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Friday, September 30, 2022

Let Go Let God In Comfort

I Am Enfolded In Divine Love And Peace.

Though sometimes I may feel lonely at the lower points of my life, I am never really alone. The divine presence is always with me, and this is my enduring source of comfort. Pain and doubt visit everyone at some point. I am blessed to know that God is with me even in the challenging parts of life. Believing in the truth of my spiritual nature is a comfort and source of peace. I am filled with gratitude for this understanding because it helps me trust that I can never be abandoned or forsaken. I am also grateful when others reach out to me from the depths of their divinity. I feel the presence of God in their kind words, compassionate acts, and warm hugs. I feel soothed and comforted knowing God’s love is forever in and all around me.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.—Matthew 5:4

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Let Go Let God Grow

I Grow Through Life And Love The Journey.

All life is growth. From a baby and then to a child, I ultimately grew into a self-aware, loving, thinking adult. I developed as my life’s journey progressed—physically, intellectually, and emotionally. I have also grown spiritually, finding God everywhere and in everyone. Throughout all stages of life, my faith in God’s goodness grows and deepens. I trust that the peace, perfection, and love of God are mine to express as only I can. As I come to trust my divine nature, I grow in poise and confidence, sharing my compassion and kindness. I also am growing in awareness of myself as a spiritual being, abundantly blessed and powerful beyond measure.

Your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of everyone of you for one another is increasing.—2 Thessalonians 1:3

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Let Go, Let God

I Deepen In Trust As I Release Control.

It is such a relief not to have to maintain and sustain everything through my will or effort alone. As I release my worries and trust the Divine, what I am actually releasing is the illusion of control. My concerns are replaced with trust that I am nurtured, guided, and protected through all the seasons of life. I am one with this greater wholeness, drawing forth all the resources of the higher power of God. There is nothing for me to fear. Everything is being resolved in a way that may be invisible to my eyes but is apparent in my heart. I am grateful the circumstances in my life are working out for the best. My connection with my Source lifts me into the higher spiritual realm where I let go and trust God.

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.—Philippians 4:6

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Let Go Let God Provide Insight

My Insight Leads Me On A Deepening Journey Of Spiritual Discovery.

How wonderfully blessed I am to be on a journey of spiritual growth. No matter how much I learn or how much I come to understand, my greatest growth is that which leads me on a path home to myself. As I have traveled my path, I may have felt frustrated or even a little discouraged believing I was not growing in understanding quickly enough. But even if it had occurred more slowly than I wanted, my growth has been happening all along. Little by little, my insight has deepened, awakening me to the truth of my divinity and the power of my spiritual gifts. My insight shows me that I am fully divine, just as I am fully human. I have everything I need to live in the world, and I am everything I could ever need to express the goodness of God.

I have good advice and sound wisdom; I have insight, I have strength.—Proverbs 8:14

Monday, September 26, 2022

Let Go Let God Begin

Through The Power Of God, I Have The Courage To Begin.

Throughout the journey of my life, I have begun again and again. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next one. I take some time to celebrate my accomplishments before I undertake something new. But when I feel ready to begin again, I jump in and get started without hesitation. Even if I feel a little fearful, I remember God is always with me and within me, stirring me, animating me with life, intelligence, and the power to accomplish all that is mine to do. My divine light, my talents, and my skills are meant to be shared—to serve others and to help make the world a better place. This motivates me as I move confidently in the direction of my dreams. I face each day with courage, ready to begin, trusting I am supported in all that I do.

But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.—2 Chronicles 15:7

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Let Go Let God Live In Harmony

Harmony Is The Song Of My Life.

Harmony is an integral part of music, adding layers of intricacy and depth. Without harmony and rhythm, a musical composition would be little more than a dissonant cacophony. With the resolution of each chord and the synchronization of every note, a symphony can touch my soul with peace. Similarly, my soul finds peace as I seek accord in my relationships and every interaction I have. From a place of love and tranquility, I bring compassion to every situation. With the give-and-take of compromise, I build understanding and trust. I approach every interaction with faith and the expectation of harmonious results. Harmonizing my mind and heart with the world around me, I welcome and do my part to create goodwill, meaning, and beauty.

