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Friday, August 31, 2012

Let Go Let God with No Regrets

I love my life.

Like a string of colorful beads, the days of my life follow one after another. Every bead, every day, contributes to the whole. As I reflect on the days of my life, some may seem brighter or more colorful than others; some may appear cracked or chipped, yet each day is precious. I have been strengthened by challenge, broken open in crisis, and sustained through it all by God within. I have been humbled by my errors and encouraged by my successes. I’ve been blessed by friends and family as we’ve lived through times of joy and sorrow. For every loss I’ve grieved, I have been blessed by a time of love. I have no regrets. I love my life!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.—Psalm 23:6

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I am always more than I believe I am.

Faith expands my vision. It allows me to see with my heart what may be invisible to my eye. If I focus on the limitations I perceive about myself or my circumstances, my mind can fill with negative thoughts about my resources and abilities. Faith reveals a new vision. Faith invites me to see myself as a beloved child of God with innate creativity, health, wisdom and strength.
Faith stretches me to reach for new opportunities and claim my inner power. I am more than I have believed. Faith reveals that I am smart, strong, healthy and creative as I draw from the all-sufficiency of Spirit within. In faith, I step out to accomplish the work Spirit has for me and to create the life of my dreams.
Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.—Matthew 15:28

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Let Go Let God in Recovery

God’s spirit of recovery is fulfilled within me now!

If I am recovering from an ailment, I claim with faith and certainty my divine birthright to wholeness. I reclaim my power, knowing that my wholeness already exists in God-Mind. I am already perfect and complete on every level.
To embrace total well-being­—in body, mind and affairs—I focus on the positive, life-enhancing conditions I want to experience. I trade negative notions for revitalizing thoughts. I affirm empowering words that bless and reinvigorate my life.
In this way, my recovery accelerates. I am revived inside and out. As God’s spirit of recovery fulfills itself in me, my inner perfection is matched by an outer expression of health, renewal and accomplishment.
He … strengthens the powerless.—Isaiah 40:29

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Let Go Let God in Unity

Aware of my unity with God, I walk confidently.

I know I am not alone or unsupported in life. I am aware of my unity with God. Whatever my aspirations, I have the One with and within me who supplies the insight and guidance I need to fulfill my intentions.
In my unity with God, I do not compare my accomplishments, my appearance or my possessions to those of others. I fill a unique role, and I have unique gifts to share. I am happy to be me.
In my unity with God, I have faith in my ability to make wise judgments, to meet challenges with spiritual strength and resilience, and to think and act with decisiveness and courage. In unity with God, I develop and grow and help others do the same.
For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.—Proverbs 3:26

Monday, August 27, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Worthy

I am worthy and deserving.

I act now to break the unworthiness habit. I let go of any ideas or past beliefs that I don’t deserve the life of my dreams. I step into the light of Spirit—and claim my biggest and best life. When I let my imagination run free, I see what I truly want. It may be harmonious relationships, a healthy life, a fulfilling career, or meeting a special someone. Or perhaps I want to climb a mountain, raft the rapids, or travel around the world. All of my dreams are important. With God, all things are possible. I open my heart and mind to daring new ideas. I anticipate a fabulous life, and I rejoice as it manifests. I am worthy of all I desire.
These are the ones sown on the good soil: they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.—Mark 4:20

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let Go Let God Feel the Presence

Thank You, God, for Your presence.

Turning within for meditative prayer, I feel the presence of divine life, love and light that sustains me through every experience. As I gently breathe in and out, I feel divine life flowing through me, healing me, physically, emotionally and mentally. Every struggle dissipates into the nothingness from which it came. I contemplate the indwelling presence of divine love providing all I need and divine light showing me the way. God within sustains me, energizes me, and inspires me to my fullest potential. Thank You, God, for Your presence that heals, strengthens and soothes my soul.
You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.—Acts 2:28

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Prosperity

All good flows from God, and I open to receive it.

