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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Protected

I am Safe and Secure in God. 

The protective power of God is always mine to call upon. If I begin to feel off balance or unsafe, I pause to move into a time of sacred prayer. I breathe deeply, place my hand on my heart, and quietly affirm: My divinely inspired wisdom and compassionate love guide me and others at all times. I am safe. Whether tending to tasks, working at my job, or traveling on vacation, I may move through a range of emotions as I encounter situations that challenge me. No matter what is happening around me, I can respond from a peaceful place within me and remain anchored in spiritual principle. I am free from fear because I trust the presence of God within. In God, there is nothing to fear. In God, there is only love. 

Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.—Psalm 16:1

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Let Go Let God Trust Guidance

I Grow in Awareness and Faith in God. 

As I search for insight and direction on my spiritual path, I delve into my inner wisdom and trust its guidance. My growing awareness affords me greater inner peace that comes from knowing I am endowed with powerful spiritual gifts. In the past, I may have felt at the mercy of my turbulent life, its twists and turns leading to anxiety and doubt. But with a maturing faith as my guide, I experience my life as a gently flowing river with slight bends that I navigate with ease. Ever-increasing peace and contentment are mine as I rest in the knowledge that I am one with God. As I choose my next steps, I am confident God is with me as I make wise, divinely inspired choices.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.—Psalm 46:4

Monday, September 28, 2020

Let Go Let God Express Creativity

My Joyful Spirit is Uniquely Creative. 

When searching for a new idea or way to express myself, I begin by turning within to Spirit. In the silence of prayer, my mind expands and opens to new means of expression. I am grateful for the capacity to develop an idea and express it, to take an idea and form a new way of thinking or doing. For some, this creativity takes shape as making art, writing, or playing music. For others, it could mean building or cooking. And others express creativity through volunteerism or other forms of service. All are beautiful expressions of Spirit, as individual as the people creating them. I give thanks for the creative spirit within me and all people and for the outlet of divine expression.

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.—1 Corinthians 2:12

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Let Go Let God with Faith

With Faith, Nothing is Impossible for Me. 

With gratitude, I use my faith to trust in the good that is always present, even when it has not yet manifested. As I pray with faith, I discern the Truth that always endures through even the most difficult circumstances. As I concentrate on harmony and love, all thoughts of lack, limitation, and discord simply dissolve. As I speak with faith, I use positive words to express my belief in myself and others as divine beings. As I act with faith, I access deep, lasting strength and fortitude that help me surmount any challenges. Inspired by my faith, I move forward with confidence. Nothing is impossible for me.

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.—Matthew 17:20

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Let Go Let God Live in Joy

Joy Fills My Heart and Colors My Life. 

Many things can cause me to feel happy—fun times with the people I love, my favorite pastimes, a lovely day, even revisiting a treasured memory. But feelings of happiness can be fleeting. Like rain clouds that can darken a sunny day, my feelings of happiness can shift with the transient rhythms of life. Joy is different. A divine idea, joy is constant and enduring, always as near to me as my next breath. Choosing to live in a state of joy keeps me spiritually grounded and emotionally free. I make the commitment to look beyond happiness to discover the joy from which it springs. I awaken to the sparkling, jewel-like joy of each moment and claim it for myself. Joy is my choice and my divine right as an expression of God.

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my whole being shall exult in my God.—Isaiah 61:10

Friday, September 25, 2020

Let Go Let God Choose Inner Peace

The Peace of God Fills Me. 

A peaceful day can be upended suddenly by chaos or disappointment. Traffic is worse than usual. A needed computer system crashes, or I receive unwanted news. At any moment, outer circumstances can leave me feeling angry or frustrated. But I can choose to respond by making an unruffled, faith-filled realization. God is within and all around me right now. What a wonder it is that inner peace is a thought away. I need only remind myself that wherever I am, God is. I relax for a moment and choose to immerse myself in the comfort and love of God. I then open to clear inner direction, and the peace of God that surpasses understanding fills me with hope and calming assurance.