Live in harmony with one another.—Romans 12:16

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Let Go Let God Walk In Guidance

I Walk In The Light Of God.

I am grateful for the constant, supportive presence of God guiding me in every moment. I know I am never alone. Looking back on moments of uncertainty or confusion, I recall how I relied upon God as my divine source of intuition. The radiant light of the indwelling Christ illuminates my mind and warms my heart, filling me with the awareness of God’s guiding presence. Whether I need an answer, a path to conflict resolution, or the inspiration to begin something new, I am grateful to know God is always my source of guidance. I am so grateful for the guidance of indwelling Spirit, always with me as a loving presence as I create the life of my dreams.

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong.—Isaiah 58:11

Friday, September 23, 2022

Let Go Let God Eagerly

I Eagerly Welcome The Goodness Of God In All Of Its Glory.

Children are so eager to learn, play, and experience life. They face each new day with expectation and wonder. I can live that way, too, when I reclaim that same eagerness. No matter my age or station in life, I am always and forever a child of God, blessed with a spirit of hope and joy. I face each day with a positive expectation and blissful confidence. I am eager to try new things and approach life with zeal that keeps me engaged and interested in the world around me. Quiet contemplation helps me realize my oneness with God and carry that realization throughout the day. I begin each morning by affirming: I am open and receptive to my good and end each evening with the prayer I am grateful for the blessings in my life. Amen.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.—Psalm 51:12

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Let Go Let God With Faith

With Faith, I Step Into My Bright, Brilliant Future.

My faith empowers me to face all circumstances with hope and positive expectancy. In tougher times when I am not able to see my way forward, I rely on faith. I release the need to control details and timing and trust I am divinely guided. Just as I have faith the sun will rise each morning, I have faith in the power and presence of God. This is the same power that is always flowing through me. I do not need to know my entire path. In faith and with confidence, I leave the comfortable and familiar and step boldly into the unknown. With each fresh new step, I live the truth of my faith in God and in my own ever-expanding potential.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For World Peace

I Am The Peace That Surpasses Understanding.

Forty-one years ago, the United Nations General Assembly designated the International Day of Peace. During these 24 hours, a ceasefire is called in any active combat and groups all over the world gather to make lasting peace a reality. I support this effort today and every day as I do my part to help establish peace in the world. My efforts will be infinitely multiplied as they join millions more. Together, those small acts carry the power to shift the balance of the world for good. I am peace in action. Every time I respond instead of react, I create peace. Every time I wait to speak so that I can listen more deeply, I create peace. Every time I heed my heart’s wisdom, I create peace.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.—Colossians 3:15

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Free

I Am Free. I Am Unlimited.

When I feel hindered or blocked by circumstances, anxious about the future and unable to move forward, or bound to the past by my memories, I step back and take a higher perspective to see in new and freeing ways. I free myself when I remember I am a spiritual being, empowered through my divine gifts and the power of my thoughts to create my life. I find my freedom in the present moment—the freedom to choose my thoughts, the freedom to place my focus, and the freedom to act—and I stay open to changing circumstances and responsive to the world around me. Whenever I feel constricting anxiety and worry beginning to build, I return to the present moment by affirming: I am free. I am unlimited.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Monday, September 19, 2022

Let Go Let God In Grace

I Am Gratefully Enfolded In God's Comforting Grace.

As I learn and grow through life, I may fall short at times or make mistakes. Each stumble teaches me how to get up and move on wiser and stronger; every fall includes the grace and mercy needed to rise again. Remembering that God is within every step I take, I relax into divine love and understanding and my indwelling guidance. I am a part of all that is God, created in the image and likeness of divine perfection. I am always worthy of mercy and forgiveness. Even better, it is there before I could even hope for it. Unafraid, I clearly open myself to the guidance that leads me to do my best, trusting that what comes is filled with the guiding grace that will see me through any situation.

Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.—Hebrews 4:16

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Thoughtful

My Kind Thoughts And Deeds Are A Blessing.

