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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Let Go Let God through Spiritual Growth

The glory of God radiates through me and as me.
The story of my life is ever-unfolding. At times it may feel like a drama, comedy, romance, or tragedy. Regardless of the genre of my current situation, I acknowledge that I am the author of my life story. If I find myself reliving the same narrative again and again, I can choose to make edits in the plot-line. I revise my experience by mentally turning away from the human drama. Instead, I envision writing a spiritual self-help title. I edit and rewrite any belief or thought that does not serve my own growth and empowerment. I affirm that I am a powerful being made in the image and likeness of God. My life story is revised into an inspiring tale of the glory of God radiating through me and as me.
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.—1 Corinthians 12:27

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Let Go Let God Live Life

I practice spiritual principles to create a divinely centered life.
I strive to live from my spiritual and religious beliefs. Even when I’m not part of a spiritual community, I can practice living the truth I know. I live my life based on the principles and teachings of my spiritual beliefs. My thoughts provide the foundation for aligning my mind with Spirit in me. I can then bring this forth into my words and actions as I interact with the people and situations around me. I treat others with love and kindness from a place of honesty, generosity, and forgiveness. I give my best effort to live from my spiritual truth and I embrace God with my entire being. I practice spiritual principles to create a divinely centered life.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?—Micah 6:8

Monday, January 29, 2018

Let Go Let God in Prayers

I enfold others in my prayers of light, love, and peace.
My prayers for family and friends align my mind and heart with the truth that we are together in the light and love of God. In this spirit of oneness, I still my thoughts and turn to God within. In quiet meditation, I hold my loved ones in prayer. I see them as beings of light, guided by divine inner wisdom, glowing with life and energy, gratefully greeting each day with a spirit of love and peace. I know this Truth for them: They are greater than any challenge they may be facing. We are all expressions of God, loving, compassionate, and kind. I let go of any sense of worry, knowing that those I am praying for are being guided to their good. I enfold others in my prayers of light, love, and peace.

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.—John 13:34

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Let Go Let God Live Boldly

As Spirit in expression, I move through my life boldly and joyfully.
I might have been tempted in the past to tiptoe through life. Perhaps I’ve been concerned that living with too much enthusiasm might threaten whatever degree of spiritual awareness I had achieved. Jesus had a different message and set a different example. He lived his life boldly, whether he was teaching, demonstrating, or sharing a meal with friends. He could have separated from the world for a life of quiet contemplation. Instead he carried his radically new spiritual message into the very heart of the world in which he lived. By following Jesus’ example, I accept the joys and challenges it will contain. As Spirit in expression, I move through my life boldly and joyfully.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.—Luke 12:32

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Let Go Let God Affirm Inner Peace

Peace fills me as I center myself in divine love.
When I rest my heart in thoughts of loving friendship toward all of humanity, I experience my true relationship with others. I walk in spirit with all those I meet on my journey. This connectivity fills me with a great sense of joy and peace. I am truly one with all of humankind! By affirming and knowing this sacred presence of love, and letting it flow in all that I do, I establish my heart and my world in the spiritual resource of peace that has no limits. With each encounter, I remind myself that every person is an individual expression of God. I have been given love that can act as a healing balm for all the world, beginning with me. With a sense of well-being, I gratefully affirm: Peace fills me as I center myself in divine love.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.—Luke 12:34

Friday, January 26, 2018

Let Go Let God Accept

I gladly accept and cooperate with divine order.
When I think back to a time when all hope felt lost or circumstances did not come out the way I hoped they would, I now can see a divine plan. In spite of seeming chaos, there is an order and flow to the Universe. Infinite wisdom guides all creation in the wonderful way that life should unfold. Rather than wasting time and energy resisting the experiences I find myself in, I bless the situation. I work in cooperation with the Universe and look for the underlying purpose in all events. I dwell in the expansive wholeness of God. In my spiritual mindset, I see beyond appearances to the good that enlivens all creation.
And these are the ones sown on the good soil: they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.—Mark 4:20

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Let Go Let God with the Divine Blueprint

