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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Let Go Let God be Protected

The power and presence of God protects me.
Both Jesus and Moses taught others to “not be afraid” and to trust God’s protecting presence in their lives. If I find myself feeling scared, I acknowledge the feeling then pivot my attention back to divine life within. I am safe and protected because God is always with me. This is not to say that I can deliberately put myself in harm’s way. I would not because God is working through me to inspire and direct my actions. I use positive, affirmative prayer to align my mind with the truth of God’s protection. Meditation helps me connect my heart with this truth and to allow God’s protection to fill me with a deep sense and experience of peace. Despite any appearances in the physical world, I know I am safe in Spirit.

Let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep me safe forever.—Psalm 40:11

Monday, October 30, 2017

Let Go Let God with Courage

I journey through life and treasure each new experience.
A new beginning is exciting and may be an opportunity to reach beyond my comfort zone. Going back to school, starting a new job, or even retiring from a long-time career all call for courage to begin a new adventure. At any event such as this, I dig deep within to call upon my faith and move forward. I do not let fear of the future keep me from accomplishing any goal. In Dare to Believe, author May Rowland writes, “Fear keeps us from doing things, and faith helps us to accomplish the so-called impossible.” I call on my faith in quiet times of prayer. As I commune with God, my awareness of my spiritual nature deepens, my faith grows stronger, and my heart opens to positive experiences.

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.—Joshua 1:9

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Let Go Let God as Spirit Within

I AM Spirit in action.
Author Emmet Fox writes, “The word is creative, and the strongest and most creative of words is ‘I am.’ When you say, ‘I am,’ you are calling upon the universe to do something for you and it will do it ... The ‘I am’ is God in action.” As I pray, I connect with Spirit. I am diligent about using positive, constructive words as I connect with my I AM—my divine nature. I affirm I AM whole and well, knowing that Spirit within flows through me as perfect healing life. I speak words of abundance: I AM prosperous, knowing that this is God’s world and God lovingly provides for me. I turn to Spirit within and affirm I AM peaceful and free, knowing I am enfolded in and connected to divine love at all times.
This is my name forever, and this my title for all generations.—Exodus 3:15

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Let Go Let God in Gratitude

I am gratefully and wonderfully blessed.
When I feel gratitude, it is my heart responding to life’s infinite blessings. No matter what situation or circumstance I find myself in, I can always find something to be grateful for. Repeating the affirmation, I am so blessed, helps focus my thoughts on gratitude. Images and words come to mind—recollections of the day that left lasting impressions on my psyche. I recall words of encouragement I heard or read. Diverse experiences saturated in joy and love, pain and sadness, remind me of my full life. I ruminate upon my spiritual gifts. I give thanks for each experience that has brought opportunities for personal growth and transformation. I am gratefully and wonderfully blessed.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.—Matthew 5:8

Friday, October 27, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

I am comforted by God’s loving presence in my heart.
After the devastating loss of a loved one, I may feel overwhelmed with grief as I struggle to reconcile my life moving forward without this person. I find solace as I turn to God in prayer. I place my hand over my heart and with each beat I begin to feel a growing sense of peace. In this quiet moment, I surrender to the loving presence of God within. Divine love is the soothing, comforting balm that my emotions so desperately seek. Like a child comforted by a loving parent, I feel nurtured and cared for by my Creator. My connection with the Divine supports me in moving through sadness. In these sacred times, my heart is healed and I am comforted.
For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones.—Isaiah 49:13

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Let Go Let God as a Caregiver

I open my heart to those who give comfort and care.
Today I express gratitude for those who, out of necessity, find themselves caring for others. In prayer, I appreciate each caregiver, grateful that their loving service makes life sweeter and better for those they serve. Their healing touch soothes, their emotional comfort heals, their prayerful support shines great light for those who need it. Everyone can be a caregiver to the world community by expressing tender care and mercy each day in every word and action. I may have no idea of the difficulties that someone may be going through, but my one act of kindness may provide a lifeline for that person going forward. As I care for others, I become one in purpose with all who are giving from their hearts of goodwill.
But we were gentle among you, like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children.—1 Thessalonians 2:7

