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Monday, August 31, 2015

Let Go Let God with Confidence

Confidence is my True Self expressing.

I was not born to hide my gifts, stifle my imagination, or withhold love. God made me to shine! Any critical thoughts about myself are like mud covering a brilliant gem. I take three deep breaths to cleanse my mind of any negativity. With each breath, I wash away any thoughts of unworthiness. I release limits I have allowed to dominate my mind. And I let go of any shame about mistakes I have made. I claim a clean slate in this moment and affirm the truth—I am wise, loving, and creative. My confidence increases as I see myself clearly. My true self shines forth like a nugget of gold washed clean of mud. I am a shining expression of Spirit!

God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.—2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Let Go Let God with Love

I openly give and receive the gift of Love.

According to the apostle Paul, the greatest gift of Spirit is love. Spiritual love is deeper than romantic love and stronger than familial love. It is an unconditional love and acceptance for all of life. As a divine being, I am always in the flow of love. I see it in the sun that shines on my face every morning. I receive it in a delicious breakfast and from my dog or cat showing affection. I am embraced in warmth, acceptance, and bliss. There is nothing I must do or be to receive Love. I open my heart and say “Thank you!” As I receive, I also give. I see God in others and show them love. I accept and love them deeply, without conditions. I openly give and receive the gift of love.

And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.—1 Corinthians 13:13

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Let Go Let God Enjoy New Experiences

I say yes to life!
Jesus told us to become like a child to enter the kingdom. The kingdom—a state of joy, peace, and goodness—awaits my willingness to meet new experiences like a child. Children may see the world as both scary and exciting. New experiences may cause me to feel fear, elation, or both. I am certain to feel alive. A toddler is reassured by a parent’s presence during her first merry-go-round ride. In the same way, Spirit is with me through every new adventure. I welcome new opportunities with anticipation. The desires of my heart enthusiastically propel me across new thresholds and onto what may be the experience of a lifetime. I awake to the kingdom of God within me. I say yes to life!

Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.—Matthew 19:14

Friday, August 28, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Fulfilled

I find fulfillment in the pleasures of everyday life.
My thirst for satisfaction may create chaos in my life. I may change jobs, relationships, and homes. Still, I may be restless. Then I refocus my desires inward and discover what I am looking for is already here. Outer circumstances do not bring me peace and satisfaction. Love does. I retrain my mind to find fulfillment within. A spiritual wellspring of contentment and delight awaits me. I find enjoyment in little things like a blue sky, the smell of the earth, and small kindnesses extended to me by others. Most of all, I appreciate the real pleasure of living my life exactly as it is. I live in a constant state of gratitude and all is well with me and the world.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.—Romans 15:13

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let Go Let God through Faith

I am one with the spirit of God.

When life unfolds as planned, it’s easy for me to believe God and I are cocreators. I accomplish my goals, circumstances fall into place, and I overflow with gratitude. Other days I may feel powerless. In these times I remember to go first to prayer. When I am connected to Christ in me, I am more able to see the current situation through the eyes of faith. With the eyes of faith, I see blessings in disappointments. I confidently overcome obstacles. I clearly see the next steps to achieving my goals. I strengthen my faith with every minute I spend in prayer and meditation. Seeing through the eyes of faith, I live in a continuous state of gratitude.
For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in faithfulness to you.—Psalm 26:3

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

Divine ideas prosper and bless me.
In the spiritual realm, abundance is an infinite ocean. Prosperity flows into my life according to how much of it I am ready to accept in my consciousness. I can approach this ocean of absolute potential with a thimble, a bucket, or a pipeline. All the wealth of God is waiting within me for my willingness to experience it. I completely open myself to divine ideas of abundance that urge me forward and give me a sense of purpose. I am inspired to accomplish great things! I am filled with new and vibrant energy. I courageously act on divine guidance and experience positive, uplifting, and prosperous results. I accept and welcome an infinite ocean of abundance. I am grateful for divine ideas that prosper and bless my life!
In all that they do, they prosper.—Psalm 1:3

