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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I rely on the infinite wisdom of God.

The writer of Hebrews defined faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” My faith encompasses all areas of life, and I focus it firmly on an expectation of good. Through my faith in God, I am inspired to live fully and confidently. I meet challenges with the assurance of ever-present help and guidance. To access infinite wisdom, I need only quiet my thoughts, turn within, ask and listen.
I rely on divine wisdom to help me identify growth opportunities and guide me in expressing more of my Christ nature. I rely on divine wisdom when making decisions, trusting I will know the best choice for the good of all concerned. Faith helps me manage my life, and infinite wisdom shows me the way. I have faith in the infinite wisdom of God.
Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God.”—Mark 11:22

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

The life of God lives in me.

Quietly I turn within for healing. I concentrate on God’s indwelling presence and visualize divine light dissolving any inharmony, pain or sorrow, radiating healing power in and through me. The life of God is the very essence of my being. It is my health. It is my life. Divine life, intelligence and power inhabit every part of my body. As I lift my consciousness to accept my oneness with God and all of life, I am lifted to wholeness.
In the morning I awake with a prayer of thanksgiving. Throughout the day, I recognize the energy of God as it lives in me. My movements, my thoughts, my activities reflect only radiant well-being. In the evening, I fall asleep with praise in my heart.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.—Psalm 139:14

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let Go Let God Have Movement

Energized with divine life, I am always in motion.

I welcome both nights of rest and the refreshment that comes with the rising sun. I embrace the opportunity of each new day as my life progresses through cycles of growth, release, rest and renewal. Energized with divine life, my body is always in motion. It is fueled by rhythmic breathing and pulsing circulation, and it is strengthened by physical and mental exercise. My body, mind and spirit are created for movement, endowed with dexterity and vitality. My perspective expands as I invite divine ideas to take hold in the fertile soil of my mind. I move beyond outgrown beliefs to realize more of my divine potential.
For “In him we live and move and have our being”; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we too are his offspring.”—Acts 17:28

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Discernment

The light of God is guiding me now!

When I face a difficult decision, I remember that God, as infinite wisdom, is part of the fabric of my being, guiding me as I discern what is right to do. God’s light illumines my clarity of thought and evokes a deep inner knowing. I maintain healthy boundaries as I follow the light of God. Connecting with the wisdom of God in meditation, I become clear on what is mine to do and what is someone else’s responsibility. If I ever feel uncertain about a decision, I take the time I need to pray and connect with the wisdom of God within me. When I am ready to act, I feel confident in my choice.
Those who are wise understand these things; those who are discerning know them. For the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them.—Hosea 14:9

Friday, October 26, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for the Children

I pray for children, giving thanks for God’s healing power.

As I watch children play, I enjoy their carefree energy and enthusiasm. It’s easy to see their spirit shining. If a child is experiencing a health challenge, it may be sad to see their energy dampened. But the spirit of God within each child is greater than any illness. Rather than keeping sadness and worry in mind when a child is afflicted, I follow Jesus’ example and pray. Through affirmative prayer, I visualize things rightly. No disease or disorder has any power over a child of God. In prayer, I see the healing light and love of God flowing through all children. Spirit, mind and body respond readily to the power of the Divine. With gratitude, I see every child as healthy and whole.
Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray.—Matthew 19:13

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Let Go Let God Have Patience

I have the time to do what I need to do.

At times my patience may be tried. When I have things to do and places to go, and I am delayed, I may become frustrated. But frustration is not my only option. I can choose instead to slow down and breathe, and to become aware of my impatience. I redirect my thinking to focus on the blessings in this moment. I know that life is much more than my to-do list; every moment is a gift and every person is doing their best. With love and understanding, I engage with the people and situations of my life in a different way. I am patient and kind. I realize that my good is continually unfolding and that I have the time to do whatever truly needs to be done.
Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant.—1 Corinthians 13:4

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Protection

The presence of God within protects me.

Protection is assured when I meditate on the presence and power of God within and remember I am one with it. Fear, disaster or adversity cannot stand in God’s presence. I am protected from anything that would seem to threaten my welfare and well-being.
Holding a consciousness of protection, I feel the peace and love of God with me wherever I go, protecting me from that which is inharmonious or unloving. Conscious of the Presence in me, I live in a world of truth and love. Nothing can disturb the peace I feel. No danger can overtake me. My world is filled with the presence of God, and I am safe and protected.
How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.—Psalm 36:7

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let God Let God Be Unwavering

Focused on God within, I am clear and unwavering.

