As I trust God, my life aligns in perfect order.
child flying a kite does not stand and wait for the kite to take
flight. To succeed, the child must run fast and trust the wind to pick
up the kite and take it into the sky. For my life to soar, I must not
stand still holding tight to how I think my dreams must happen. I must
move with Spirit and trust God to lift me up. If my thoughts
wander and I begin to worry about a situation, I take a deep breath and
center myself in the presence of God within. I let go of trying to
control outcomes. I then envision the situation rising higher into the
sky—becoming smaller than ever imaginable. I rest easy knowing that as I let go and let God, my life is in perfect order.
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you.—Psalm 128:2
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