My joy is complete in Spirit.
If I am searching for someone or something outside me to make me happy, it’s time to shift my attention inward. I may be discontented with what is happening or not happening in my life—but my life’s circumstances do not define my happiness. I choose instead to embark on an inner journey to joy. Joy is always within me as a gladness of my soul waiting to burst forth. Sometimes I simply need to give myself permission to experience joy. The joy of Spirit is as much a part of me as my heart and soul. I have joy in knowing the spirit of God is always present, and I carry this with me every moment of the day. I’m not waiting for something to happen to me or for me. My joy is already complete in Spirit.
I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11
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