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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Let Go Let God Choose Love

We choose love.

In holy relationship with one another, we call forth divine love, our true spiritual essence. When the road of life is smooth, we choose love and we are grateful. If we stumble along our path, we also choose love and gratitude. My beloved and I travel gracefully together, supporting and strengthening, honoring and championing each other.
Grounded in faith, we know we have everything we need. Filled with hope, we are lifted up and our journey is joyful. Choosing love—the great healing and harmonizing power of the universe—we are blessed.
I behold the living, loving Christ Presence in myself and in my partner. Together we create a sacred space for our spiritual unfoldment. Our holy union is established.
Now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.—1 Corinthians 13:13

Friday, June 29, 2012

Let Go Let God Be a Magnet for Good

I am a magnet for my good!

Though invisible, the energy surrounding a magnet creates a force field, which attracts materials and matter. My thoughts, words and intentions are like a magnet, with an invisible pull strong enough to draw blessings to me.
I am a magnet for my good when I speak words that inspire, heal and uplift; when I set intentions that are in alignment with my Christ nature; when I affirm thoughts that are life-enhancing.
I create remarkable opportunities for good by speaking only of my positive intentions and noticing the good in each experience. This affirming practice contributes to the highest and best outcome in any situation. It draws blessings to me like a magnet.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.—James 4:8

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Balance

In balance, I find serenity.

When my life becomes too busy, I may lose my sense of groundedness. If I am overwhelmed, it can feel as though one foot is on solid ground while the other is on a boat pulling out to sea. I feel the urge to get my work done, while at the same time, I have a deep yearning to take care of myself. Turning within, I listen to my heart and pay attention to my needs.
I have enough time to accomplish what is mine to do. I allow myself to navigate comfortably between work and recreation. I give myself a break and find I have more energy when refreshed. With my life in balance, everything goes more smoothly. My work gets done more easily, and I am at peace.
You gave me a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip. —Psalm 18:36

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let Go Let God Liive on Purpose

Trusting God’s continual direction, I live on purpose.

The divine ideas of peace, abundance and well-being on planet Earth are manifested through humankind in union with the Divine. God works through people of all countries and walks of life. All people have a divine purpose.
I listen for guidance as to what is mine to do—how to express my talents and gifts, how to contribute to my own well-being and that of others. Trusting God’s direction, I live on purpose. I focus my energy on rewarding endeavors, speak and act wisely, and make a positive difference.
I am an integral part of creation, and I celebrate my unique contribution. I live with purpose and let God work through me.
My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention. —Isaiah 46:10

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I pray for others, lending my faith till theirs is restored.

When friends and loved ones afar face trying circumstances, I may feel powerless to help them. The truth is … I am never powerless. I am a child of God, and the strength and peace of God are sustained in me. I pray for others, and if their faith has been shaken, I invite them to lean upon mine.
Through prayer, I call upon the One Presence and Power greater than any outer conditions. I have faith in God’s power to move mountains, and mountains of worry dissolve into peace. I trust that my loved ones are gently held in God’s care and keeping. We are enfolded in light and love. The peaceful Presence within reassures us that all is well.
Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith.—1 Thessalonians 3:10

Monday, June 25, 2012

Let Go Let God Abound in Grace

God’s grace is enough, at all times and in all circumstances.
There is nothing I need to do to earn grace. It is not made available based on the amount of money in my bank account, my good works or my redeeming qualities; nor is grace withheld based on how well I do on my spiritual path. Grace just is.
Ever-present, unlimited and all-sustaining, grace flows to me and through me in times of trouble and sorrow, as well as joy and celebration. Grace envelops me in hope, renews my faith and guides me toward unlimited prosperity.
I rest in the assurance that God’s grace is enough. I see the events of my life and the desires of my heart unfolding in perfect ways. Grace abounds in me, through me and all around me—now.
My grace is sufficient for you.—2 Corinthians 12:9

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let Go Let God Spread World Peace

I am a channel of love and an instrument of peace.

World peace begins with a single prayer in the heart of a single person. Nurtured and shared, this love spreads from person to person, country to country, continent to continent.
When I work toward creating the kind of world I want to live in, I open the way for others to do the same. I may not be able to avoid all conflict, but I can be a calm and loving presence even when there is disagreement.
I am an instrument of peace and a channel through which Divine Love flows. I experience peace in my life, and I envision people throughout the world doing the same. I see us connected in heart and spirit. One by one, we spread peace throughout the world.
May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace! —Psalm 29:11

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Let Go Let God Give Energy

Healing energy moves in and through me. I am whole.

