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Friday, May 31, 2019

Let Go Let God Restore Wholeness

I am restored in mind, body, and spirit.
If my body is going through a health challenge—anything from a slight cold to a major surgical procedure—I may feel uncertainty or fear of the unknown. Myrtle Fillmore referred to healing as a threefold process: spiritual, mental, and physical. She writes, “One who remembers and lives by the spiritual promises of the law of health will not worry, or ... neglect to feed his or her soul with that which is necessary to keep it unfolding Christward.” I understand that my body is the temple of God. I learn more about myself and the tools I need to build mental, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. The greatest of these tools is prayer, and I use it to enter the Silence and accept the wholeness that is already mine. I am restored in mind, body, and spirit.

O Lord my God … you have healed me.—Psalm 30:2

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Let Go Let God Experience Joy

Through my connection with God, I experience joy.
Jesus taught a joyful message of spiritual truth, that beyond the surface of the physical world is a spiritual realm. He also shared that we each have a personal connection to God through our Christ consciousness. I have everything I need to experience authentic joy because the Source lies within me. Through my connection with the Divine, I experience joy. I can also access that sensation by investing my time and energy into things and people that activate the emotion within me. I create space in my life for those things that I love and that help me connect with my inner being. In doing so, I bring myself more into alignment with God, and I bring forth more joy in my life.

I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Let Go Let God Nurture Inner Peace

The seed of peace grows in my heart, my mind, and my life.
I plant the seed of my soul’s desire for deep, abiding peace in the welcoming, nurturing ground of being that is my heart. I allow that seed-thought of peace to grow upward and outward, developing into a loving presence that is reflected in all that I think, say, and do. Just as an inner pattern unfolds from within the seed, so my heartfelt desire for peace expresses through my thoughts, words, and actions. My heart is the seat of my soul, and it’s from this place that the peace of God flows forth from within. As I establish internal well-being, I experience the fruits of serenity. The seed of peace grows in my heart, my mind, and my life.

When the ways of people please the Lord, he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them.—Proverbs 16:7

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Let Go Let God with the Light of God

I am illuminated by the light of God.
If I am seeking healing or peace of mind, I turn within and picture myself basking in the light of God—the light of spirit and love. When light shines from every angle, darkness no longer exists and all shadows are erased. If I try to balance life between shadow and light, I cannot. What keeps me out of the light are actions that arise from error thought. So I release negative, unproductive thoughts about myself, and the cloud of darkness dissipates. As I turn from darkness, the light of God illuminates the Truth. I allow myself to be encompassed by divine light. In the light of God, I see myself for who I truly am: an eternal spiritual being, one with my Source, the light and love that is God.

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.—1 John 1:5

Monday, May 27, 2019

Let Go Let God in Remembrance

I pause to reflect, remember, and give thanks today.
Today is the United States holiday of Memorial Day, in which the men and women who fought and died while serving in the armed forces are honored. This Memorial Day, I reflect upon these brave individuals in prayerful silence. God is life. While these people may not pass this way again, their spirits live on in my heart. They are not truly gone, for their legacies live on. We also honor and celebrate all those who give their life to serve others. I am grateful to know that their spirits continue to be one with the spirit of God, and because of this, I can never be separated from them, nor they from me. I pause to reflect, remember, and give thanks today.

If one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.—1 Corinthians 12:26

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Let Go Let God In The Silence

In the Silence, I find peace. In the Silence, I find Self.
Rather than allow my mind to be easily swayed by outer circumstances, I look beyond appearances to the truth of my being. I do this by turning within to a place of peace—the Silence. When I turn within to pray, any negative or limiting thoughts dissipate. Here in the Silence, I am one with Spirit. In this conscious awareness of my higher power, I recognize my spiritual attributes that are mine through divine grace. Here I find the strength I seek, the love that sustains me, and the peace to soothe my soul. As I move back into my day, I take those elements with me. I am renewed in mind and heart.

