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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Let Go Let Go All Is In Divine Order

I am one with the divine order of the universe.
The sun rises and sets each day, the seasons change each year, and my body renews and revitalizes itself each moment. There is an amazing order at work within and around me—a divine order. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I can rely on the order of the universe. I know the sun will continue to shine and the earth will continue to rotate. I can be sure that my heart will beat regularly and my blood will flow freely. This knowledge gives me a deep feeling of peace and comfort and reminds me that I am never alone. I move forward secure in the love of God and in an awareness of order. I give thanks for the divine order that regulates my body and blesses my life.
He has not left himself without a witness in doing good—giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons.—Acts 14:17

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Let Go Let God for Guidance

As a creation of divine love and wisdom, I am guided in all that I do.
Divine love and wisdom are alive in me as universal, harmonizing energy. I tap in to that energy through prayer and meditation, trusting that Spirit within is the guiding force in my life. With spiritual wisdom, I affirm: I can do all things through divine love in me. I behold the loving Spirit in me and all men, women, and children. My thoughts, words, and actions are aimed at bringing forward goodness, purity, health, and wholeness in my life and in my world. I move throughout the day, utilizing divine wisdom and understanding as a road map for what to think, say, and do. As a creation of divine love and wisdom, I am guided in all I do.

If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.—John 15:10

Monday, February 26, 2018

Let Go Let God Find Joy

I find joy in being my true self.
Joy is an inner quality. I am naturally joyful, and I take every opportunity to radiate joy and enthusiasm. I let it shine like a beacon from my soul, and my life reflects true happiness and peace. My happiness does not depend on outer circumstances but rather on my attitude. So I spend time in prayer. I develop a deep awareness of the qualities of joy and peace that are the essence of my being. Happiness is a result of my inner joy. Throughout the day, as I turn within to touch the place of joy within me, I can respond positively to any situation. Instead of focusing my energy on a seeming challenge, I look for the blessing it contains. I choose happiness. I find joy in being my true self.

Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy.—Psalm 126:2

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Let Go Let God Share the Story

I mentor others by sharing spiritual lessons I have learned.
Twelve-step recovery programs have long recognized the healing power of sharing our stories. I have learned that my stories are not simply my own. They are meant to be unique contributions to the realization of the new state of consciousness that Jesus describes as the kingdom of heaven. An adage from recovery programs shares, “We are only as sick as our secrets.” Whatever I am afraid to share becomes a dangerous darkness within me. I don’t need to share everything with everyone I meet, but I need to be willing to share freely as I am guided by Spirit. I see myself through divine perception as a spiritual victor and overcomer—not as a victim of life’s circumstances. Telling my story is a powerful way to share the spiritual lessons I have learned.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.—John 1:1

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Let Go Let God with Divine Energy

Divine energy permeates everything I do.
Today I choose to honor the sacred nature of the world around me by surrounding everything I do with love and appreciation. I feel divine love and gratitude as a soothing light emanating from my heart. As it expands, I allow it to permeate every cell of my body, ultimately radiating outward from me, bathing everything around me in sacred energy. I consciously allow this energy to flow into everything I touch as I acknowledge the divine essence within each and every person, activity, and object I encounter. Wherever I go, joy, peace, and appreciation go with me and before me as the sacred energy of Spirit we all share.
When you send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.—Psalm 104:30

Friday, February 23, 2018

Let Go Let God as Divine Love

Love exists as multiple expressions in my life.
Like a single ray of light becomes a rainbow when passed through a prism, love exists in a variety of expressions in my life. Jesus, the Master Teacher, often directed us to love in every situation. Knowing that God is everywhere present—around me, within me, and as me—I embrace every opportunity to be divine love in expression. By appreciating nature, I am expressing love. In quiet contemplation and in joyous singing, I express love. In relationship with family, friends, coworkers, and unfamiliar brothers and sisters around the world, I express love. In my work, my play and creativity, my service to others, and my worship, I express love. Love exists as multiple expressions in my life.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.—Mark 12:30

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Let Go Let God What's Next

I am building my life, one step at a time.
Today I take a moment to reflect on the intentions I set for the new year. I might have accomplished some goals while still working on others. If I slip or procrastinate, I know it’s not too late to re-energize and re-organize. I ask myself a simple question: What next? I don’t need to make decisions about the rest of my life—just to be forward-thinking about what’s next. By doing so, I am building my life, one step at a time. But before I take the mental step in my forward thinking, I turn to Spirit within as I make plans. That gives my next steps meaning, purpose, and clarity. I prayerfully consider what is mine to do, knowing I am spiritually supported all along the way.

