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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Appreciate Simplicity

I Pause To Appreciate Life's Simplest Blessings.

Today I give thanks for the simplest blessings, the small things that bring a smile to my lips and a warm feeling to my heart. A hug from a friend, a cuddle from a grandchild, or stroking the soft fur of a beloved pet fills my awareness with love. The sudden lift I get seeing a favorite person’s handwriting in the mail or the thrill of spotting a rainbow after a cleansing rain shower spark lasting happiness in my heart. These things and more remind me that true contentment is found in life’s smallest moments, the everyday treasures that comprise daily life and draw me close to God. I focus on these simple blessings and grow in gratitude for my life’s many gifts. 

Happy are the people to whom such blessings fall; happy are the people whose God is the Lord.—Psalm 144:15

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Let Go, Let God

Faith Gives Me The Courage To Let Go.

Spirit flows like a river, the powerful life force that moves with purposeful direction. As I follow the current down the waterway, I relax and allow the forward movement to carry me. Free from resistance, I trust I am headed in the right direction. My faith gives me courage to let go. I no longer exhaust my energy paddling against the current only to discover the futility of my efforts. Feelings of frustration and defeat show me I am resisting the flow. I take notice. I pause and deeply exhale. As I release my breath, I release the need to control. I soften, becoming fluid like the water. Over and over, I let go and let the river guide me where I need to go. 

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.—Joshua 1:9

Friday, April 28, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

I Am In The Flow Of Prosperity

I am always growing, always changing. I cooperate with my growth and welcome positive change by freely circulating those items I’ve outgrown, items that no longer reflect who I am and who I’m becoming. I bless and release those items with gratitude, trusting they will go to those who need them to support their growth and development. Secure in my prosperity, I never fear being without what I need. I am in the flow of giving and receiving, one of countless channels sharing a single source. All abundance originates in God, and this knowledge is the key to prosperous living. I give and receive joyfully, with trust and gratitude. 

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Let Go Let God Discover Timelessness

I Thrive In The Timelessness Of Spirit.

So much in life feels scheduled and regimented. Over time, fitting my life around routines and obligations may ground me in the notion that life is small and time is short. Today I declare the opposite is true, and I rest in the timelessness of Spirit. In peaceful times of contemplation, I discover God anew in the quiet spaces between thoughts, between breaths, between that which has been and that which will be. In this sacred communion, time expands and ultimately falls away. There is only God. There is only the eternal now moment. Schedules and routines may be part of my life, but I am now able to keep them in perspective. Each moment is holy, a space to rest in the timelessness of God. 

Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?—Psalm 139:7

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Let Go Let God Accept Healing

I Am Whole In  Mind, Body, And Soul.

I trust my body, mind, and soul to carry me through life. In prayer, I claim health for each one and unity among them all. I open my mind and heart to the possibility that my healing may take a different form than someone else’s, and I make room for new and higher outcomes than I ever saw before. I am a whole and complete expression of God. I exercise my individuality, fully embracing my unique spirit and knowing I am exactly who I came here to be. I eat right, stretch my mind and body, and relax. I also thoroughly explore every avenue to full self-expression. I am healed, restored to full awareness of wholeness. I remain committed to healthful living as I express my divine nature. 

I am going to bring … recovery and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.—Jeremiah 33:6

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Live With Joy

Nothing Can Keep My Joy From  Me.

There are so many things that make me feel joyous—watching a sunset, walking in nature, or looking into a baby’s eyes. Other times, I may feel challenged or distressed, far from joyful. I may be embroiled in conflict, worried about a result, or coping with hurt feelings and struggling to forgive. When that happens, I remember joy is part of my spiritual identity, and I can never be apart from it. Today I commit to living in joy, no matter what may be happening in my life or in the world. Even as I remain present to circumstances, I draw from an inexhaustible well of spiritual truth, the source of my joy. My joy is not overshadowed by fleeting moments of unhappiness. I live with an open heart, filled to overflowing with joy. 

For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.—Isaiah 55:12

Monday, April 24, 2023

Let Go Let God Find Holiness

I Am On Holy Ground Wherever I Am.