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Let Go Let God as Possibilities

The limitless power of God creates endless possibilities for me.
Is there something I’ve been wanting to pursue—a passion, a dream—yet my time and efforts have felt blocked? If the thing I long to do is something I feel drawn to fulfill—and I have the determination, will, and strength to follow through—then I know Spirit-within will help me find a way to succeed. The unlimited peace and power of God blesses me with spiritual abilities—love, faith, understanding, wisdom, and more. Because I am a divinely created being, I trust that God has provided me with all that I need to flourish and thrive in the world. I fulfill my potential through the possibility that God has planted within me. The possibilities are endless, and I embrace the potential within me.
And the Lord said, “... this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”—Genesis 11:6

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Let Go Let God with Grace

I move forward with confidence, knowing that grace paves my way.
Grace is a trailblazer. When my life seems unclear, divine grace goes ahead of me and lights the way. If I find myself frustrated in pursuit of my dreams, grace guides me to new portals of opportunity. As I strive for financial well-being, resources appear that open channels of prosperity. As I endeavor to repair my relationships, long-standing resentments no longer seem insurmountable. As I seek shelter, rest, and rejuvenation, grace ignites mental and physical healing. No worldly challenge is insurmountable. No human error is irredeemable. Abundant good is always possible for me—and for all people—because of God’s infinite grace. I move forward with confidence, knowing grace paves my way.

I will go before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron.—Isaiah 45:2

Monday, October 23, 2017

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have faith in God.
Faith invites me to believe in the unseen and unknown. When I plant flower bulbs in autumn, I believe blossoms will brighten my garden in springtime. When I plant lettuce seeds in my spring garden, I believe I will harvest leafy greens in a few weeks. I place my faith in the growth taking place below the surface until results appear as green shoots breaking forth. When I pray and ask for guidance, I apply this same faith, for I know I will see results. I place my faith firmly in God. I focus my thoughts and mental images on positive results, removing “weeds” or worry thoughts from my mind’s garden. Answers come, and I give thanks for revelations and for faith that always sustains me.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Let Go Let God as a Joy-Filled Spirit

I am joy-filled and radiant.
These words to a popular hymn perfectly express the deep and boundless joy in my soul: “I am the radiant life of God, I am, I am, I am.” Divine happiness is my birthright and I express that radiant happiness in many ways—through a warm smile I share with others, through my uplifting words, and through the helpful actions I take on behalf of others. Like a cork that floats to the surface, my soul is naturally inclined to rise up in a state of joy. I don’t let negativity hold me down. Instead, I am buoyed up by my relationship with God. My connection to Spirit helps me live from a joy-filled awareness. I am energized and uplifted. The joy I feel in my soul is an expression of the radiant life of God that courses throughout my being.
Let me hear joy and gladness.—Psalm 51:8

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I easily and gratefully express my inner wisdom.
Wisdom is a God-given spiritual power that exists in every person. Jesus demonstrated this power as he responded to life from a place of deep wisdom. His perceptions of and responses to the world around him were guided by his close relationship with God and his conscious desire to express divine qualities. I, too, can follow the guidance of divine wisdom. I learn from spiritual education and actively seek time in silence with God to tap in to the infinite wisdom within me. When I act from this consciousness, I know I am making the best choices for myself and am guided to my highest truth. 

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.—Psalm 25:4-5

Friday, October 20, 2017

Let Go Let God in this New Adventure

Each day brings an invitation to a new adventure.
Today I let go of any old, archaic understanding of who I am. I step into a new, expansive knowing of the holy light within me. I release all the limiting beliefs I may have carried with me until now. I journey into my heart, to the place within my being that always knows the truth of who I am. My adventure today may be an outward journey in which I encounter people with a fresh awareness of their inner glory. My adventure may take me within to a new awareness of the light of Christ in my soul. I take joy in the opportunity given to me today, the opportunity to behold the truth and beauty that fills the earth and every soul.

