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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Let Go Let God be Thankful

I am thankful for God’s blessings in my life.
When I feel and express gratitude, I unlock a door that allows God’s good to enter my life. I think thankful thoughts, speak words of gratefulness, and I act in ways that show gratitude. I become aware of blessings already present in my life and draw more to me when I am thankful. Throughout the day I check in with myself and my thoughts. I pause and ask myself, What am I thinking? Once I notice a thought that seems negative or out of alignment with my highest good, I change my focus. I put my attention back on blessings received and those to come and feel the return of gratitude. No matter what is happening in my life, I can find something for which to give thanks. Thankfulness creates a new attitude in me.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.—Psalm 107:1

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Let Go Let God with Perspective

My life is enlivened and enriched by a fresh perspective.
In the movie Dead Poets Society, the teacher instructs his class to stand on their desks for a new perspective on life. Their surprise is apparent as they step up and take a fresh look at their familiar surroundings from this new vantage point. Similarly, a simple shift in my daily routine can open up a whole new perspective. Resolutions to problems and innovative ideas may come by changing my route to work or the order of my morning ritual. A small conscious change I make today may open a new window in my mind. I look at the same situation or environment with new eyes. With renewed perspective, I see and feel more expansively. My life is enlivened and enriched by a fresh perspective.
For in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible.—Colossians 1:16

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Let Go Let God in World Peace

One with all beings, I contribute to a consciousness of peace.
People of diverse cultures and belief systems around the world all desire peace. Each person is an expression of God, an instrument of peace. I align my thoughts with these like-minded people, opening the way to harmony and spiritual freedom. Together we tap in to the power of love to bless one another and every being in the world. We look beyond prejudice or narrow-mindedness to envision a world of respect, understanding, and oneness of purpose. Our oneness in thought, purpose, and understanding builds an environment of lasting peace. I view the world through the eyes of divine love, and I affirm goodness, love, and peace. My vision of oneness and harmony contributes to a consciousness of peace.
In the beginning ... God created the heavens and the earth.—Genesis 1:1

Monday, March 28, 2016

Let Go Let God with Joy

I am a wellspring of joy.
An artesian well reaches the surface with great power when tapped. Pressure allows the water to flow freely. Similarly, when we draw on the deep wellspring of divine joy, we experience a great relief of pressure, even when life seems overwhelming. We were meant for joy and happiness; we are joyous by nature. Joy does not depend upon any person, condition, or thing. So I choose to move and flow with life’s events, all the while tapping in to my source of inner joy. I take the time to breathe fully and move my attention into my deepest self. The flowing life energy of God nourishes me with bubbling joy that fills me and overflows to others, rippling forth to everyone I meet.
I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves.—John 17:13

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Let Go Let God it is Easter

Through the Christ Presence within, I am transformed.

Today is Easter Sunday—a time to celebrate spirit, soul, and body resurrecting as the Christ Consciousness of life and wholeness. The gift that Easter gives to humankind is the gift of hope and renewal. Through the Christ Presence within, I can transcend limiting thoughts and habits. I allow the healing presence of Spirit to restore and renew me in all ways. I rest in the Truth that I am never alone. Every day I am created anew. This feeling of renewal helps me to live from my divine self. I rethink negative beliefs that I may have taken on and I feel free. I move from darkness, doubt, and false beliefs into the light of understanding. It is in these times of renewal that I can say, “I am radiant and fully alive! Through the Christ Presence within, I am transformed.”
I am the resurrection and the life.—John 11:25

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Let Go Let God be Free

I am a free and spiritual being. I have unlimited potential.
Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” One fundamental truth I know is that I am a spiritual being, now and always. I am a child of God being divinely guided every moment of every day. As God’s beloved, I am free to overlook past mistakes or regrets and move forward in peace. I am free to live each day with a deepening faith and an awareness of God as my guide, my healer, and my supplier. I am grateful that I am never alone, for God is always with me. This truth allows me the freedom to set dreams and goals and to know they are within my reach. I am free to move forward on a divinely guided path—one that is mine alone to create and to follow. I do so now, with God’s ever-present direction and love.
Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.—Proverbs 4:25