The world can feel like a cold and unwelcoming place sometimes. I may feel alone, the presence of God far away. At these times, I remind myself there is nowhere I can be where God is not. I shift my perspective. I do not seek the presence of God. I find the presence of God on the soft breeze that caresses my face, in the sunlight that warms my skin, and in the sights and sounds that delight me and help me feel most alive. I find the presence of God in each person I encounter just as I find it in and as myself. Finding God everywhere and in everything makes the world feel vibrant and alive, warm and welcoming. The world has not changed, but I have. This world, its magnificent creations, and its people are wonderfully, beautifully holy. 

The place on which you are standing is holy ground.—Exodus 3:5

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

As I Pray, I Affirm The Activity Of God In Your Life And Mine.

I am honored by the trust of those who ask me to pray with them. Whatever I am asked to pray about, my responsibility is always the same: to recognize all qualities of God are active, even in the most challenging circumstances. I remain steadfast affirming this truth. If I have been asked to pray for healing, I release all thought of illness. I affirm divine life is active in every cell. I see harmony and perfect function restored. If I am praying for abundance, I entertain no thought of lack. I affirm divine wisdom, love, and understanding guiding the one with whom I pray to make wise, prospering choices. As I affirm truth for all who have asked for prayer, my awareness of God’s activity in my life increases also. 

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.—3 John 1:2

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Let Go Let God Bless The Earth

My Thoughtful Choices Bless The Earth.

I am grateful for the planet Earth, my home, each time I behold the glory of my divine Source reflected in its wonders. Scripture tells me God’s first commandment was dominion over the earth and its creatures. Dominion grants humankind the authority to use earth’s resources to create a more abundant life and gives each person the responsibility to help maintain a healthy environment for future generations to thrive. If I am able, I may work with others to plant trees, care for gardens, or help keep a stream or park clean and free from litter. I bless the earth by making thoughtful choices, mindful of how my actions will affect our shared home. 

But the land that you are crossing over to occupy is a land of hills and valleys, watered by rain from the sky, a land that the Lord your God looks after.—Deuteronomy 11:11-12

Friday, April 21, 2023

Let Go Let God Express Freedom

I Am Free To Express My Divinity.

Freedom is a state of mind not dependent on my present circumstances or my past history. Knowing this makes it easier for me to let my feelings of limitation go. Realizing the depth and power of my divine nature is the key to lasting freedom. I may feel that something or someone is holding me back, but are they really? No. It is my perspective that limits me. The truth is my freedom is always present within me. I need only direct my attention and energy to it instead of to outer appearances. I am a free, infinite spiritual being, and nothing can change that. When I feel and express my freedom, my life experiences will reflect this truth. With trust and confidence, I live my freedom and feel unstoppable. 

For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters.—Galatians 5:13

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I Walk By The Light Of God.

Every question has an answer, and every problem can be solved. When it is difficult to see my way through, I remember the light of God is always shining, ever illuminating the right and perfect path forward. I need only open my eyes and heart to it. The more I rely on my faith to show me the way, the brighter the guiding light gleams, and the more easily I follow it home like the luminous glow of a full moon on a clear night. As I think through a situation, I affirm I will know all I need to at the right and perfect time for the next step. Pausing in prayer to listen, my guidance opens the curtains I had closed over the windows of awareness. I see clearly, and my spirit soars. 

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.—Psalm 32:8

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Unlimited

With God I Am Unlimited.

I know unlimited living through my oneness with Spirit. The presence, power, strength, and wisdom of God are without limitation. These divine gifts and so many more live inside me and are mine to use to create my life. A storehouse of divine ideas is available to me in prayer. In the sacred Silence, I claim these ideas and affirm peace, plenty, wholeness, and energy. There is no limit to the spiritual riches I can draw upon, no limit to the wondrous things I can do and be. I am richly and fully alive. I believe in possibility and approach each day eagerly, ready to make the most of it. I live gratefully, thankful for the goodness of God and my unlimited capacity to express it as only I can. 

With the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know … what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe.—Ephesians 1:18, 19

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Boldy

Boldly, Faithfully, I Create My Life.