For God alone my soul waits in silence.—Psalm 62:5

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Let Go Let God Discover Purpose

I Search My Feelings and Discover My Purpose. 

When do I feel most vibrantly alive? What do I feel drawn to, and what is it that draws me in? Asking these questions with open and gentle curiosity allows me to discover my purpose. I take time to deeply contemplate these questions, paying attention to everything that comes to my mind as I listen for answers. Images of people and situations may begin to fill my awareness, and then I may notice that feelings and impulses start to surface. My feelings and emotions provide powerful clues. Am I beginning to feel excited? Energized? Maybe I feel a deep sense of calm as I discern the rightness of an impulse. I heed these feelings as a prompt from Spirit within to follow the call of my heart.

The purposes in the human mind are like deep water, but the intelligent will draw them out.—Proverbs 20:5

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Let Go Let God Know Comfort

God's Love Comforts Me. 

I turn to prayer for comfort and solace, especially during times of grief and loss. Whether that loss pertains to a job, a goal, a relationship, or a death, I am gentle with myself as I process my grief. My mind and heart may grasp for reasons why. I may never know, but I soothe myself by remembering that I can find comfort in the Spirit within, and I feel blessed. I am safe to be exactly as I am as I process my grief. If I need to cry, I do so freely. However I express my emotions throughout the transitions in my life, divine love envelops and supports me. As I accept change and loss, I emerge from this experience confident and strong, knowing that God is in all, through all, and as all.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?—Psalm 27:1

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Let Go Let God Create Balance

As I Center Myself, I Create a Balanced Life.

Living a balanced life doesn’t have to mean that every day I spend the same amount of time on specific tasks or that I always give equal attention to every area. Instead, balance means taking time daily for practices that help keep me centered. My inner environment creates my outer world, and I can’t expect harmony on the outside when there is discord within. The amount of energy I have directly correlates to the quality of my rest, and to keep giving, I must be willing to allow myself to receive. Before I move into the activity of the day, I spend time in stillness. When I make time for others, I take time for myself. I listen as well as speak and allow for play even as I work. Both divine and human, I find my harmony in the balance between.

A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water.—Proverbs 11:25

Monday, September 21, 2020

Let Go Let God Forgive

Through Forgiveness, I Am Free. 

When I seek to lighten the heaviness of my soul and heart, I consider what forgiveness work I may need to do to feel free. Forgiving does not mean condoning another’s behavior or pretending it did not hurt. Rather, it is a process to facilitate my healing and increase the lightness of my spirit. Forgiveness does not have to involve seeing or speaking to the person I need to forgive. Perhaps that is possible only through a soul-to-soul silent exchange. I rely on divine love and wisdom in me to guide me through my forgiveness practice. Every step I take leads me to free myself of the weight I have been carrying. I go forward lighter and ever-ready to live more fully, refreshed, and invigorated.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Let Go Let God Smile

I Share the Joy and Love of God When I Smile. 

Even if a language barrier prevents me from understanding another’s words, I know that most people will respond to a friendly smile. My smile can convey goodwill, communicate delight from an unexpected blessing, or inspire awe at the sight of a star-filled night sky. A child not yet able to talk shares love and joy quite effectively with a sunny smile. I feel happy when others smile at me. This friendly, welcoming gesture reminds me that we are all one in Spirit. Smiling at my reflection in a mirror, I see the light that shines from me. I feel a quickened awareness of the divine love and joy that are present everywhere as I realize how simply and beautifully my smile can express that love and joy without any need for words.

The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.—Numbers 6:25

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go and Welcome the Divine Flow. 

How many times have I prayed for a resolution to a situation that was troubling me, for guidance along my path, or for a new opportunity, all the while clinging to a desired result? Needing situations to work out a certain way or remaining fixed on the specific outcomes I want cuts me off from the divine flow of life that transcends the circumstances of my life and the limits of my imagination. I decide to let go and let God by releasing any rigid ideas that might impede the divine flow within me. I relax my tight grip on my needs and wants. I pray anew for the clarity to know what is mine to do and release the rest. As I let go and let God, I move toward greater life, love, and peace.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.—Proverbs 3:5

Friday, September 18, 2020

Let Go Let God Envision Healing

I Trust the Healing Power of Divine Intelligence. 