Today I bring the love and peace of God to all of my encounters by being thoughtful. More than politeness and deeper than kindness, thoughtfulness means I consider the comfort and happiness of others equal to my own. My intention is to let those in my life know what they mean to me. I may reach out to someone who needs a encouraging word, letting them know they have what it takes to succeed. I may surprise someone with a kind act, anticipating a need and taking care of something for them before they have to ask. Each thoughtful word and act lets those in my life know how important they are to me and how worthy they are of my time and attention.

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.—Hebrews 13:16

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Pray And Relax Into Divine Possibilities. 

When I pray with others, I gather all my feelings of love, support, compassion, and protection, and I focus on the highest and best outcomes. I visualize the people, places, or situations that concern me, patiently bringing details and feelings clearly into focus. I do not deny present realities, but I reach beyond them to touch the peace and perfection of God as I pray. Then, through the power of concentration, I send my prayerful energy outward. I relax as I yield my worldly concerns about others to God. I trust in divinely inspired outcomes, which so often surpass anything the human mind can imagine. In perfect trust, I say amen.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.—Romans 8:26

Friday, September 16, 2022

Let Go Let God Soar

I Elevate My Mind To Align With Spirit.

A bird soars high in the sky, majestic in its synchronous movements with the wind. I close my eyes and imagine I, too, am spreading my wings. I hold in mind the image of the bird rising high above the physical plane. I ascend into Spirit, elevating my mind to align with divine truth. Connected in consciousness with God, I soar ever upward. Earthbound, I may behold only what is in front of me, but when I take flight, my perspective shifts to include a bigger picture. From this elevated vantage, I can more easily remember the connection of myself and all beings to God. I rise above limiting beliefs about myself and others and let go of feelings and thoughts that diminish me. I feel light as I ease into the awareness of Spirit, and I soar the way I am meant to.

Who are these that fly like a cloud, and like doves to their windows?—Isaiah 60:8

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Let Go Let God Be Forgiven

All My Mistakes Are Now Forgiven.

When I offer forgiveness to someone who has hurt me, I may be surprised that lingering feelings of resentment or anger continue to trouble me. I may wonder whether forgiveness is worthwhile, even if the one who hurt me is worthy of forgiveness. When this discomfort visits me, I say a prayer, quietly affirming: I bless, release, and forgive myself for unkind deeds or thoughts I have put forth. I bless, release, and forgive all others. I am blessed, released, and forgiven. I return to this prayer as often as I need to until the pain of resentment recedes. Just as the dawn comes after the longest nights, forgiveness brightens and lightens my heart until the memory of hurt fades completely and I am able to move forward.

But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.—Psalm 130:4

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

I Am In The Flow Of Prosperity.

Even in my leanest times, even during my darkest hours, I can find blessings for which to be grateful. When I center my awareness in the presence of God, I discover abundance everywhere. This awareness helps me relax and take my place in the flow of prosperity, welcoming blessings into my life and sharing freely of what I have. Living a prosperous life is a commitment to behold God in all things. It is the faith that there is enough to meet every need, and my prayerful intention and gratitude are encouraging manifestation. Prosperity is my commitment to sharing generously of myself, knowing my resources can never be depleted and my good is without limit.

They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.—Psalm 36:8

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Let Go Let God Protect

I Am Sheltered In The Protecting Presence Of God.

My home protects me from inhospitable weather, keeping me safe and comfortable. I remain warm and dry as I hear the rain against the windows and see the wind rustle the trees. I don’t fear the coming of harsh weather because I know my home will shelter me. Likewise, I do not fear the conditions of the world because I know I have shelter within God. When the storms of life shake me to my core, I know I can turn within for the safety and security of God. Shaking off the storm, I put my energy on the light and love of Spirit’s ever-present protection. I am covered by the invisible armor of divine love as I practice the presence of God. I have solid footing wherever I go and whatever I do.

Then you will walk on your way securely and your foot will not stumble.—Proverbs 3:23

Monday, September 12, 2022

Let Go Let God Send Blessings

My Life Overflows With Blessings.

