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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Let Go Let God As Reflection

I Reflect The Light Of God.

If I gaze upon the surface of a moonlit lake on a still night, I will see light reflected on the water’s surface. But if the wind disturbs the water or clouds obscure the moon, the reflection won’t be visible. This truth pertains to my spiritual life. The light of God is always shining, even if the winds of life disturb my focus or the darkness of my doubt casts a shadow. I have the power to calm the winds and clear the clouds so I may see the light shining brightly and reflect it once again. I tend to my spiritual path and deepen my awareness of God’s presence. I make time for prayer and devotional practices to better reflect the light of God. I am a spiritual being, a living reflection of all that God is.

He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being.—Hebrews 1:3

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Let Go Let God Through Guidance

I Am Guided By My Inner Light.

I am guided by the light of God within that helps me through any decision, no matter how great or small. I merge my awareness with the light of God within and release the concerns of my heart. In the silence of prayer, I open to wisdom. Sometimes my guidance comes quickly as a whisper in my heart, sometimes later as revelation resulting from conversation with a friend or even as the inspiration from an unexpected sign along my path. Every day I make choices, some simple, others more complex. My inner light is always shining upon my life’s path. With God as my inner resource, I trust my guidance and move forward, sure of every step.

The dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness … to guide our feet into the way of peace.—Luke 1:78-79

Monday, August 29, 2022

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

Abundant Prosperity Is A Blessing In My Life.

I realize I abound in prosperity when I think of the love of my family and friends, the comfort of my home, and the wealth of my experiences over the years. With every breath I enjoy the prosperity of physical life and health. With every thought and creative notion, I enjoy the prosperity of mind. I feel the prosperity of my emotional life in my feelings and my heart’s wisdom. I am prospered even in difficult moments. If I face challenges or uncertainty, I know guidance is always as close to me as my next prayer. I feel prosperous seeing a sunrise or sunset, and my soul is filled to overflowing. I am grateful for each demonstration of prosperity.

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Let Go Let God With Purpose

I Pursue My Purpose With Passion.

Over the course of my life, I have discovered what has kindled my passions, captivated my attention, and made me feel most alive. My passions lead me to discover my purpose to which I choose to devote my time and my life. My highest spiritual purpose is to live from my divine nature. My divine gifts of life, love, and wisdom express uniquely through my passions, fulfilling me while demonstrating the truth of my being. I listen to the still, small voice of Spirit within to discern the best way to fulfill my purpose. I heed its call to learn, discover, and grow. It is never too early or too late to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. I am ready, willing, and more than able.

For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.—John 18:37

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Let Go Let God Breathe In Calm

I Breathe In Calmness.

Sometimes the busyness of my day disrupts my calm. I may have my hands full with family or work responsibilities. I may feel harried as I make plans for a special event. Whatever the cause of my agitation, I know I can turn away from chaos or turbulence for a quick moment of prayer. I take just a few minutes to turn off the noise in my head and the activity around me by breathing mindfully, slowly, and deeply, inhaling and exhaling. As I do this, I become aware of my heartbeat. Giving thanks for its steady, calming rhythm, I live fully in the present moment. I breathe in calmness and peace, and as I let my breath out, I release tension. I take another slow breath with a thought of gratitude and affirm divine order in all things.

Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.—Psalm 85:10

Friday, August 26, 2022

Let Go, Let God

With Deep Trust, I Let Go And Let God.

My trust in God gives me lasting peace. No matter what weighs on my mind or troubles my heart, I never stay discouraged or troubled for long. I let go of each of my concerns, releasing them to the perfection of divine mind, the source of all possibility and infinite potential. I do this calmly and with confidence, believing that the love and power of God lead to the highest and best outcomes for everyone involved. Letting go is only the first step. Letting God means practicing patience while the perfect outcome comes into manifestation. I do not succumb to feelings of impatience or anxiety because I trust the best result is already on its way to me. I let go and let God in peace and trust.

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Let Go Let God Wonder

My Curiosity Fills Me With Wonder.

