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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Let Go Let God With Acceptance

Acceptance Keeps My Mind Clear And My Heart Light.

In the past, I may have resisted certain people and situations, insisting that they should have been different than they were. Living that way gave me no peace. Now I practice acceptance. Accepting life as it is empowers me to shift my perspective and make new choices. I accept others as the spiritual beings they are. I also accept my circumstances, even as I understand I have the power to change them. I accentuate my blessings and choose to learn from any confusion or difficulties. My acceptance has its roots in my faith and trust in God, knowing I am always loved just the way I am. Even so, I strive to become all I am called to be, expressing my greatest attributes and seeing value in all others.

Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have.—Philippians 4:11

Monday, May 30, 2022

Let Go Let God Remember

I Remember And Give Thanks Today.

With reverence, I honor those who have come before me. I may lay flowers on a grave site or participate in a sacred ceremony. No matter how I remember, the love and respect I hold in my heart keep these dear ones alive forever in my mind and heart. With this thought, I bless them for their unique contributions, courage, and selflessness. I also bless family members who contributed to my life, knowing I am here because they lived. I honor their legacy by giving thanks for my place in my family. I bless friends who are no longer present in my life. I give thanks for the love and laughter we shared. In a spirit of gratitude and respect, I resolve to fill this day with love, light, peace, and respect. I will think of them and remember.

The memory of the righteous is a blessing.—Proverbs 10:7

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Let Go Let God Bring Comfort

The Love In My Heart Is My Comfort.

If the sadness of loss diminishes my joy as I think of happy experiences with the loved ones who are no longer with me, I remember that the love we shared will bind us together always. Love can never die. Love, the most beautiful attribute of God, is present always and everywhere. I am comforted as my heart opens to the divine love within me, knowing that this same love enfolds all of those I hold dear, no matter where they are on the eternal journey of life. Peace and strength grow in my awareness as I open myself to love’s expression. I bless everyone who comes to mind today with a loving thought. I speak a loving word or perform a simple act of kindness whenever I can. As I bring comfort to others, I am comforted also.

Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise to your servant.—Psalm 119:76

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Let Go Let God Heal

As I Heal, I Awaken To Wholeness.

Moving through life means I will encounter times of wellness and illness, pleasure and pain, triumph and tragedy. I may be tempted to think these changing realities are all there are to life, but they are just a small part of who and what I am. My body will carry me through this lifetime, but my soul is eternal. There is nothing I am ever missing, and no deficit or sickness can ever change that. I am always whole. Knowing my personal history yet knowing I am so much more helps me cherish the gift of life, no matter the experience of the moment. I do all I can to support my health, including affirming and claiming my wholeness as a perfectly made child of God.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.—3 John 1:2

Friday, May 27, 2022

Let Go Let God See With Clarity

As A Spiritual Being, I See With Clarity.

When I choose to live from my divine identity, I am seeing the world through a spiritual lens. I rise above minor irritations and annoyances and view all people and situations as channels through which goodwill and kindness express. I am always choosing how to view and respond to life’s circumstances. When I live from my human nature, I may not always react in a way that blesses myself or others. But when I commit to beholding God everywhere and in all people, everything changes for me. I gain the clarity that may have been obscured by the limiting idea that I am separate from God and my human family. I see the world clearly when I remain centered in the love of Spirit.

But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?—Job 28:12

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Let Go Let God Use Strength

I Possess Strength To Accomplish Whatever Is Required Of Me.

With physical exercise, I strengthen my muscles. Moving my body regularly provides me with immediate and long-term benefits. Yet my strength is not limited to the amount of weight I can lift or how fast or far I can walk or run. Strength is also one of my divine gifts. I use my spiritual strength to give myself all the energy and stamina I need for as long as I need it. I demonstrate strength as commitment to a cause, the determination to reach a goal, or even the resilience to pick myself up after a setback and keep going. I bolster my inner fortitude with prayer and a positive, can-do attitude. There is no challenge too great or goal too distant for me to accomplish with the divine gift of inner strength.

On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul.—Psalm 138:3

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Let Go Let God Find Guidance

I Seek And Find Guidance Deep Within My Heart.

