I am receptive to spiritual understanding and inspiration.
As I start my day in quiet meditation, I am centered and aware of the activity of God within me. I ask for guidance and understanding and am open and receptive to it.
Flashes of insight come to me throughout the day, and I smile with each realization. Often I am surprised at the way answers come. I hear a song lyric that inspires me or a friend mentions a helpful book or resource. Divine ideas seem to come from out of the blue. I realize again that when I ask, I receive.
When I am ready, my prayers are answered. I remain open to God, listening with heart and mind, and knowing I will recognize that which emanates from the Divine.
Flashes of insight come to me throughout the day, and I smile with each realization. Often I am surprised at the way answers come. I hear a song lyric that inspires me or a friend mentions a helpful book or resource. Divine ideas seem to come from out of the blue. I realize again that when I ask, I receive.
When I am ready, my prayers are answered. I remain open to God, listening with heart and mind, and knowing I will recognize that which emanates from the Divine.
Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.—Psalm 119:18
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