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Friday, February 28, 2014

Let Go Let God with Commitment

I focus on Spirit and live with ease.

When my mind is on Spirit, other thoughts do not disturb me. I focus on the presence of God and find that life unfolds with ease and grace. My commitment to the Divine means that as I move through my day, I listen to divine guidance. If conflict arises, I focus on my breath and let it carry me into my heart space. I center myself in the Love that I am and respond from my divine nature. If I need help, I claim it from Spirit within. Guided to live and act for good, I live my commitment to Spirit. Everything I need is provided. I cocreate my life with the eternal Divine, and I live with ease.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.—Matthew 11:29-30

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Let Go Let God in the Stillness

I am centered in the stillness of Spirit.

A spinning bicycle wheel creates the illusion that the outer tire is spinning faster than the central hub. At the center, there may seem to be no motion at all. This symbolizes a spiritual truth: The peace and stillness of Spirit is found at the center of our beings. At times I may feel as if I am peddling fast, that my life is spinning round and round, yet I am getting nowhere. At such times, I can ask myself: Have I lost touch with my center of Truth? To reclaim the stillness, I let go of any hurried behaviors. I ask God, “Come and take over.” As the outer world keeps spinning, I surrender to the peace of Spirit and remain centered in the quiet of my soul.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.—John 14:27

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Renewed

I lovingly care for my mind, body, and soul, and I am renewed.

Rest and renewal occur on many levels. An afternoon nap renews the body. Taking time at the end of a busy day to reconnect with friends, listen to music, or watch an entertaining movie—all provide rest for the mind. To renew my soul, I reconnect with Source. Through prayer and meditation my spirit is refreshed. In the Silence, I dwell in the peaceful, wise center of my being. I become conscious, aligned with God, and connected to my Source.
I am wholly refreshed, revitalized, and renewed, as I tend to the needs of my body, mind, and soul.
Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.—Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let Go Let God in Faith

My life demonstrates the power of my faith in God.

My faith in God inspires me to do more good works than I thought possible. As divine ideas come to me, I act with confidence. I express everything from simple acts of kindness to extraordinary visions of peace. I wait patiently for guidance, knowing that when the time is right, my next step will be revealed. I claim what I need and share the abundance I receive. The good others see in my life is the flow of God’s love, peace, and substance through me into the world. The secret to my good is that I live in faith. I boldly do what is mine to do. Nothing is impossible! Through faith, my success is assured.
You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was brought to completion by the works.—James 2:22

Monday, February 24, 2014

Let Go Let God with Unconditional Love

I love freely and unconditionally.

People often share cute pictures on the Internet of baby animals who have been adopted by an adult of a different species. A dog cuddling a litter of piglets or a mother cat nurturing an abandoned puppy—these are heartwarming examples of unconditional love. Unconditional love is given freely and expects nothing in return, yet reaps great rewards. It opens the door to unlimited possibilities. The love of God is unconditional. I am loved and supported just as I am and guided to my highest good. I give thanks for the love of God in me, and I share it freely with others. I pray that love fills the heart of every being on earth.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.—1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Let Go Let God in Joy

The Universe celebrates itself through me.

If ever I question my purpose in life, I may find the answer in knowing that life is a purpose unto itself. I am alive, I am living, and that is enough. My life is an expression of the Divine. I am divine consciousness manifested in human form, capable of sensing, perceiving, and expressing. Through my senses I perceive creation. Through my feelings and actions I express love, drawing good into my life and the lives of others. With joy, I cele-brate the miracle of life! The Universe celebrates itself through me. I am its instrument of expression. It sings itself into my soul: “You are alive, whole, and loved!” By saying yes to life, I joyfully celebrate God’s greatest gift—Life itself.
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouts of joy.—Job 8:21

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Blessed

I am blessed by my friends.

My friends and loved ones are gifts from God. We celebrate when our lives are smooth, easy, and filled with joy. And we stand together in challenging times of loss or disappointment. Regardless of what is happening in our lives, my loved ones are a blessing. Each moment together is a gift we share. Our connection is a manifestation of divine love and harmony. We are here to bring out the best in one another. The spirit of God permeates my relationships. Whether in times of challenge and crisis, or times of happiness and joy, I open my heart to my friends and we grow together in love. With God in the midst of our friendship, we are truly blessed.
Some friends play at friendship but a true friend sticks closer than one’s nearest kin.—Proverbs 18:24

Friday, February 21, 2014

Let Go Let God with Reassurance

Centered in the power of prayer, I triumph!