Seeking direction from outside myself can be helpful, but it’s no match for the divine guidance I discern from within. I turn my attention to my heart, where I access my intuition, inner wisdom, and guidance through the power of the Christ within. I discover all the wisdom I need through my innate connection with God. Deep within my heart I find deep knowing that comes from oneness with the Divine. The influences in my life will always come and go, but the guiding light in my heart will never dim and cannot be extinguished. I trust my ability to connect with my heart’s intuition and know that when I follow the guidance I discover within, I am never led astray.

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.—Psalm 32:8

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Let Go Let God On The Journey

Life Is  A Journey, And I Do Not Travel Alone.

I am grateful for all opportunities to appreciate life’s details, large and small. Nature’s beauty, lively exchanges with charming people, and new tastes, scents, and sounds will present themselves. I am swept up in the joy of exploration. Interesting travel or even everyday jaunts are opportunities to have fun and experience the world around me. Whether the road I’m on takes me to a local market or the far side of the earth, I travel lightly knowing I undertake every journey with God. I am surrounded by divine light, love, and protection, sheltered by faith in God. I may begin with a single step, but my spiritual journey lasts for eternity. There is no need for haste because, with God, I have all I need for a successful trip.

The Lord has made my journey successful.—Genesis 24:56

Monday, May 23, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Protected

I Am Always Divinely Protected.

I am a divine being, always invulnerable at the level of Spirit, no matter where I am or what is happening around me. Of course, it is important to be aware of my surroundings at all times and to take practical steps to ensure my safety and security. Just as important is remaining mindful of my divine nature by nourishing myself every day through prayer, mindfulness practices, and devotional reading that deepen my awareness of God. Before I step outside my door, I affirm that God is within me. Surely, I am surrounded, enfolded, and uplifted by divine love, strength, and protection at all times. It is always a part of me wherever I am, whatever I do. I relax, trusting that the one presence and power surrounds me always.

I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come?—Psalm 121:1

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Begin My Journey Of Forgiveness.

Unforgiveness is a heavy bag of rocks I carry on my shoulders. When I drop the bag and begin to set the rocks aside one by one, I embark upon a healing journey. God is with and within me on this journey as my constant support and strength. When forgiveness feels difficult, I need only return my attention to Spirit’s constant loving and accepting presence within me. Reestablishing my conscious connection brings warm and welcoming acceptance. It is an important step in the unburdening process of forgiveness. I forgive others as well as myself, knowing each act of forgiveness increases my freedom to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.—Colossians 3:13

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Let Go Let God Use Will

I Think And Act In Ways That Bless Me And All Others.

When I speak the words I will, I focus my energy and act with confidence and enthusiasm. I remember times when I have used will, my spiritual power to choose, to make choices that have blessed my life and the lives of people I care about. I have also learned from those times when I misused my power of will to make choices I have come to regret. Experience has taught me that divine understanding complements will. This spiritual gift is my knowledge, my ability to perceive the spiritual truths beyond all worldly circumstances. Guided by my divine understanding, I now choose to think and act in ways that put the light of truth and the love of God first, blessing me and all others in my orbit.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10

Friday, May 20, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Friendly

I Am A Friend To All.

We have all known people who were so friendly, so full of life, that just being in their presence lifted our hearts and soothed our spirits. I know that like those friendly folks, I also have the power to brighten the lives of those around me. I resolve to make this world a friendlier and better place. I take this moment to ponder which steps I can take to be a friend to all I meet. Something as subtle as a smile or a compliment could make more of a difference to someone than I realize. My times of prayer also provide me with an opportunity to generate light and love for humankind. As I envision each person centered in the vibration and energy of God, I fulfill and share my spirit of loving goodwill.

Do not forsake your friend or the friend of your parent.—Proverbs 27:10

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Let Go, Let God

I Release Human Limitation And Follow Divine Love And Wisdom.

Sometimes when I don’t know which way to turn, the most empowering thing I can do is to let go and let God. I am not giving up and admitting defeat. Rather, I am giving myself over to the truth that I am a divine being living a human experience. I let go. I feel relief as my ego no longer insists on finding its own way. My energy moves from stubborn willfulness to the sublime peace of willingness. I tap into the limitless understanding of divine mind and discern possibilities that my human understanding did not discover. I let God. Guided by divine understanding within, I think clearly and act with confidence. I trust I will find the path that leads to the greatest good for all.

