to overcome difficulties with diligence, patience, and persistence. Strength can be the emotional stamina keeping me cool and clear during turbulent times, helping me relax and trust there is always an answer, a way that benefits and blesses all. My physical strength helps me accomplish my daily work and errands with ease. When I face a challenge that calls for extra might or stamina, I respect my limits, but I give it my all. No matter the challenge, God is my strength and support in all ways.

God, the Lord, is my strength.—Habakkuk 3:19

Friday, January 7, 2022

Let Go Let God With Self-Care

I Honor God When I Take Care Of Myself. 

There are so many ways I can use my life to honor God. I can serve, give generously of my time and treasure, and reach out in compassion to those who are hurting. In fact, sometimes I focus so intently on what I have to give and the ways I can serve that I don’t make myself enough of a priority. But all the ways I can care for myself—with rest and nutrition, quiet moments with family and friends, and fun doing my favorite things—are not only good for my physical and emotional health, they nurture my spiritual health too. The more I care for myself, the more beautifully and completely I realize my divine nature and the more fully I can be the hands and heart of God in the world. Renewed and refreshed, I shine the light of God wherever I go.

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?—1 Corinthians 3:16

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Let Go Let God On This Epiphany

I Joyfully Discover The Christ Everywhere. 

Epiphany celebrates the day wise seekers from the east—magi in the Bible—arrived at Bethlehem and offered their gifts to the newborn Jesus. Today I receive these gifts anew when I center my heart on the presence and power of God. I accept the true gift of the magi, given to all, and harken to the epiphany of Christ within me. Like the magi, I joyfully discover my divinity in every area of life. If health challenges loom large, I rest in the awareness of the Christ within and touch the indwelling healing presence. I affirm: I am eternally whole and vibrant. If I feel lonely or challenged by life’s circumstances, I focus on the Christ within and feel God’s light upon me. I affirm: I arise, shine, and know all is truly well.

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Isaiah 60:1

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Let Go Let God Claim Prosperity

I Am Rich In Divine Ideas. 

When I want to have a fuller experience of life, I think about all the ways divine ideas prosper me. Prosperity itself is a divine idea, the faith-filled assurance that every good thing I can imagine or desire begins in divine mind and grows in my consciousness before manifesting in the world. Claiming the divine idea of wholeness can lead to my healing. The divine idea of love attracts me to those people and situations that fill my heart. The divine idea of peace keeps me grounded and calm when the storms of life swirl around me. Centered in God, I am prospered by divine ideas. I know that I am a spiritual being and, as such, I am abundantly blessed.

Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and prosperity.—Proverbs 8:18

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Let Go Let God Protect

I Find My Protection In My Awareness Of God. 

When the world feels chaotic or even a little scary, I place my attention on the unchanging, unlimited love and strength of God. The presence and power of God is never diminished by the events and circumstances of the world. I feel protected when I align my thoughts and feelings with this truth, when I take it into my heart and feel its protection like a fortress shielding me from harm. I return to this image of God’s strength if I feel myself pulled into fearful thinking. My mind and body start to settle, and a feeling of security embraces me like a cozy blanket. Each time I connect with God, I feel the everlasting protection that lives deep within me.

You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with glad cries of deliverance.—Psalm 32:7

Monday, January 3, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Filled With Joy

I Am Filled With Joy Today. 

I am blissfully happy on this wonderful day. In fact, my heart is filled with so much joy that I want to share it everywhere I go and with everyone I meet. As I have grown spiritually, I have deepened my joy. I understand true joy doesn’t come from having possessions or the perfect home. Neither does it come from cultivating a flawless appearance. All these things can be gone in the blink of an eye. But when I have spiritual joy in my mind and heart, I trust in its permanence. True, lifelong joy derives from my relationship with God. I practice deepening this connection by beholding the Divine in everyone. I know we are all part of this wonderful Spirit. As I share my heartfelt gladness through words and actions, my joy grows and grows.

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.—Psalm 32:11

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Let Go Let God Find Clarity

Time Spent Communing With God Gives Me Clarity. 

When I gaze toward the heavens on a moonlit night, I expect to see twinkling stars and constellations. But if I use a telescope, I can see details with much greater clarity. This example could describe my spiritual life as well. I may go about my day mindful of my blissful feelings and kinship with all the people. These things and more are the fruits of my faith. But I find clarity during times of intentional contemplation, when I meditate upon the truth I feel the presence of God fill my consciousness and touch my heart. This clarity informs my thoughts, words, and actions, bringing my faith to vivid life.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.—1 Corinthians 13:12

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Let Go Let God In The New Year

I Joyfully Create The Year Anew. 

I greet this day feeling grateful as I begin another year. It is stretched out before me like a blank canvas, inviting my unique designs and bright colors. I use my zeal and imagination to dream big dreams and make bold plans. I release the past, taking from it precious memories and invaluable experience. Even the experiences that were not especially happy have helped bring me to where I am today. I feel confident and self-assured knowing that I go forth into the new year with God expressing as my creativity, my audacity, my kindness, and my compassion. My receptive, eager attitude for the coming year opens my heart to all the joy I am about to create. I smile and I let the wonder in!

But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting.—John 4:35