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Friday, January 31, 2014

Let Go Let God in Being

I reconnect with God in me.

Quiet times soothe my soul. As I turn my attention away from doing, I receive the gift of being. I release concerns about accomplishing tasks and affirm that what is mine to do is already done in the mind of God. As I let go of anxiety, I remember the truth that I am enough. I may take a stroll, sit on a park bench, or simply close my eyes to the activity around me. However I choose to step away from busyness, time seems to expand. I have time to accomplish my tasks as I slow my pace. My body, mind, and spirit are refueled as I reconnect with God in me. My heart appreciates the moments in which I allow myself to simply be. I am in God; I am enough.
That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already is; and God seeks out what has gone by.—Ecclesiastes 3:15

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let Go Let God Surrender

I surrender to love and compassion.

In the midst of a disagreement, I may be tempted to give in to frustration. Yet, no matter what happens outside, I have the ability to choose how to respond. I gently release the urge to react negatively. As I surrender my reactivity, I allow my body to relax. I set the intention to clear my mind of judging or angry thoughts, and reconnect with my peaceful center. I remember that God is present in every circumstance and that I can respond by focusing on God’s ever-present love. As I yield to the wisdom of my Higher Power, I learn to respond to every situation with compassion. I radiate loving kindness to all involved.
The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality.—James 3:17

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Optimistic

I anticipate God’s good.

Like the bird singing before dawn, I anticipate the good at hand. As I go about my daily routine, I expect the best. I maintain my awareness of the Christ Presence at the core of my being and acknowledge this same spark of divinity in everyone I meet. I look for the blessing in every situation. Even challenges motivate me to bring forward my best self. In God, it is all good. I am centered, optimistic, and I radiate a positive attitude. Christ in me is my hope, resource, and foundation. I live joyously and confidently. As the day comes to a close, I give thanks for lessons learned, for love shared, and for the anticipation of new days to come.
We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.—Hebrews 6:19

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Let Go Let God See World Peace

The peace of God is accessible to all.

Many people have sought peace from the world around them, only to find that the world could not provide it. Yet when we realize the peace of the indwelling Spirit, we find our world is filled with the omnipresence of God—the presence of peace accessible at all times, in all places. The peace of God becomes our own peace when we realize that nothing in all the world can disturb it. Having found the peace of God within us, we have the power to fill our whole world with peace. The presence of God at the heart of my being gives me great peace. From this realization I live in the world. I see beyond conflicts to the presence of God, everywhere present and active. Peace is my reality.

To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6

Monday, January 27, 2014

Let Go Let God in Comfort

In the presence of Love, I am comforted.

The light of God still shines even in the darkest night of loss or despair. I am strengthened by the loving presence of God and thankful for the faith and love of those who hold me in prayer. I empower my faith by focusing only on God, the good. I trust that in God I have the capacity to overcome any difficult situation. Divine comfort enfolds me like warm spring sunshine after a long, cold winter. I breathe deeply and my heart grows lighter. God’s steadfast love uplifts me, and I rise to a new day of light and life. With the promise of eternal comfort, my hope is restored and I know that all is well.
May our Lord … who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.—2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Let Go Let God with Grace

I accept grace with a grateful heart.

Grace is woven into the very fabric of my being. It is the goodness of God at work in my life. I accept grace as the redeeming, uplifting, and transforming power of God working in and through me now. Grace is an expression of God’s love, and I receive it every day with a grateful heart. I experience grace as a nudge to pay attention … as a second chance … as unexpected good or a better-than-expected outcome. When I allow room for God’s grace, good blossoms in my consciousness. Forgiveness, generosity, and love come naturally, and I am blessed. Life is easier when I am open to God’s grace. Following Spirit’s lead, I no longer paddle against the current, but flow with the stream of divine life.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.–Philippians 4:23

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let Go Let God in Transformation

Transformation is only a thought away.