The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.—John 14:10

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Let Go Let God Discover Beauty

With Deep Gratitude, I Discover A Beautiful World.

With a mindful intention to discover the sacred nature of all things, I find beauty everywhere. A breeze caressing trees resembles graceful dancers bending and swaying in unison. Sunlight reflecting off the water dazzles like a million diamonds blazing their brilliance. Even the way my bones and muscles come together to move my body is a marvel. When I see someone engaged in something they love, I witness their joy made manifest. They are simply beautiful beyond measure. The awesome magnificence of existence is breathtakingly, overwhelmingly beautiful. As I behold the stunning grace and artistry all around me, every fiber of my being sings a song of thanksgiving for the gift of being alive.

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.—Psalm 50:2

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Let Go Let God Spread World Peace

I Am A Part Of The Endless Flow Of The Peace Of God.

I train my thoughts on world peace by focusing my time and energy on positive people and situations. I bless the many ways in which the peace of God is elevating thoughts, creating harmony, and spreading peace and understanding throughout the world. I am grateful to be part of that healing energy. Just as a small creek will eventually flow into a river with many tributaries and lakes, thoughts of peace and compassion will flow from one person and spread among others from communities to countries. Peaceful thoughts generate positive, loving energy manifesting as willingness to listen, cooperate, and live in harmony with all others. Tomorrow’s peaceful world begins in my mind and heart today.

Let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it.—1 Peter 3:11

Monday, May 16, 2022

Let Go Let God Shine Light

My Inner Light Sets Me Aglow.

When I feel at one with God, I am aglow, shining the light of spiritual truth. Like a candle flame, my inner light makes the divinity of all the world’s people visible to me. Beholding the Christ light all around me makes my heart expand, making me ready to share the love I’d previously held inside or reserved for those closest to me. Today I keep my mind on God and let my divine light shine everywhere. As I remember that God is absolute good, everything else falls away. I am God’s beloved child, and the light within me is pure and strong. I am bright and brilliant, the light of God uniquely expressing as me. With love and in peace, I bless others with my beaming positivity.

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.—Matthew 5:16

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Let Go Let God Accept Freedom

Taking Responsibility For My Life Leads Me To Freedom.

Each life has its share of ups and downs. Like most people, I have felt blessed by my happy experiences and laid low by my more difficult ones. I have used the spiritual tools of forgiveness and gratitude to learn from and move beyond my more painful experiences. This kind of spiritual housekeeping is my key to lasting freedom. By releasing blame and regret—over and over again if necessary—I am ensuring that I will not be bound by the past and limited by an outworn image of myself. Life is dynamic and so am I. My growth is dependent upon my forward movement, and I commit to embracing the freedom that comes from leaving the past behind. With gratitude, I bless the person I was. With faith, I reach unencumbered for the person I am becoming.

For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters.—Galatians 5:13

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Generous

The Love Of God Expresses Through My Generous Heart.

Having a generous nature colors the world with happiness. Instead of looking around and seeing nothing more than unmet needs, I see opportunities to share of myself through gifts and acts of service. Even if I give money or other goods, what I’m really sharing is the love in my heart, which is inexhaustible. I share of myself lavishly. I see myself as a conduit of an abundant universe. My gifts come through me, not just from me. The nature of love is to give, and give abundantly. God is love, and I am that love in expression. Whatever I choose to share, be it my time, talent, or treasure, my generosity blesses me and others through the sacred act of giving.

He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”—Luke 21:3-4

Friday, May 13, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Praying For Others Blesses Me.

Being asked to hold someone in prayer is a precious gift I receive with gratitude. This high calling to pray for another person establishes a sacred trust between us. I honor this trust each time I behold the divine presence within them even when—especially when—they may not. If they have lost hope or are feeling bewildered, I hold the high watch. I visualize them as spiritually perfect, abundantly blessed, and thriving in all areas of life. Whenever I hold them in prayer, I silently affirm their divine nature. Through the power of their divinity, they are capable of overcoming whatever may be before them. Praying for others lifts me up as well. I deepen my spiritual awareness as I pray to strengthen theirs. Blessings abound.