The world feels fresh, new, and exciting every day because I am always eager to learn and discover more. I am like a wide-eyed child, full of wonder. The world is a magical place. From the ground below me to the sky above, I am dazzled by mysteries of the natural world. A passionate observer, I pause to notice even the most minute details, puzzling over how they came to be. I marvel at the variety of people I meet, always eager to hear their stories and learn more about them. In prayerful contemplation, I enter into the awesome mystery of God, with reverence and wonder about the ultimate mysteries of life and my place in the world.

Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?—Exodus 15:11

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Let Go Let God Provide Protection

Spirit Within Is My Protection.

Coral reefs buffer nearby coastlines from damaging storms, floods, and waves. These reefs serve as a barrier to loss and destruction, allowing the coastline to coexist with the weather and water. The storms and waves may make their way to shore, but with limited impact. I imagine divine protection as my spiritual coral reef. Even if I feel afraid of life’s storms, I can find protection in Spirit. I am one with God. This connection is my shelter. I am courageous, confident, and resilient. I imagine a barrier surrounding me, keeping me safe. Divine protection strengthens me, steadying me as I bravely face the waves.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.—Isaiah 43:2

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Let Go Let God Spread Joy

I Sparkle With Joy.

My inner joy is a sparkling, precious jewel. Infinite facets of light glimmer and shine throughout the seasons of my life. I am radiant with joy, at one with the divine presence, shimmering with serenity, and glowing with health. My connection with God in the stillness of my heart is the origin of my joyful nature. I meet even unwelcome circumstances with positive light and energy when I shine the light of joy upon them. Discord and distress wither in the brilliance and radiance of joy. Joy is my heart’s jewel. I embark on each new day eager to shine the light and love of God, and share the blessings of peace and plenty, each one a benediction of joy.

Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.—1 Peter 3:4

Monday, August 22, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Plant Seeds Of Positivity As I Pray.

When I pray, I recall the words Charles Fillmore wrote, “Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind.” Today I will focus upon a single word—such as lovejoypeacecompassionlighthealing—and make it a simple, prayerful affirmation for each beloved I hold in prayer. The word I choose helps me see beyond the prayer need and know the spiritual truth. As I hold each beloved child of God in my heart, I rid my thoughts of all concern and worry before I pray. With my mind refreshed and clear, I repeat the centering prayer word with faith-filled confidence. My words are seeds. I plant prayerful blessings and watch them grow.

Pray for one another, so that you may be healed.—James 5:16

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Let Go Let God With Gratitude

Gratitude Is My  Natural State Of Mind.

What joy it is to feel gratitude rising from my heart and filling my mind. Feeling grateful makes me aware of the all-encompassing presence of God, including the Divine within me. When I live from my spiritual nature, gratitude becomes the song of my heart. I don’t need to wait for a reason to feel grateful. When I live with an attitude of gratitude, I find the good in every situation, the blessing that can come from any adversity, and the presence of God in every aspect of life. Practicing gratitude opens my eyes to the blessings that are present and opens my heart to receive even more. I give thanks for an unlimited world, blissful peace, and perfect wholeness.

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!—Psalm 95:2

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Considerate

I Honor God When I Am Considerate Of Others.

As an open channel of God’s love, I welcome opportunities to serve and be considerate of others. With a humble heart, I feel blessed to be of service. Today I resolve to pay special attention to the needs of others. I may reach out to a relative, a friend who needs a smile, or a neighbor who needs a helping hand. I may stop to hold a door open for someone or pay for the person behind me in line. Even the act of simply being present and listening can make all the difference. The spirit of God is within me, just as it is in all people. I am considerate of others’ needs, knowing that the love of Spirit can be accomplished through my considerate works.

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves.—Philippians 2:3

Friday, August 19, 2022

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Forgive And Put The Past Behind Me.

Unforgiveness keeps me bound to the past. Ruminating over old hurts, revisiting scenes of long-ago personal dramas, and dredging up hard feelings trap me in a state of bitterness and make my life feel small and cold. I am ready to live a full and vibrant life. I make the first step by releasing my resentments in prayer. I pray for the strength to release the past and for the grace to release others from the prison of my unforgiveness. I bless the experiences that led me to become the person I am. Lighter, I begin to imagine a future free of resentment, unencumbered by unpleasant memories. My mind is clear and my heart is open. I am ready to begin again.

Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice.—Ephesians 4:31

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Let Go Let God Spark Glory

The Glory Of God Shines Through Me.

I carry a spark of divine illumination within me. That spark burns so bright that I bring the glory of God to everything I say and do. I am a beacon of light so that others might know a way out of the darkness. I commit to being the presence of divine love in action so that others feel seen, heard, and valued. I share openly of myself—my struggles and triumphs—offering myself as a testament to the power of faith to transform any adversity into a demonstration of overcoming. As I perform sacred service, I create a legacy of caring that creates ripples of love and peace. As each ripple expands, new and expansive ideas for a brighter future follow, and the entire world is ever changed as the magnificent glory of God shines through.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.—1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Let Go Let God Create World Peace

I Join With Others To Create World Peace.

At times I wonder whether my efforts to work toward world peace make a difference. I may doubt how one person’s effort can help eradicate strife and discord. Rather than feel discouraged, I realize my small actions generate more goodwill than I can imagine. Each compassionate word I speak and each act of kindness I perform send ripples of love into the universe. And I know I’m not alone. There are others in my community, my country, and throughout the world who are helping, serving, and sending kind and loving thoughts to their neighbors, just as I am. I hold fast to that awareness, encouraged that I am part of a community of people endeavoring to bring about a more peaceful, loving world.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:26

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

God's Presence Is My Comfort.

Whenever I have a challenge or face a setback, I pause for a while to step away from my efforts to fix it and take refuge in God’s comforting presence until I am ready to try again. As I quiet my mind and refresh my soul, even for a few minutes, I feel uplifted from my disappointment and frustration and delivered to a higher awareness of the Divine in and all around me. I fear nothing, because I have faith that God is greater than the temporary conditions of the world. If in the future I should descend into discouragement or if worry grips my imagination, I remember I can always turn my thoughts to God, the one presence and power. This is my comfort, now and forever.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.—Isaiah 40:1

Monday, August 15, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Free

I Am Free And Unlimited.

I need only look at the birds in the air to feel a spirit of freedom in my soul. Freedom is part of my divine identity, an attitude of mind and heart that allows my soul to soar to new heights. As I live from my true nature as a child of God, I feel liberated. Burdens lift from my shoulders, and I no longer feel bound by unpleasant memories or others’ disapproving comments or negative perceptions. I walk with a confident step. I am willing to try new things. I do what is mine to do with a light spirit and joy in my heart. I can think, say, and do what is right for me, without fear of condemnation or judgment. I am truly free.

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.—Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Let Go Let God Discover Holiness

I Discover Holiness In Everywhere And Everyone.

There are certain places I visit where the presence of God feels especially near, places that feel holy. These may include churches and other houses of worship, shrines, favorite places in nature—any destination where I become vividly aware of the divine presence is holy ground. I remember these words from the “Prayer for Protection” by poet James Dillet Freeman: “Wherever I am, God is.” The divine presence, I know, lives within me. It is the true essence of my life and of every life. Today my understanding expands. I discover the divine presence all around me and find holiness everywhere. Every person is a holy being. Every place is holy ground.

Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!”—Genesis 28:16

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Let Go Let God Relax

I Bless Myself When I Relax.

My body and mind bring so many blessings into my life. My body supports me, allowing my movements, helping me relate to the world through my senses, and sustaining my life. I use my mind to think and understand, to reason and to wonder. These blessings and so many more are mine to enjoy daily. To keep my body and mind functioning optimally, I afford them time and space to relax. I relax my body with restful leisure, stretching, and mindful breathing. I relax my mind with prayerful contemplation, perhaps a walk in nature, or my favorite entertainment. I relax and restore myself with rest and enjoyment. I bless my body and mind, grateful for the abundant life they provide.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Friday, August 12, 2022

Let Go Let God Stretch

I Stretch In The Direction Of My Growth.

