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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Let Go Let God Forgive

Forgiveness Renews My Awareness Of God Within Me.

If I have withheld forgiveness from someone who hurt me or if I refused to forgive myself for causing disappointment or pain, I may have felt angry, sad, and alone. Forgiveness releases me from these painful emotions and helps me move forward. Sometimes I can forgive easily; other times, it is more gradual. I begin by letting go of the belief that anyone or anything can cause me lasting harm. I then release any thought that I am unworthy of self-love and self-acceptance. These practices help me become vividly aware of the divine presence within me. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning inappropriate actions, but it does help me remember the healing power of divine love is stronger than anything that might appear to stand in its way.

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.—Matthew 6:12

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Powerful

 Living the truth of God makes me powerful beyond measure. 

I am one with the Divine. This means everything God is—love, peace, power—I am too. This awareness keeps me grounded in spiritual truth, especially when the weight of the world feels heavy upon my shoulders. When I identify with the things of the world, I may feel powerless, at the whim of other people’s preferences or at the mercy of uncertain circumstances.  But when I see myself as the divine being I am, I transcend the limits of the world, rise above its concerns, and keep its troubles in necessary perspective. I am a powerful spiritual being, in the world but not of it. I feel the life, love, and power of God expressing as me, and I bless the world by using this power for the good of all beings.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.—Psalm 73:26

Monday, October 21, 2024

Ley Go Let God Know Healing

I Am Grateful For The Healing Power Of God Within Me.

When I feel less than my best I pause, remembering that no matter what I am facing, the presence and power of God is within me. Divine strength is mine, my power to persevere through even the most arduous circumstances, accessing my divine healing potential to help myself through any challenge. Through my spiritual gift of imagination, I visualize healing light illuminating my body. Through my faith, I believe in my body’s innate ability to heal and restore itself to functionality. I feel grateful for every part of my body—how wonderfully it is made and how it has served me throughout my life. I give thanks for the power within that restores and renews my body and mind. I am grateful for my healing. 

And all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from him and healed all of them.—Luke 6:19

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Loving

The Boundless Love Of God Expresses Through Me. I Am Loving.

To be loving means to be kind, understanding, and generous. It means forgiving grievances easily and seeking to understand myself and others. In striving to be loving toward others, I begin with myself. Exercising self-compassion when I make a mistake makes forgiving others easier. Taking time for self-care makes it more natural for me to be a nurturing presence for others. Treating myself well helps make my generosity spontaneous and frequent. Love is the very nature of God. I am a spiritual being, which means love is my nature too. Through my loving nature, I am positive, optimistic, hopeful, and faith-filled. I am the heart and hands of God on earth. I am loving. 

Love is patient; love is kind … It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.—1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Let Go Let God Live Free

Living Authentically Is One Of My Greatest Freedoms.

I am free to be me. I honor who I am, a divine being with abundant spiritual gifts that express through me uniquely. There may have been times I thought I needed to be more like other people and not stand out. I may have sought to conform, to tamp down my individuality. But doing this robs me of my freedom to be fully who I am. Today I reclaim my spiritual freedom by allowing myself to live authentically. I need not hide myself or pretend to be something I’m not. The key to living my freedom is being aware of my true nature as a divine being. The love in my heart, the ideas that fill my mind, are all divinely inspired. How I express those gifts is my individuality made manifest and the fullest expression of my freedom.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Friday, October 18, 2024

Let Go Let God Be World Peace

The Peace In My Heart Changes The World.

I believe world peace is possible, even in the presence of strife and conflict. In prayer, I find eternal, changeless calm. I commune deeply with the peaceful presence expressing in and through me and every other person on earth. As each of us embodies more and more of our spiritual natures, our thoughts and actions become synchronized more easily and more harmoniously with divine life, love, and peace. If members of the human family created the state of the world as it is now, then we must also have the power to make new and better choices. I imagine peace radiating from me and like-minded others, creating ripples of harmony throughout the world. I imagine this healing, loving energy blessing all the world. 

See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all.—1 Thessalonians 5:15

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Satisfied

I Am Enough Just As I Am.

Living contentedly and in full acceptance of my life is satisfaction. This sweet feeling is one of inner and outer harmony with myself and the world around me. Throughout my life, there may be more to learn and many ways to improve myself. I am always growing, but when I am satisfied, I am patient with myself as I change and compassionate with myself if I stumble or fall. Feeling satisfied with myself is my comfort and shield, protecting me from life’s inevitable ups and downs. I keep moments of defeat and disappointment in perspective. They may happen to me, but they do not reflect the truth of who I am. My awareness of the Christ within is my greatest satisfaction, now and forever. 

O Lord of hosts, happy is everyone who trusts in you.—Psalm 84:12

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Let Go Let God In Guidance

I Am Divinely Guided Moment By Moment.