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Let Go Let God Forgive

I cleanse my heart with healing prayer.
Ancient wisdom states that a full vessel has no room for more. This is also true of my consciousness. When I hold on to troubles and hurts, I am a full vessel. This crowding of my heart makes it difficult for more abundance to flow into my life. I create space by pouring out all unforgiveness. I journal, pray, and talk with people I trust. I let go of resentments and fear and cleanse my heart with prayer. Now I am a pure, clean vessel with space to receive more love and blessings. I notice the grace of God filling me up. I am healed. I live from a new consciousness and I am happy. I share my joy with my loved ones and those I see throughout my day. I empty my vessel regularly and live abundantly.
Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone.—Mark 11:25

Monday, August 24, 2015

Let Go Let God Learn

An open mind and humble heart help me grow and learn.
Learning plays a vital role in my spiritual development. I consciously approach my growth as a novice student. This cultivates important spiritual qualities such as open-mindedness and humility. I follow this discipline whether I am new to the spiritual path or have journeyed for years. I view even the most challenging situations as gifts in the form of important life lessons. Every person and circumstance teaches me something invaluable about the nature of Spirit and of my own soul. Studying worldly matters can be fun and help with daily living. Still, nothing fulfills me like growing in spiritual wisdom. As I gain knowledge and skills, I joyfully express my divine nature.
Then I saw and considered it; I looked and received instruction.—Proverbs 24:32

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Let Go Let God with Generosity

I am a generous giver to life!
I share my time, talent, and treasure as naturally as a tree gives its shade, fruit, and leaves. This is most true when I am centered in the source of my inherent abundance—Christ within. On occasion, I may forget who I am and think I don’t have enough to give. As soon as I notice these false thoughts, I remember how trees give without effort. I give from this consciousness of generosity and ease, and I am richly blessed. My generosity is supported by a faith that knows I am always supported and protected. The tree does not worry whether its needs will be met. It does not negotiate what it will get in return; it freely offers itself. I root myself in this naturally prosperous way of being and generously share my gifts.
A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water.—Proverbs 11:25

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Let Go Let God Explore

I revel in our Oneness as I explore the world around me.
Children who feel safe confidently explore new surroundings. I tap into this childlike trust as I embark on new adventures. I affirm: I am safe and secure—loved and protected by God. Curious about different ways of living and being, I make a point to try something new today. Perhaps I sample a new cuisine. Maybe I attend a service of a different faith or listen to music from another culture. I may plan a trip abroad or just consider a new idea. Whatever I choose, I explore with an open heart, like a child who feels safe. I do not need to defend my positions or impose my beliefs on anyone. I celebrate diversity. My faith is strong and I have a deep love for all of God’s children. I revel in our Oneness as I explore the world around me.

All of you are one in Christ Jesus.—Galatians 3:28

Friday, August 21, 2015

Let Go Let God with an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude releases a powerful flow of good in my life.
My optimism and grateful heart are sources of strength for me. If I have a medical test, I expect the results to show I am in good health. I know a change in plans is a change for the better. And I patiently await answers to prayers—trusting in divine order. I confidently seek new opportunities and try new things. I give thanks for what I desire before I receive it. My attitude of gratitude releases a powerful flow of God’s good in every area of my life. My grateful heart is an open vessel into which God’s blessings flow. Good flows to me and through me. I may receive unexpected income, discover a new hobby, or run into a long-lost friend. Wonderful things occur in my state of gratitude and grace.

You shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful.—Joshua 1:8

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Let Go Let God with Potential

Divine potential is my recipe for success.
Flour, sugar, and eggs have the potential to be a cake. The finished product depends on my creativity. I measure, mix, and bake. I follow through on each step to complete my creation. All the ingredients I need for a fulfilling life are available to me in divine potential. I find wisdom, love, imagination, and faith in quiet moments of prayer. Like discarding the eggshells, I eliminate what does not serve me. I align my will with Spirit and the next step is revealed. I complete my work with strength and understanding and a little zeal. I am grateful for the life I live and for the power to create my life anew each day from divine potential, my recipe for success.