When faced with a health challenge, I prayerfully remember that God’s healing power moves through me. I avoid investing any energy in worry. I see myself as whole and healthy, and I visualize every cell revitalized with powerful healing energy. I thank each organ, tissue and cell for its work in maintaining health in my body temple.
My thoughts have power, and I focus them on the desired outcome. Dis-ease is dis- empowered by the vision I hold of divine life pulsating in and through me. Just as the light of a candle fills a dark room, focused attention on wholeness allows vibrant healing energy to flow through my body. My mind, body and spirit gratefully respond.
Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?—Matthew 6:27

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let Go Let God with Acceptance

I am consciously living in the flow of life.

I accept the present moment as it is and release each moment as it passes. Trying to hold on to that which has passed inhibits me from experiencing the fullness of the current moment. Consciously present, accepting what is now, I am free to use my God-given abilities in productive ways.
I am in the flow of divine love and wisdom whether I am navigating challenges or basking in happiness; therefore, I accept this moment and whatever it holds. I know the goodness of God is active at all times, in all ways. Acceptance empowers me to make wise choices. With God as my guide, I live consciously in the flow of life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore. —Psalm 121:8

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I am guided by the still small voice within.

When I am seeking guidance, I sometimes need only a nudge in the right direction. At other times, I may feel lost, with no idea where to go. However great the need, I seek guidance by setting aside distracting activities and quieting scattered thoughts. I move into the stillness and turn my attention inward. Focusing on my breath or gentle music, I become calm and receptive.
In the still, open space of possibilities, I listen. If my mind races, I calm it by saying, “Peace, be still.” I wait with gentle expectancy, assured of God’s presence. In the stillness, my guidance is clear. I am at peace and confident as I move forward.
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future. —Proverbs 19:20

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let Go Let God Awaken

Opening my mind and heart to God, I awaken to my potential.

Sometimes I underestimate myself and minimize what I am capable of accomplishing. Yet right now, I can make a conscious decision to stop worrying and start believing in myself and the power of God within me.
Opening my mind and heart to God’s love and support, I awaken to my potential. I am inspired and energized as the fog of concern lifts. I recognize myself as a beloved creation.
I say yes to life and try new things. My newfound confidence invites others to trust and support me as well.
Every day, I awaken anew to my life. I am grateful for who I am and all that I can accomplish through the power of God within.
I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us be on our way.—John 14:31

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

My world is set in order through Spirit’s activity within me.

If the circumstances in my life seem chaotic, I let divine order inspire me. In meditation, I recognize the power of divine order. No matter how confused or inharmonious conditions may seem in my life, the power of God to establish order is the one true power.
I harmonize with Spirit and open the way for divine order to manifest in all I think and do. As divine order takes hold in my mind, disturbing thoughts are stilled, and their disruptive influence in my life and environment ceases. Peace permeates my heart, understanding fills my thoughts, and harmony infuses my relationships.
I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. —Psalm 16:8

Monday, June 18, 2012

Let Go Let God Forgive

I forgive and immediately feel the grace of God.
It’s never a good idea to put off forgiveness. Instead, each time forgiveness comes to mind, I take action. I picture who or what I am angry about, offer a blessing and release the feelings to God. I may need to do this multiple times, and that is okay. When forgiveness seems too difficult, I pray for grace and faith.
I forgive those who are a part of my life now or have been in the past. I forgive circumstances that did not turn out as I hoped. I forgive myself for anything I did or didn’t do. As I forgive, compassion fills my heart, making it easier to forgive the next time.
Each time I realize I am holding on to a hurt, I forgive, and I am strengthened.
Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies.—1 Peter 4:11

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Let Go Let God as a Father's Blessing

A Father’s Blessing
May every father be blessed with strength and wisdom.
In many nations, today is a day set aside to bless and celebrate our fathers. I take this opportunity to honor the strength, leadership, guidance and wisdom of my father and others who have mentored and supported me in my life. I am grateful for the strength and wisdom of fathers throughout the world who encourage and support their children.
Strength and wisdom are spiritual attributes given to us by God. I give thanks for their highest and fullest expression. As I regard these divine qualities in others, I also develop them more fully within. As I honor and value the strong and wise parent or mentor, I commit to being a blessing and a good example to the children in my own life.
With God are wisdom and strength; he has counsel and understanding. —Job 12:13

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

I am embraced by God’s comfort.

A hammock rocks me gently above the ground, swaying easily back and forth. A mother cradles her infant child, protecting and nurturing her baby. A friend reaches for the hand of another, offering support and love.
Comfort is expressed in many ways, each one an example of God at work in and through us. I freely give comfort when I notice a need. I express it by being generous, kind and compassionate.
I am also receptive to the comfort offered to me, and I receive these gifts of love with gratitude. If ever I feel alone, I turn to God’s indwelling spirit for comfort. I rest in the knowledge that all is well. God is with me.
I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.—Matthew 25:36

Friday, June 15, 2012

Let Go Let God Offer Generosity

I give from the Spirit of God within me.