Before enjoying a meal, I may offer a blessing, recognizing those whose energy and effort made the meal possible. From the farmers, to the truckers, to the grocers and the cooks, so many people had a vital part to play. I send them blessings, and I give thanks for the life-giving sustenance the food will provide. I take this awareness to all areas of my life. I bless my surroundings, my body, and my health. I bless the support I receive from friends and family. I bless my growth through work and play, through my relationships, and through my relationship with God. God is the true blessing in all things—the dear souls in my life, opportunities and adventures, and the world and its natural and human-made wonders. Each blesses me abundantly.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.—Psalm 103:1

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Let Go Let God In Remembrance

You Live In My Heart.

Whether they have passed on recently or many years ago, the people for whom I have cared deeply are alive in my heart. If I feel sad or lonely for those I miss, I pause to recall a special memory or something unique about them that made even ordinary days feel magical. Reflecting on the love and joy we shared and the blessings their lives afforded me, I feel comforted. I am thankful that these memories will always be mine to treasure. I know that life does not end with death. Life is eternal, and my loved ones will always be beautiful, beloved expressions of Spirit. I am grateful those who have passed from this life experience continue to live in Spirit and are forever in my heart.

For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever.—Psalm 112:6

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Let Go Let God Treasure Life

I Am So Grateful For My Life.

The gift of life is precious and I treasure it. But sometimes it is easy to get so bogged down with day-to-day living that I forget to rejoice in life. No matter my struggles, I refuse to let them overshadow the good in my life or blind me to the magnificence of life around me. The beauty and variety of the natural world fills my senses and makes my heart sing. Today I boldly take my place in the world as a unique expression of life. Fully human and fully divine, I embrace living with energy, enthusiasm, and joy. My positive outlook and attitude make all the difference. My highest, most vibrant life is mine to create with my thoughts and through my faith. I begin each day grateful for the gift of life.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Proverbs 4:23

Friday, September 9, 2022

Let Go Let God Honor Feelings

I Honor And Nurture My Tender Feelings.

Today I take some time to become aware of and honor my feelings. If someone’s words or actions have hurt me, I let myself be vulnerable, sharing my pain with someone I trust. If I’m feeling sad, I let my blue feelings wash over me, trusting that my tears will cleanse me and my tender heart will heal. I also honor feelings of happiness and bliss, taking time to notice my soul’s lightness and to feel my heart’s fullness. These feelings fill me and color my experience of the world with brightness and vibrancy. I find God in the spectrum of my feelings. God’s love comforts me in times of sorrow, and God’s joy lifts me in times of cheer. I honor my feelings and feel the presence of God.

Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.—1 Peter 3:8

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Let Go Let God On This World Day Of Prayer

I Hold The High Watch As I Pray.

With a faith-filled and thankful heart, I align my thoughts and feelings with spiritual truth. From this peaceful, powerful place, I hold the high watch as I pray. When praying with people I know, I visualize them healthy and vibrant. I see them at peace with all their needs met. My vision becomes a living prayer as I affirm their innate divinity. Broadening my view, I focus on the well-being of all people, all the world’s creatures, and our earth home. I envision the vibrations of my heartfelt prayer reaching everywhere as I rest in the peace of God. As I touch the peace and perfection of God, the oneness I feel lifts my consciousness and raises the vibration of health, love, and life for everyone touched by my prayerful blessing.

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.—Colossians 4:2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Let Go Let God Live In Inner Peace

I Live From The Peace In My Heart.

Peace dwells in my mind and heart, allowing me to respond with poise and serenity, even in the midst of turmoil. I give no fearful or anxious energy to outer circumstances. These are like a lake’s choppy waves on a windy day. The serenity of my soul is like the water at depth that always remains calm and still. I notice the waves on the surface but let them float away as I focus my attention on the stillness within. Remaining centered, I remember to live lightly, laugh, and be kind. I do not compare myself to others. I steer clear of negativity—stepping away from people or situations that do not support my feeling of worth or that keep me from living my fullest life.

I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!—John 16:33

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Let Go Let God With Joy

Nothing Will Keep My Joy From Me.

