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Monday, October 31, 2011

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

I am centered and aware of the divine order of my life.

When I consider the world around me, I see inherent order in all of life. Seasons change, planets follow their orbits, and tides ebb and flow--the force behind them is unseen, and it is good.

The same force that keeps the universe in order keeps my life in order. I am one with this creative energy. Together we co-create and establish order in the days and events of my life. Centered and aware of the divine order in which I live, I am at peace.

I am on a course of divine intention. I face each day with confidence and the assurance of right outcomes. I relax as experiences come and go, knowing that my life is unfolding in a way that will bring me to my greatest good.

Keep straight the path of your feet, and all your ways will be sure.--Proverbs 4:26

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let Go Let God in Communion

Through prayer, I lay hold of the blessings of God.

In prayer, we commune with God and understand that we are blessed. We release any belief in limitation and lack. We enter into the mighty realization that we are at one with all that God is and has.

In prayer, we draw closer to the Spirit of truth and feel it coming nearer and nearer to us. In prayer, we commune with the peace and love and health within us. We cause these blessings to come more fully into our experience. We see there can be no break between us and the things of God.

In prayer, we realize the very blessings of heaven are ours. Prayer is a conscious recognition of Spirit within us and a conscious conviction of our inseparable oneness with it.

The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up.… The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.--James 5:15, 16

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let Go Let Gd with Self-Assurance

All things are possible through God's spirit within me.

Any darkness of doubt about who I am, what I can do, and what I can be dissolves in the powerful light of Truth. I affirm the following with assurance: I believe in myself because I am an expression of God's wisdom. I trust myself because I am a creation of God. I value myself because I am a demonstration of God's love.

My higher self--my spiritual nature--is assured that all things are possible through God's spirit within me. To have God-assurance is to have self-assurance. There is every reason to believe in, trust and value myself, because God's spirit is within me. I know this for myself and for all others. I work with enthusiasm and purpose. I celebrate life with joy and thanksgiving.

For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.--Mark 10:27

Friday, October 28, 2011

Let Go, Let God Anticipate Prosperity

I expect my good and claim it now.

Expectancy is confidently knowing that something good is unfolding and anticipating its arrival. I have heard the promise: "It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." God is my Source. There is no lack in the kingdom and nothing is beyond the goodness of God.

I claim prosperity in all aspects of my life. I see its evidence in a breathtaking sunset, an unexpected bonus and the gentle forgiveness that renews a lost friendship. The more I look, the more I see good unfolding. While others may speak of gloom and lack in the world, I expect the abundance of Spirit. With faith, I expect my good and claim it now.

Is not my house like this with God? …Will he not cause to prosper all my help and my desire?--2 Samuel 23:5

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let Go, Let God

I let go and let God work wonders in my life.

If I feel burdened or weighed down by thoughts of concern or doubt, it may be that I have been holding too tightly to my own personal striving. Is there an easier way?

By refocusing, relaxing and releasing my concerns to God, I can learn to let go. I hear the call and the promise when Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." In this quiet moment, I still my thoughts, rest my body, and open myself to the powerful, indwelling presence of Love.

As I consciously let go and let God, my outlook brightens, my load is lightened and my strength is renewed. I go forward ready to invite God's wondrous works into my life.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.--Psalm 55:22

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let Go Let God with Faith

I ask in faith and know that it is given.

Through prayer I connect to Spirit within. I have faith that the wisest answer, the right and perfect situation and abundant blessings are forthcoming. I prepare the way and do any work that my inner guidance leads me to do. I then let go and allow everything to unfold. My life is unfolding just as it should, and I am exactly where I need to be. My faith is strengthened as I pray and give thanks. I connect in faith to Spirit within and know that all is well.

There is no spiritual test I need to pass to receive what I desire. I do not need to beg or plead to God. I need only look inside myself, connect with Spirit and know with faith and gratitude that my needs are being met.
Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.--Mark 5:34

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let Go Let God With a Positive Outlook

My outlook improves when I appreciate God's blessings in my life.

A walk in the woods refreshes my mind and recharges my energy. Tree roots, fallen branches and rocks may make the walk tricky, but they don't prevent my progress. They are reminders to slow my pace. I stop occasionally to fully appreciate the beauty of my surroundings: the sunlight dancing in the brilliantly colored trees, the fresh forest air, the birds filling the air with song. Grateful for the beauty that surrounds me, I continue on my way.

Day-to-day life is like that walk. When challenges arise, I slow my pace, remembering to keep my feet firmly planted on holy ground. I gain a fresh outlook by appreciating the ways God's joy and peace bless my life.

You show me the path of life.In your presence there is fullness of joy.--Psalm 16:11

Monday, October 24, 2011

Let Go Let God Take Action

I am divinely inspired to take positive action.

Whenever I am moved by a crisis or a problem facing my community, my country or the world, I can take action and be part of the solution. My first step is to get "prayed up," remembering that the presence and power of God is in the midst of every situation. When I am loving and centered in God, I experience greater insight and creativity.

As I lift my eyes above the appearance of trouble, I set my sights on divine outcomes. I am excited as innovative ideas spring into my consciousness. With divine assurance, I take inspired action. I am wise and strong as God works in, through and as me. Through my example, I encourage others to take action, and together we make a positive difference.

Take action, for it is your duty, and we are with you; be strong, and do it.--Ezra 10:4

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Let Go Let God Believe in Freedom

My true freedom rests in Spirit.

I may feel powerless in certain difficult situations, but powerlessness is an illusion. Even though I may not know how I will find my way through, I know that true wisdom and power come from Spirit within.

To move beyond any standstill, I remember the Truth of my existence: I am divinely created, made in the image and likeness of God. In this Truth, there is no room for worry. I live in a consciousness that is limitless; I live in spiritual freedom.