I am a child of God, created to express the qualities of Spirit.
Webster’s Dictionary defines the word evolve as a change toward the better. Within each and every individual is a blueprint for well-being, wisdom, joy, success, and abundance. An aspect of this blueprint is the impetus to become more. As a child of God, it is my nature to change and grow from my divinity. I am evolving in both my human and my spiritual development. In order to change my life for the better, I must first recognize my divine identity. As I mature spiritually, I naturally get in touch with my true essence, and it becomes easier to reveal more of the Divine. In tune with my true nature, I live my life boldly. I am honored to express the qualities of Spirit and grateful to share my gifts with the world.

The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Let Go Let God in Unity

I live in harmony with a diverse world.
The word unity is synonymous with harmony. When I consider the world as a unified whole, I know that harmony does not require sameness. In a world of diverse life, climates, and land, I feel connection and harmony to all things through Spirit within. Love is everywhere present, and within all life there dwells a unity beyond differences. Whenever I feel a spark of love, inspiration, or wonder, I remind myself I am love, as are all people. I commit to living as a member of the family of humankind with respect for all life. I take time for stillness, meditation, serving others—practices that keep me aligned with love. I live in harmony with a diverse world.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.–Colossians 3:14

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Let Go Let God through Experiences

I live fully from my divine identity.
There are experiences in life that satisfy my soul and lead me on paths of discovery to enhance my mind, body, and spirit. As I recognize the presence of Spirit within, I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being connected to the source of all power, all good, all love, and more. My consciousness awakens to the allness of living my spiritual connection in both everyday and critical matters. It’s a whole and holy happening that empowers and enlivens me to think and do what is best for me. My experience of being one with infinite wisdom leaves more than an impression on me. This sacredness inspires me to live fully from my divine identity.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.—Luke 4:1

Monday, January 22, 2018

Let Go Let God as Mind, Body & Spirit

I am human, and I am divine!
Some days I feel absolutely aligned with my divine path, while other times I find it difficult to see the road ahead. There are times I have every answer and shine with confidence, and others when I still experience self-doubt. I am a unique and perfect expression of the Divine, and I am human. I am created in the image and likeness of my Source and because of that there is always more than just the experiences of my senses. Beyond what I can see and feel is the underlying Truth that moves outside of seeming appearances. If I feel challenged, I can always pause, become aware of my Christ Light within, and rest in the assurance that I am part of the All-ness of God. I am human, and I am divine!

So God created humankind in his image.—Genesis 1:27

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Let Go Let God in World Peace

I hold a vision of peace for the entire world.
I am only one person in a vast and complex world. I sometimes feel helpless in the face of global tensions and conflict as I read or hear reports about the world’s challenges. Do I have the time, wisdom, or personal resources to make a difference? Spiritual Truth is much simpler than the complicated confusion in my mortal mind. I take a moment to be still and to envision a world at peace—on every continent, in every nation, in every heart. Holding the vision may be all I can do in the moment, but it is more than enough! I hold this vision not as a hope but as an intention, confident in the Oneness that underlies every appearance of separation and discord.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.—Romans 15:13

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

The healing power of God flows through my body. I am whole.
Stories of Jesus’ life reveal that the Master Teacher spoke of healing and wholeness. Jesus tapped in to the wellspring of life deep within his being and shared his healing consciousness with those around him. Through prayer, Jesus affirmed health and wholeness, bringing about remarkable results. Prayer aligns me with the spiritual quality of wholeness and reminds me that my essential nature is health and well-being. This realization of wholeness is a rejuvenating, balancing, correcting power that transforms my life and supports me in living from my wholeness. Power is at work in every cell of my body, and divine life flows through every aspect of my being. The healing power of God flows through my body. I am whole.