In the story of the Resurrection, Thomas required tangible proof that the man standing in front of him was indeed Jesus resurrected from the dead. Jesus said, “Reach out your hand … Do not doubt, but believe.” If an answer to prayer eludes me or I expect a certain outcome that is not forthcoming, I, too, may look for tangible evidence. If I become unyielding, I could miss the blessings right in front of me. To dispel any doubt, I recall instances in which I kept the faith—even when unfolding good was not yet visible. Recalling these past triumphs reassures me to trust that good is always unfolding. I declare myself a faith-filled believer. I overcome any false appearances and trust only in the Divine.
He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands … Do not doubt, but believe.”—John 20:27

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let Go Let God with Guidance

I fearlessly follow the guidance of Spirit.

It takes courage to follow the guidance of Spirit when I am not sure of the path ahead. Stepping out of my comfort zone can feel risky. Yet life evolves by taking risks. A seedling must break through the ground to reach the sun. If I am open to every good thing and trust that Spirit is with me, my life will unfold in the highest and best way. If a goal feels too big or scary, I ask Spirit for my next step. What is mine to do? I listen to my guidance, journal about it, pray, and become aware of any clues in my life. I trust in my divine essence—God in me. Any anxious thoughts are calmed as I choose Spirit’s path. I follow my guidance and become a channel for every good thing.
I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.–Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Free

I am created to live free.

Self-discovery and observation are practices that free me from limiting thoughts and beliefs and enhance my development and growth. I bring awareness to my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to identify what serves me well and what I am ready to release. If I carry a heavy burden from the past, this is the time of liberation. I consciously turn my attention to Spirit for guidance and prepare to release, heal, forgive, and renew. I let go of what no longer serves me, lay down the burden of lack and limitation, and pick up a new vision of promise and potential. I make room for new perspectives and fresh experiences. I embrace the Truth that sets me free.
I relieved your shoulder of the burden; your hands were freed from the basket.–Psalm 81:6

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Let Go Let God in World Peace

I contribute to peace in the world through my thoughts, words, and actions.

Peace is both an individual and collective experience. I have the ability and, at times the responsibility, to promote peace in the world through my thoughts, words, and actions. When I become aware of conflict or turmoil, I hold those affected in prayer, acting as an agent of compassion and understanding. As a world citizen, I am an advocate for those suffering. I pray knowing all people are enfolded in the love of God. I pray for guidance on how I can promote peace. My individual state of ­consciousness affects the world as a whole. Peace happens one person, one prayer, one outstretched hand at a time.
Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, “Open your hand to the poor and needy.”—Deuteronomy 15:11

Monday, February 17, 2014

Let Go Let God in Leadership

I bless those who lead with courage and vision.

Leaders come from all walks of life. There are teachers, coaches, and parents; officials and heads of state; and everyday citizens who have taken on responsibilities or inspired others with their courage and vision. They are people just like me, with life experiences, failures and successes, times of upset, joy, and peace. Yet as leaders, they have chosen to serve with passion and foresight. I, too, am a leader. I am accountable for how I lead my life, and responsible to those who rely on me. I set an example for others through my choices, words, and actions. I honor, bless, and appreciate the leaders in my life, and I embrace the leader in me.

However that may be, let each of you lead the life that the Lord has assigned, to which God called you.—1 Corinthians 7:17

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Included

I am an essential part of creation.

As part of God’s creation, I am never alone. Divine Life lives in me, and I am one with All That Is. My divine essence calls me to participate in life by using the talents and gifts God has given me. It is my sacred responsibility to bring them forward. I listen to my heart. What is mine to express? I gear up with tools to make a start. I leave behind whatever has blocked me in the past. God has entrusted me with gifts that need to be expressed, and I express them. By allowing my talents to blossom, I am an active participant in life. Included in the plan of creation, I bless my oneness with others, and joyously share my gifts!

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear.—Romans 8:14-15

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I am healthy, whole and well.

When I scrape my knee or cut a finger, I apply antiseptic and a bandage, and allow the healing process to begin. In time, the pain subsides and the wound heals. Emotional healing is much the same. If I am hurt about a broken relationship or suffering a loss of any kind, I apply the antiseptic of love and the bandage of forgiveness, and allow healing to begin. Then I add the powerful medicine of affirmative prayer. Prayer heals at a deep level. I hold in mind my innate perfection and affirm my true nature: I am whole, one with the life of God. Healing starts in my consciousness and brings peace to my soul. I come to see myself as I am: healthy, whole, and well.

It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body.—Proverbs 3:8

Friday, February 14, 2014

Let Go Let God in Relationships

Love blesses my relationships.