Balancing my checkbook is a good way to see if my spending has exceeded my finances. If so, my buying choices may be out of balance with what truly blesses me. The desire for bigger or better material goods brings little lasting satisfaction. By valuing what is truly important, I can realize a fulfilling life now. All good flows from God, and I open to receive it. I give thanks that my needs are met. I give thanks for the love I give and receive. My family, friends and pets are priceless gifts from God. God is the One Source in whom every need is fulfilled. I am prospered as I hold this truth in mind and heart. God provides greater good for me than I could ever imagine.
For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds.—Matthew 7:8

Friday, August 24, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

Peace is my true nature.

I could live in a fortress with ample supply of material goods, but unless I have inner peace, I will not feel safe and secure. Peace does not come from outer conditions. Peace comes from the depth of my soul, where I connect with God. In the stillness, I go within to access this peace.
As I rest in the Silence, I feel the presence of God. I relax as all tension drains away. My calm centeredness radiates out to my friends and family.
Outer circumstances may fluctuate and change, but the presence of God never does. It is a refuge wherein I am safe, supported and loved. I am one with God. No person or thing can disturb the harmony of my soul.
For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say, “Peace be within you.”—Psalm 122:8

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Let Go Let God Accept Grace

I am renewed, vitalized and uplifted by the grace of God.

One of the heaviest burdens we put on ourselves is self-condemnation: blaming ourselves for our real or perceived wrongdoings. As long as we permit ourselves to carry this burden, our spiritual growth is impaired.
We can acknowledge our errors and short-comings, and where possible, correct them—but once we have done this, it is time to forgive ourselves and, with a humble heart, let God’s grace heal any guilt or blame that remains.
The law of grace is: “Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Only when we forgive ourselves do we open the way for God’s grace to renew, vitalize and uplift us.
See, my servant shall prosper; he shall be exalted and lifted up.—Isaiah 52:13

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let Go Let God Live a Full Life

A life lived lovingly is a life lived fully.

From time to time, I may get frustrated with certain aspects of my life. I take a moment now to reflect, realizing I have the power to change whatever needs changing. In The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran writes, “Your daily life is your temple and your religion.” The way I live reflects my values, purpose and intention. My life matters. As I share the love of God within, my life is enriched. When I treat my family, friends, co-workers and others with understanding and respect, all of us are blessed. I live my life on purpose—mindfully and intentionally. I speak and act with authenticity, confidence and enthusiasm, and I live a full and fulfilling life.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life …. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?—Matthew 6:25

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I behold the Christ in you.

I have faith in the power of God at work within every person for whom I pray. I see each person filled with inner light, innate strength. I see each empowered with divine wisdom to overcome any challenge. Whenever I think of my dear ones, I hold them in love. I see them free of limitations and overflowing with infinite opportunities. I think of them and affirm, “I behold the Christ in you, the perfect spirit, soul, mind and life of you.” I trust in the power of God in those I care about. I have faith that all things are possible in their lives; that all challenges can be transformed; that all disease can be healed; and that all dreams can come true. Beloved ones, I behold the Christ in you.
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you.—3 John 1:2

Monday, August 20, 2012

Let Go Let God Promote World Peace

Drawing from Divine Love within, I am a peacemaker.

From the book The Quest, we read: “There is a level in every human soul which knows no conflict, competition or contempt, a level which knows peace, harmony and love.” The core essence of every person is Divine Love. Let us live from that essence and recognize our Oneness. People from all corners of the earth hold in their hearts the desire for peace. We demonstrate and promote peace with each act of acceptance, kindness and respect. As we pray for peace in the world, we can also pray to live peacefully within ourselves. Inspired by Divine Love, I observe my thoughts, feelings and behaviors today. I reinforce the attitudes that foster peace and resolve to heal those that do not.
Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.—Romans 14:19

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Inspired!

I am inspired to greater acts of love and compassion.