When you walk, your step will not be hampered; and if you run, you will not stumble.—Proverbs 4:12

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Let Go Let God with Poise

I am centered, knowing that divine presence is within me and around me.
I am grateful when my personal relationships and work interactions are fulfilling. When conversations don’t go as well as planned or when I am experiencing a financial difficulty, it might feel as if I am moving through choppy waves on an ocean. During any challenging time, I remember to pause for a moment and turn within to divine presence, which is the same spiritual DNA in all persons and in all situations. Breathing gently in and out, I turn my attention to the presence of God within my very own heart, and a sense of calm returns. The truth is that God is present in all situations because God is present in me. As I remember this, I sail through life with grace and ease. All of life is connected and in order. I remain centered and poised.
Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Let Go Let God Have Faith

In faith, I move forward into a greater sense of possibility.
My growing awareness of God’s presence in my life allows me to let go of worry. By activating the power of faith and living from it, I am able to focus on the good in my life and accentuate the positive in every situation. Looking past appearances of lack, I affirm: My good is here now. I have faith in the power of God within me, and I readily apply the gifts of wisdom, understanding, and strength. I have faith in the power of good. Even though I may not know what lies ahead, I can trust in divine order to reveal my highest and best good. I then move forward in my life, step by step, into new, greater, and grander opportunities. In faith, I move forward into a greater sense of possibility.

The kingdom of God is among you.—Luke 17:21

Monday, February 19, 2018

Let Go Let God Say Yes!

I meet life with a resounding yes today!
Words are symbols we use to express our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Each expression carries our energy along with it. The word yes is particularly powerful. A sincere yes opens our hearts and declares “I am ready, willing, and able.” In her book, The Five Principles, Ellen Debenport shares, “Every thought, every feeling, is a prayer. And the response is always yes.” The universe operates within the divine flow, a cooperative energy of perpetual creation and growth. Whatever we bring into awareness, the universe aligns with and seeks to support. When we live within the energetic vibration of yes, anything we encounter is met with an expansive consciousness of acceptance and willingness.

For in him every one of God’s promises is a “Yes.”—2 Corinthians 1:20

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Let Go Let God with Insight

I trust in my spiritual insight, and I am at peace.
Experience can guide me as I deal with any challenges in my life. I appreciate acquired skills and the many ways in which they serve me. Still, at times a new perspective is needed to take a fresh look for any missed opportunities or solutions. So I learn to rely on my indwelling spiritual insight—my Christ expression—to guide me to the most effective choices I can make. In experiencing Oneness with God as Source, any fears and challenges of the world are dissolved and alleviated. I am able to find both courage and peace. No proof is needed, or even possible, for my spiritual insight. I simply trust, and I am at peace.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.—John 16:13

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Let Go Let God with Purpose

I am a divinely created being with purpose and potential.
There are times when I may ask myself, What is my purpose? What contribution do I make to the world? In these moments, I remember that I am a unique creation of God. There is no one in the world who looks, thinks, and acts exactly like me. My uniqueness is my contribution. I have much to offer the world and much to give. I do this by expressing my opinions and values and sharing my voice and creativity in positive ways. I am here to be me. If I feel unsure or doubtful, I remind myself that I have unlimited potential. In the face of pure love, doubt recedes and my purpose is revealed. I step forward in faith as an active participant in life and simply be me—a divinely created being with purpose and potential.

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.—Psalm 138:8

Friday, February 16, 2018

Let Go Let God as Compassion

I am a channel of compassion for myself and others.
Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle said of human nature that if we believe in our judgments of others then we treat those people as if those judgments are true. I may not be aware of my criticisms. It may be a signal that I need healing, compassion, and an open mind. If this happens, I go to my heart and open a channel for compassion. I become aware of the things we have in common: the need to be accepted and to belong, people we care about, dreams, and goals. I understand that, beneath our differences, we are the same precious children of God—perfect, complete, and whole. I treat them as I would like to be treated, and pray for their needs and dreams—for all the peace, love, and abundance they desire.
Every generous act of giving ... is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.—James 1:17

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Let Go Let God Live an Inspired Life

I am living a fully inspired life.
I make a habit of pausing at the start of the day to remember who I am in Truth. Sometimes I reflect on the qualities of the Divine, such as compassion, goodness, and beauty. I acknowledge the presence and power of my divine identity within my consciousness. I remind myself that I am made in the image of God, and I rejoice in the presence of these spiritual qualities as my being. Rumi’s words remind me, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” When I am established in faith, I see the beauty and magnificence of the Divine reflected to me wherever I look. When I say Yes! to the sacredness of my being, I open myself to living an inspired life.