Spiritual living often means using my divine gifts to make positive changes in my life. I have learned about the creative power of my thoughts and how I can use affirmations to change my consciousness. But having these divine gifts and abilities doesn’t mean I am without spiritual support.  As I pray, the awareness of divine life fills me with indescribable peace. Returning to activity, I may feel an inspiration, a nudge to go somewhere or do something, a feeling about something I should choose when weighing a decision. I perceive the presence of God with and within me through my inner guidance. This still, small voice within me is my comfort, a way of knowing that, as a divine being, I am never alone, never without God’s guiding presence.

If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.—Galatians 5:25

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Today I Pray For Others' Healing, Prosperity And Peace.

Jesus’ disciples likely asked him to repeat the beatitude that called for prayer for enemies. After all, blessing those who curse us is not the most common reaction. Yet Jesus suggested that praying for others, even the ones we find difficult, turns the key to spiritual mastery. Sometimes I struggle with this teaching of Jesus. Who can deny the world rumbles with thoughts of anger instead of forgiveness? Yet affirmative prayer for others’ healing, peace, and prosperity has the power to soothe the turbulent world and bridge the gap between people in conflict. I benefit, too, by becoming a healthier, more joyful person when I take time to pray for others. Today I will bless myself as I transcend discord through the power of prayer.

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.—Matthew 5:44

Monday, October 14, 2024

Let Go Let God With An Open Heart

I Envelope All Life In Prayerful Love.

With an open heart, I live with curiosity and acceptance, cultivating compassion for everyone I meet. I build bridges of compassion by seeking to understand those who are different from me. I visualize a world where everyone is included and valued for who they are. I hold my heart open as a healing space where the sorrows and joys of the human experience are honored and cherished. With gratitude, I behold each person as a unique expression of the one presence and power that animates all life. 

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.—1 Corinthians 12:12

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Let Go Let God Belong

As Spiritual Beings, We All Belong In The Heart Of God.

A true sense of belonging is one of the best feelings in the world. It’s knowing I am at home, fully accepted just as I am, and valued for my unique contributions. Today I celebrate my belonging as a divine being, a child of God. No matter my station in life, my personal history, or my particular circumstances, I am a valued member of the human family. I extend this understanding to all others. I look beyond appearances and even my own preconceived notions to see my fellow divine beings. I honor their unique gifts, just as I would want them to honor mine. We belong together. We belong to one another. We all belong in the family of God. 

I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one.—John 17:20-21

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let Go Let God Live In Faith

I Live My Faith Through Acts Of Kindness And Service.

I believe in the goodness and grace of God and in my ability to share that goodness and grace in the world. As I read in the Bible, my works demonstrate my faith. I recognize the Christ within each person I greet. I have faith we are one in God and deserve to be treated with respect. No matter what may be going on in my own life, I show kindness, generosity, and patience to everyone. I realize many I encounter are quietly fighting difficult battles in their lives I may never know about. I hold thoughts of love, enfolding them in God’s peace. I pray they know wholeness and prosperity, and love, all they need to live a full life. More than thoughts alone, I offer a helping hand when needed and an uplifting word in every circumstance.

You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.—James 2:24

Friday, October 11, 2024

Let Go Let God In Truth

As I Stay Focused On Truth, Everything False Falls Away.

Spiritual truth is my guiding light. When I affirm wholeness, prosperity, peace, and beauty in prayer, I attract myself to those conditions in my life. I don’t deny unfavorable circumstances exist. When I find myself experiencing a challenge of any kind, I do what is necessary to solve my problems while remaining mindful there is a greater reality, a deeper truth beyond life’s transient situations.  This is perhaps my greatest comfort. Troubles and irritations will come and go, but spiritual truth is changeless and enduring. I keep my mind and heart focused on the truth of God and know that truth for myself. More and more, the truth I know is the truth I live. Through my commitment, the thoughts I hold in mind become the truth of my life.

I am the way, and the truth, and the life.—John 14:6

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Let Go Let God In Prosperity

One of the sweetest gifts of having a prosperity consciousness is the serenity of knowing I have enough. 

There may always be newer and nicer things to acquire, but I can rob myself of my peace of mind if I think I need these items to complete myself or they will bring me lasting happiness. True prosperity comes from within. It is knowing I am heir to an abundant world and have the power to create my life through the power of my thinking. These awarenesses are the true keys to prosperous living. I turn my attention away from the things of the world and toward my inner life, my oneness with God. In Spirit, I have everything I need.

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, so that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your ancestors, as he is doing today.—Deuteronomy 8:18

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Let Go Let God Nurture

Through The Love And Wisdom Of God Within, I Am A Nurturing Presence.

There are so many ways to show someone I care. I can be a helpful presence with day-to-day matters, a source of spiritual support through prayer, and an open heart and listening ear for someone to pour out the concerns of their heart. By being consistently present and holding a vision of their happiest life and supporting them as they move in the direction of their dreams, I become a nurturing presence too. I nurture by encouraging growth without trying to direct it. It means assuming a supportive role, stepping in when I’m needed, and being quietly supportive when it’s time for someone to make their own way. I bless and am blessed by my willingness to share God’s nurturing love.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.—Matthew 11:29

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Let Go Let God Teach

 As I Learn, Also Teach.