Now we have received ... the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.—1 Corinthians 2:12

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Let Go, Let God

I let go of expectations and trust God.
A team succeeds when all players do the best they can in the roles they have accepted. Teams falter when members lose their focus and worry about the performance of others. So it is in life. My role on the team of humankind is to align with the divine spark within and shine my light into the world. I own my power and my life. I release any temptations to manage those around me or micromanage the world. I let go of how I think things should be and do my best in every circumstance. Spirit is expressing in and through each person and situation. Looking past appearances, I behold the Christ in everyone I see. I respond to all with love. I let go of expectations and trust God. All is well.

Trust in the Lord, and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security.—Psalm 37:3

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Let Go Let God Experience Guidance

I act on my guidance from God.
One of the Proverbs says, “The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.” I have seen this many times in my life. I made plans and a hunch guided me in another direction. I trust where my intuition is guiding me. I keep this attitude even when things may not go the way I expect and I experience confusion, anger, or fear. In times like these, I put my hand on my heart, quiet my mind, and experience the presence of God in me. Spirit holds my hand and directs my steps. I surrender completely and follow God’s way. Each of my steps brings me closer to the Light. Eventually, my mind is illuminated. I clearly see what God wants for me.
Our steps are made firm by the Lord ... though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.—Psalm 37:23-24

Monday, August 17, 2015

Let Go Let God All is in Divine Order

My life is unfolding in perfect order.
A tree begins as a seed and grows into a sapling. It eventually becomes a mature tree able to provide shelter, food, and beauty to those around it. No one asks the seed why it hasn’t borne fruit, or the sapling why it is not able to carry the weight of a child’s swing. While a tree’s growth takes many years, it is easy to see the natural and divine order of the tree’s life. I remember to be patient with the natural timeline of occurrences in my own life. Looking back, I see how the right opportunity or person came along just at the right time. Turning within, I affirm with confidence: All is in divine order. I listen and follow my guidance on what my next right step shall be.

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.—Philippians 4:6

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Free

Centered in Spirit, I am free.
At times I may feel restrained by my circumstances. I have commitments to keep, bills to pay, and my inner critic to calm. I may wonder how to get out of this stagnant state. Then, I turn to God for guidance. I shift my focus from lack to abundance. Freedom comes from within, and I have the power to create a sense of freedom in my life. A change in my attitude often is all I need to be free. I also may change the way I communicate to free myself from frustration. Instead of keeping things bottled up, I share my feelings and needs openly. I am empowered to ask for what I need. When it’s my turn to listen, I am compassionate. I breathe before reacting and respond with love. Centered in Spirit, I am free.

You have made me stride freely, and my feet do not slip.—2 Samuel 22:37

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let Go Let God Know Heaven

With my mind on Spirit, I experience heaven.

Holding images of heaven as a place in the clouds may keep me from claiming the heaven available to me right now. With my mind at peace and my thoughts on Spirit, I experience heaven in my consciousness. I do not earn a place in heaven by doing good deeds, although doing what is loving and kind is part of my spiritual path. I find heaven as I grow in self-awareness, think clearly, and maintain a positive attitude. I surrender any sense of separation and experience heaven as Oneness. Moment by moment, Spirit reveals more of heaven to me. My human life is a vehicle for loving-kindness, and I experience heaven here on earth.

To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 13:11

Friday, August 14, 2015

Let Go Let God with Wisdom

I am guided by the wisdom of God.
I may believe life gives me abundant opportunities to fail and succeed. In reality, there is no failure. When things don’t go as planned, I learn and move on. Taking chances is part of being a good student of life. I accept life on life’s terms and succeed in everything I do. My positive attitude gives me confidence to try new things. I make decisions by tapping into both worldly knowledge and divine guidance. I pray, meditate, and journal. I may hear God’s voice while walking, in the shower, or while gardening. I plan my day to have this important time to listen. The wisdom of God continually directs me. I know what to do and when to do it, as I am guided by Spirit in all that I do.
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.—Proverbs 2:6

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Let Go Let God with Spontaneity

I am free, spontaneous, and unlimited!
Each new sunrise brings me joyful anticipation for the day ahead. Nature wakes up as the dew evaporates. Cities become alive with people buying coffee before work. The same things seem to happen every day, yet no two days are exactly the same. Each moment of life is spontaneous and unique. Before rising, I feel the energy of Spirit moving in me. I am the life of God, spontaneous, unlimited, and free! I pray in deep gratitude for the blessing of waking up and living this day. I stay connected to God by taking frequent prayer breaks. I listen carefully for Spirit’s gentle and wise guidance and follow it with fearless joy. I dare to be spontaneous, joyful, and unique!