See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.—Isaiah 42:9

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Let Go Let God Release World Peace

Peace in the world begins with peace in my heart.
It is easy to be overwhelmed by conflicts in the world. My peace work begins when I ask, “Is there conflict in my heart?” Are there friends or family I have shut outside my heart? Are there people with beliefs different from my own who see me as an enemy? Holding bitter feelings of anger, pain, and distrust blocks the flow of peace through me. The path to peace in the world begins with unblocking the flow of peace within me. I recognize that each of us carries a divine spark of Spirit, which connects us. I focus on our connection as I invite divine love to activate the release of any feelings that are blocking my peace. My prayers radiate to all those around me, all those in my country, and all those in the world.
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.—Matthew 5:44

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Let Go Let God Forgive

I find release in the act of forgiveness.
Holding on to anger or resentment against another brings both physical and emotional discomfort. It is like holding on to a prickly cactus. The tighter I grip onto memories and my belief that I was wronged, the more pain I feel. Alleviating this suffering is as simple as letting go. I find release in the act of forgiveness. As a child of the loving Father-Mother-God, I forgive as God forgives. Turning to prayer, I acknowledge the Divine active and present in others, in myself, and in the situation. I release the situation, and with it the sharp-stabbing physical and emotional pain. My heart is filled with the friendship, love, and compassion that are born out of forgiveness.

One who forgives an affront fosters friendship, but one who dwells on disputes will alienate a friend.—Proverbs 17:9

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I pray for others with faith that opportunities await them.
In his book Birthing a Greater Reality, Rev. Robert Brumet shares, “As you align your heart’s deepest desires with the direction of evolution, you’ll become God’s hands and feet, raising global consciousness and creating the best experience of life for yourself and others.” Even difficult circumstances are opportunities for birthing new realities, and I keep this in mind and heart as I pray for loved ones. If someone describes a health challenge, I see that person radiantly well and revitalized. If employment is sought, I affirm divine guidance, fulfillment, and abundance. When I pray for others, I do so affirmatively, seeing possibilities. We never stop learning or growing through this, our human experience.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God.—Romans 12:2

Monday, October 16, 2017

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I am open and receptive to the rich ideas of Spirit.
Today I awake with a grateful heart for the goodness of God that is everywhere around me. I am aware of my deep connection with Spirit, and I nurture this bond in quiet prayer. I turn within and become centered. I open my mind to Spirit, to divine ideas that reveal new paths to fulfillment. As I follow my intuition and act on divine guidance, I discover new opportunities and ways to use my ideas and express my God-given talents and abilities. I am created to experience the goodness of God in full measure. I live with a spirit of joy and peace in my soul. I welcome blessings into my life with gratitude. I am open and receptive to the rich ideas of Spirit.

O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!—Romans 11:33

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Let Go Let God Be Free

I AM free; I AM unlimited!
The lyrics to the hymn “I Am Free; I Am Unlimited” are regularly sung in spiritual centers of many faiths and denominations. They resonate on a universal level because they express an important Truth in simple words—a proclamation of spiritual freedom. I may encounter daily challenges with my work, relationships, finances, or any number of other elements of this human experience. My ego may immediately believe me to be trapped, forced into painful choices shaped by the demands of others. I remember that I AM Infinite Potential; I am always free. At such times I hear my true Self gently singing me the Truth: I AM free; I AM unlimited. There are no ties that bind me!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Let Go, Let God

As I let go of worries, I welcome in peace.
Is there a thought or habit that I am holding on to that may be keeping me from expressing as my highest and best self? Am I clinging to old ways of thinking that foster doubt and fear? Am I disturbed by misgivings or restlessness? If so, how do I change that? The answer is simple—I give it all over to Spirit within. I trust and believe because my faith is strong. Remaining unforgiving or holding on to worry weighs me down, while releasing is a spiritual experience. As I truly let go, I feel relief and peace. I let God have my burdens, my upsets, my blame, and my guilt. As I do, I am transformed to be more of who I am created to be. By letting go, I am leaving space for peace to enter my life.
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.—1 Peter 5:7

Friday, October 13, 2017

Let Go Let God in Safe Travel

I feel safe knowing that the love of God enfolds me.
If I am embarking on a journey, my family and friends may wish me safe travels. The blessings of others warm my heart and remind me of my connection with God. Before I or loved ones begin a journey, I affirm the “ Prayer for Protection” :
The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is!
With these prayerful words, any anxious thoughts turn into anticipation for upcoming travel as I begin to plan my next venture. Whether I am taking a short trip or a longer journey, I relax into peace knowing that I am protected by an inner presence.
Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.—Psalm 16:1