When I am inspired, I am motivated to act. I may admire many people, but if someone inspires me, I am moved to take action I might not otherwise consider. Jesus’ acts of love and wisdom inspire me to step out of my comfort zone and make a difference in the world. Jesus lifted up those who were oppressed and powerless. He reached out without regard to race, religion or social standing and shared generously. Today I am inspired to find new ways to uplift others with support or encouragement. I share of my talent and treasure, because I am an open channel for the flow of abundance in God’s world. I know my actions make a difference as I follow in the footsteps of one who inspires me.
But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.—James 1:22

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let Go Let God For Well-Being

I am well in body, mind and spirit.

Daily exercise keeps my body flexible. Each step I take is a tribute to the life of God within me. I feel the renewing energy of God flowing through me with every movement and every breath.
My mind is exercised as well when I read, learn a new skill, or do mentally challenging games. I take advantage of every opportunity to maintain mental acuity.
My spiritual well-being is ensured as I connect with loving, positive people, regularly pray and meditate, and maintain an affirmative attitude. I am centered in the presence of God, and the love of God flows through me to establish a complete sense of well-being. In body, mind and spirit, I am whole and well.
Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light.—Luke 11:34

Friday, August 17, 2012

Let Go Let God in Awareness

I am aware of God in all of life.

As a child, I grew in awareness as I learned to walk, speak and read. Today my awareness is still expanding. Even as an adult with a lifetime of experiences, I am still learning new things. I have learned, for instance, that I find exactly what I am looking for. So today I focus on finding God—and I do. I see God in all things. I see God in the beauty of the sunrise. I experience God in the love I feel for my family and friends. I see God as creativity in the work of an artist. I hear God as enthusiasm and joy in the laughter of children at play. With spiritual awareness, I take a deep breath and know God as all of life.
The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord, searching every innermost part.—Proverbs 20:27

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Joy

My joy emanates from the presence of God within.

The presence of God within me provides an internal reservoir of peace and joy. I am deeply glad to be part of this vibrant world, while also being connected to God’s gentle presence.
Even when life brings temporary unhappiness, loss or confusion, I maintain an internal awareness of the joy of living in the presence of God. The Divine within reminds me. Nothing can separate me from God, the good.
As the joy in my heart grows, I express what I am feeling. I even find joy in expressing profound sadness. All emotions and experiences are part of being alive!
God’s transforming presence enables me to express the full joy of living.
You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy.—Psalm 16:11

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let Go Let God All is in Divine Order

My life is in divine order.

When my mind, body and activities are in divine order, I experience light to guide my way, health to restore my body, and prosperity to supply my needs. Aligned with divine order, I am at peace with my world and in harmony with what is.
Today is the starting place for a new and perfect order. I still my thoughts in prayer, and dedicate my mind to positive and constructive expressions.
I bless my body, affirming order in every nerve, cell, organ and function. I know the reality of God’s perfection manifests in every aspect of my being.
I bless my life that it may always be in divine order for good health, good guidance and good fortune.
All things should be done decently and in order.—1 Corinthians 14:40

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Let Go Let God Receive Guidance

God in the midst of me is wisdom and intelligence.

In today’s world of high-speed technology, I can quickly obtain information on any subject with the click of a button. Yet often, I am looking for more than information. I’m seeking guidance to know which decision will lead me to my highest good.
Thankfully, I have access to divine wisdom, which is far more reliable than an Internet search engine. Within me lies a great storehouse of knowledge. It is the wisdom of the Universe. It is the wisdom of God.
When I get quiet and listen, God fills my mind with divine ideas, informs my thoughts, leads me to right action, and encourages me on my life’s journey. Through prayer and meditation, I tap into the wisdom of God and find the answers I seek.
You will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul.—Deuteronomy 4:29

Monday, August 13, 2012

Let Go Let God The Time Is Now

Now is the time for my healing, restoration and freedom!