Friday, March 25, 2016

Let Go Let God in Wholeness

I am infused with the energy of God.
I am a physical, spiritual, and social being. Within me are hundreds of parts that comprise my whole. My skeleton frames me. My heart circulates blood infused with oxygen courtesy of my lungs. My brain monitors processes. Each part of my body has a specific function and purpose. I am the sum of these parts that allow me to think, breathe, move, and feel. Divine energy flows within me, infusing every cell, tissue, and organ with strength and vitality. There is only one of me, and I am a magnificent creation of God. I give thanks for my body and the amazing way that it works without my even being aware of it. I praise my body for its strength, and I give thanks to God for creating me.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.—Psalm 139:14

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

Thank You, God, for divine order at work in me.
Patterns of worry, stress, and fear subside when I affirm divine order. With each challenge met, problem solved, or healing experienced, I strengthen my awareness of divine order at work in my life. I trust God. I learn to recognize then release my automatic negative responses. Rather than reacting, I act from a place of divine contentment. I refocus my thoughts away from the temptation to fret about outcomes. Solutions are not found by dwelling on the problem—they are revealed by lifting myself in consciousness and focusing on Spirit. I raise my thoughts and my feelings upward to the light of divine love and order. Centering myself in faith and trusting God, I allow my life to unfold in divine, orderly ways. Thank You, God, for divine order at work in me.
The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My faith is in God.
Faith is having the courage to let go and believe in a power greater than myself. Jesus said, “Even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will be done.” But more than words, Jesus demonstrated the peace that comes with having faith. My faith is in God. Do my actions match my faith? They do when I follow Jesus’ example and allow God to guide my steps. So I pray today for understanding and guidance, but above all, I pray to strengthen my faith. My faith in God allows God to work in my life. Do I need healing? A loving relationship? Understanding? My faith casts away fear and negativity. In prayer, I put aside doubt. I have the confidence to live each day to the fullest.
Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well.—Matthew 9:22

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Let Go Let God be Divinely Focused

I am divinely focused.
In my daily prayers, I always give thanks to God for blessing and healing and guiding my loved ones. I envision each and every one enfolded in God’s loving embrace, knowing and affirming for them that they are perfect expressions of God’s light and life. As I affirm and pray, I remain divinely focused, allowing God’s love to move in me and through me to bless others. I let go of outside distractions and center my thoughts on God. I quiet my mind and concentrate on taking slow and steady breaths. I am calm and at peace and open to God’s loving presence. In this presence, I know the peace that surpasses all understanding. My willingness to focus allows God’s love to flow through me.
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.—1 John 4:7

Monday, March 21, 2016

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

In prayer I realize my Oneness with Spirit and with all people.
Too often those who need love the most get it the least because they meet their needs through hurtful or misguided ways. While it is important to set boundaries around such people so that I am not emotionally hurt, I can still find it in my heart to pray for them. I take Jesus’s teaching to “love your enemies” to heart and pray for the peace and well-being of all people. Praying is not only beneficial to them, but it is also invaluable to my spiritual growth and well-being. As I pray even for those who do not seem to deserve it, my heart overflows with deep compassion and forgiveness for all children of God. I am blessed by this deepened realization of my Oneness with Spirit and with all people.
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.—Matthew 5:44

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Let Go Let God I AM

All that God is, I AM.
In the Book of Exodus, Moses learns that God’s true name is “I AM.” Made in God’s image and likeness, all that God is, in Truth, I also AM. With God as my essence, I know that I AM intrinsically good. I readily express the unconditional love and forgiveness that I AM, in Truth. Claiming infinite wisdom as my unfailing source, I AM wise and compassionate in all my affairs, creative and prosperous in all my activities. I claim only the highest qualities of Being for myself, so I refrain from putting words of lack or limitation after the phrase “I AM.” Through the Christ in me, I affirm that I AM whole and perfect—a divine expression of God’s glory in this world. All that God is, I AM, and all is well!
Christ in you, the hope of glory.—Colossians 1:27