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.—Ephesians 1:16

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Let Go Let God Find Prosperity

My Life Overflows With Richness.

Turning my attention to the abundant wealth present in nature, I find evidence of prosperity all around me. I see billions of grains of sand stretching out across the shoreline and feel the abundance of warm sunlight on my skin. At night I take in the magnitude of the universe as I gaze at the stars sparkling far above me. The vastness of the sky seems to go on forever, just as the riches of life extend beyond what my eyes can see. I discover these treasures in my life, just as I do in nature. When I mindfully count my many blessings, I realize I am prosperous. Beyond material riches, I find love, joy and laughter, and peace all around me. Each blessing, whether big or small, contributes to my prosperity.

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Let Go Let God Accept Grace

I Gratefully Accept The Gift Of Grace.

I am lifted in consciousness and freed from limitations as I accept the gift of grace. Grace is the power of divine love that helps me heal and overcome. It is the protective power that saves me from the full impact of my mistakes. As I quiet my mind and become aware of the channel through which grace and love flow, I open myself to divine good that is greater than I can imagine for myself. I forgive myself and others, release error beliefs, and renew my being. Grace flows freely, taking the form of creative ideas and energy to support me as I follow my dreams and pursue my purpose. I am grateful for grace in its many manifestations that help me live in full awareness of God’s love, light, and presence.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.—Ephesians 2:8

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Let Go Let God Live Life

My Life Is Made Full Through The Love Of God.

My life is wonderfully bountiful with endless opportunities for growth and discovery. I learn about the world by exploring vibrantly diverse landscapes of natural beauty and human-made marvels. I learn about myself when I pursue my passions and do the things that give me the greatest joy. My life is always rich, even at the lower times. After all, not every sunrise brings good news. Sometimes life hurts. Other times it can feel dull and pointless. At those moments, I find my refuge in the steadfast love of God, abundant and overflowing in all life, including mine. I regain my enthusiasm for life, determined to use my gift to the fullest. I always have something to learn, to share, to give. The more fully I live in the world, the more aware I am of God.

You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.—Job 10:12

Monday, May 9, 2022

Let Go Let God Feel Inner Peace

 I Set My Daily Intention For Peace.

The world feels peaceful as the sun rises and a new day begins. I am serene as the sky grows light and my neighborhood comes to life. I bring a positive expectancy to the day as I carry the tranquility of the sunrise with me. No matter what may come my way, I remain grounded and peaceful. I take unwelcome or unsettling experiences as an invitation to return to peacefulness. I see the soft, blended colors in my mind’s eye and return my attention to the morning’s stillness. I breathe deeply and feel calm. The peace of God fills me, and I move forward with utmost confidence, calm and steady. At day’s end, I prepare for sleep, ready to greet tomorrow’s sunrise with quiet joy and abiding peace.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Let Go Let God As A Mothers' Blessing

I Bless All Mothers Everywhere.

The word mother brings to mind love, gentleness, nurturance, and compassion. Even if I did not experience these qualities from the woman who gave me life, I give thanks for them in everyone who has inspired me and touched my life. To my mother and everyone who has blessed me with a mother’s care, I send you love. I say a prayer of thanks for your presence in my life, for the sacrifices you made to give me the opportunity to grow and learn. You taught me the power of love and gentleness and the strength found in giving. You taught me above all to be true to myself. You are a leader who has taught me to lead by example. I send you thoughts of infinite love and peace as I join with others in gratitude and joy today.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.—Proverbs 31:26

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Let Go Let God Sparkle

The Radiant Light Of God Shines Brightly In Me.

There is a twinkle in my eye and a spring in my step today. Colors look brighter and the sounds of life entice me. Sensing the divine pulse beating within the heart of all things, I join in the rhythm, adding my own vibration to the song of this day. The light of God doesn’t just surround me, it glows from within me, a beacon for all to see. God’s love fills my heart to overflowing, and I take every chance I get to let that love flow. I feel the power of God pulsing through me, inspiring me to reach for the stars. The presence of God in all things illuminates them until they sparkle and gleam with radiant light. Awake and aware of Spirit within, I embody it for everyone to see.