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I bless others with my prayers.

We all experience ups and downs. Feelings waver between elation and sorrow, hope and despair. Just as emotions do not last forever, the situations that cause them ultimately change as well. When I witness a loved one or a stranger experiencing a difficult situation, I hold them in prayer. I acknowledge their feelings with love and empathy. I look past their temporary circumstances to the unchanging Truth of who they are: God expressing as life. I envision them as healthy, prosperous, and filled with peace. Regardless of circumstances, I surround others with light and love. Together we may laugh and we may cry. Through it all, we give thanks for God expressing in and as our lives.
I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”—Isaiah 41:13

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Let Go Let God in Celebration

I celebrate God’s love and joy in the temple of my soul.
My life is a celebration of God’s love. I look to scripture for words to describe my joy. The Psalms speak to me and my heart sings: “Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary … Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance. Praise him with strings and pipe!” My body—the temple of God—fills with the sounds of my celebration of Love. I feel the trumpet sounding within me. The lute and harp resonate in every activity of my day, bringing about joyful harmony. My motions are a dance of spiritual bliss. I carry the energy of divine celebration with me wherever I go. I shine my light in all I do, and brighten the lives of others. Praise God!
Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.—1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, August 10, 2015

Let Go Let God Pray for World Peace

My peaceful presence contributes to peace in the world.
When watching the news or reading about world events, I may feel concerned about the state of affairs. Then, I remember the Spirit of God within is my guide. In prayer, I seek guidance from Spirit as to what I can do. I may not be able to influence world leaders, yet I can change my own life practices. Every day I pray for peace in the world. I also take the needed actions to bring more peace into my life. I harmonize and resolve past grievances and experience more serenity. I create more tranquility in my life and the feeling of peace spreads to my loved ones, into my community, and throughout the world. Guided by God, I create peace in my life—the foundation of world peace.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:26

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Let Go Let God as His Expression

I am an amazing expression of God, a blessing to the world.
Some thoughts in my mind may be as dark as a moonless night. Yet just as the sun rises each day, the light of God is always available to lift me up. I break out of the darkness by allowing Love to flood my mind and heart. I awaken to the truth—I am an amazing expression of God, a blessing to the world! Recognition of my truth brings me into balance. I become aware of the warm summer air caressing my body, the beating of my heart, and the rhythm of my breath. I remain in this awareness and feel energy increasing in me. I celebrate love overflowing in me. I give thanks for my ever-present Source of energy—the light of God. I radiate my energy into the world for the benefit of all humanity.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.—John 10:10

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I live in harmony with the symphony of Life.
When a musical statement is incomplete and needs closure, there is a moment of uneasy anticipation. When I am impatient, anxious, or judgmental, I am in a similar state of discord. In music, this out-of-sorts feeling often occurs just before the end of a phrase. A few notes change and discord resolves in a harmonious chord. What a joyful ending! If I am feeling out of sync with the world around me, I can stay there or I can change my response. I choose to be the change that creates harmony. I modify my perspective and gradually move into harmony with what is. Discord dissolves and I live in unity with the symphony of Life.
Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.—Philippians 2:2

Friday, August 7, 2015

Let Go Let God be Reinvigorated

I am reinvigorated by my vacation.
I move at a lively pace as I prepare to take a vacation. How freeing it is to decide how, when, and where I will spend my time! I may make new friends, learn about a different city or culture, or take in the stunning beauty of nature. I may travel to places I have never been or choose to see family and friends in familiar surroundings. I may simply take a stay-cation and accomplish projects around the house. Wherever I go, I know God’s protection accompanies me. I am reinvigorated and revitalized as I step away from my everyday busyness for a time. By taking a vacation, I know I will be better able to do what is mine to do when I return to work or school. I am blessed and appreciative of this time for fun!
And remember, I am with you always.—Matthew 28:20

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Let Go Let God be Open

I am open and receptive to my good.