I have within me the abundance of Spirit. I am rich with the gifts of God, and I share freely from this unlimited Source of good.
Giving generously stirs no tension within me, because I am abundantly blessed. I am generous with my smile, generous with my friendship, generous with my understanding. I give of my time, material resources, talents and skills, and I am blessed in return.
Divine love flows through me, filling my mind and heart, allowing me to share generously with others. The more I share, the more love grows.
In oneness with God, I easily share the gifts of love, peace and prosperity that bless my life.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.—Luke 6:38

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let Go Let God I Am Protected

I live and move in the presence of God.

When preparing for a trip, I plan ahead. Is the vehicle ready, tickets ordered, pets cared for and passport up to date, if necessary? Yet even before I pack my bags, I pray. Whether I am traveling on business or for pleasure, I know when I am prayed up, I am relaxed and resilient to any stress during my journey.
In my prayers, while I am alone or with family and friends, I become centered in the presence of God. I bless the car, plane, train, bus or boat in which we travel, and I bless all those responsible for taking us on our journey. My loved ones and I can never be outside God’s presence. Anytime and anywhere, we live and move in the presence of God.
My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust. —Psalm 91:2

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

As I focus on God, I am filled with peace.

The Hebrew Bible includes countless examples of people making offerings to God of food, objects or animals. What if the offering I made to the Divine today was my undivided attention?
I begin by settling into a quiet space and making God my focal point. I consciously withdraw my focus from the tasks I have before me today. Any concerns that remain are gently accepted as I nudge my full awareness back to God, back to the present moment.
Having laid this offering of attention at the altar of the Divine, I feel a reciprocal gift of inner peace rising up from within. When I leave this time and return to my day, I share the gift of peace with everyone I meet.
The people … sacrificed at the high places, but only to the Lord their God.—2 Chronicles 33:17

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Encouragement

The Christ Spirit within inspires and uplifts me now and always.

Sometimes others believe in me more than I believe in myself. Hearing others say with absolute sincerity, “You can do it!” encourages me. Parents, grandparents, teachers and friends have been my cheerleaders when I have needed confidence and reassurance.
Yet profound encouragement also comes from within. In my heart, I connect with the Christ of my being and encourage myself. I affirm: I am a child of God, meant to be happy, healthy and free. The Christ Spirit of success is working in me now. I am worthy and ready to express my divine nature.
I am uplifted as I accept and freely share the gifts I have been given. Through the Christ Spirit within, I can do it!
Encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.—1 Thessalonians 5:11

Monday, June 11, 2012

Let Go Let God in Joy

I express the full joy of living.
We all strive for ideals. We all have a notion of what we want to be. But if we delay our happiness while we wait for some change or perceived improvement, we overlook much of life and its joys. If we look longingly toward a time when life will be different, we miss the unique pleasures of the present.
The greatest assurance of a joy-filled future is the cultivation of happiness now. Every step of life’s pathway is rich and joyous. Every person, every task, every circumstance bears a blessing. To find those blessings and be glad in them is to fulfill our divine birthright.
I look to the goodness all about me, and express the full joy of living right now.
My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy.—James 1:2

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Let Go Let God Believe

My belief in God sustains me.

In the book This I Believe, famous men and women in history share their personal philosophies beginning with the statement, “I believe ….” So I ask myself, What do I believe? What is important to me? It may be the love of family and friends, or the pride I take in the place I live or the work I do.
While many things are important to me, the belief I hold most dear is my belief in the power and presence of God. This is the foundation of my life. It is the place where I begin and end each day, and it sustains me.
I close my eyes for a moment of prayer. Breathing into and out of my whole body, I rest in an awareness of God’s presence. At one with God, I am soothed and strengthened, empowered and enlivened. I believe in God’s presence within me. I am at peace.
“Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped him.—John 9:38

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let Go Let God in Healing

I am the living expression of God’s perfect idea.

Today I devote my prayer time to the divine idea of wholeness. In the Silence, I focus on the innate power of God within. This power created me to be a living expression of a perfect idea.
Wholeness is our natural state of being, the vibrancy of God expressed through all living things. While proper medical and psychological care support our healing, wholeness is our essential nature. It comes from within. Both the idea of perfection and its capacity to become manifest are implanted within each individual.
I am at one with God. I affirm health of every kind—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—in my life and the lives of all.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? … glorify God in your body.—1 Corinthians 6:19, 20

Friday, June 8, 2012

Let Go, Let God

I rest in the presence of God.