I am a spiritual being. This is true during the lightest times in my life as well as the heaviest. What remains constant throughout all the seasons of life is joy. Like a well that can never run dry, my joy is a wellspring that keeps me anchored in faith and steeped in peace. I am calm, yet filled with positive expectancy, ready to respond to whatever life brings with creativity, compassion, and zeal. My joy and all other aspects of my divine identity have their roots in God. Whether my joy is finding expression as happiness, health, energy, or inner peace, I trust its constancy and its availability. Not subject to the shifting winds of circumstance, I can begin any endeavor with joy. It is my anchor, rooting me in God-centered, faith-filled living.

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.—Psalm 32:11

Monday, September 5, 2022

Let Go Let God Refresh

Refreshing My Mind, Body, And Soul Keeps My Heart Light.

Sometimes life seems so busy and I have so many demands on my time that I may feel out of balance. I take this as a signal to take some time away. I might plan a day trip or touch base with a dear friend or family member. I might take a walk and let my thoughts wander as I immerse myself in the beauty around me. Even if I can’t do any of those, I can usually take a few moments for myself wherever I am. I quiet my thoughts. I breathe deeply and affirm the presence of God. I let peace sink deep into my soul and rest there. Nothing but stillness surrounds and enfolds me. When I refresh myself with self-care, I come away recharged and renewed. I give thanks for these restful interludes and the opportunity to engage life with enthusiasm and energy.

It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body.—Proverbs 3:8

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Let Go Let God Know Ease

Beholding God In Every Circumstance Helps Me Know Ease.

It’s easy for me to find God in the glory of a sunrise and in the laughter of children and to feel God’s love as I get together with friends or family. Wherever there is wonder, joy, or fellowship, God is surely present. I remember that God is just as surely present when my responsibilities feel overwhelming, when conflict arises in a relationship, or when it feels as though there isn’t enough of what I need. If I begin to feel tense, fearful, or frustrated, I remember that wisdom, love, understanding, and strength—all of the divine qualities that live within me—are ready to help me handle any challenge. Assured by my awareness of God’s presence, I move with ease and grace through whatever this day brings.

Those who listen to me will be secure and will live at ease, without dread of disaster.—Proverbs 1:33

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Let Go Let God Claim Healing

I Am Restored To Health As I Claim My Wholeness.

In the natural world, I see the reflection of my own innate capacity for healing. From the salamander that can regrow its tail to the tree that flourishes after pruning, I find regeneration all around. These examples and more help me appreciate my body’s restorative abilities. Opportunities for healing invite me to know and claim my wholeness. When I am injured or ill, I care for myself and accept help from others. I support my healing process by attending to any physical or emotional wounds with compassion and nurturing. I provide myself with the resources I need to encourage my healing. No matter what prompts my healing journey, I always have the ability to experience my wholeness.

That evening they brought to him many who were possessed with demons; and he cast out the spirits with a word, and cured all who were sick.—Matthew 8:16

Friday, September 2, 2022

Let Go Let God Trust In Divine Order

I Trust In The Process Of Right Outcomes. 

When I want my crooked road to become straight or my bumpy journey to become smooth, I pray for divine order. While affirming divine order does not specify a desired outcome, it helps me yield to the Divine that is in and through every situation. I remember the apostle Paul wrote how all things work harmoniously toward ultimate good in the presence of love. This beautiful sentiment describes how a simple prayer of divine order works to bring about right and perfect outcomes. Divine awareness is always a part of me, and I align with it through this prayer. My connection with God leads me to the best possible outcome. I release my worries, and I trust in divine order.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Let Go Let God Awake

Awake, My Soul.

Each experience is a gift in awakening to my soul’s potential. Every day holds opportunities to grow and discover unknown parts of myself. With abiding trust, I welcome this ongoing enlightenment. With an open mind and heart, I stay present to these revelations and discoveries, even those that may be initially unsettling, as I gently explore those parts of myself I am discovering anew. Each new realization is my inspiration for further exploration. Like the blossom stretching beyond the calyx or the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, I grow beyond familiar boundaries. My life is made ever more fulfilling and beautiful as I welcome new revelations with faith and grace.

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make melody. Awake, my soul!—Psalm 108:1