Keep silence and hear, O Israel!—Deuteronomy 27:9

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Let Go Let God Imagine World Peace

Together we affirm lasting peace in the world.
The song “Imagine” invites listeners to imagine a world in which we are at peace with each other. We can choose to accept the invitation to imagine a world without boundaries or conflicts. We picture people living in peace and working together for the common good. And as we imagine, we pray. We turn to God in faith, adding our prayers to countless others also praying for peace. Together we form a collective bond that is a powerful force for good in the world. Our actions reflect our peace. We are ambassadors of peace, cocreating a harmonious planet. Together we can make a positive difference. Together we affirm lasting peace in the world.

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.—Isaiah 2:4

Friday, May 24, 2019

Let Go Let God be Energized

Divine life moves through my being to energize and invigorate me.
When I am energized, I experience a zest for life. I feel confident and positive. While it would be wonderful to have that feeling all of the time, in reality it does not always happen. So how do I regain that energy and zest? My mind and body respond to positive words. So if my energy level seems to be waning, I affirm: Divine life moves through my being to energize and invigorate me.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Proverbs 4:23

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Let Go Let God Forgive

I express my Christ nature when I choose forgiveness.
As I let my genuine forgiveness extend to all, I let go of any thoughts of condemnation or retaliation and offer my sincere compassion. When Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing,” he was expressing his Christ nature—pure love—during his ultimate moment of challenge. I, too, can call upon my Christ nature to forgive. This kind of mercy is rooted in loving understanding and a compassionate heart. As I have forgiven, so I now receive. No longer holding myself or others in condemnation frees me to experience life with a peaceful attitude sourced in wholeness and love. I express my Christ nature when I choose forgiveness.

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”—Luke 23:34

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Let Go Let God Experience Healing

The cells of my body bring new life through God’s healing presence.
According to science, our bodies produce billions of new cells every day. I am divinely designed to be whole and well. These cells are infused with divine energy because God is the flow of life within my body. God’s healing work is being carried on continually. Just as these cells are replacing and renewing, I am continually charged with an ever-flowing current of divine life. At every moment, I am made new again. Each day in prayer I open my heart to the healing flow of divine life in me. I am renewed and revitalized with every breath. I let go of any thought or habit that would limit the activity of divine life within my body and experience healing, renewing energy.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?—1 Corinthians 6:19

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Let Go Let God Affirm Divine Order

Divine order is active in every area of my life.
The movement of Spirit is working through me at all times. I do not need to doubt or question what is happening to or around me. All I need to do is trust that God guides and protects me. When presented with decisions, I may wonder which is the right one to make. I know which one I think is best for me, yet misgivings may hold me back. What if I’m wrong? At times like these, I turn within and open myself to Spirit. I let go of my will and allow the divine presence within me to direct my way. When I let go of personal will and affirm divine order, I already know the answer. I speak words of truth and relax in the knowledge that all is well.

Be strong and of good courage, and act. Do not be afraid or dismayed; for the Lord God, my God, is with you.—1 Chronicles 28:20

Monday, May 20, 2019

Let Go Let God Rest in Comfort

As I rest in the presence of the Divine, I am comforted.
Today I set an intention to free myself from limiting thoughts, for they do nothing to improve my sense of well-being. Instead, they exacerbate my feelings of limitation. As author Emmet Fox explained in The Golden Key, “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.” I pray, centering my awareness on Spirit, the great comforter. I release any concerns about lack, attachment to specific outcomes, or lingering fears I may hold in my heart. I am enfolded in divine love. As I rest in the presence of the Divine, I am comforted.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father ... comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.—2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Let Go Let God Express Gratitude

I am gratefully and wonderfully blessed!
Henry David Thoreau wrote, “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” An attitude of thankfulness serves me well when I consider the many blessings for which I am grateful. In a quiet moment, I open mind and heart to experience the magnificence and magnitude of all that God is. I consciously know that I am grateful for divine presence in my life. Because of this, I give thanks in advance for the many possibilities and opportunities before me. Gratitude is the heart’s response to life’s infinite blessings. My gratitude expresses as peace, love, and joy. With anticipation and appreciation for future blessings, I affirm: I am gratefully and wonderfully blessed!