The word concentrated indicates that which is undiluted. In this moment, I am one with the concentrated energy of Spirit flowing through me at full strength.
I do not let anything within me or outside me hinder the full expression of Holy Spirit that permeates my life and soul. God’s undiluted love expresses through me like a clear stream of love, washing away any error thought or negativity that could affect my life and relationships.As I focus my attention on God, I accelerate my inherent ability to fulfill my divine potential. One with pure, unadulterated Divine Mind, I am clear and unwavering, giving my undivided attention to my heart’s calling.
Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Monday, October 22, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

In all ways and at all times, God is with me.

When I have a major decision to make, I do not want to limit myself to my past experience or what I have observed in the lives of others. My soul’s potential is beyond what I have experienced or observed. When I yearn for my highest good, I trust in God within to guide me. I meet God in prayer. Setting aside my own preconceived ideas, I turn within and allow God to reveal the truth to me. I know I have received the guidance I seek when my mind and heart are at peace. God is the source of my highest good. I trust God to guide and direct my choices. As I open my mind and heart, I receive light, guidance and fulfillment. In all ways and at all times, God is my trusted guide.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.—Galatians 5:25

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

I am comforted and supported by expressions of God’s love.

The touch of a hand … a gentle embrace … the words “I am here for you” … These are expressions of God’s love moving in and through me and my loved ones. When such outward expressions are combined with quiet prayer, they can help heal a troubled heart—whether mine or another’s. If I am experiencing loss or sadness, I reach out to people who care about me, and feel their love. In the same way, if someone I know has suffered a loss, I reach out as a source of caring and support. I make a divine connection by bonding with others in love. I open the way to healing, uplifting and comforting my own heart and the hearts of others seeking peace and assurance.
Comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.—2 Thessalonians 2:17

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Fearless

The presence of God within frees me from fear. I am courageous.

Fear is overcome through a consciousness of Truth and courage. When I see my life in its true light, I discover there is nothing to fear. The issues in the external world, the persons and situations that are stirring up fear in me, are part of a world of illusion. There is no truth in the belief that these situations have power over the presence of God within me.
Anytime I feel frightened or confused, I rise above fearful thoughts and become conscious that God is in the very midst of me. With God, I can face anything. I can handle any situation. As my courage increases, my fear diminishes. I abide in a consciousness of courage and Truth.
So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”—Hebrews 13:6

Friday, October 19, 2012

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I am part of the harmony of the Universe.

Sometimes I am surprised by the pairing of colors in a painting or fabric. What I thought might clash is actually harmonizing. Love is the great harmonizing power that weaves all things together. God is love and the entire Universe is created out of love. Nothing—not a star, not a person, not a creature on earth—is excluded from this love. The power of love within me brings harmony to my life. I allow love to show me the path to peace in all my relationships. Whether this brings me to greater understanding of others, or invites me to release what no longer serves me, peace is the outcome. As an expression of God’s love, I am part of the harmony of the Universe.
We know that all things work together for good for those who love God.—Romans 8:28

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Let Go Let God in Inner Peace

I center myself in the peace of God.

Within me is a deep and profound peace that I may draw upon when challenges seem overwhelming. I may stand in the midst of chaos, but as I connect with this wellspring of peace, I am centered and calm. Peace radiates from me to quiet any surrounding storms.
The peace of God is within and all around me. I feel it when I share a smile or hug with a friend. I hear it in a kind word or light-hearted laughter. I experience it as I relax, releasing tension in my body. I connect with inner peace as I fill my mind with thoughts of gratitude and love. I remain centered in the peace and love of God night and day.
My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.—Isaiah 32:18

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let Go, Let God

A God-inspired transformation is taking place in me now.

If I place a package of flower seeds on the shelf instead of planting them, I will retain the seeds, but never see them grow into beautiful, fragrant flowers. Keeping the seeds may give me a sense of control, but I will never enjoy them fully until I plant them and watch as they grow into their full potential. I take note of times in my own life when I hold on too tightly. If I cling to problems and concerns, they become my focus. No solution arises when I am fixated on lack and limitation. But as I let go of worry, I allow God to work freely in and through me, and my full potential blossoms. As I affirm: I let go and let God, I stop the cycle of worry. I focus on the power of God within and my opportunities expand.
I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.—Matthew 11:10

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Understanding

God is the source of my wisdom and understanding.

At times I may feel unable to fully understand or cope with a situation or dilemma in my life. I may have forgotten that God—the Source of all wisdom and understanding—is constantly available to me. I needn’t rely on my human understanding alone. Solutions appear as I turn within to God’s wisdom. My mind is one with God-Mind, and divine intelligence activates all my thought processes. When I am faced with a perplexing situation, I do not erect barriers by thinking it is too difficult to resolve; instead, I open to divine guidance and feel assured of right resolution. As I become receptive to God’s wisdom, ideas begin to flow and my mind becomes clear and alert.
Who has put wisdom in the inward parts, or given understanding to the mind?—Job 38:36

Monday, October 15, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Beautiful

I am beautiful inside and out.

