Forgiveness Renews My Awareness Of God Within Me.
If I have withheld forgiveness from someone who hurt me or if I refused to forgive myself for causing disappointment or pain, I may have felt angry, sad, and alone. Forgiveness releases me from these painful emotions and helps me move forward. Sometimes I can forgive easily; other times, it is more gradual. I begin by letting go of the belief that anyone or anything can cause me lasting harm. I then release any thought that I am unworthy of self-love and self-acceptance. These practices help me become vividly aware of the divine presence within me. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning inappropriate actions, but it does help me remember the healing power of divine love is stronger than anything that might appear to stand in its way.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.—Matthew 6:12