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.—Psalm 139:14

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Let Go Let God Relax

I relax into a time of prayer.
As I use prayer to commune with God, I utilize the five-step prayer process. The first step—relax—is necessary. I breathe deeply and let go of outer concerns as I move on to step two, which is concentrate. Once I have quieted my mind, I can then focus my thoughts on the spirit of God within. From there I move to step three: meditate. With an open mind and a receptive heart, I feel the peace of God’s presence. As I remember to “Be still, and know that I am God,” I embrace the Silence—the fourth step in which I rest in a consciousness of oneness—and end this time of prayer with the fifth and final step: give thanks. In doing so, I am open to receive my good. I return to my day, fully aligned with divine presence within.

Be still, and know that I am God!—Psalm 46:10

Friday, May 17, 2019

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

My inner, divine light shows me the way.
Even though there are storm clouds that block the sun now and again, I have the wisdom and faith to know that the sun’s rays always return to visibility. There is an inner light, too, that shines brightly for me always—the light of God. A deep connection with my inner being serves as a beacon of light, an inner guiding light within my heart and mind that shines the wisdom of truth in all situations. Knowing this, I relax and feel a sense of calm wash over me. I move forward in my life, step by step, confident that I do not have to face challenges alone. I am at peace knowing that I am perfectly guided and that the path before me is clear. I can count on the light of truth within to guide me to my greatest good.

I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground.—Isaiah 42:16

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I think, speak, and act in harmonious ways.
The word harmony may evoke impressions of musical groups vocalizing with blended tones. While this is true, there is another type of harmony as well—a peaceful accord or connection with all living beings on this planet. Harmony can also be found on a personal level. My life reflects this balance when my mind, body, and spirit are in alignment—when the words I speak, the thoughts I think, and the actions I take are in harmony. I breathe in oneness with the universal good. I experience deep peace as I focus on God, within me and all around me. At all times I can magnify peace, harmony, and balance in my life and reflect it into the world.

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.—Galatians 3:28

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Let Go Let God as Family

I am one with all things.
Family can be a bond within the family of our birth, our spiritual community, with our pets, or in our neighborhood. A family is there to celebrate our joys, share our sorrows, and to walk this human journey alongside us, supporting us as we grow. Today I seek that connection with all God’s creation. Centering my energy within, I feel it moving throughout my body. I send the flow through my feet, feeling myself exchanging strength with the earth below. I expand the energy outward as love, embracing the trees, animals, mountains, and waterways that cover the planet. I allow it to rise into the sky as steady streams of unlimited imagination. Divisions melt away, and I feel connected, loved, supported, and vibrantly alive. I am one with all things.

How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!—Psalm 133:1

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Let Go Let God Understand Self-Image

I am magnificent, inside and out.
My confidence and sense of worth are not determined by how others view me, but by how I feel about myself. I establish my self-image on my Truth: I am the image of the Divine, and I have an infinite resource to draw upon. I call upon my inner powers of wisdom, love, and faith to express all that I am. How can I be less than great? When I look at myself through the eyes of love, I see a beautiful being. I see confidence. I have a strong sense of self—my connection to my inner divinity. I work each day to more fully express my divine nature. I endeavor to let kindness and compassion be the core of who and what I am. As I do this, I am confident. I have a deeper sense of my true self.

I delight in the law of God in my inmost self.—Romans 7:22

Monday, May 13, 2019

Let Go, Let God

I release that which no longer serves me. I let go and let God.
Cleaning out closets and getting rid of clothes, gadgets, toys, or appliances is a healthy activity. It allows me to remove those things I no longer want or need and make space for new things. Letting go of thoughts, ideas, or habits that no longer serve me is cleaning out my mental closet. I release those things I no longer want or need, and in doing so, I make room for new, positive ideas and practices. I let go and let God. Today I clean my inner house. If a negative thought appears, I sweep it away. If I feel worried about a loved one, my finances, or health, I acknowledge the thought and release it. I open my mind to new ideas, positive activities, and practices that will enrich my life. I am receptive to the good that is unfolding before me now!