I am an expression of God, a manifestation of the life of God within me. How important it is to remember this Truth, especially when my body seems to indicate otherwise. The Truth of my being is that I am wonderfully made. I am created in the image and likeness of God. When I don’t feel my best, I rely upon my faith. I speak words of health and wholeness, backed by my faith that the life of God within me is divine intelligence itself. I affirm the restoration of my awareness of wholeness. I envision all of my cells functioning in perfect order, following the blueprint of life within me. I release fear and doubt and let divine life within me do its healing work. I give thanks and deeply rest.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”—Mark 5:34

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Let Go Let God Trust

I Put My Trust in God. 

I remember times when I have misplaced my trust and ended up hurt and disappointed. I have learned from those experiences to use my power of discretion to choose where and in whom to place my trust. I trust the reliable people in my life, just as my constancy and integrity make me deserving of the trust they place in me. The trust I have springs from my faith. If I believe, I have faith and trust. I take action to fulfill my part in that trust by following my guidance, remembering that my inner wisdom directs my steps. Without hesitation, I put my trust in God and open my spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the way to go. I trust all is in order, and I am always provided what I need so I can do what is mine to do.

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.—Jeremiah 17:7

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I Pray for Others, Knowing that We are One in Spirit. 

All people are interconnected, relying on one another to live, grow, survive, and thrive. I remember this truth as I pray for others, taking part in humanity’s innate urge to help and offer encouragement. I hold thoughts of peace, prosperity, and health for my loved ones. I expand my prayer to my friends, community, and country, imagining all people expressing their divinity. I extend my prayerful focus to other countries, envisioning peace, harmony, and mutual cooperation. It is my privilege to hold the high watch and pray for my human family. I am part of a sacred trust, and my prayers are leading all people toward their highest and best good, awakening to their divine identities, and shining their lights.

So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.—Romans 12:5

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Bold

I Am Confident and Courageous. 

Everyone is blessed with a unique set of gifts and talents. Like the paints on an artist’s palette, these gifts bring richness and vibrancy to the canvas of life. The more I nurture my talents, the more confidently and boldly I can use them. When I know who I am and what my strengths are, I can show up in the world with courage and enthusiasm. Hiding my gifts makes my life feel dull and devoid of color. Sharing the richness of my talents adds bright, bold splashes of vibrancy to my life. Using my abilities heightens my awareness of others’ gifts and the kaleidoscopic range of talents in the world around me. Eager to share boldly of myself, I step out authentically and fearlessly to make the world a brighter place.

But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.—Ephesians 4:15 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Let Go Let God Accept Grace

I Gratefully Accept God's Grace. 

Letting go of the struggle to make things happen or achieve specific results can be a challenge. I may shoulder so much and work so hard that I exhaust myself. At these times, I remember that God’s grace is always available to me, and I never have to rely solely upon my own efforts. I release my grip on specific outcomes and surrender my wants and needs to the grace of Spirit. No matter what is going on in my life, I remain open to the good that I know is present. I let go of my concerns in the knowledge that the blessings of Spirit are so much better than anything I can imagine. Grace can come to me as ideas that help me discern what is mine to do. I yield to the grace of God and open myself to receive it.

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.—John 1:16

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Let Go Let God Love

I Open my Heart in Love. 

I express the love I feel in my heart by showing my affection and giving nurturing attention. I speak loving, positive words that let those I care about know how much they mean to me. As my words affirm their goodness, beauty, and intelligence, I watch those qualities bloom like flowers blessed by sunshine. I extend my arms and embrace my family and friends with the warmth and comfort of unconditional love. I support my loved ones with compassion and care on their journey through life. I share my wisdom as I teach, my experience as I advise, and my understanding as I console. I pray for those I love, knowing that the Christ within them is the light that guides them everywhere they go and in everything they do. I am grateful for my role in my loved ones’ lives.

Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.—1 John 3:18

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Let Go Let God Relax

I Relax and Find Peace. 

Relaxation is essential to my spiritual practice. When I take time to relax, my prayer time is serene, as I access my inner wisdom and guidance with ease. I begin by relaxing my body with some cleansing breaths and gentle stretches. I feel my heartbeat slow and my breathing become deep. Next, I relax my mind, releasing my repetitive or unforgiving thoughts. As I relax, I create fertile ground for my affirmations to fill my consciousness and touch my heart. As I go about my day, my perception of the world around me has shifted because I now move through life in a receptive, relaxed state. I look beyond outer appearances and perceive God in every person and in all circumstances.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.—Matthew 11:29

Friday, September 11, 2020

Let Go Let God Remember

In Unity, I Remember. 

Though we all lead individual lives and have different priorities, certain dates on the calendar represent anniversaries of loss or celebration that are marked communally. On such days, I can feel drawn to others or find myself performing kind acts that may bring a smile to someone’s face. Instead of pushing these feelings aside, I lean into them— appreciating and embracing the experience of unity they bring, connecting me with the rest of humanity. I pause to remember the reasons for celebration or lessons learned in loss. As I honor the legacy of all those who came before me, I join in the consciousness of oneness with all people.

I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.—John 17:23

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Let Go Let God in Friendship

I Give Thanks for my Friends. 

Throughout my life, I have had supportive friends. I celebrate the support we have given one another. What a comfort it is to know that I have relationships of mutual respect, affection, and companionship. I extend myself in friendship when I place a call to a faraway friend or plan a get-together over a meal in fellowship and communion. The love I have received in friendship inspires me to give love to others. When I abide in the love of God, I know that I am never alone. The presence and power of infinite love fills and sustains me. I share God’s love when I give encouragement and understanding. I share love joyously with my friends, and my life is richly blessed.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.—Colossians 3:14

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Let Go Let God Affirm I AM

I AM the Expression of God in Action. 

I claim my divine identity and speak the truth of my being as I affirm: I AM whole and strong. I AM wise. I AM free. If my human self thinks I can’t or I’m not able, my divine nature responds with I can! I AM intelligent because the light of God fills my mind. I AM healthy because the life of God flows throughout my body. I AM loving and peaceful because the love of God is my very nature. I use my I AM mindfully and with intention, careful not to attach it to words that negate my spiritual nature. I feel the presence and power of God expressing as me every time I speak the truth about myself. I affirm: I AM in all situations, positively responding from that center of truth within me. In all things, God is and I AM.

God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM … This is my name forever, and this my title for all generations.”—Exodus 3:14, 15

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Let Go Let God Focus

My Prayerful Focus Blesses Me. 

In prayer, I rest in comfort, peace, and blissful stillness. The power and presence of God are so clear to me the world seems to fall away. When I return to my daily life, however, my awareness of God may seem distant. My mind may become preoccupied with thoughts of things I need to do or anxiety over things I may be worried about. I return my attention to the spiritual perfection I touched in prayer. I remain present to whatever is happening in my life while focusing on the greater spiritual Truth behind all appearances. Trusting the power of God within me, I see prosperity instead of lack, wholeness instead of illness, and peace instead of discord. My focus keeps me centered in the perfection of Spirit.

The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.—Matthew 6:22

Monday, September 7, 2020

Let Go Let God be Renewed

I Rest in God and am Renewed. 

My time of rest is a sacred gift. I turn within and remember how necessary rest and renewal are to my spirit, soul, and body. Now is my time to experience peace. My whole being responds with joy to the renewing presence of God within me. By surrendering to this life-giving presence, I carry a feeling of well-being into my day. I rest from my labors and pause for physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal. Any mental tension that I may be holding recedes as I release all concerns and affirm divine order. I enjoy this day and welcome all that it has to offer me. By relaxing into this now moment, I am centered in my present awareness. I accept the infinite bounty of God in every moment of this restful day and am renewed.

