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Friday, November 15, 2013

Let Go Let God with Joy

I am filled with the joy of Spirit!

I spread joy by sharing a positive attitude, a smile, openness, and appreciation for all of life’s blessings. I am blessed in so many ways, and I rejoice with the glow of Spirit.
If others are pessimistic or glum, I do not take on their mood, but rather hold a positive thought for them, knowing “this too shall pass.” Instead of finding fault or complaint, I look for the best in each person. Goodness abounds as I open my eyes to witness it. The blessings of God I now see in my life fill my mind and heart with joy and thanksgiving. I give of my happiness freely, spreading the good I see and have. With energy and upliftment, I inspire those around me. Joy is contagious!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!—Psalm 95:2

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