Sometimes doubts creep into my thinking, leading me to wonder whether I have what it takes to make my dreams come true. At those times, I feel emboldened when I remember I am a divine being, a child of God. This awareness reminds me I am never alone, never apart from the awesome spiritual gifts that are part of my divine inheritance. Living from my spiritual identity and mindfully using my divine gifts helps me be bold. I know my worth and feel comfortable in my skin. I feel deserving of every good thing. With faith and humility, I make decisions and choices that lead me to my highest good and also lead to the good of others. Without boasting or bravado, I rise to meet life. I am bold. I believe. I belong. 

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.—Philippians 4:13

Monday, April 17, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Forgiveness

Forgiveness Frees Me.

When I hold on to negative thoughts and feelings toward myself or others, I deplete my energy. I chain myself to problems, weighed down and bound to that which I do not want. The good news is that I hold the key to release myself from the burden of blame and shame. I do not let my mistakes and bad experiences control me. Forgiveness opens the lock and sets me free. I forgive myself. I make room for grace by letting go of judgment and resentment. I acknowledge my errors and am accountable for my actions. Honest communication with myself and others leads to understanding and allows for learning and growth. When I forgive myself, I can forgive others. Forgiveness liberates me, and I am free to soar to unlimited heights. 

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.—Proverbs 10:12

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For World Peace

I Live My Vision For A Peaceful World.

To bring about peace in the world, I begin by paying attention to my first reaction when I feel I have been treated unjustly. I do not deny my feelings, but neither do I allow anger, envy, or other negative feelings to take control of my response. I feel my feelings, but I remain committed to living the truth I know. Regardless of behavior, every person is a divine being, a living expression of God. I call upon my divine faculties of love, faith, and strength to guide my next steps. No matter how another responds, I remain centered in God. My efforts make a difference. Peace between individuals creates peace within families, in communities, and among the nations of the world. 

The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.—Isaiah 32:17

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Let Go Let God In Grace

I Am Grateful For The Presence Of Grace In Loving Hearts And Helping Hands.

The thoughtful gesture of a friend, the surprise kindness from a stranger, and the encouraging, uplifting word of a family member are wonderful ways to experience the grace of God. Blessings and difficulties will come and go as part of the rhythm of life, but grace is always present. It lifts me higher in the easy times and keeps me from falling too low in my more difficult moments. I feel God’s presence in those who reach out to me, who help me with my struggles and celebrate my triumphs. In all of its many forms, grace refreshes and delights me like morning dew. It’s the gentle breeze reminding me I am taken care of, loved, and accepted just as I am. 

And the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.—1 Timothy 1:14

Friday, April 14, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Ready

I Am Ready For Every Good Thing.

My positive expectations and can-do attitude signal my readiness to live a full and abundant life. I give no energy to thoughts of lack, illness, and conflict. Instead, I fill my consciousness with affirmations of peace, health, and plenty. With deep faith and confidence, I am ready. I believe I am deserving of all good things. I am ready for success. I am ready for prosperity. I am ready for love and happiness. I am grateful for the faith that helps me believe, grateful for the strength that keeps me going, and grateful for the imagination that helps me dream. Mostly, I am grateful that with God, I am ready to move forward into my best, most brilliant life. 

As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.—Ephesians 6:15

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Let Go Let God Stand In Faith

I Stand Strong In Faith.

So many things can happen in the world and in my life that may erode my faith. Little by little, life’s inequities, frustrations, and defeats may chip away at my faith in myself, other people, even God. One way I can bolster and reclaim my faith, to feel it fully once again, is to create a physical representation to remind me of it. I can use a bowl, a jar, or another container. Each time I have a concern or simply want to affirm my belief, I can put something that represents faith in my container. It can be a polished stone, a coin, or a simple handwritten note of my belief. These reminders show me the power of my faith. I look beyond circumstances to spiritual truth. My faith is strong, and so am I. 

But just as we have the same spirit of faith that is in accordance with scripture—“I believed, and so I spoke.”—2 Corinthians 4:13

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Let Go Let God With Zeal

My Zeal For Life Carries Me Forward.