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Let Go Let God with Words of Light

I am inspired with words of light and energy.
Authors Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla wrote in their book The Quest, “If you have ever spoken soothing words to a frightened child or remember hearing such words spoken, you know the power of loving thoughts put into words.” My words are filled with energy—I hear and feel their vibration. So I choose to speak words of encouragement, love, and light, using creative energy to bolster self-esteem, lift hearts, brighten days, and offer comfort. I rely on the loving Spirit within me to inspire and infuse my words so that they may be words of light. Every encounter is an opportunity to be a beacon of light. I invite the divine essence of joy and love to express through me and realize that I, too, am blessed with every word spoken in love.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.–Proverbs 16:24

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Let Go Let God Believe

My beliefs direct my focus and shape my experiences.
A belief is more than wishful thinking; it is a magnetic force that attracts according to its nature. A belief in the temporary channels of the world turns my attention to ever-changing conditions and creates tides of happiness or despair in my experience. Grounding my belief in Spirit keeps me gratefully focused on the blessings present in my life. Even though the economics of the world may shift daily, I keep my focus on the infinite good that flows through my relationship with the Creator. No person or institution is the source of my good or can block the gifts that are mine. I believe God is love and that love is the essence of each of us. Focused on the love I am, I create peace in the world around me.

But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”—Mark 5:36

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

All is in divine order.
Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” These words remind me of how change is always at work in my life and in the world. Just as the world is continually turning on its axis, I am continually turning, changing, and growing in strength and awareness. I feel a great sense of peace knowing that through the twists and turns of life, God and I are one. I keep a positive outlook and a sense of wonder and expectation about what lies ahead for me and for the people I care about. With every turn in my life, there is a new vista, a new experience. In this ever-changing world, there is one constant I can be sure of: divine order.
And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”—Isaiah 30:21

Monday, October 9, 2017

Let Go Let God in the Light

I am radiant, glorious, and divine as spiritual light breaks through!
Day by day I engage in positive, spiritual practices that remind me of my true nature. I spend time in silent meditation, speak to the Divine in prayer, and read words of daily inspiration. Some days it seems I go through the actions, but the depth of their meaning does not penetrate my clouded mind. Still, I persist. Spirit is working in me. The clouds of confusion formed by human attachments or limited ideas about myself are dissipating. Spiritual light casts out the shadows of limitation, separation, and fear. The truth of my being shines. I am a perfect child of God. I am radiant, glorious, and divine as spiritual light breaks through!

The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.—Matthew 4:16

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I relax into the infinite stream of divine life, and I am healed.
There is a universal flow of wholeness, an inexhaustible and irrevocable stream of life, in which I live, move, and have my being. As I close my eyes and relax into the remembrance of this Truth, I feel the sweet ecstasy of bathing in divine love. The indwelling Presence of God is my true identity. As waves of well-being gently wash over me, they draw out any anxiety, sadness, fear, and all beliefs in lack and limitation that have been cluttering my perception. My mind and heart are restored to the awareness of divine life. Love heals. Love frees me from any suffering that I might have been experiencing in mind, body, or spirit. Love restores me to a deep faith in God’s infinite presence, power, and peace. Resting in Love’s curative, life-giving waters, I am refreshed and revitalized. I am healed.
O Lord my God … you have healed me.—Psalm 30:2

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Let Go Let God with Language of the Heart

I am fluent in the language of the heart.
Love is the language my heart speaks. It holds the power to heal, forgive, connect, accept, and free both giver and receiver. My heart language is shared across all dialects as compassion, passion, kindness, and gratitude. When I feel or think it, I spontaneously express admiration, encouragement, and truth with others. I also communicate from my heart without words. When I actively love someone, it is expressed in actions, intentions, supportive thoughts, and words. More than any other language in the world, I master this one language, which is capable of uniting the world. This manner of expression comes naturally, for I am innately fluent in the language of the heart.
If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.—1 Corinthians 13:1