When I begin an exercise program, I may marvel at the speed, strength, and endurance of others who are already physically fit. As much as I may wish for my abilities to match theirs, I know I must first grow in strength and agility. On my spiritual path, I may have met those who seemed so grounded, so centered in their spiritual practices, I wanted to match their calm bearing and spiritual equilibrium. I realize that they have been practicing longer than I have, that they had to stretch and grow as beginners, just as I do now. I stretch myself as I deepen in faith and grow in understanding. My growth is slow but steady, as I follow the call of my heart to delve deeper and reach for a greater experience of Spirit.

The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.—Psalm 92:12

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Let Go Let God Through Mindfulness

In Meditation, I Am Mindful Of My Oneness With God.

I am one with God. Living from this awareness fills me with peace. I touch this peace, this perfection in the Silence. Here, as I leave the cares of the world behind and become fully aware of the presence of God, the past and future fall away. There is only the vast, pristine present moment, the eternal now. I carry this awareness when I return to my activities. Like an anchor that keeps a boat from being tossed on choppy waters, my mindfulness keeps me anchored in God. No matter what is happening around me or how many things may be clamoring for my attention, there is stillness within me. My mindful bearing keeps me focused. I do one thing at a time with deep focus. I respond to all others calmly and engage life with my full presence.

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.—John 4:24

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Let Go Let God Stand In Faith

I Stand Fast In Faith And Expect The Best.

When I am facing a challenge, my faith reminds me to turn my focus away from the problem and hold a vision of the best outcome. My faith in divine order and in the power of God within gives me the strength I need to face a challenging situation and to remain calm and expectant of good. I have the power to choose my path and my actions. I keep my faith strong as I pray and listen to my inner guidance. My positive energy calms my emotions and keeps my heart peaceful and my outlook high. With faith and trust, I affirm the good I want to experience is on its way to me. As I hold a vision of my desired outcome, I think and act as though that good is already mine.

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, “The one who is righteous will live by faith.”—Romans 1:17

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Let Go Let God As A Home Blessing

I Bless My Home With Love And Appreciation.

My home is a sacred haven of peace, love, and joy. No matter what type of dwelling—its location, size, or structure—it is my home. I create an environment of security and love through my thoughts and words. Peace radiates from my heart, flowing to every corner of my residence. With gratitude, I offer this blessing: I bless the walls of my home, for they contain the love that radiates from my soul. I bless the windows that let in light and the doors that welcome each person who enters. I bless every room and its purpose. I bless the roof that protects us from the outside elements. Love is in my home, for God is here. May those who enter feel the peace and welcome that abide here.

The place on which you are standing is holy ground.—Exodus 3:5

Monday, August 8, 2022

Let Go Let God All Is In Divine Order

My Life Is In Order, And I Am At Peace.

Feeling overwhelmed can cause me to feel scattered, even agitated, and unable to know where to begin or how to prioritize what I need to do. I regain my composure and take control of my circumstances by remembering order is one of my spiritual gifts. I do not have to wish or pray for it. Instead, I affirm: Order is the truth of my life. As I calmly follow my inner sense of direction, I am assured nothing is left undone. I am at peace. Even if appearances are to the contrary, I remain certain that divine order exists even in the midst of chaos. I am fully in the present moment, no longer anxious about the future. I am grateful divine order is always present and active in my life and the lives of everyone around the world.

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.—Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Let Go Let God Release

Releasing The Past, I Make Room For The Future.

My life experiences have provided me with many gifts. From joyous to painful, I have taken something from each one—a nugget of wisdom, understanding, solace—that has helped me evolve into the person I am today. I am always growing, always changing. With gratitude, I receive the blessings while letting the painful memories go. I have no room for regret and do not dwell on things I have no power to change. As I release unwanted thoughts and unpleasant memories, I free myself to enjoy new experiences and create beautiful, lasting memories. With an uncluttered mind and an unburdened heart, I embrace the present moment and eagerly create my bright, beautiful future.

A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away.—Ecclesiastes 3:6

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Let Go Let God Affirm Healing

My Healing Is Already Within Me.