The first step in letting God direct my life is letting go of worries, concerns and frustrations. I release what I’ve been fretting over, what has consumed my thoughts and drained my energy.
As I let go of tension and allow my body and mind to relax, I feel the burden lift from my shoulders. I gently release any concern, making room for the free flow of God in my life.
I focus my thoughts on God and on the sanctuary of hope, peace, power and potential within me. I find this sanctuary as I remove the barriers I have built through personal strife. As I let go and rest in the presence of God, I am assured and at peace.
But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

My life overflows with infinite good.

Is anything lacking in my life that God does not supply? The answer is a resounding “No!” I have all I need to be the happy, productive person I am created to be.
Many people measure wealth in dollars and material assets. I am wealthy because the presence of God is within me.
Anytime I think there is not enough, I affirm and give thanks for all I have. Each time I pray, I gain a greater understanding of the power of God within. I reawaken to the assurance that I am complete and whole just as I am. My deepening faith brings greater confidence, strength and courage.
God’s abundant goodness fills every part of my life and blesses me in all I do.
They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness. —Psalm 145:7

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let Go Let God in Transformation

My life is transformed as my mind is renewed.

My mind is a powerful tool. The thoughts I think and the memories I recall shape my life experience. In the Bible, we are encouraged to “be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” I take this to heart, and it has a powerful effect on my life.
When I choose life-affirming thoughts, I have life-affirming experiences. A transformation occurs. My physical appearance changes as I smile more often, walk more confidently, and let my inner light radiate outward. As I develop greater peace and awareness, my spiritual essence shines more brightly. My inner transformation positively affects my life and the lives of those around me.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may discern what is the will of God.—Romans 12:2

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Let Go Let God with a Calming Breath

A calming breath restores my peace.

When life gets hectic, I may feel pressured to move quickly. However, I have another choice. That choice is to breathe. It only takes a few seconds, yet it makes a world of difference.
I breathe in and out, fully and deeply—once and again. Mindfully, I take a breath in, and mindfully, I release. I am centered, focused and at peace. Calm washes over me. These few moments give my mind, body and spirit a mini-break. I remember I have all I need to meet any challenge.
With my mind now at ease, I return to my day reassured and serene. Perhaps I’ve even had a flash of insight. I am thankful as I remember to take a few moments throughout the day to be soothed by a calming breath.
For God is a God not of disorder but of peace.—1 Corinthians 14:33

Monday, June 4, 2012

Let Go Let God in Oneness

I am one with All That Is.

When I look in the mirror, I see my face, my body and the external boundaries of “me.” Then I close my eyes and imagine standing alone at the edge of the ocean. I feel the boundary dissolve between me and All That Is.
I am one cell in the body of the Universe, one heart beating with the rhythm of One Life. My breath unites with the breeze, stirring the trees, sweeping across the water. My spirit lifts with eagle’s wings.
In Spirit, I am one with divine power and eternal life. Through God, I am joined with all of life. I am at peace.
When I am one with All That Is, I am more of who I am. Lift up your eyes all around and see; they all gather, they come to you. —Isaiah 49:18

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let Go Let God be Free

I am free to spread my wings and soar.

As I glimpse a bird flying in the sky above, I consider what its day might be like. It is free to soar without limitation, to fly wherever it chooses.
In many ways, I am like that bird. I, too, am free to spread my wings and soar beyond seeming limitations. I feel free and light as I consider how I might give wings to my dreams. Perhaps it is time to begin a new chapter in my life, set a new course. I am not restricted by circumstance, for I see beyond to new possibilities.
Blessed with the gift of imagination, I envision my life made new. I release old ways of thinking and being and take my next step with faith and excitement. I am free to create the life I desire—free as a bird!
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Let Go Let God in Creativity

With God, I co-create a world of love and abundance.

Creative energy is an integral part of me. Because I am made in the image and likeness of God, I am a unique expression of creative energy. I have within me all I need to be creative.
I color the canvas of my life with my thoughts and words. I create a life vibrant with love as I give praise and thanks. I paint from the infinite palette of God as I tap into divine inspiration. Whether I make a loaf of bread or a work of art, it is my unique creation.
Whatever my gifts, I am an outlet for God’s divine ideas to flow into the world. Through the smallest act of kindness or the grandest gift, I contribute to a world of divine love and abundance.
For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.—Ephesians 2:10

Friday, June 1, 2012

Let Go Let God I Am

I am filled with the life, light and love of God.

Today I ask myself, Who am I? I may answer: spouse, parent, child, friend, co-worker or sibling. I may describe my height, hair color or physical attributes. All of these descriptions indicate who I am on the outside, but who am I at the core? Who am I in the truth of my being?
I am a child of God, a spiritual being filled with divine light and love.
I am one with Spirit, and therefore, I “can do all things.”
I am strong and secure, for I am guided by the all-knowing presence of God.
I am vibrant and healthy, for I am infused with God’s healing energy of life.
I am a unique and valuable part of this world. I am a beloved child of God.
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”—Matthew 16:15