The essence and attributes of God are always available to me. Sometimes I may not see them and strive on my own to meet challenges and responsibilities. Yet it only takes a small opening for inspiration to break through. It may be the lyrics of a song, the words of a friend, or the antics of a child. I hear a knock on the door of my heart and shift my attention away from problems and toward God. I open to the flow of goodness and receive the answers I seek. I see with clarity and recognize the guidance of Divine Mind. My day flows smoothly and I accomplish what I need peacefully, for I am open, receptive, confident, and assured.

“Though I was blind, now I see.” They said to him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”—John 9:25, 26

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

I am secure in the comforting love of God.
Children have an inherent desire for comfort. Before they are able to speak, they cry out for touch, nourishment, and protection. Although I am no longer a child, I sometimes still need comforting. I need to feel safe and loved, especially in difficult times—when I may feel lost, sad, or afraid. I yearn for the reassurance that I am not alone. God gently reminds me to turn within, where comfort is always available. I release any sadness, fear, or loneliness. They have no place in my life. In the Silence, I feel God’s love deep within my heart. My inner child is comforted. I am safe and loved, strong and courageous. I stay in touch with Spirit and am at peace in good times and in tough times. I am secure in the comforting love of God.
Let the little children come to me.—Matthew 19:14

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let Go Let God the Infinite

I express the infinite goodness in me in every interaction.
Eric Butterworth wrote, “God is in you as the ocean is in a wave. The wave is nothing more nor less than the ocean expressing as a wave.” I take this analogy to heart and affirm my own truth. I am nothing more nor less than God expressing as me. I am a wave in an ocean of intelligence, life, love, and wisdom. I grow in awareness of the power of Christ within me through practice and discipline. I awaken to the infinite goodness in me and in all. I call it forth into expression in everyday life as I interact with others, do my work, solve problems, and grow in spiritual understanding.

In him we live and move and have our being.—Acts 17:28

Monday, August 3, 2015

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

I am one with Christ and I am at peace.
Spelunkers explore and descend through underground tunnels and vertical shafts to reach the depths of a cave. They find secret places and absolute quiet. They discover the mysteries of the earth. In a similar way, I descend to my core to connect with my Christ Self. I discover pure tranquility. I receive understanding, love, and peace. I find this center of my being through my spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, and silence. I find the way on my own—it is my journey to peace. Once found, I return often. Inner peace comes through regular connection with my inner core of love. I find answers and comfort in knowing God is always there.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.–Philippians 4:7

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Let Go Let God with Friends

I am rich in friends.
A friend is a precious gift. We laugh and cry with friends. We support them, love them, and share their joy. They do the same for us. Whether I am wishing for a friend or cherishing the ones I have, I give thanks for all I receive in friendship. Being a good friend is one of the greatest gifts I can give. Today I express the qualities I most appreciate in a friend. This may include humor, attentive listening, or an adventurous spirit. I watch with curiosity how others respond to my friendliness and my day is filled with joy. Ultimately, my greatest friend is Spirit within me. As I allow Love to express through me, new friends enter my life, and old friendships deepen. I am rich in friends.
Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people.—Ruth 1:16

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I am strong, healthy, and vigorous.
Healing is natural. With each breath and each heartbeat, the healing presence of God is doing its mighty work. I allow and encourage my healing without getting in the way of God. I do this by remaining optimistic and dismissing any negative or doubtful thinking. I trust the restorative power of God is working in me in the best way right now. If I am feeling less than whole, energized, or complete, I take a deep breath and envision my body responding to perfect healing energy. I affirm: I am strong, healthy, and vigorous. I bless each part and all of my body temple and feel the love of God filling me from head to toe.

Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well.—Matthew 9:22