I connect with the power of zeal within me and feel an influx of energy and enthusiasm. My zeal drives out apathy and boredom, filling me with passion and purpose. I use zeal to propel myself into new adventures with confidence and boldness. At the start of each day, I affirm enthusiasm for everything before me, even the more mundane parts of life. I approach each task with gusto, knowing my attitude will make all the difference. My zeal inspires me spiritually. Far from the frenzy and charged activity of my outer life, I bring quiet zeal to my spiritual life. I stoke the fires of spiritual truth until they burn steadily within me, setting my mind and heart aglow with the light of God. 

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.—Deuteronomy 6:5

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Let Go Let God Honor Memories

Honoring My Past Frees Me For The Future.

Taking time to reminisce, my memories fill my awareness. Thoughts and feelings also arise, giving me insights into how I became the person I am today. I rediscover places, times, and people I have treasured, and through the power of my memories, I feel their presence come to vivid life and fill my heart. If remembering brings pain, I stay present, feeling love and gratitude for the person I used to be who carried me through tough times. I have made it through everything I encountered and have grown stronger and wiser as a result. With a grateful heart, I release all that no longer serves my life today. I treasure my memories and move forward to create my future. 

You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away. And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning.—Job 11:16-17

Monday, April 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Protection

I Stand Tall In Truth And Am Protected.

Sometimes I may feel swayed by the changing winds of worldly experience, tossed about and shaken by unexpected developments. I may feel at the mercy of circumstances beyond my understanding or control, untethered and unprotected. When this happens, I stand tall and strong in spiritual truth. After all, no adversity can outlast God, the one presence and power active in the universe and as my life. This truth is my shelter, my refuge, and my protection. I return to this understanding again and again, as often as I need to until I feel safe and secure in God. I am protected. In the past, I may have worried, I may have cried, I may have trembled in fear. I now live in full awareness of the power and strength of God, always mine to draw upon. 

If God is for us, who is against us?—Romans 8:31

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Let Go Let God On Easter

I Am Resurrected Through The Power Of The Christ.

On this glorious Easter day, I am resurrected and brimming with new life. The stones of defeat and limitation have rolled away. I am free and unlimited. Throughout my Lenten journey, I heeded the call from my soul to recognize the stones in my consciousness and awaken to the infinite potential within me. I can now rejoice in the shimmering light of awareness with an open, joyful heart. My faith is strong, and I am ablaze with the radiance of Spirit. I welcome eternal, indwelling life into my mind and heart. Hope never dies. Jesus transcended death and demonstrated life is eternal. With a grateful heart I rise up and claim new life. I am resurrected through the indwelling Christ. It’s a new dawn, a new day, a new beginning. I have risen. 

I am the resurrection and the life.—John 11:25

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Comforted

I Open My Heart To God's Comforting Presence.

The Sabbath, a day when all who observed Jewish traditions were obliged to rest, began at sundown Friday, shortly after Jesus’ body was laid in the tomb. During the day that followed, Jesus’ followers became painfully aware of the absence of their leader, teacher, and friend. In the peace of the Sabbath, they grieved. When I am coping with loss, I do not deny my grief, sadness, or even anger. I feel my feelings completely, remembering I am never alone. The divine presence is with me and within me, just as powerfully as it is in my happiest moments. The quiet strength, the deep peace, and loving comfort of God’s presence are always as close as my next thought. 

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you.—Psalm 139:11-12

Friday, April 7, 2023

Let Go Let God Have Faith On Good Friday

After The Most Devastating Losses, I Have Faith In New Beginnings.

Sudden endings rarely feel good. Often, there is a feeling a trauma, of deep, penetrating loss that leaves us feeling bereft, even lost. Jesus’ disciples certainly felt lost, shattered by the events of Good Friday. They hardly believed what had happened to their teacher. Yet the biblical story holds out hope that even death shall be defeated through faith in God. Challenges may come to me, but I place my faith in my divine identity. I affirm with certainty that I have the power to turn each painful event that befalls me into ultimate good. This is the good part of Good Friday. Endings—some sudden and some not—may be an unavoidable part of life. But the truth of me, the Christ within, will always rise again. 

Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Having said this, he breathed his last.—Luke 23:46

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Let Go Let God It Is Maundy Thursday

Divine Life And Substance Are Active Within Me And My Life.

Today is Maundy Thursday, which commemorates Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. Jesus offered a cup of wine, broke bread and shared it, and instructed his followers to “do this in remembrance of me.” Spiritually understood, wine and bread represent my Christ nature as symbols of divine life and spiritual substance. Honoring the sacred event of the Last Supper, I commit to keeping the commandments of Jesus close to my heart. Today I recommit to using divine life creatively and with intention. I will continue to grow and live from my spiritual identity as I act upon this commandment and do my best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. 

Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”—Luke 22:19

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Let Go Let God Receive Inner Peace

Living From My Divinity, I Am At Peace.

It can feel so hard to find peace in the midst of troubling circumstances. I may feel like a lone leaf, blown about by a harsh wind. It’s precisely at these times I remember I am less like the leaf and more like the tree, my roots drawing sustenance and peace from my Source. When the events of the world are scary, the state of my life is troubling, and the future anything but certain, I turn my attention to the tree, its roots extending deep into the ground, anchoring it in place. During Holy Week, I imagine Jesus having the stability of that tree. Even as the winds of oppression swirled around him, Jesus drew peace from his roots, his oneness with God. I am grateful that his peace then is my peace now. 

I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!—John 16:33

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Let Go Let God Accept

I Accept My Life And Lean Into The Triumphant Power Of God.

There have been times I put my energy into resisting circumstances as they were, trying to force a desired outcome because I felt afraid of losing or failing. Today I practice acceptance. I no longer resist what I am called to do, no longer shrink from what my life is showing me. Acceptance is easier when I remember I can draw upon the strength and power of God within to see me through every change and challenge. I accept circumstances and withstand adversity because I am aligned with the one presence and power that is God. This knowledge likely sustained Jesus in his final days. He accepted that no matter what happened in or to his earthly life, a greater life, a greater truth, was his. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.—Proverbs 3:5

Monday, April 3, 2023

Let Go Let God Understand Divine Order

Divine Order Is My Spiritual Protection.

When the world around me is changing in ways I find scary, I take comfort in divine order. This doesn’t mean I believe the events unfolding around me are preordained, but it does mean I can trust that orderly patterns undergird seeming chaos on the surface. I turn my thoughts to Jesus during Holy Week as he wrestled with what he was being called to do. From his story, I see how even my most challenging crucifixion experiences have led to my triumphant overcoming. Understanding divine order helps me move forward during stressful and scary times. With abiding trust in God, I affirm all will be well. 

And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.”—Matthew 26:39

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Let Go Let God This Palm Sunday

I Celebrate My Awareness Of The Divine Presence, Alive In Me.

Just as an enthusiastic crowd welcomed Jesus in Jerusalem with a spirit of great, enthusiastic celebration, I commemorate Palm Sunday by opening my heart and mind to the divinity that is within me and within all others I meet today and every day. This welcoming attitude changes me at depth. Making the commitment to behold the Christ in myself and in each person I meet is my way of symbolically placing palm branches before them, greeting them as I would Jesus. This celebration of the Divine in each person lays a path to spiritual freedom. From perfect peace within, I shout “Hosanna!” as my jubilant soul celebrates. 

So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord—the King of Israel!”—John 12:13

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Celebrate

I Celebrate Each Day As A Gift Of Life.

Life may be full of stumbles and slips, but I celebrate each new day as a gift of life. I delight at meeting good people everywhere. In their faces I see the image of God. In their wisdom amid daily struggles, I am inspired to do good works in a challenging world. Just as our ancestors gathered to commemorate their experiences, I join with others to give thanks and mark the special moments. I celebrate birth, coming of age, marriage and family events, loss and mourning, anniversaries personal and communal. All these and more have become part of my rhythm of existence. I celebrate those who have passed yet remain in my heart. God is good; life is good. Loving memories linger. I celebrate life with gratitude. 

They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness, and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.—Psalm 145:7