Surrounding myself with beauty soothes and nourishes my soul. I can add beauty to my home by adding fresh flowers or updated furnishings. I may beautify my appearance with stylish clothes. Yet there’s an inner beauty deeper than I can see. At any age, inner beauty radiates out through positive words and intentions. I stand before a mirror and affirm: I am beautiful inside and out. To beautify my outlook, I focus on the upside in every situation. The more I focus on inner beauty, the more I attract beautiful expressions in my life. From this elevated awareness, I convey genuine peace and balance. My world is enhanced with grace and beauty.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news.—Isaiah 52:7

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Let Go Let God Create

I have the power to create a happy and successful life.

I am creating my life one thought, one feeling, one response at a time. Creation begins in mind as a divine idea. Flashes of insight and inspiration, dreams and desires, manifest into thoughts and words. As I take action and proceed in faith, divine ideas take form in my life. Through the creative power of imagination and faith, I use my spiritual qualities and gifts, building a life that is secure, prosperous, happy and healthy. Whether it is a new career opportunity, an innovative approach to overcome a challenge, or an enhancement for the lives of others, I have the God-given power to create a happy, successful life through the creative power of my thoughts, words and actions.
But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating.—Isaiah 65:18

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let Go Let God See World Peace

We are all God’s love in expression.

I have been blessed by many teachers in my life—in school, in my family, by books and by circumstances. Nature is also my teacher. For example, as I learn about pollination, I see the inherent harmony and cooperation among species. The flowers provide nectar for the bees; the bees collect the pollen and cultivate even more flowers. While other people may focus on what seems wrong with the world, I notice what is right with the world. The diversity of people and the divergent environments on planet Earth enrich our lives in myriad ways. As we commit to living in harmony with others, we express divine harmony and love. God is love, and God created the world as a home for all. Let us live in peace.
And now, my children, listen to me: happy are those who keep my ways.—Proverbs 8:32

Friday, October 12, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Grace

God’s grace is ever-available and always sufficient.

Breathing deeply, I allow my body to relax and release all stress. I draw my attention away from any outer concerns or distractions and rest my awareness on the presence of God within. Pausing in stillness allows me to become a clear portal through which divine grace pours into my mind, my thoughts, my being. God’s grace is ever-available and always sufficient—no matter what the challenge. In the solace of this brief interlude, I remember I do not have to manage any situation alone. I am fully supported by the Divine. Emboldened by grace, I confidently return to my day with a sense of calm and well-being.
Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.—Hebrews 4:16

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Set Free

I am set free—there are no limits.

My past does not predict my future. I am set free from limitations or fears that may have influenced me previously. The past is past—and I let it go. Acting in the present moment from my Christ nature, I imagine the future I desire. I connect with the Christ within and ask, “What is mine to do? What action am I to take?” Then I listen. The answer may come as a slight whisper or as an intuitive feeling. When I am guided to the next step, I take it.
I am set free from any limitation or fear, because I know that as I live from my Christ nature, I am always safe. I trust in the guidance I receive and step forward into my good.
When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Woman, you are set free from your ailment.” … immediately she stood up straight and began praising God.—Luke 13:12, 13

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let Go Let God in Unity

In God’s perfect love, I am one with all.

If I ever feel disconnected from family members, co-workers or my community, I remember that any sense of separation is an illusion. In God’s perfect love, we are one. We are united in Spirit, because we are all created of God. The love of God enables me to see beyond differences of opinion, belief, political ideology or culture. It opens my eyes to the spiritual unity that is always present. As I express the love of God in my thoughts, words and activities, I am a mighty reinforcer of the underlying unity that connects all people. In prayer, I contemplate the Truth of our divine unity. Acknowledging the love of God in myself and others, I am aware that we are one.
How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!—Psalm 133:1

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Strong

I am filled with the life, strength and energy of God!

My body responds to my thoughts and feelings. If I am down, my body feels it. If I am tense or hurried, my body becomes tense and tired. Conversely, it responds just as readily to positive thinking. When I affirm with conviction: I am filled with the life, strength and energy of God!—even if I do not feel especially strong at the moment—it will stir up feelings of divine life and strength within me. My body, mind and spirit respond to positive, life-affirming prayers. I feel an upsurge of energy through my entire being. I am filled with the strength of God. As a spiritual being, I draw upon divine strength to do all I need to do, to be all I can be, to achieve my heart’s desires. What an inspiring truth!
The joy of the Lord is your strength.—Nehemiah 8:10

Monday, October 8, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Discovery

I discover God in all of life.