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Sleeper, awake! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”—Ephesians 5:13-14

Friday, May 6, 2022

Let Go Let God With Faith

My Faith Is An Enduring Source Of Peace.

Faith is the anchor that keeps me secure in my awareness of God. While the waves of life may feel choppy and the winds of change swirl around me, I remain calm, steadfast in faith that God is within and all around me through every season of life. My mind and heart are calm as I let go of any needs or concerns and feel the deep peace of God. My faith helps me release my worries and troubles and believe in the absolute goodness of God. I move through life with a peace that surpasses all understanding and a joy that I am always moving in the direction of my highest good. My faith helps me believe that deep below the water’s surface is calm, no matter how rough winds churn the waves of life.

Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.—Romans 5:1

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Let Go Let God Celebrate Life

I Celebrate Life Every Day.

My heart delights when I gather with friends and loved ones in celebration. Birthdays, weddings, and holidays—there are so many ways to feel joy when we come together to enjoy one another’s company. I honor my connection with those close to me by celebrating their successes and accomplishments, sharing in their joy. While special days may call for festivity or ceremony, I choose to celebrate life every day. I rejoice in the infinite possibilities each new day offers. I am enlivened by indwelling Spirit to enjoy my surroundings and seize opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with the world around me. My celebratory attitude keeps me aware of all the reasons for joy that are mine to express.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.—Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Let Go Let God Create Harmony

Divine Love And Understanding Help Me Create Harmony.

The discordant sounds I hear as members of an orchestra begin to tune their instruments delight me because I know the musicians will soon create beautiful harmonies as they work together to bring a composer’s work to life. If I hear discordant notes of disagreement or tension among family or friends, I am not dismayed. Instead, I appreciate the unique set of insights, joys, gifts, and concerns each one brings to the conversation. I remember the orchestra. I attune my mind and heart to the divine love and understanding within me and discern these same qualities in everyone around me. Working together, guided by Spirit, we create harmony.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.—Colossians 3:14

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Let Go Let God Trust In Divine Order

I Trust In Divine Order And Feel Safe.

The apparent chaos of the world might have me feeling shaken and fearful. When I wish to regain my feelings of security, I remember all things work together for good. I recall times when I didn’t know how a situation would resolve, how impossible a good solution seemed. And yet I can look back on those times and see how certain things had to happen before the result I wished for could manifest. My trust in divine order helps me relax. I look beyond apparent disarray to the divine structure that holds everything together and brings orderly unfolding to all manifestation. Divine order is a blessing, a constant comfort that reminds me I am always safe and supported even in times I don’t feel that way. I believe in God and trust in divine order.

The fear of others lays a snare, but one who trusts in the Lord is secure.—Proverbs 29:25

Monday, May 2, 2022

Let Go Let God Awaken

I Awaken To The Awesome Power Of God Within And Around Me.

Not merely awake, I am awakened. I feel vibrantly alive and keenly aware of the presence of God within all things. When I come upon a flower, I remember it was once a seed, and I trust it will bear seeds that carry on the cycle of life. I pause to marvel at the turning seasons, appreciating the order that underlies all change. As I awaken to the glory of a world teeming with life, I discover God anew. All the marvels I discover around me pale in comparison to the marvels I realize are always within me. I am a divine being, expressing the goodness, wisdom, and love of God as only I can. This awareness empowers me as I awaken to the creative, generative power of my thoughts and feelings to create my experience of life.

Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn.—Psalm 57:8

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Let Go Let God Feel Joy

I Carry Joy In My Heart.

My many happy experiences and memories may lead me to feel joyful, but I know they are not the source of my joy. One of my divine gifts, joy is part of my spiritual identity, as close to me as my next breath. Joy wells up and spills over within me when I bring my awareness to my spiritual nature and to my oneness with all good and all life. It is an attitude I hold in mind and a feeling in my heart. The happiness I feel in life depends on my allowing my inner wellspring of joy to come forth. I nurture my joy by maintaining a regular prayer practice that enhances my awareness of God and by making time for the things that make me happiest. I go into the world grateful for the joy that resides within me, my gift to share generously.

For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.—Isaiah 55:12