Every loving relationship is blessed. Divine Love in me seeks to express itself through my relationships. When I establish a bond with someone, whether for a moment or a lifetime, we meet on holy ground. If miscommunication or resentment arises, I bring the relationship into prayer. In that sacred space, I release any preconceptions or judgment. I invite love and wisdom to help me see things differently. Focused on God in the midst of us, I see the conflict resolve or dissolve. My deepest desire is to embody and express the exquisite love of God in all my relationships. I treat my loved ones with honor, respect, and devotion to Spirit within.

Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.—1 John 4:8

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Let Go Let God Forgive

As I forgive, I am peaceful in mind and heart.

Jesus taught us to forgive “seventy times seven times.” In other words, unceasingly. But what if I don’t believe I can forgive? What if I haven’t reached that state of willingness in mind and heart? If I am having difficulty letting go of resentment, expectations, or anger, I know I have help. Spirit is my ever-present support. When I am ready, I ask for help in releasing my pain and moving forward with love and understanding. To prepare for forgiveness, I acknowledge my feelings of anger, frustration, or helplessness and surrender them to God. I release thoughts of resentment, revenge, or ill will. I treat myself with loving compassion. I remember that God can provide what others have failed to give. As I forgive, I find peace.

I do forgive, just as you have asked.—Numbers 14:20

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Invincible

I am fearless and free. 

I am an overcomer. I am bold and fearless. My indomitable inner power comes not from my ego, but from the power of God within me—for God and I are one. All my accomplishments are the result of a team effort. With God as my partner, no one or no thing can defeat me. As I focus on my spiritual nature, I let go of living small. I release aches and pains, fears and failings. I am more than a physical being. I am a spiritual being—invincible, fearless, strong, and free! Through the power of God within, I can reach any goal and meet any challenge. I surmount any obstacle on the way to my good. God is with me and within me, and I am invincible.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.—Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

As I expand my vision, I discover new paths to prosperity.

Prosperity is boundless; yet my experience of it can be constrained by limiting thoughts and assumptions. As I contemplate life’s infinite bounty, I become aware of any false ideas about my abilities, my lovability, or my worthiness. I release fear and doubt and affirm unlimited abundance and divine support. The power of affirmative prayer renews my mind. Unfettered by thoughts of lack, my mind is uplifted in spiritual truth. Consciousness of Truth expands my vision. With an expanded perspective, I experience the world as it truly is: overflowing with health, wealth, joy, and well-being.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.—Matthew 16:19

Monday, February 10, 2014

Let Go Let God in Circulation

I am one with the circulation of God’s good.

Before I was born, the law of circulation was already active in me. As my cells were multiplying and my organs were forming, my physical being was in motion. At birth, I drew my first breath—my first giving and receiving experience. Continuing to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, I contribute to the great circulatory system of life. The circulation system in my own body keeps it strong and healthy. The process of circulation is always active. I consciously interact with it by participating in the flow of giving and receiving. With gratitude, I experience health and prosperity as God’s good moves in and through my life.

The Lord will make you abound in prosperity, in the fruit of your womb, in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your ground.—Deuteronomy 28:11

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let Go Let God in Self-Acceptance

I am uniquely me.

The world may identify me with a label, such as parent or child, wife or husband, employee or manager. Each label is only a descriptor of a role I play. It is not who I am. I am more than my duties or responsibilities, more than my gender, more than my position in life. I am a spiritual being—special and unique—one of a kind. I embrace who I am in body, mind, and spirit. I watch for self-judgment or self-criticism that hinder my divine expression. By being who I am, I make a valuable contribution to the world around me. I am confident of my divine gifts, and I share them generously. I accept and give thanks for my uniqueness, recognize my special qualities, and shine my light brightly.
Each has a particular gift from God, one having one kind and another a different kind.—1 Corinthians 7:7

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Let Go Let God Be Safe

I trust in the Divine, and my heart is comforted.

I may feel anxious or apprehensive in the face of uncertainty or change. When I am out of my comfort zone, I may feel afraid. At such times, I take a moment to breathe and center myself. I remember that every cell of my being is infused with God, and I am never separate from the Divine. I realize the futility of worry and lean on divine strength and protection. As situations arise, I choose to respond, not simply react, from the power and presence of Spirit within. I put God first, and my way is made clear. Regardless of appearances, I am secure knowing God is always with me. My heart is comforted as I trust in the Divine. I am at peace, and I am safe.
The fear of others lays a snare, but one who trusts in the Lord is secure.—Proverbs 29:25

Friday, February 7, 2014

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I pray knowing we are one with God.