The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.—Job 33:4

Friday, January 19, 2018

Let Go Let God with Wonder

I view the world with childlike wonder.
Children’s stories are filled with wonder. They take me to a place of creativity, joy, and unlimited capacity through the world of imagination. What a blessing it is to have a sense of wonder! In my day-to-day life, I might forget the feeling I had as a child when I saw the world as an amazing place, filled with adventure. I can capture that feeling again, just by changing my perspective. It’s that easy. When I view the world with childlike wonder, I cultivate a questioning, curious spirit. I gain a new appreciation of the simple things. My imagination soars, and I believe I can do anything I set my mind and heart to do. Life is an adventure, and I have faith that wondrous things are coming my way.
My child, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.—Proverbs 23:26

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I pray for others and make a positive difference in the world.
I may have a desire in my heart to help others, but sometimes location and resources limit me. Still, when I pray for others, I heighten my connection with God-life within, and I am able to then connect with people all over the world to effect change. I use affirmations of spiritual truth to help center my mind and heart. No inharmonious belief can cause me to leave this presence of peace. When I pray for others from this place, I see them whole as God created them. I focus not on the appearance of disease, lack, or struggle in their lives but instead affirm their healing. I connect lovingly with everyone I pray for, making a difference in their lives and in the world.
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.—Philippians 1:3-4

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

I am open and receptive to infinite abundance.
When considering what prosperity means to me, I may find myself stuck in my thinking. Abundance is more than material prosperity. There is also spiritual prosperity—the limitless manifestation of divine ideas. As I quiet my thoughts and open my mind to my divine nature, I am inspired—filled with innovative, creative ideas. As I remain attuned to my inner wisdom, I discover a new sense of confidence to put my ideas to good use in ways that will prosper me. From the moment I wake until I close my eyes to sleep, I remain open and receptive to the abundance of the universe. I give thanks that there is enough for me and for all people. With a grateful heart, I know I have enough to use and to share with others.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.—Matthew 6:21

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Let Go Let God Trust in Divine Order

I recognize the order of the Universe within and around me.
A helpful exercise in recognizing order is to imagine an aesthetically pleasing object that exemplifies order and symmetry. Nature provides numerous examples. The spirals of a seashell or the structure of a honeycomb are pictorial affirmations of order. This exercise helps me realign with the Truth of my being and affirm that I, too, am part of divine intelligence and order. I know from experience that times of distraction or hardship will pass and divine order will prevail. Being spiritually aware, working in harmony with the Universe, and trusting in divine order does not mean there will not be problems. However, it offers assurance that guidance will come, and I will learn from and overcome challenges creatively and confidently.
For God is a God not of disorder but of peace.—1 Corinthians 14:33

Monday, January 15, 2018

Let Go Let God with Vision

I keep my vision positive.
When world conditions seem to suggest chaos, I find peace by keeping the high watch with my mental vision focused on Spirit. Because I know Infinite Wisdom resides within, I regularly take time to examine my thinking and speaking. It is too easy to fall into habits that don’t express the person I want to be. So I take a moment to step back and focus my attention on the big picture. I ask myself: Is Spirit at work in this situation? Am I responding in faith by remaining focused on divine activity? The spirit of God within is the answer to every question of my heart. Through divine wisdom, I keep my vision positive.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.—1 Corinthians 13:12

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I walk in faith, guided by my inner light.
Striving to express my spirituality while living a human experience, I sometimes find myself praying for guidance. Which path should I take? Which choice should I make? In Truth I never lack guidance. It might not always arrive as a clear and detailed message from on high. I might even find myself called upon to trust and follow my inner intuition, to have faith where doubt may reside. I express that trust by placing one foot in front of the other, moving forward with conviction that my steps are taking me precisely where I need to go. As I walk, I am guided by an inner light that would not have appeared if I simply stood still and waited.
For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.—Matthew 7:8

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

All is well because all is God.
Any search for comfort or reassurance leads me to my own divine nature. I find the comfort I seek by knowing I am part of All That Is. Soon I feel my oneness with eternal life and love. That oneness is always there, but sometimes I might need a little reminder. When this happens, I release outer circumstances and retreat into the quiet, affirming: All is well because all is God. Calm fills me. God within me satisfies my life with peace. The outer situation might still remain, but something has changed now: my view of it. I see beyond appearances through a lens of truth and faith. I find great comfort in knowing that all is well because all is God.

Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise to your servant.—Psalm 119:76

Friday, January 12, 2018

Let Go Let God Align

I relinquish my concerns to the serenity of Spirit within.
If I feel stressed or rushed, I might seem out of alignment—off-center from my Source. Yet this is the furthest thing from the truth. Either I am failing to see the good that is present, or I am allowing myself to become distracted from my spiritual purpose. Faith provides the answer—the realization that within me are love, creativity, strength, and understanding, gifts that are with me always. I am blessed with an inner knowing that leads me to my answers. My next steps become clear. I align with my divine essence as I pause, breathe, and appreciate the life I have been given and the abilities I have to do what I need to do. I relinquish my concerns to the serenity of Spirit within.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Let Go Let God Forgive

Forgiveness is divine love expressing through me.
Experience tells me that holding on to resentment saps my energy. So I make a choice not to brood over unkind words or actions said or done by another. Instead, I forgive. As I look back, I realize that I, too, may have blurted out words or caused anguish that I wish I could take back. That’s not who I am. And that is likely not who another is either, at heart. Forgiveness lightens my personal emotional burdens. It is one of the ways divine love expresses as me. It frees me to be the peaceful, cheerful person I really am. It is a gift I give to myself. I am a better person for my willingness and ability to release the resentment I have been holding.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.—Luke 6:37

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Let Go Let God Sing with Joy

Joy sings in me.
From the moment I wake, I turn my thoughts to the song of my soul. “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” This familiar tune uplifts and inspires me. I start my day grateful to be alive and grateful for the opportunity to shine my inner light. I have inherited spiritual gifts of creativity, wisdom, love, and grace. Gratitude turns to blissful anticipation as I consider the infinite possibilities for sharing my God-given gifts with others. My joy-song grows from a gentle whisper to a powerful operatic aria. Beginning my day with this internal melody inspires me to take action on my dreams. The joy that sings in me realigns me with my heart and my inner spirit.
Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise.—Psalm 66:1-2

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Let Go, Let God

I am confident in my spiritual growth.
Life is filled with moments of letting go. A bird lets go of the branch to fly. Parents release the hands of toddlers so they learn to walk on their own. Letting go is an act of faith in the divine process of growth. I release any attachment I have to past successes or challenges, confident that I am continually growing into a greater expression of my divine potential. I do not worry or concern myself about how I will navigate the future. My divine nature within calls forth the spiritual qualities that best serve me. Each day’s experience provides opportunities to develop new skills and a deeper understanding of all that I am capable of being and doing. I have no need to cling to the past or fear the future because something greater is unfolding in me now.
Into your hand I commit my spirit.—Psalm 31:5

Monday, January 8, 2018

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have peace of mind and soul.
As I go about my day, I have confidence that the people I know and love are supporting me. Even people I may never meet can have a direct effect on my life as they do their part for the common good of humankind. Conveniences and necessities of life—food, medicine, and more—flow through many hands. I have faith in Spirit within concerning every facet of my life. I nourish my soul through prayer and meditation. Spirit is within me and always supporting me, guiding me through every challenge. I trust in Jesus’ words from the Gospel of Mark: “Have faith in God.” With this powerful reminder, my mind and heart are filled with peace. Most important, I have peace in my soul.
Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God.”—Mark 11:22

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Let Go Let God as a Spiritual Community

I am a creator of miracles, moment by moment, choice by choice.
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul shares a powerful vision of what a spiritual community can accomplish through the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It is a vision of unity—Jew and Gentile alike finding fellowship in a spiritual understanding that transcends laws and rituals that once separated them. Paul emphasized that this will happen to and through us. Our Way Shower demonstrated the possibility and taught the essential principles. That vision of love and unity is still waiting to express fully. We must relinquish our resistance, turn our focus from mortal concerns to eternal Truth, and allow Spirit within to do the work of creating the kingdom through us.

Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory.—Ephesians 3:20-21

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Let Go Let God with Realization

I know what is right and best for me.
I am an expression of infinite intelligence and all that I do is constantly acted upon by that intelligence. So when I make decisions, I do so based upon the unfolding potential in me. Eric Butterworth describes it as “a relationship with the path our consciousness has chosen for itself.” He continues, “Pray for a clearer realization of unity with God, with Infinite Mind, with the guidance principle, which is a self-realization, so that you can take the right steps in terms of your highest good at a special time.” My connection with God is there even if I am not always aware of it. I have only to become still and turn inward to feel infinite peace and serenity. Spirit within assures me that I have the strength to face anything that may come my way. If I feel uncertain, I simply reaffirm my oneness with my Infinite Source.
The Father and I are one.—John 10:30

Friday, January 5, 2018

Let Go Let God Welcome Opportunities

With an open mind and heart, I welcome new opportunities into my life.
As this new year begins, I feel a joyous sense of expectation that great things are coming my way. I embrace this year, this day, in an awareness of my worth as an expression of God, free to create and embrace the future of my dreams. Although I can do this every day, I feel a renewed impetus as the new year begins. I have the opportunity to release limitations, move out of the past, and turn a page in my life story. Turning to the Presence within, I live from the sincere belief that all things are possible. I see this day, this new year, as a clean slate, filled with unlimited possibilities. I set goals personally and professionally and look forward to the results. With an open mind and heart, I welcome new opportunities into my life.

Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.—2 Timothy 1:14

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Abundance

My abundance is unlimited.
At times, outside circumstances may reflect lack, as if opportunities are limited. Rather than letting fear close down my heart, I practice complete trust and faith in Spirit within. I keep my eyes on the abundant love of God and open my heart to feel that abundant love in me. I affirm: Divine abundance is unlimited. I am prepared and open to receive it all. As I practice opening my heart, I also listen deeply for what is mine to do. A complete picture of how my abundance will come and what I need to do may come to me. Or divine ideas may rise up one at a time—stepping-stones to an abundant, fruitful life. I surrender to Life’s plan for me, expect the best, and receive it with joyful gratitude.

Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.—John 4:14

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Let Go Let God in Balance

Living in peace brings harmony to my life.
Learning a skill that requires balance—riding a bike, rock climbing, horseback riding, to name a few—calls for concentration and practice. The same is true for my mental well-being. Living a balanced life necessitates that I recognize and live from my spiritual center—my faith that I am part of something greater than my humanness. I live a life of balance from the truth of my being. Consciously slowing my physical and mental activities and responsibilities offers space for guidance, peace, rest, and receptivity to the joys of living. I allow myself to be more contemplative, to be awed by sunsets, to smell the rain, and to enjoy the little things that are true blessings.
For those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors as God did from his.—Hebrews 4:10

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Let Go Let God with Intentions

Divine purpose inspires me to have confidence and courage.
Setting a divinely inspired intention, I find inner courage and the confidence to pursue it. Having a purpose-driven life enriches my thinking and my actions. I build toward a future goal that is taking shape one day at a time. The enthusiasm that energizes me is a companion of my purposeful intention. I have a willingness to give from my inherent spiritual nature. It’s essential that I contribute to my ever-evolving spiritual growth. What God’s spirit can accomplish as me remains at the forefront of my plans and inspires me to have confidence and courage. Today I make a conscious choice to meet life with optimism because divine purpose inspires me to have confidence and courage.
For we intend to do what is right not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of others.—2 Corinthians 8:21

Monday, January 1, 2018

Let Go Let God as a New Beginning

I am the creator of my life’s path.
This is the year to consider the possibilities and allow myself the bravery of beginning anew. Perhaps I will travel. Maybe I will start looking for a new job or career. I might even go back to school or decide to claim a new pattern in an existing relationship. I am the creator of my life’s path! Before I embrace a new role, I pause. I move my attention gently and purposefully into my heart space. I become fully present in this moment, taking a deep, conscious breath. I ask myself, What is mine to begin? I feel the question move through me with each new breath. Attuned to creative power, I listen and feel for an answer. I am the creator of my life’s path.

This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.—Exodus 12:2