And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.”—Revelation 21:5

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Let Go Let God as Motherly Love

I give thanks for the motherly love of God in all its human expressions!

In prayer, I bless all who have played a motherly role in my life, not just the mother whose love gave me birth. I bless everyone, male or female, who has shared with me “the divine love that never fails.” Everyone who has nurtured me, who has encouraged me by believing in my potential for good, has blessed me with the motherly love of God. Just as I have received, I give love in return—sharing comfort and understanding. I am grateful to be an expression of motherly love.

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.—Isaiah 66:13

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Let Go Let God in Each Moment

I take time to live in and appreciate each moment of the day.
Moments are precious snapshots of time, some more memorable than others. Each moment of my life can touch me significantly, yet I may let some slip by without notice, not realizing the impact or the meaning they could impart. Today I set an intention to be fully aware of God’s presence, to notice the small things: the butterflies and birds, the laughter as well as the quiet. Throughout the journey of today, I will focus less on my destination and more on the route that gets me there. As my day comes to an end, I take some time to recall events, giving attention to those stand-out moments with a spirit of gratitude. My heart of thanks and my openness to the occurrences of the day fill me with a deeper awareness of my oneness with all life.

Remember the wonderful works.—Psalm 105:5

Friday, May 10, 2019

Let Go Let God Focus

I focus on the good, bringing out the best in every situation.
If I find myself struggling with a situation, I remember to pause and take a gentle breath then slowly exhale. The act of letting go allows me to bring my awareness fully into the present moment. I turn my attention to finding the Divine in every situation. I direct my thoughts to what is true, excellent, kind, and admirable. Focusing my attention on the good helps me take my mind off distractions, judgments, and worries. This clears my mind and brings about a sense of peace. So I keep my attention on what is right in the world, and my personal goals and dreams come into fruition. I help to create a better world through focusing on the good that is already present.

If there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.—Philippians 4:8

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

When I view my world with gratitude, blessings are revealed.
When I think of prosperity, I might find myself thinking in terms of tangible items I own or the current balance in my bank account. While finances or material things are results of a prosperous attitude, they are only a small portion of the higher picture. Prosperity is defined as a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition. I am successful when I navigate my way through a challenge or cross something off my to-do list. I flourish when I learn something new or take time for self-care. I thrive when I let go of an old belief that no longer serves me. I am prosperous in many ways, every day. When I view my world with gratitude, blessings are revealed.

The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.—Proverbs 10:22

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Let Go Let God Find Serenity

I find serenity when I am centered in faith.
If worrying can be considered habitual, then approaching my concerns from a place of serenity can be as well. The choice is mine to make. I can forgo stress by remembering that even before my needs became apparent, divine presence prepared my way. I have within me the tools needed to approach life with strength and courage. Faith leads me to the right path or approach to take. Divine love provides me with assurance, comfort, and strength. Imagination opens my mind to unlimited possibilities. Centered in God and poised in my awareness of divine presence, I find peace. In any situation, the answer I seek, the serenity I need, lies within—the place where Spirit dwells.

Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.—2 Corinthians 13:11

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Let Go Let God through Faith

Through faith, I discover God in every life experience.

I was born with all the faith I will ever have or need. My power of will directs my faith. In any situation, I can choose to see a challenge or a possibility. I invest my faith in God, the possibility for good that is always present, regardless of outer circumstances. In prayer, I release all concern about any challenge I may be experiencing. I focus my faith—all the energy of my mind and my heart—on God. I know God is present. I feel God’s presence. I know oneness. My awareness of God remains with me and continues to grow. Through faith, I discover God in every life experience.