How do I respond to change? Am I quick to resist it or does acceptance come naturally to me? Self-awareness and acceptance are spiritual tools I can use to shift my reaction when change occurs. As I meditate, I become aware of the sensations in my body. Tightness or pain may be a sign of resistance. I acknowledge any feelings and allow myself to feel them fully. I am gentle and accepting of whatever comes. With self-awareness comes personal choice. I realize that I choose how to respond to events and changes. I am not powerless. Seeing the situation from a higher perspective, I learn to accept what is with awareness and peace.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts … and lead me in the way everlasting.—Psalm 139:23-24

Friday, January 24, 2014

Let Go Let God in Faith

I step out with faith and achieve my highest potential.

In order to live life to its fullest, I must be willing to occasionally embrace the unknown. This requires courage, pressing on even when fearful. Yet I have more than just courage; I have faith. Faith is steady, grounded, and filled with assurance. I cultivate my faith in the fertile soil of Spirit. Infinite Substance is the source of all creation. Thoughts of faith fill my mind, and I use the creative power of words and actions to manifest my good. I may not foresee the precise form in which new circumstances will be birthed. Yet I am assured that my highest good will be established. In faith, I step forward with joyful expectation into the next phase of my unfolding life.
Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.—1 Corinthians 16:13

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Let God Let God Reveal Hidden Treasures

I excavate treasures every day.

Hidden­ in experiences of illness or disappointment are jewels of wisdom waiting to be excavated. Regardless of how these gems disguise themselves, I discover them, like diamonds in the rough. I recognize the pearls of insight inherent in every challenge. I no longer attempt to solve my problems with limited thinking. Instead, I turn within to discern how to unearth my golden opportunities, my divine inheritance. I receive guidance and know what is mine to do. I use powerful affirmations as a tool to extract my treasures, and I trust my life will be beautifully enriched. I affirm: I am worthy of all the treasures awaiting my discovery every moment of this day.
I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places.—Isaiah 45:3

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let Go Let God with Gentleness

I am kind and gentle with others.

Jesus demonstrated true gentleness of spirit in his interactions with others. He recognized the spark of divinity within all people and treated them with dignity and respect. Inspired by this gentle treatment, I am kind, sensitive, and unhurried with others. I listen attentively and allow them to express themselves in their own unique ways. As I let go of judgment or impatience, I act peacefully and respectfully. Calm and at ease, I appreciate the importance of bringing gentleness into the world. I treat others as I would like to be treated. I follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who exhibited a gentleness of Spirit in every way.
Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.—1 Peter 3:4

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Let Go Let God Wait

One with God, I wait, breathing into the unknown.

In Hebrew, one translation of the word wait, or Qavah, is to bind together. As I wait for news about a certain outcome or grapple for answers to a troubling issue, I imagine myself intertwined with God like sturdy strands of cord, bound together as one. Holding this image relieves any anxiety I may be feeling. One with God, I relax, breathe into the unknown, and wait. Rather than trying to force a particular outcome, I rest in God and trust in divine wisdom. I see this interlude as a respite for my soul. As I exercise patience, I cultivate my spiritual mettle. When the pause is over, I am renewed and ready to act from God-given insight.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope.—Psalm 130:5

Monday, January 20, 2014

Let Go Let God Through Right Action

Through right action, I make a positive difference in the world.

Martin Luther King Jr. lived a life of service. He said, “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” His example inspires us to serve and respect one another, creating a better world for all. Today I commit to be of service. I look for opportunities to help others, to take right action, and to lead by example. I speak words that are uplifting and encouraging and seek ways to build up, rather than tear down. All acts of service, large or small, help to lift up humankind. I strive for excellence in giving to others from the love of God within me.
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.–Galatians 6:9

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

Here, where grace abounds, all is in divine order.