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Let Go, Let God

I let go and live in the flow of God’s good.
When dogs play ball, they often want to repeat the joy of running after the ball again and again. Some dogs cling to the ball not understanding that to keep playing, they must let go. When I desire to maintain an experience, I may get so attached to it I block receipt of the very thing I want! Letting go of what I desire is the way to receive it. As I let go, I give over to Spirit and trust my desired outcome, or something better, will come back to me. Clinging stops the law of circulation, the cycle of giving and receiving. Letting go and letting God demonstrates trust in divine timing, perfect order, and prosperity. It gives Spirit room to maneuver. And as with our canine friends, letting go may even result in unexpected treats!
The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free.—Psalm 105:20

Friday, March 18, 2016

Let Go Let God with a Viewpoint

I shine a light of love and respect.
My response to life situations is essential to my well-being and my relationships. So I choose to respond with a positive attitude. Any situation is a learning experience that holds blessings for all involved. When speaking with others, no matter the circumstances, I do so with respect. Everyone has a unique viewpoint. Every idea and opinion has value. By sharing my point of view, I shine my light; I walk the path that is mine to walk. I am a blessing as I make my unique contributions and give the blessings I have to give. We are each valuable to the world, an intrinsic part of the whole. We have gifts to share, and we can do so with love.
I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command.—Deuteronomy 18:18

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

The Christ within guides me to my good.
Whether I’m consciously aware of it or not, my life is continually guided step-by-step toward my best and highest good. I begin by stilling my mind then trusting in divine wisdom to see me through any seeming obstacle. Resting in a comfortable position, I close my eyes. With deliberation, I shut out the outside world. Like a fog lifting, my mind clears, and I tune in to God’s message for me. I remain open to divine direction. With a willingness to listen, I now hear the still, small voice within. This divine whisper of encouragement guides me on my spiritual journey. Through sacred listening, I gain clarity to take inspired action. I am blessed.
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.”—Genesis 12:1

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Let Go Let God Open to Prosperity

I seek God first and prosperity flows to me and through me.
A check is a tangible form of prosperity, yet it is more than a dollar amount or a bank balance. Prosperity is the flow of blessings in my life. If I feel overwhelmed about bills, finances, or decisions to be made, I can change my attitude. I focus on being positive rather than fretful. As I do, I become more appreciative and grateful. Prosperity is also a state of mind. I consider loving family and friends and the beauty of nature among my many blessings. When I turn within to my divine source, I move forward in a positive, expectant state of being. I am more aware of and open to the flow of God’s blessings that are at work in every area of my life. I seek God first and prosperity flows to me and through me.
I am with you; as your mind is, so is mine.—1 Samuel 14:7

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Let Go Let God with Good Judgment

With confidence and clarity, I use good judgment.
I use good judgment when I know how far to pull my car into the garage or how much to pay for an item. But there is a higher judgment I can call on. When I encounter a difficult situation or when I have to make certain choices, I turn within for divine guidance before making any decisions. When I seem to be making decisions purely by appearances, I remember there may be more to the situation than what I see. If I experience some doubt, I take a moment to breathe and become still. A feeling of “rightness” is a clear sign to move forward. I exercise good judgment. I seek to have my decisions be “win-win” whenever possible. With confidence and clarity, I use good judgment.
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.—John 7:24

Monday, March 14, 2016

Let Go Let God be Patient

I am patient with myself and others.

Even with modern conveniences, some things cannot be rushed. The time it takes for babies to be born, flowers to bloom, or seconds to count down remains the same whether I am relaxing or anxiously watching a clock. When I find myself becoming impatient, I redirect myself toward a healthy, calm approach. My patience improves with practice. Being patient is a way of making peace with what is out of my control—a way of letting go—so God can work through me. I remind myself that people are usually doing the best they know how to do. Keeping in mind that we are all God’s children, I remain patient with myself and others.
Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.—1 Peter 3:8

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Let Go Let God be Protected

God is with me, wherever I go. I feel safe and secure.
Children who are afraid of the dark seek reassurance from a parent or loved one. Once the light is on and loving arms are enfolding them, they feel safe and secure. The same is true for us. When we feel surrounded by darkness, that there is no one to whom we can turn, we can seek then find reassurance from the Divine. God is there with us; God is always with us. The darkness of doubt is quickly dispelled by the all-illuminating light of God when we affirm: The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us. God’s light has the power to transform any challenge into an opportunity for growth. We know we have nothing to fear. Divine presence is with us and within us, wherever we go. We are safe and secure.
Who is a rock besides our God?—Psalm 18:31

