I pray with faith in answered prayer.
I pray, I am consciously connecting with God. While I may pray for many
reasons, I remember to always pray from a place of faith. I pray, affirming: This, or something better, and I let it
go. Holding on to a concern only dampens my prayer energy. I pray in
faith that all is working out for the best and highest good for all
involved. Mind and heart unite while I envision the answered prayer I
seek. As I listen in faith, I discern the voice or activity of God. This
comes to me in a variety of ways—perhaps a feeling, a dream, or a divine
idea at the right and perfect time. I listen for and follow my inner guidance to do my part to bring my
prayer to fruition. I move forward with clarity and assurance.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.—John 16:13