When life seems messy or muddled, hearing the words “all is in divine order” might be frustrating. Yet when clouds block the sun, the sun continues to shine just as brilliantly. Similarly, divine order does not cease when my world seems upside down. I take a moment to turn my awareness away from the challenge and into the presence and power of God within. I breathe deeply to clear my mind and release any stress. As I continue to breathe in God, unsettling thoughts dissipate and disappear. I am open and focused in this God-centered moment. Grace abounds and all is indeed in divine order.
Run at once to meet her, and say to her, “Are you all right?” … She answered, “It is all right.”—2 Kings 4:26

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

My body is a sacred temple. I am whole and well.

Good health is fostered by nutritious meals, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits help me live a robust and vibrant life. When I complement these activities with prayer, I am uplifted to an experience of wholeness in mind, body, and spirit. Prayer is an integral part of my health regimen. My affirmations of wholeness, expressing gratitude and praise, release divine energy. I begin each day giving thanks for my body, for the way it works, and for its continual regeneration and renewal. I call forth my innate wholeness. I am a spiritual being and my body is a spiritual temple. I honor my body and treat it with love and care.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?—1 Corinthians 6:19

Friday, January 17, 2014

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I create harmony by what I think, say, and do.

My sense of order may be disturbed when an experience is not what I expected. Yet I can use any disappointment or discomfort as an opportunity to practice harmony. Spirit in me is harmonizing and restorative. I allow it to shift my consciousness as I attune my thoughts to their highest vibrations—the energy of Spirit. The peace of God sweeps over me. Resting in Divine Love, I find peace and order. Harmony can be brought to any situation when I tap into my innate center of peace. At my core, I find love, harmony, order, and understanding. As I bring these qualities into expression, I emanate peace in the world.
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony.—Romans 15:5

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Free

I am free and unlimited.

Some habits or beliefs may feel so deeply rooted, we believe they will forever constrict us. We might hear ourselves saying, “That’s just the way I am” or “That’s just the way life is.” Yet we have the power to free ourselves of any habit or belief. We can embrace our divine power—the power of the Christ within. It is ours at all times. Within us, we have the power to change and be free. The Christ Spirit is the spirit of freedom itself. Drawing on this power, I break free from whatever binds me. I claim my unlimited and unbound potential. Attuned to Christ in me, my hope of glory, I pray, make a new choice, and move forward to claim my good.
Do not … consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth.—Isaiah 43:18-19

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let Go Let God Direct True North

Spirit is my guide.

Even the best compass does not point to true north. Similarly, I know that directions and advice from the outside world can never replace true guidance from within. I follow my internal compass. As I pray and meditate, the path to my highest good becomes clear. Spirit reveals a divine idea, which may inspire my next task or goal. I then move forward with clarity and assurance. My steps are confident, my faith is strong, and my determination, unwavering. Nothing can stop me from achieving my divine purpose. Spirit is my guide, motivating every action and leading me to my true north—an authentic and fulfilling life.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.—John 16:13

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Open and Ready

I welcome the blessings of Spirit.

As I prepare for a new life adventure, I affirm my readiness: I am open, ready, and willing to experience the blessings of Spirit. I am open. I am open to the flow of Spirit as I step through the doors of opportunity. My heart and mind are open to divine guidance. I rely on my innate wisdom to discover more about myself, others, and God. I am ready. My life has prepared me for this present moment. Whatever comes my way, I know I am supported by the strength of Spirit within. I am willing. I am willing to let the power of God flow through me now. Spirit leads the way, and I willingly follow. I am open, ready, and willing to experience life in a whole new way!

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.—Psalm 51:12

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

In my prayers, I behold Divine Perfection.

Every thought I hold of health and wholeness is a prayer. I visualize my loved ones healthy, vibrant, and vitally alive. I look beyond appearances and behold their Divine Perfection. I am confident in the power of Spirit to bring healing, guidance, and new insights to every situation. I affirm the Truth for everyone—that the power of God is within. I trust this power to do its work and see the highest good expressing in the lives of my loved ones. I hold these empowering thoughts for myself as well. Seeing beyond any appearance of lack, I trust the activity of Spirit to guide me and my dear ones. We express our Divine Perfection. Through the power of God, there is sufficient good in all and for all.
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.—Matthew 5:48

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let Go Let God with Perspective

I see God everywhere.