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Let Go Let God with Empathy

I offer the gift of compassionate listening.
Intently listening is an act of kindness and understanding toward another. So when someone wants to share with me, I provide a listening ear and offer my warm and peaceful presence. With the best intention, I may want to jump in and fix the other person or the situation. Even the best of intentions may cause further upset if advice or action aren’t warranted or asked for by the person sharing. So I refrain from inserting my thoughts while I’m listening, respecting that one of our greatest needs is to be heard and accepted exactly where we are. I let my loved one or friend finish telling the story. If it feels right, I may ask, “How can I be of support?” As I practice empathy, I soon discover that offering my presence and being present in the moment is the greatest gift.
Let anyone with ears to hear listen!—Luke 8:8

Friday, March 11, 2016

Let Go Let God in Expression

I express the nature of God through love, kindness, and patience.
A colorful rainbow stretching across the sky is a reminder of God’s beauty being reflected in nature. In appreciation, I remember that I, too, am an expression of the Infinite. I embrace my God-given potential to enjoy life and contribute to the well-being of others. In all my activities, I demonstrate divinity and express the nature of God. I accomplish this by continually affirming statements of Truth. “The more often you present to your mind a logical and true proposition, the stronger become the inner feeling of realization.” wrote Charles Fillmore. Affirming the divine qualities of love, kindness, and patience for myself and others, I become God in expression.
I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you.”—Psalm 82:6

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

Divine life in me is my strength, my comfort, my all.
When an anxious parent waits for news of a sick child, a community prepares for inclement weather, or any other fearful situation, how do we find the strength of mind to hold fast in faith? In every experience God is with us, our strength, our comfort, our all. Poet James Dillet Freeman reminds us of this in his prose I Am There: “Do you need Me? I am there. You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by .... Only in absolute stillness, beyond self, can you know Me as I am, and then but as a feeling and a faith. Yet I am there. Yet I hear. Yet I answer. When you need Me, I am there.” In the midst of darkness, divine light guides our way. During times of sorrow, God’s peace soothes our raw emotions. Everlasting peace is found in knowing God’s presence. God is there.
I will comfort you.—Isaiah 66:13

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Let Go Let God through Inner Peace

In silent reflection, I connect with my essence of peace.
Experiencing a sense of inner peace while living in the noise and bustle of a major metropolis is possible. Whatever happens in the outer world, we can turn at any time to the silence of our being—the Christ Presence within—through prayer and meditation to reconnect with our essence of peace. The opportunity to spend time away from the busyness of life is a blessing and a gift. To find that place of stillness, we must first tune out external sounds and, with confidence and faith, tune in to the creative silence at the heart of our being. We reconnect with God’s life-giving presence. In a peaceful inner space, we are nourished and supplied with all that we need to return to the outer world.
Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.—1 Peter 3:4

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Let Go Let God be Ageless

I am ageless and free.
Just as fall turns to winter and winter to spring in some areas of the world, I experience changes in my life that may affect the way I look or feel about myself and others. Yet there is no change in my age or physical appearance or life that can alter the underlying truth: Through the spirit of God within, I am ageless and free from limitations. I am a living expression of God’s love and life. Young or young in spirit, I welcome each moment as an opportunity to find new ways to express my divine nature. God’s love in me frees me from the limitations of the past and inspires me to live joyously now. Like new buds in the spring, I am born anew each day. I am ready to follow where Spirit leads. I am ageless and free.
Blessed be the name of God from age to age, for wisdom and power are his.—Daniel 2:20

Monday, March 7, 2016

Let Go Let God with Divine Ideas

Divine ideas flow to and through my open, relaxed mind.
We live in a limitless Universe with the potential for unlimited ideas. Yet how do I tap in to that wealth of ideas? I can by keeping and nurturing an open, relaxed state of mind, ready to receive. There are a variety of tools to help prepare my mind: meditation, soft music, massage, even tai chi. The important end result is a relaxed state that allows any thought of limitations to be replaced with faith-filled expectations. This prepares my mind as fertile ground for divine ideas to grow and flourish. So how will I know if an idea is divinely inspired? When I discover that strength of mind and faith have vanquished any “I can’t” consciousness. With faith, divine ideas flow to me and through me.
He made streams come out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down like rivers.—Psalm 78:16