What will this day bring, and what will I bring to this day? I begin each morning stronger and wiser than I was yesterday, and I am eager to learn something new about myself, life and God. I make a special effort to see my life in new ways. I behold magnificence and grandeur in the simple things—the sunrise, the trees, the sky. I behold divine beauty as I look into the eyes of a loved one. I may take a new route to work or to a friend’s house, read a new book, or try something I’ve never tried before. I approach my day with a sense of adventure and wonder, energy and excitement. I close my day with gratitude, knowing God is in all of my experiences—yesterday, today and tomorrow.
When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.—Jeremiah 29:13

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

Inspired by divine ideas, I am prosperous.

To clear my mind of any thoughts of lack or limitation, I confidently deny them power over me. I synchronize my thoughts with ideas of divine abundance and the creative flow of God’s good. I take to heart these words from the late Eric Butterworth: “Infinite Mind will put ideas into your mind, words into your mouth, creativity into your hands, boundless opportunity before you, and guiding light on your way.” Inspired, capable and ready, I act on divine guidance. With gratitude, I affirm God as my constant source of supply. I maintain an attitude of prosperity in all areas of my life and my needs are abundantly met.
My God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Let Go Let God with Joy

I laugh with joy.

When I hear someone else laughing, I often laugh too. Their chuckle or giggle makes me smile, and I feel joyful and lighthearted. No matter what is happening in my life, I can connect with my joy-filled inner child by remembering silly things, fun experiences and times when I laughed until I cried. When I feel down or sad, I become still and ask Spirit to remind me of uplifting memories. I recall the blessings of my life, the times when I’ve experienced great joy and happiness. I let those memories wash over me, and I feel my joy begin to grow. Joy expresses first as a smile, grows into laughter, and expands into radiance, which shines from within.
Sarah said, “God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.”—Genesis 21:6

Friday, October 5, 2012

Let Go Let God Forgive

I choose forgiveness. I choose peace.

From time to time we all make choices that are less than ideal. When we do, it is better not to condemn ourselves or blame others, but rather to accept the peace that comes with forgiveness. God’s love is my key to forgiveness. When I say or do something I regret, I first turn to the center of peace and love within me to become clear. If I need to ask someone’s forgiveness, I trust the love of God to guide my words and actions. Forgiveness is the pathway to peace and to growth. As I forgive myself and others, I move into greater expressions of happiness and well-being. I choose to forgive. I choose to love. I choose to be happy.
Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you.—Mark 11:25

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Let Go Let God with a Blessing for Pets

Thank you for every creature and for the love it brings.

We give thanks for the rich variety of life on earth and for every pet sharing its love with us. “Great and gracious God, Creator of all things, thank you for the gift of animals. You clothe these expressions of your love with fur and feathers; fins and scales. We are grateful for the time we share with each of them. We treasure the memories of unconditional love that remain in our hearts forever. “Beloved Creator, as you tend the sparrow and the lily of the field, bless each pet with shelter, food and companionship. Be their healer, comforter and sustainer in times of need. Bless each pet as you have blessed us with your Infinite Love. Amen.”
God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind … And God saw that it was good.—Genesis 1:25

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

I give thanks for answered prayer.

The words divine order are used to describe the miracle and mystery of answered prayer. She reminded us that a spiritual power is always at work in our lives, guiding and blessing us, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Divine order is at work in my life, although I may not see it directly, just as I cannot see the wind but see evidence of its power as leaves flutter on trees. And, although I cannot physically see divine order, I see evidence of it in the form of answered prayer. My prayers may not be answered in the way or time I envisioned, but I trust that divine order will manifest as the highest and best outcome for all concerned.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.—Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let Go Let God with Intention

My powerful, Spirit-led intentions guide and shape my life.

The story of Jesus’ life has inspired people through the ages. Like a light on a hill, his life and teachings illumined the way for others seeking spiritual truth. Inspired by Jesus’ teachings, I set the intention to let my own light shine. With these words from the Gospel of John, I affirm: “The Father and I are one.” In oneness with God, I pray and set intentions for my future. I become receptive to God’s moment-by-moment guidance.
I am mindful of how I am being, conscious of my thoughts, words and actions. In alignment with good, with grace and with God, I seek first to know God’s presence within me. My powerful, Spirit-led intentions guide and shape my life.
We intend to do what is right not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of others.—2 Corinthians 8:21

Monday, October 1, 2012

Let Go Let God in Happiness

Happiness springs from the unconditional love of God within me.

The pursuit of happiness is a deeply held human value. Yet I know outer circumstances, events and people cannot make me happy. My happiness comes from the presence of God within me. Through God, I learn to love unconditionally and to be kind and compassionate with others and myself. I don’t need to be perfect. However, I do strive to become perfectly accepting of all people as spiritual beings living their ever-unfolding human experience. I am happy to be aware of and express more of my true spiritual nature. I share my happiness by appreciating the good I see in others. God is love, and I am happy to be uniquely expressing God’s love right now.
Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.—Psalm 119:1