Friday, October 6, 2017

Let Go Let God be Worthy

I am worthy of God’s love.
There is much I have in my life today: food, shelter, and the ability to love and to develop strong relationships. I do not need to prove I am worthy—I accept these blessings with gratitude. God’s love is always mine, for I am a child of the Divine. I am made in the image of God, reflecting the qualities of God: love, joy, kindness, compassion, creativity, and more. If I feel unworthy, it is because of my own error thinking. I have judged myself with lesser expectations or believed in the judgment of another. I am, however, perfect and whole, created by Divine Intelligence, so why would I judge myself otherwise? I am an integral part of Spirit, making a difference in ways I may never fully realize. I am worthy of God’s love.

We are children of God, and if children, then ... heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.—Romans 8:16-17

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Let Go Let God with Acceptance

I give thanks for and accept my good.
Concern about an outcome or event may affect my attitude and, in turn, cause the situation to appear greater and more complicated than it truly is. At these times, I can refocus and reframe my thoughts to reach a level of peace and acceptance. How can I do this? By trusting that there is a higher plan at work. As I let go and trust God, I accept the circumstances of life with an unwavering faith that good is coming my way. I do not dwell on what seems to be. Instead, I focus on what truly is: I am a child of God and indwelling, infinite love is always with me. I enjoy the blessings of the present. I am no longer troubled or afraid about events or outcomes. I have a positive attitude and an expectant heart.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.—John 14:1

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Let Go Let God as Serendipity

I rejoice in life’s unexpected blessings.
Often, it is not the planned but rather the unexpected life events that ultimately result in the greatest life blessings. The perfect idea comes to mind or what appears to be an accidental encounter becomes one of my most meaningful relationships. Recognizing this, I remain open to serendipitous encounters and events by adopting a flexible approach to life. I consciously maintain an attitude of curiosity and a sense of adventure. Surrendering to the flow of life’s unplanned twists and turns, I find myself fully receptive to possibilities. By surrendering to life’s natural flow, I experience how God’s vision for my life far exceeds the grandeur of my own. I am grateful, knowing that Spirit is continually bestowing new and unexpected forms of good upon me.
I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing.—Ezekiel 34:26

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

My heart is a sacred space of peace.

I know just a few moments in the Silence can relax my body and shift my busy mind into deeper peace. While I may not find the opportunity to meditate in every moment, I can still experience the Silence at any time. Even with my eyes wide open, I mindfully rest in the presence of peace within. I find the easy rhythm of my breath and center my attention in the sacred space of my heart. At any given moment, I may be a conscious thought or breath away from inner peace. I drop into the Silence and visit this holy sanctuary within my heart, and there I find deep peace.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.–Colossians 3:15

Monday, October 2, 2017

Let Go Let God Lead by Example

I express my spiritual qualities in word and deed.
A pebble tossed into a pool causes a rippling effect. Whether positive or negative, my words and actions ripple out to impact those around me. Each of us leads others by the example we set. I express the qualities of Spirit within me in my interactions with others. I am a peacemaker, a compassionate being, and a generous contributor to the community. As I demonstrate love, my love moves out into the world as each receiver in turn becomes a giver. I acknowledge errors with grace and accept success with humility. If I experience uncertainty in any situation, I pause in prayer to listen for the guidance of the Divine. Acting from the inspiration of Spirit, I confidently express my spiritual qualities.

If you know me, you will know my Father also.—John 14:7

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Let Go Let God in this Time of Prayer

My every breath is a prayer.
The apostle Paul exhorts his small congregation in Thessalonica to “rejoice always, pray constantly,” but what does that mean for me? I could certainly choose to spend this entire day making a conscious effort to stop all activity and pray. But my human experience would come to a standstill. I’m not here in human form to avoid the world, but to transform it. I “pray without ceasing” when I begin the day by aligning my mortal mind with the Divine Mind that is my source. As a result, I know that I will be divinely guided through every challenge, every choice that the day will inevitably bring. I will be the presence and power of God in expression, and my every breath will be a prayer.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.—1 Thessalonians 5:16-18