Today I view life from a divine perspective, beholding the Divine in all people and circumstances. I know at a deep level that all is well, that we are supported in every way, and that we are forever one with Spirit. This view of life is not reserved for carefree days when life is peaceful and easy. In any situation, at any time, I can see through chaos and confusion to the truth that all is in divine order, and all is well. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I am one with God. As I view life from this perspective, I see how God reveals itself in every living thing, and I am inspired to express the Divine in my every thought, word, and action.
Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.—Matthew 13:16

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

My life reflects God’s peace within.

At the center of my being is a place that nothing and no one can disturb—a place of perfect peace, a consciousness of Oneness beyond words, thoughts, or feelings. I rest my attention gently on my heart center and attune to the love, light, and wisdom of God.
Centered within, I experience boundless peace. I am infused with tranquility inside and out. As I grant myself this time of silence, it recharges me mentally, physically, and spiritually. I relax completely and release any seeming need to try to fix myself or others—I am all I need to be. Balanced and at peace, I experience harmony in and through my life.
Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.—Psalm 85:8

Friday, January 10, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Available

I am open and available to receive my good.

An accident, a distressing diagnosis, a job loss—these are situations many of us would deem unfortunate or even disastrous. Yet if we stay open and available to a good outcome, we find great blessings ready and waiting for us to receive. Today I am willing to see new possibilities unfold from any seeming difficulty. In acceptance of my humanity, I allow myself to grieve any loss as I clear inner space to receive my good. I am restored as I open to God’s abundance. Life invites me to grow, and I am open and available to the manifestation of God’s abundant blessings at all times. As life unfolds, I look for the good in every experience.
Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out.—Ruth 3:18

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I am one with the abundance I seek.

God is infinite supply. One with God, I am one with the abundance I seek. If my perspective on prosperity is obstructed by fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack, I remind myself that I am not separate from the goodness of God. The path to prosperity is to know that I am one with All That Is. As I observe my thoughts, I ask: Am I holding thoughts of separation? Lack, limitation, and scarcity have no place in my consciousness. I deny their power over me, let go of any anger or frustration, and open myself to abundant love. In my awareness of Oneness, God’s good flows through me freely. God is the fulfillment of every need, and I am richly blessed.
Believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.—John 10:38

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let Go Let God Forgive

Divine Love fills my heart, and I forgive.

If I cling to hurt and disappointment, I continually relive the past. But if I let God-consciousness grow in me, I am moved to forgive. As Divine Love expands in me, I step out of the shadow of yesterday and into the light of today. Through the love of God, I am free. Sometimes the person I may find hardest to forgive is myself. I cannot change the past, but I can let go of it and focus on how I think and act now. I find ways to love myself, seek healthy support, and take care of my needs. I let the love of God saturate my consciousness. Divine Love is more powerful than resentment. Through forgiveness, I experience the peace of letting go.
Forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you.—Colossians 3:13

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Abiding in the presence of God, I am clearly guided.

A freed prisoner in ancient Rome received a white stone as proof of his right to a new beginning. The white stone symbolized a clean slate. Every new moment is an opportunity for me to begin again with a clean slate. Turning within for guidance, I initiate change in my life right now and become the person I want to be. In my sacred time of prayer, I put aside any hesitation or uncertainty. Abiding in the presence of God, I ask for clear and unmistakable guidance. I listen in the Silence and trust the answers I receive. I am grateful for the beginning of each new year and the opportunity for a clean slate upon which to design my life.
I will give a white stone, and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.—Revelation 2:17

Monday, January 6, 2014

Let Go Let God in this New Day

My life is a glorious new song.