Living with regret about what I or others could have or should have done, or lamenting what might have been, is a waste of energy. So, too, is withholding the best me for some future date.
Now is the only time there is. I don’t linger in the hallway of life, waiting for tomorrow. I seize the present moment to be fully immersed in living and to make an effective contribution to the world. I punctuate affirmative prayers with the word now to impress upon my mind and heart that there is no delay in Spirit.
Now is the time for healing and restoration; for liberation from beliefs or behaviors stuck in the past or saved for the future. Now is the time to flourish, to live life fully, to claim the full wealth of my good!
You are now the blessed of the Lord.—Genesis 26:29

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Let Go Let God in the Sanctuary

The peace of God is the sanctuary of my soul.

Deep within me is a holy sacred place of peace. If I feel afraid or unsure, this inner sanctuary protects me. The peace of God within is my place of safety.
Praying, reading spiritual materials, and pausing to take a mindful breath are passageways to my inner sanctuary. They lead me to refuge and peace. Any fear or concerns dissipate as I focus on the power and protection of God within. Instead of nervousness and tension, I experience the One Presence and One Power within me. I am safe and protected.
I move through my day attuned to the serenity of my soul. This peace is always with me; it is my inner sanctuary. It connects me with God.
The Lord answer you in the day of trouble! …May he send you help from the sanctuary.—Psalm 20:1, 2

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Let Go Let God Forgive

When I forgive, I release the past and embody the present.

A closed heart cannot receive love and joy. A clenched fist cannot accept an outstretched hand. Today I give myself the gift of forgiveness, as I open my heart— myself—to living in love. I can cling to hurtful experiences from the past or surrender them for a better life now. As I release attachment to a painful memory, I allow myself to replace pain with peace, hurt with joy. Forgiving does not mean condoning hurtful actions. Forgiveness means releasing the pain and reclaiming my life. When I forgive, I am freed to move beyond the unchangeable past into a new experience of divine possibilities.
Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you.—Colossians 3:13

Friday, August 10, 2012

Let Go Let God Envision

I envision my life as I want it to be.

I have been given a great gift: the ability to envision and create the life I want. My power of imagination allows me to picture my goals as already achieved, my challenges as already overcome.
I see with my mind’s eye what I want most, and begin to manifest it with the guidance of Spirit. As I envision my dream becoming reality, I also imagine the feelings it will bring— elation, perhaps, or relief, satisfaction or peace. I pray with these thoughts and feelings in mind, and I hold to them despite any outer appearances or inner doubts.
God guides me to my highest good. My faith is renewed as my good comes into manifestation.
Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory.—Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let Go Let God in Cooperation

I join in a spirit of love and cooperation with all people.

Nature teaches me the value of cooperation. When I see bees in a hive producing honey, ants working tirelessly to accomplish their task, and animals instinctively teaming to care for their young, I witness natural collaboration.
What a wonderful lesson as I remember I live in partnership with all beings. I embrace our oneness and share in a spirit of cooperation and love. I remember that beyond our differences, lies the truth that we are one, sharing this space and time on our beautiful planet.
I envision all people working together for the common good. Through our collective consciousness, we create a better world.
As we work together with him, we urge you also not to accept the grace of God in vain.—2 Corinthians 6:1

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Let Go Let God in Healing

The healing light and life of God flow through me now.

Ease is more natural than dis-ease, and health is more natural than illness. Whenever I have a healing need, I relax, release my fears, and allow the healing light and life of God to flow through me. I affirm the power of God within to heal whatever needs to be healed. Healing light fills me, permeating every cell and fiber of my being. God is greater than any appearance of illness, and healing light breaks forth as I affirm the power of God working in and through me now. First in mind, then in body, my healing springs up quickly. Moment to moment, I give thanks for the healing light and life of God within me.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.—Isaiah 58:8

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Free

I am free to be a healthy, whole and fulfilled creation of God.

I stop myself from thinking or saying, “I can’t” or “If only I could.” Instead of wishing circumstances were different, I become fully aware of my freedom to be all I can be, right now.
In Truth, I am free to live as a divinely supported, strong and whole creation of God. No circumstance or person can deny this to me. I recognize myself as a spiritual being and live in that Truth.
Embracing my freedom is a matter of choice. I reach for my heart’s desire and do not let fear of failure stop me. I choose to believe that I can, rather than assuming that I cannot. I choose to believe in what God can do through me as a free, unlimited being.
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!—2 Corinthians 5:17

Monday, August 6, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Open

I am receptive to spiritual understanding and inspiration.