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Let Go Let God in a Life of Prayer

My life is prayer in action.
I can stretch my soul by beginning and ending my day with quiet times of prayer, reflection, and thanksgiving. In between I observe expressions of the Divine—in nature and the kindness of others. I set an intention to be a blessing wherever I am. These are acts of prayer—expressions of my divine nature. I acknowledge the presence and power of Spirit within. Breathing deeply, I give thanks for divine light that guides me. I recognize the pure life that nourishes and energizes every cell of my body. I open to divine ideas and creative ways to use them. I see myself enfolded in a circle of love and peace. My life is prayer in action.
I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the mind also.—1 Corinthians 14:15

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Let Go Let God in The Silence

In the Silence, I find comfort.
Deep beneath the random and shifting waves of my mind, I discover a vast ocean of peace. Like an ocean’s choppy surface, my outer mind may seem busy or even stormy. As I stop and let my awareness turn within, I find a still, quiet place. In this moment, I take a deep, cleansing breath and allow my muscles to relax. I still my mind and rest in the realization that I am divinely protected. In the silence of my being, I find comfort and serenity. Whatever appears to be going on at the surface of my mind, I can turn within and experience this peace. I take a moment now and rest in this sweet place of tranquility. In the Silence, I find comfort.
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.—Isaiah 30:15

Friday, March 4, 2016

Let Go Let God in Grace

I trust in the grace of God.
Mystical poet Rabindranath Tagore is credited with writing, “The winds of grace are always blowing, but it is you who must raise your sails.” Pondering these words and God’s many blessings, I am reminded of a sailboat on the sea, taking advantage of the wind. I trust God’s grace to fill my sails and move me forward. Every time I turn my attention to God, I am reminded that God’s love is ever-present. I can look beyond appearances to the Truth of God’s goodness. I trust in God. My faith fills me with a greater sense of ease that flows through my heart and mind. Divine grace blesses me with more good than I could ever imagine. I trust in the grace of God.

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.—John 1:16

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Let Go Let God Forgive

As I forgive, I am open to the peace and joy of God.
Why does forgiveness sometimes seem so difficult? Another person caused me harm by what they did or said, and I may have held on to a feeling of resentment for days, weeks, or years. I may question whether that person deserves my forgiveness. A better question might be, Do I deserve to hold on to the pain of resentment and anger? In Truth, I know that holding on only feeds my feelings of injustice and robs me of my peace and joy. Jesus taught us to forgive over and over. Forgiveness is an expression of the love of God. So instead, I make a new choice today. I envision others no longer bound by my resentment. I forgive them. As I free them, I am freed. I am open to the peace and joy of God.

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.—Matthew 6:14

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

The healing presence of God revitalizes me.

In the Book of John, Jesus asked a man with an infirmity, “Do you want to be made well?” Faith plays an essential role in the healing process. Those who approached Jesus believed healing was possible. He taught that wholeness is a spiritual condition. The presence of God within is the inner resource of radiant wholeness and well-being. We support our healing when we nurture accepting, positive attitudes. Rather than focusing on any illnesses or unhealthy condition, we instead say to ourselves and to Spirit, Yes, I want to be made well! Doing so opens our entire being to wellness. In Truth, we are whole and revitalized.

They brought all who were sick to him, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.—Matthew 14:35, 36

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Let Go Let God in Creativity

I am a creative being.
I open myself to the flow of divine ideas and to my innate ability to create. The activity of the Christ works in and through me. Creativity involves much more than the art of painting, music, or writing. The creative process expresses itself in everything I do. The activity of my mind is innovative, bringing thoughts into reality, developing the first hint of an idea or dream into completion, planning and preparing a meal, or organizing the work I am doing today. I am creative. I acknowledge my everyday achievements as creative expressions of the Christ in me.

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 2:5