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God.—Ephesians 4:23-24

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Let Go Let God Follow the Heart

Possibilities become realities as I live in the awareness of my divine potential.
When I think, speak, and act from my awareness of God’s presence within, I do so with confidence. Living in the moment, I feel alive to the presence of divine life. Such an awareness prompts me to start laying a foundation for my heart’s desire. I build on that foundation, considering different options and following through on what feels right for me. Perhaps I want to make better use of my talents or skills in a career choice or as a volunteer. Of course, just wishing won’t bring results. I have work to do, but the work itself brings me satisfaction. A gentle assurance emanating from the depths of my soul sets me on the path of progress. Possibilities become realities as I live in the awareness of my divine potential.

To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Let Go Let God Breathe in Inner Peace

I relax and breathe in the peace of God.
Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he taught that the kingdom of God exists within every person. When I accept this truth, I become consciously aware of the presence of God within me. Although the world may present me with situations that are out of my control, I can choose to experience inner peace. To center myself in this awareness, I practice thinking and speaking affirmations of peace. I use prayer and meditation to help me connect my entire being to the peace within me. No matter where I am or what I am doing, I can pause to relax and breathe in the peace of God. In doing so, I open myself up to health and wellness in mind, body, and spirit.
I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!—John 16:33

Monday, February 12, 2018

Let Go Let God in World Peace

Open to infinite love, I practice peace.
An awakening to the love of God as a Presence within all and the Power to overcome all is the strong foundation for peace in the world. One by one, we build on this foundation. Love is patient. As individuals and as leaders of countries, we listen to one another. We acquaint ourselves with the views and needs of others. Our understanding moves us beyond what is exclusive to what is inclusive. Love is kind. Thinking and speaking the best about others initiates a similar response. The gentleness conveyed envelops others—whether in person or afar. Love calls on us to want and do the best for all. Open to infinite love, I practice peace.

Love is patient; love is kind ... It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things.—1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Let Go Let God through Change

I rely on the guidance of Spirit to lead me through necessary changes.
I have learned through experience that change is an essential element of my spiritual journey. I have also learned that I have within me all the guidance I need to make the choices that will most effectively move me forward. Change is simply the consequence of choice. I do not need to resist it, nor do I need to seek it out forcefully. I relax and trust the guidance of Spirit within to show me the changes that are mine to make, and to lead me away from the changes that are not needed on my path. If former negative ways of thinking reappear, I turn within to step forward boldly in faith. I rely on the guidance of Spirit to lead me through necessary changes.

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.—Isaiah 43:19

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Let Go Let God Channel Prosperity

I am a channel for the flow of abundance.
I celebrate the welcome belief that no matter what my financial condition, I have been abundantly blessed with spiritual gifts to meet my every need. I am prosperous because there are unlimited divine ideas for me to use. I know this because divine ideas underwrite everything in the universe from the smallest particle to every cell of my body. All manner of good is present within me. I freely give of that good while not depleting my internal inventory of resources. My true Self is unlimited. I see myself as a channel of abundance, and I look for ways to share my gifts. It is a joyful experience to give of the good that is mine to offer! I am a channel for the flow of abundance.

Agree with God, and be at peace; in this way good will come to you.—Job 22:21

Friday, February 9, 2018

Let Go Let God Forgive

I look for the good in everything and everyone.
The Book of Genesis shares the story of Joseph, a young man who was sold into slavery by his brothers. Yet even in the face of this injustice, Joseph held to the inner knowing that “God intended it for good” (Genesis 50:20). This knowing served as a foundation for forgiveness. Whatever I am facing in life, I proclaim the good in everything. Through my faith, my focus remains on my spiritual abilities to transform circumstances into opportunities that benefit everyone. As my ability to work peaceably through all situations increases, my capacity to let go and forgive is strengthened. I feel the freedom and joy that comes with absolute forgiveness. I look for the good in everything and everyone.

Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good.—Genesis 50:20

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Let Go Let God be Grateful

I am grateful for all that I am and all that I hope to experience.
Today I reconsider the intentions I set for the new year and take time to reflect on what’s important to me. In doing so, my heart fills with gratitude for all that I am, all that I have, all that I want to express in my life. I make gratitude my priority and set my intention to express gratitude as much as possible throughout the day. I choose my words with care and purpose, for I know that every word spoken in gratitude blesses others. I consider how I respond to events and act where I can to help someone else. I end my day with prayers of gratitude, reflecting on the moments that held special meaning. My grateful heart, my thoughtful words and actions open the way for wonderful blessings to flow into my life.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Let Go Let God as Home

Home is the awareness that wherever I am, God is.
As I reflect on what the word home means to me, I know it is not limited to an external place. Home can be found in my heart. My thoughts move from physical structures to memories and the emotions attached to them. I am at home when I turn my thoughts to God-life within. I experience a welcome home each time I go within and make a conscious connection with Spirit. Centered in the awareness of my oneness, I feel safe and at peace. My search for home may lead me down many paths including religion, spiritual study, and meditation practices. These experiences teach me home is the awareness that wherever I am, God is.

He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.—2 Corinthians 5:5

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Let Go Let God Be

I AM love, peace, and compassion.
While what I do involves my interactions with the world around me, what I choose to be is grounded within. To align my doing with my being, I first reflect upon my inner attitudes. The attitude I choose shapes every act I perform. When I choose love, peace, and compassion, the simplest task becomes a blessing. If my activities are not producing the results I desire, I pause to identify what I am choosing to be. Perhaps I have gotten off track with the pressures of the day and find myself frustrated. I pause for a moment and take a cleansing breath. I can choose again right now. I commit to be love, peace, and compassion and let my divine light shine.

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.—Colossians 3:12

Monday, February 5, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

My body is energized by the healing life of Spirit.
Divine life is a healing energy abiding within me. I activate that energy by connecting through the power of my words. I create a dynamic system of denials and affirmations—releasing any fears or doubts and speaking the truth of my being. I AM whole, I AM healthy, I AM joyously alive! With each exhale, I release any belief that something less than divine life is the truth of my body. I remind myself that the unlimited healing life of Spirit within is far greater than any appearance of disease, illness, or pain. Each affirmation I speak is an energy booster, vibrating in every cell of my body. Every exhale clears away resistance to the free flow of healing life in me. My body is energized by the healing life of Spirit.

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen.—2 Corinthians 4:18

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let Go, Let God

I make an active choice to let go and let God.
To someone unfamiliar with the phrase “let go, let God,” the words may seem to be a spiritual cop-out—a popular slogan used with a shrug of inevitability: It’s out of my hands, or I’m resigned to the inevitable. In Truth, “let Go, let God” describes an active choice that is always mine to make. I let go of all attempts to make choices based solely on input from my ego mind’s sense of personal obligation. It simply isn’t true that I must personally find the answer to every question. I let God by choosing instead to trust the indwelling Presence that is my true identity, opening my heart to love-centered guidance and quiet power.

Do not worry about anything, but in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.—Philippians 4:6

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Let Go Let God be Comforted

My greatest comfort comes from remembering my divinity.
I have shelter, food, and positive relationships in my life. Yet there have been times when I found myself outside of my comfort zone. But true comfort is not dependent upon outer conditions. Rather, it is the result of a decision to turn within to Spirit. Spiritual comfort is especially meaningful in the midst of challenges. As I see my life from this new perspective, I find peace. No matter what my circumstances, I can count on spiritual solace. Divine reassurance soothes my heart, eases my mind, and opens doors to clear and unmistakable guidance. I always find what I need when I go within. I trust and feel the love and comfort of Spirit. My greatest comfort comes from remembering my divinity.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.—Matthew 5:4

Friday, February 2, 2018

Let Go Let God with Freedom

I am free with the freedom of Spirit.
The headlines and conditions of this world may say one thing, but my heart knows this: Freedom is an inside job, and I take responsibility for establishing it in my own life. Whenever I feel tempted to look to circumstances and the outer world to set me free, I remember to search within. Here, I find my free spirit, ready to move with me in all that I do. By taking today’s affirmation and repeating it aloud, I anchor its energy within me. I then say it silently, driving its meaning deep within my being. This spiritual practice truly sets me free, and I go forth this day with confidence and a feeling of well-being. I am free with the freedom of Spirit.

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.—1 John 3:1

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Let Go Let God be Protected

The peace and presence of God dwells within me and my loved ones.
The light, love, power, and presence of God are with me always—emanating from within me at all times. Even now I am enfolded in divine light, and I find reassurance by affirming this Truth anytime doubts or fears arise. In a single thought, I can redirect my attention toward the peace of knowing I am protected. Infinite wisdom and strength are available whenever I have decisions to make regarding well-being and direction. If quick actions are needed, I am instantly guided. The same divine energy that flows through me flows through my loved ones as well. Within them are the same trusted attributes of indwelling Spirit.
And who is a rock besides our God?—the God who girded me with strength, and made my way safe.—Psalm 18:31-32