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.—Jeremiah 29:13

Monday, May 6, 2019

Let Go Let God Help Others

I give of my hands and my heart to help those in need.
When I see someone going through a difficult time, my first thought is to extend a helping hand. No matter what the need may be, I know that I have something to share with them. I start by centering myself in prayer and meditation. By doing this first, I know I will be led to the right words and actions that will be most helpful to them. Looking through the eyes of Spirit, I see only good in those I want to help. In this way, I can share with them from a position of kindness. We are all blessed with unlimited good. I share this understanding in a way that helps others recognize their own truth. I am an instrument of God’s good in the world. I give of my hands and my heart to help those in need.

Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.—Matthew 25:40

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Let Go Let God be Transformed

Christ awareness transforms my life experience.
The creation story in the first chapter of Genesis tells us that humankind is created in the image of God. As I listen again to these powerful words, the truth of my divine essence, my Christ nature, takes root in my mind and heart. I declare with the apostle Paul, “It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me.” Belief in lack or limitation dissolves as I accept my Christ nature. Divine life revitalizes my body. Divine love harmonizes my relationships. Divine imagination shows me new possibilities. Divine wisdom and understanding guide my decisions and actions. Divine faith strengthens my commitment to transformation. Christ awareness transforms my life experience. I give thanks for my new life in Christ!

It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.—Galatians 2:20

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Let Go Let God Listen

I listen and recognize the voice of Spirit.
If I still my thoughts, I may hear sounds I had previously ignored—the hum of a refrigerator, a car passing by, the ticking of a clock, or laughter from a child. My awareness grows as I pay attention to the present moment. Hearing and listening are not exactly the same. I hear the birds as they carry on their conversations with each other. I listen carefully to another person expressing thoughts and feelings. I interact with them as I grow to understand them better. I am not listening to respond with my own story, but rather to connect with them in a spirit of compassion and understanding. I listen to the ideas that come to me from Spirit in meditation and prayer. I recognize the inner knowing of Spirit and follow the guidance I receive.

For God alone my soul waits in silence.—Psalm 62:1

Friday, May 3, 2019

Let Go Let God through Strength of Spirit

I am mentally, physically, and spiritually strong.
Because I am created in the image and likeness of God, I am strengthened through my faith. A oneness of Spirit encompasses every aspect of my self and manifests as mental, physical, and spiritual strength. When I lean into my faith and allow it to support me, I can handle anything. Through spiritual strength, I have the capacity to manage and guide my own thoughts and behaviors in an effort to accomplish my goals. I may have moments when I feel weak, and that’s okay because I know that the strength of Spirit is not only the essence of God but also the essence of who I am. I have the capacity to deal with whatever stressful situations I face. I am mentally, physically, and spiritually strong.

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of selfdiscipline.—2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Let Go Let God Strive for Success

I move in the best direction for my highest outcome.
I give voice to my soul’s creative expression in all its forms. With my inventive spirit, I am empowered to strive for greater success. I want to grow and to be the best me possible! My success is measured by the satisfaction of moving in the direction of my best and highest outcomes. As life coach and author Maria Nemeth shares, “Success is doing what you said you would do, consistently, with clarity, focus, ease, and grace.” With this in mind, I give voice to and take action on my innermost yearnings. Flexibility and acceptance help guide me in the fulfillment of my goals and dreams. Grace enables me to move toward my achievements with confidence and a steady spirit.

And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight.—Philippians 1:9

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Let Go Let God with Divine Love

I think, say, and act within the energy of divine love.
Relationships tend to change as children get older, people move away, or strangers become family members. The constant through every change is love. Though someone may not remain a part of our daily lives, we can still hold them within the energy of unconditional love. If someone’s behavior is hurtful or demeaning, I hold that person in the energy of divine love, too, even if I do so while I am lovingly releasing him or her from my life. I look beyond their behavior to the spirit of the Divine within, knowing the truth of their being is more than their actions. In every relationship, I think, say, and act within the energy of divine love—completely and unconditionally.

Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.—John 13:34