Before healing someone, Jesus asked if they wanted to be healed. When praying for others, I bear in mind that I may not know what is best for them. Each soul has its own divine purpose. Rather than seeking a specific outcome, I pray for their steadfast faith, strength, and inner peace. When I pray for others, no matter how dire their circumstance may appear, I see beyond appearances and behold the Truth. I affirm they are one with the presence and power of God. I see them enfolded in love. I declare their increasing awareness of the Christ within. I see them filled with spiritual strength and fortitude, and I trust in the unfoldment of their highest good.
I pray that … he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit.—Ephesians 3:16

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Let Go Let God with Loyalty

I am dedicated to expressing Spirit in and through my life.

Throughout our lives we may dedicate ourselves to various groups and organizations. We may support schools and social clubs, sports teams or political parties. As our involvement with these groups changes, the intensity of our loyalty may fade. In contrast, my loyalty and dedication to God surpasses any human association. The spirit of God is ever-­present. Spirit is my own true nature, closer than hands and feet. Every day, I am guided to my highest good. Divine wisdom steers my thoughts, words, and actions. Divine Love supports me, and Divine Life energizes me. I dedicate myself to God by expressing Spirit in my own unique way.
I will sing of loyalty and of justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing.—Psalm 101:1

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let Go Let God Discover Inner Peace

I am at peace in this present moment.

In our fast-paced lives, finding inner peace requires intention and practice. As I focus on the present moment and all that it holds, I release any hurry or anxiety. I let go of past concerns and future expectations. Centered in this now moment, I discover inner peace.
I may experience peace as a feeling of serenity, a state of harmony, or a deep trust that all is well. Knowing God is with and within me, as close as my very breath, I feel the assuring presence of peace. My spiritual practices—prayer, meditation, and contemplation—help me maintain a consciousness of peace. In the midst of any rush or confusion, I center on the presence of peace in the present moment, and all is well.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts.–Philippians 4:7

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Let Go Let God in Wholeness

I speak empowering words of truth.

To support the natural healing process, I affirm my wholeness in mind and body. Acknowledging my oneness with the Divine, I affirm the truth of my innate perfection.
Health is my natural state. I claim the divine qualities of strength, life, and well-being. I affirm complete health by stating: I am an expression of God’s wholeness. I am filled with the revitalizing healing power of Life. These words of affirmative prayer stir renewal and revitalization in me. As I speak these words, I remember my spiritual identity. I align my thoughts with my true nature and rest in knowing my body and mind have the divine ability to restore themselves to wholeness.
He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction.—Psalm 107:20

Monday, February 3, 2014

Let Go Let God with Imagination

Through the power of imagination, I create an extraordinary life.

An artist uses his or her imagination to turn common materials into something extraordinary. In the same way, I make my life a masterpiece by using the power of my imagination, together with my skills and enthusiasm, to create a marvelous life. Through my thoughts, words, and actions, I turn divine ideas into form. I receive insight and inspiration from Divine Mind and creatively express the spirit of God in my own unique way. While society may encourage conformity, I embrace my individuality, applying my unique gifts and perspective to the life I have been given to live. Through the power of imagination, I express the One in me.
Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one object for special use and another for ordinary use?—Romans 9:21

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Let Go Let God in Gratefulness

Gratitude is happiness.

Gratitude is a state of mind, a way of seeing things, and a spiritual practice. It enriches my life and focuses my attention on the good. Mindfully, I look for and acknowledge every blessing in my life. I am thankful for clean air and water, knowing they are precious. I am grateful for the love of friends and family. I give thanks that my needs are met—from the basic nece-ssities to my grandest dreams. When I live in gratitude, I tap into the infinite reservoir of divine good. I experience the fullness of life and recognize God as my source. My first waking thought is gratitude and my final nighttime prayer is thanksgiving. Gratitude is happiness, and I make it my way of life.
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.—Psalm 9:1

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let Go, Let God

I boldly let go and trust in God.

Holding on to the familiar may feel more comfortable than facing the unknown. Change can be frightening. Yet as I look back at my life, my breakthroughs have occurred when I was willing to let go of the usual routine, accept any temporary discomfort of change, and try something new. With this in mind, I now set aside any anxiety about a potential change and trust in God. I let go of others’ expectations and follow my inner calling. I let go of the way things have always been and let God lead the way to something new. Releasing any fear of the unknown, I step out in faith. I boldly let go and let God and see my life unfold in new and exciting ways.
Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.—Psalm 25:4