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Monday, February 4, 2013

Let Go Let God Provide Strength

I am filled with the life, strength and energy of God.

Our bodies respond to our thoughts and feelings. If I am feeling depressed or unhappy, my body feels it. If I am feeling stressed and hurried, my body becomes tense and tired. Conversely, my body responds just as readily to positive thoughts. When I affirm with conviction, I am filled with the life, strength and energy of God, I stir up these divine qualities within me. The life and intelligence in my body respond, and I feel an upsurge of energy throughout my being. The healing life of God flows through me and I call it forth through my thoughts and affirmative prayers. As I do, my body as well as my mind and emotions are strengthened and uplifted.
He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.—Isaiah 40:29

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