My every experience, whether I call it good or bad, includes opportunities for growth and learning I can use to further my spiritual understanding. Just as others have shared their knowledge gleaned from their personal experience, I, too, am grateful to teach what I have learned. Knowledge is meant to lift and expand the minds of everyone it touches. In this way, each person is a student as well as a teacher. I am a lifelong learner, a spiritual seeker ever deepening in understanding of the world beyond my senses and the nature of the Divine. I am also a teacher, living and demonstrating spiritual truth for the betterment of others.

After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.—Luke 2:46-47

Monday, October 7, 2024

Let Go Let God Life Is In Divine Order

My Life Is In Rhythm.

If I am feeling out of step and not in sync with the world around me, I pause to affirm divine order. I need not pray for divine order, because it is an enduring spiritual truth that is always present in my life and in all life. When it feels far from me, I need not despair. I trust the messages I get from my mind and body to rest when my body tires and to step away from busyness when I feel frazzled. I also discern when to seek the company of others and when to seek solitude. By honoring my natural rhythms, I once again feel restored to order. Affirming divine order increases my awareness of God within me. I am in harmony with the world around me when I honor the world within me. I respect and respond to my internal rhythms and align with divine order. 

So Jotham became strong because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God.—2 Chronicles 27:6

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Let Go Let God Feel Joy

If I am feeling out of step and not in sync with the world around me, I pause to affirm divine order. 

I need not pray for divine order, because it is an enduring spiritual truth that is always present in my life and in all life. When it feels far from me, I need not despair. I trust the messages I get from my mind and body to rest when my body tires and to step away from busyness when I feel frazzled. I also discern when to seek the company of others and when to seek solitude. By honoring my natural rhythms, I once again feel restored to order. Affirming divine order increases my awareness of God within me. I am in harmony with the world around me when I honor the world within me. I respect and respond to my internal rhythms and align with divine order. 

So Jotham became strong because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God.—2 Chronicles 27:6

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Let Go Let God Rejoice

I Rejoice In Life's Simple Pleasures

I think of the many ways I have received the grace of God over the years. Sometimes grace came to me through generous, compassionate acts, other times through unexpected opportunities and serendipitous encounters. Just as I cannot know how grace will come to me or through whom, I also don’t know when or how the grace of God will flow through me to bless someone else. I focus on living from my divinity, trusting that as I make full use of my spiritual gifts, I will be the blessing of divine grace that brightens someone’s day or lightens another’s load. Grace may feel miraculous and otherworldly, but it’s really the power and presence of God made manifest through the words and actions of people just like me.

We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.—Romans 12:6

Friday, October 4, 2024

Let Go Let God Bless Animals

I Bless And Appreciate All Animals.

I recognize the divine essence in all living creatures. I bless my pets and all animals with thoughts of love and appreciation. I show my gratitude by treating them with love and kindness, being responsive to their needs, and helping to maintain a safe environment for them to thrive. Pets bless me with unconditional love and devotion. They may be part of my family or those of friends and relatives. My life is richer because of them. Wild animals bless me, too, through their beauty and diversity. I enrich myself by appreciating the animals of the air, land, and sea. Each creature expresses the glory of God in its own unique way.

God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.—Genesis 1:25

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I Practice Acceptance And Find Peace.

There can be great comfort in understanding why certain things have come to pass. Even if I don’t like what happened or didn’t choose it, finding a reason for it can be a comfort and give me some peace of mind. But there will always be happenings in the world and in my life that defy logical sense, that don’t seem to have a reason behind them. If I spend too much time turning these events over in mind, I rob myself of acceptance and peace. Practicing spiritual surrender helps me find the peace I seek. I turn my attention away from the unknowable and toward enduring spiritual truth. God is with and within me, through all the peaks and valleys of life. This is perhaps my greatest source of peace and understanding. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Let Go Let God Release

With Gratitude, I Release The Past And Welcome The Future.

Life is in forward motion, always changing in ways big and small. To resist these changes is to stagnate, cease growing, and cling to the past. When I think of my life in this way, I realize that holding on to things I no longer need or use, resisting new ideas, and staving off change stifles my growth and keeps me from the joy of living fully. Release is not about losing the past. It is about embracing the present and eagerly welcoming the future. Understanding this, I feel more comfortable letting things go. Aligning myself with life helps me look forward to new experiences with readiness and enthusiasm. I bless the past and the person I was. I welcome the future and the person I will become.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.—Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Fearless

I Fearlessly Keep My Mind And Heart Open.

When I feel afraid, my first instinct might be to close my mind and heart. This impulse for self-protection is understandable, but it also has the potential to stunt my spiritual and emotional growth and shield me from life.  Staying open to new ideas and experiences may sometimes require me to put hesitation aside and be fearless. If this feels difficult, I call upon the presence of God within, my source of spiritual strength. With God, I can do all things. Living as the divine being I am, I see the world and its creatures as wondrous and its people as fellow spiritual beings. Understanding these truths keeps my mind and heart open. I am fearless.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?—Psalm 27:1