As I start my day in quiet meditation, I am centered and aware of the activity of God within me. I ask for guidance and understanding and am open and receptive to it.
Flashes of insight come to me throughout the day, and I smile with each realization. Often I am surprised at the way answers come. I hear a song lyric that inspires me or a friend mentions a helpful book or resource. Divine ideas seem to come from out of the blue. I realize again that when I ask, I receive.
When I am ready, my prayers are answered. I remain open to God, listening with heart and mind, and knowing I will recognize that which emanates from the Divine.
Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.—Psalm 119:18

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Let Go Let God

I relax, let go, and open myself to unlimited possibilities.

What does “letting go” mean? It can mean releasing worry and thinking optimistically. It can mean allowing myself to hope and dream about the future. It can mean permitting myself to slow my hectic pace and spend more time in quiet communion with God.
As I let go, I surrender my life and all that concerns me to the living power and presence of God within me. I willingly look beyond appearances and fully trust God’s wisdom and love to manifest in my life.
As I surrender, I release my attachment to any specific outcome. I focus my attention on the unlimited nature of God and the activity of Spirit. I relax, let go and trust God to lead me on my way.
Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.—John 14:27

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Let Go Let God to a New Day

I am alive and alert. I am one with the One.

A birdsong before dawn is music to my soul. It’s as if the bird cannot wait to greet the new day. This song calls me to wake up and get started, to welcome this day with enthusiasm and expectancy.
If I’ve become comfortable in my routine or have settled into an uninspired pattern of living, the birdsong reawakens me. As I rediscover my unlimited potential, I say “yes” to the spirit of God within me.
I am one with the One. My entire being is alive and alert, energized with possibility, awakened to new life—abundant, full and free. Like the bird that heralds the dawn, my soul rejoices in each new day.
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make melody. Awake, my soul!—Psalm 108:1

Friday, August 3, 2012

Let Go Let God Open to Perspective

I am aware of the presence of God, and my life unfolds in right ways.

Aware of the presence of God within, I live from my spiritual center, rather than strictly from my ego. I am guided by my life’s purpose and meaning.
When I see my life from a divine perspective, I realize how limited my ego-based views can be. Prayer helps me achieve and maintain a higher view. I notice when my thoughts, words and actions are out of alignment with Spirit, and I open to the guidance of God in all I think, say and do.
I have faith that my highest good is unfolding minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and that unlimited blessings are flowing to me now. I am God-conscious, fully open to the activity of Spirit in my life.

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.—Acts 2:46

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Thankful

In this very moment, I am thankful.

Today I conduct a gratitude experiment. How much gratitude can I feel and express during the next 24 hours? I look around and count the many blessings in my life.
I reflect on all I have and all I’ve experienced, and I am excited about what is to come. I am thankful for a whole and healthy body, for divine ideas that propel my dreams into reality, for the foundation of divine support I feel. People I cherish come to mind—my family, friends and neighbors—and I am thankful for each of them.
Gratitude expands and fills my entire body with light and love. I practice gratitude throughout each day, because it feels so good.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.—Colossians 3:15

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let Go Let God with Passion

I share my gifts with joy, excitement and passion.

Spirit within is always calling me toward the desires of my heart. I needn’t worry that I’m not ready or worthy to pursue them. When I am willing to be more, do more, and share more, Spirit provides everything I need for success. My joy, excitement and passion tell me I am moving in the right direction.
I am willing to share my gifts and talents, knowing the world needs every one of us to open to our greatest potential. Even if I do not feel fully prepared, Spirit works within me and others, to synchronize timing and provide resources for the highest good of all. Fueled by my passion, I step into a flow of positive energy that carries me forward and expands my life.
For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has—not according to what one does not have.—2 Corinthians 8:12