Return, O my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.—Psalm 116:7

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Let Go Let God Envision World Peace

I Imagine a World Transformed by Peace and Love. 

World peace begins within my mind and heart. Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply and envision every person bringing forth the love and peace of God. I see all the world’s people surrounded by a healing light that transforms strife, anger, and division into reconciliation, peace, and unity. As I hold this vision, I see the entire world aglow with radiance. Harmony and cooperation heal the world’s wounds and encourage love to flower in each person’s heart. I carry this vision throughout my day. Divine love, expressing as me, sees oneness regardless of apparent differences. Divine wisdom and understanding illumine my thoughts, inspire my words, and guide me to act in ways that bring peace to the world.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.–Matthew 5:9

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Let Go Let God Experience Freedom

I am Free to Enjoy Life. 

Whether at work, rest, or play, I am free. My attitude determines how I experience life, so I think back to childhood memories of running, playing, and laughing and the feeling it gave me. I remember being fully immersed in the experience of true joy and freedom. I can capture that sensation again by tapping into my inner child to experience freedom. I may take a walk in the woods and be mindful of the trees, flowers, sun, and wind. I may make some art or music or get together with friends to play a game. My greatest freedom is in knowing I am a spiritual being, free to trust the divine presence within me. I relax knowing that I am free to live the life of my dreams.

I will sing a new song to you, O God; upon a ten-stringed harp I will play to you.–Psalm 144:9

Friday, September 4, 2020

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I Give Thanks for all I Have to Give. 

Gratitude and giving are keys to my prosperity. God’s good flows like a river’s current, and it is up to me to step into the stream of abundance. I bless all I have and give generously of my treasure, time, and talent. There are many ways I can share my prosperity. Giving money and donating items are part of my practice as are my volunteer efforts and my willingness to lending a helping hand wherever I might be needed. I might listen to a friend, take a neighbor to an appointment, or share some food I prepared. I always look for new opportunities to give, share, and serve. Focusing on the truth of abundance keeps any fear of scarcity at bay. My practice of gratitude and giving strengthens my faith, quiets my mind, and opens my heart.

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share.–1 Timothy 6:18

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Let Go Let God Explore

My Mind is Open, and I am Eager to Explore. 

I have been learning all of my life. As a student in school, I explored literature, geography, science, and mathematics. I felt my world expand every time I learned something new. As I’ve grown, I have learned about myself, exploring my inner landscapes to better know and accept myself exactly as I am. Through my relationships, I have learned to be a better friend, partner, child, and parent. My spirit of exploration and discovery helps me grow in empathy as I take on new perspectives. My spiritual exploration has deepened my faith and how I see myself as a child of God. Throughout the years, I may have walked many spiritual paths and tried different spiritual practices, my exploration enriching my walk with God and adding meaning to my life of faith.

Test everything; hold fast to what is good.–1 Thessalonians 5:21

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Let Go Let God Affirm Divine Order

Divine Order Supports My Life. 

Trying to exert control over every area of my life can leave me feeling exhausted and frustrated. If I struggle to let go and believe that my highest good is unfolding, I remember divine order is always at work in my life and in the world around me. Life is always changing, but the principle of divine order remains unchanged. Realizing that order undergirds all situations inspires me to place my focus on what’s under my control and release the rest. As I surrender, I trust that the same power holding the planets in their orbits is supporting my life. Even when my life feels chaotic and out of control, I affirm divine order and remember that I am never alone.

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.–Matthew 5:18

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Let Go Let God with Zeal

I Begin Every Day with Zeal. 

I greet each day with zeal, eager to meet my good. I feel upbeat and excited as I step out to see what the day will bring. My attitude of enthusiasm and expectancy determines how I experience life. I open myself to the beauty and abundance that surround me, my senses heightened by the passion I have for simply being alive. My positive disposition extends to all my relationships. I look forward to connecting with the people in my life, spending time and having fun together. I am energized as I anticipate all good things. Starting my day with zeal means being truly open and receptive, allowing for unexpected blessings. The spirit of God within me fills me with zeal, and I am grateful.

His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.”–John 2:17