Poet and philosopher Mark Nepo writes about human beings: “Of all the things that exist, we breathe and wake and turn it into song.” I breathe deeply and feel the vibrant energy of this radiant new day. As I behold the myriad gifts in each now moment, I am aware of Infinite Life filling and enfolding me. Deep gratitude wells up within me for the precious gift of life. I wake to my abundant blessings and embrace even those I may have dismissed in the past. Turning life into a wondrous song, I compose with every gift of God. My song gives voice to the sacredness of my being. As it resounds, it sends a vibration of peace, joy, and love throughout the world.
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.—Psalm 96:1

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let Go Let God in Oneness

I surrender to Oneness. I am free.

A drop of water will not flow far on its own, but as part of the sea, it can travel the world. I am a drop of water in the ocean of God. I know this truth when I enter the Silence. In that quiet encounter, the walls of my ego dissolve. I no longer feel separate. God breathes me, and I breathe God. I spend time in the Silence every day, inviting a greater awareness of the One Power and One Presence. I observe thought patterns that may have hindered me from experiencing the all-encompassing Presence in me, around me, and as me. I surrender to the sweet, luminous love of the One. I am boundless—Oneness is me and I am Oneness. I experience the Infinite, and I am free.
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Let Go Let God Discover

Every challenge reveals my spiritual power.

Discoveries reveal what has always been. Whether an ­archaeologist uncovers buried artifacts from ancient cultures or an infant finds her toes, what is discovered was already there, waiting to be found. In challenging times, I may find within me vast stores of spiritual strength, love, and wisdom I didn’t know I had. These qualities have been within me always, simply waiting to be claimed. When life is calm, I may fail to notice the indwelling power of Spirit. Crises or unexpected events may spur me to discover my divine gifts. In hard times, I discover all that I am and all that I can be. I am more than I thought I was! I give thanks for all of my God-given powers and for all that I have yet to discover.
I will love them and reveal myself to them.—John 14:21

Friday, January 3, 2014

Let Go Let God in Self-Discipline

I reap the benefits of self-discipline.

The words disciple and discipline derive from the word for “pupil” or “student.” As a student of life, I learn continuously and apply what I discover to my daily activities.
Just as Jesus’ disciples sought to follow him and learn from his teachings, I, too, seek to learn new ways of being and put them into practice. Conscious of my physical and spiritual well-being, I develop constructive habits and routines that promote transformation and I experience positive results. Self-discipline is not a hardship; it is the key to growth. As I adopt good habits, I honor and reward myself. Through discipline, I reap the benefits of good health, peace of mind, and abundant living.
For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.—2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let Go Let God When Letting Go

As I let go and trust God, I am calm and secure.

As a child, I may have clutched a favorite blanket or toy for a sense of security. I may have feared that letting it go would change my world. As I grew and matured, I learned to lay down those props, realizing I didn’t need them to live with confidence. Today I ask myself: Am I attached to something that needs to be released? A belief or habit, person or place? As I remember my resistance to giving up my childhood attachments, I ask: Is there something I need to let go of now? I release any unhealthy dependence on people, places, or things. I am ready to let them go and allow myself to grow. I open my life to new opportunities. Guided by the spirit of God in me, I am whole, safe, and confident.
Let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep me safe forever.—Psalm 40:11

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let Go Let God Celebrate

I celebrate life!

New beginnings are cause for celebration. Like the rising sun shining bright in the eastern sky, a fresh start is reason to rejoice. As we celebrate, we let go of the past and embrace the present. We discover a new opportunity to awaken to the power of Spirit within. Some celebrations are filled with cheers, songs, and shouts of encouragement; while others are quiet, like the blossoming of a flower. I celebrate life as a continuous learning experience, a gift of growth and expansion from a loving God. I acknowledge and revere life’s varied celebrations. Joyous in the eternal power and love of God, I celebrate all of life!
I will cause your name to be celebrated in all generations; therefore the peoples will praise you forever and ever.—Psalm 45:17