When I have a healing need, I do what is necessary to take care of myself. I begin by affirming wholeness, speaking words of love and healing to my body and mind daily. I take inspiration from Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore. When recalling her healing journey, Myrtle wrote, “I went to all the life centers in my body and spoke words of Truth to them—words of strength and power.” The presence of God within me is mine to draw upon as a powerful resource. When I picture myself, I visualize a being brimming with divine life. My every thought, word, and action reaffirms this truth. I commit to keeping my consciousness centered on God and know I am always whole.

In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.—John 1:4

Friday, August 5, 2022

Let Go Let God With Positive Expectation

I Move Through My Day With Positive Expectation.

I believe in God as the one presence and power that is absolute goodness. I focus my expectations on the highest and best outcomes for me and for everyone in my life. Sometimes, however, doubts creep in. I still believe in the goodness of God, but that goodness is not always apparent when I consider the circumstances of my life. I may be struggling with a health or a prosperity challenge, or I may feel sad or lost, not knowing which way to turn. When I discover I no longer expect the best, I turn within and commune with the spirit of God within me. I pray, welcoming my guidance and affirming my spiritual gifts of imagination, will, and strength. I am grateful to feel my positive expectation return and focus my attention on my life and all the blessings to come.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.—Luke 12:32

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Let Go Let God As Grace

My Best Efforts Are Met With Grace.

Whenever I reach beyond myself to offer support and sustenance to another, I am supported as well. No matter what I offer of myself, my supply is never depleted because the grace of God is my ever-renewing source. In fact, the more I offer myself in love, in the spirit of humble service, the more of myself I have to give. The gifts of love and compassion are of God expressing through me, a fulfillment of my divine nature. One of the best ways I can experience God is through the expression of my divinity, especially when I use my gifts in the service of others. This is how God’s grace spreads throughout the world, one caring heart, one helping hand at a time.

When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion.—Acts 11:23

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Let Go Let God Believe

I Believe The Best About Myself And Others.

As I have matured spiritually, I have grown in many ways, deepening in understanding, blossoming in joy, evolving in compassion. Along the way, I have come to regard myself as a spiritual being, fully human and fully divine. I believe this is the truth of me, and I live into my divinity more fully every day. I now see others as divine beings as well. I look beyond our differences and conflicts when I remember that others are just as divine as I am. With each new encounter, I discover the Christ anew. I believe in each person’s goodness and grace. I believe that no matter the outer condition or circumstance, each one is the light of God in expression, just as I am.

The faith that you have, have as your own conviction before God. Blessed are those who have no reason to condemn themselves because of what they approve.—Romans 14:22

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Let Go Let God With Zeal

I Greet The Day With Eagerness And Enthusiasm.

Just as the birds chirp first thing in the morning, greeting the day with joyful song, I, too, welcome each day with eagerness and enthusiasm. My zeal for life shines forth with the sun’s morning rays, illuminating the day ahead. No matter what the day holds, I am excited for every opportunity to live from my highest self. I am confident I can do all that is mine to do. No matter the size of my undertaking, a feeling of gratitude feeds my zealous energy. Every thought and feeling of appreciation for this moment of life fuels the fire, stoking my passion to put forth my best efforts. The more eagerly I anticipate all life has to offer, the more zeal propels me. Every day, I draw upon this divine energy and spring forth to do the things I need and want to do.

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.”—John 4:34

Monday, August 1, 2022

Let Go Let God Enter Inner Peace

I Enter My Inner Sanctuary And Breathe In Peace.

Inner peace is a sanctuary I can enter at any time. Just knowing this space exists within me helps me feel grounded and secure. I bolster this feeling through daily scripture reading and ongoing spiritual education. As I devote myself to these explorations, I discover deep knowing arising within, a blissful assurance that all is well. I respond to this truth and feel myself relax. The breath is also an access point to reclaim peace. When I focus my attention on the rhythm of my breathing, my body begins to settle. All my worries and tension fall away like sand descending to the bottom of a lake, leaving behind clear, placid water. I enter my inner sanctuary where everything is still, and I breathe in the serenity.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.—John 14:27