I fully use the power of Spirit within me to be free from restraint. I break through chains that bind me and open to the understanding that I have the power here and now to do all things. Filled with Spirit, my life is bursting with God's promises.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free.--Romans 8:2

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let Go Let God Pray for the Neighbor

I am a presence for good in my community.

I am a presence for good in my community by being friendly, kind and caring. From across the backyard fence or down the block, I greet neighbors with a wave and a cheerful smile, recognizing their divine nature.

When a neighbor is experiencing a challenge, I pray for their highest good and hold them in God's loving care. I trust their inner Spirit to guide them to right and perfect outcomes. And I seek guidance in knowing when and how to help--perhaps by sharing food, resources, encouragement or a helping hand.

I give thanks for my neighbors and for the corner of the world we call home; for the blessing of being of service; and for God's love that unites us all.

For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."--Galatians 5:14

Friday, October 21, 2011

Let Go Let God in Harmony

The song in my heart celebrates life.

Harmony is found in the beat of our hearts. My heart beats with others, and the world's heart beats as one. The harmony of our hearts is the song of our lives. This global symphony is Spirit's gift.

I ask myself--what is my heart's song? Is it one of joy and peace, love and beauty? Does it reflect who I am and who I want to be?

The song of my heart sets the tone for each day and for my life. I choose songs of gratitude and thanksgiving. I choose songs that honor my connection with God and bring our world closer together. I choose songs that celebrate life, and with every note, my heart beats with joy.

You shall have a song as in the night when a holy festival is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one sets out to the sound of the flute to go to the mountain of the Lord.--Isaiah 30:29

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Let Go Let God with Gentleness

With a gentle spirit, I care for myself and others.

When I hold a newborn baby, I am gentle and caring. This new life is fragile and should be lovingly cared for. The same principle applies to myself and to others.

Today I focus on being gentle and kind. I am mindful of words and behaviors that might be rude or critical. In my interactions with others, I speak lovingly and quietly. I treat others with dignity and respect.

I am gentle with myself also. I slow my pace and take time to breathe. I walk with an ease of spirit and an awareness of God. I release worry or anxiety and see myself in a positive way. As I am gentle with myself and others, I find that my thoughts are peaceful and my life flows smoothly.

To speak evil of no one … to be gentle, and to show every courtesy to everyone.--Titus 3:2

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let Go Let God Find Balance

In Christ, I am poised and balanced.

Illness can be my first indication that I am out of balance. Beyond tending to my physical body with rest and recuperation, it is important for me to also look at my spiritual well-being. If I feel sensitive, overwhelmed or disconnected from Source, I will feel the effect in mind, body and spirit. To find my center, I focus on the inflow and outflow of my breath. I become present with my Christ Nature and step aside from the noise of both the outer world and my own scattered thoughts. I become still and tune in to God. As I find balance, I am able to use my energy more wisely. I cultivate a loving heart. At one with the serenity and wisdom within me, I am in balance--mind, body and spirit.

Do not neglect the gift that is in you.--1 Timothy 4:14

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Let Go Let God in Satisfaction

I am enough, I have enough, and I am grateful.

Satisfaction is not a measure of what I have or what I do, but of what I believe. Today I give my best effort to all that I do. I tap into the creativity of ideas, the discipline of patience and the compassion of understanding. I release self-criticism and the judgment of others. I am everything I need to be to do my best. The works of my mind and hands and heart are a blessing.

My attention is not drawn to comparing what others have to what I have or don't have. Nourished, sheltered and loved through God's gifts, I focus my attention on the plenty in my life. I am thankful to be one of God's children, endowed with more than enough, to have and to share.

Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.--Psalm 90:14

Monday, October 17, 2011

Let Go Let God with Ease

Spirit within me is expressing in wise and wonderful ways.

I am neither timid nor boastful. A feeling of ease--fortified by my awareness of my innate divinity--nudges me along, from thinking to planning to doing. From my inner, sacred reservoir, I call on wisdom and understanding, life and vigor to move me forward in both simple and complex activities.

I recognize that worry-thoughts are stumbling blocks on my way toward achievement. Consequently, if I worry that something is going to be difficult, it likely will be. So I open to the underlying potential in what might seem to be a difficulty. I know that all matters can be handled with ease as I let Spirit within express as me in wise and wonderful ways. I can do what is mine to do and do it well.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.--Philippians 4:13

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Let Go Let God with Grace

I give thanks for the grace of God.
When I consider the things I enjoy in life--the gifts of friendship, home, work and community--I see the grace of God.

Through the divine faculty of understanding, I recognize that the qualities I use to co-create my life are truly gifts from God. With faith, I see the possibilities; with love, I make divine connections; with strength, I persevere. All these qualities are reflections of God's grace within me.

As I contemplate the fullness and beauty of life, I see that every aspect has been generated through the grace of God. It feels good to accept God's grace, and that good feeling is a gift as well.

Everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.--2 Corinthians 4:15

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

The stillness is my sanctuary of peace.

The Christ presence within calls my attention inward. I seek a time of respite from responsibilities, distractions and my own wandering thoughts. Time apart is necessary for my well-being and my peace of mind. I retreat to a quiet place I find comforting. I may go to a chapel, a favorite spot outdoors, a serene corner at home, or simply close my eyes right where I am and take a deep and relaxing breath. I am revitalized by extended times in the silence and brief moments apart. I turn my attention inward to the stillness that is my sanctuary, and I find peace. I consciously connect with Spirit and bask in divine light and love.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 4:7

Friday, October 14, 2011

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

God's great love eases my mind and brings me comfort.

A child with a skinned knee, an Olympic competitor who finishes fourth, members of a family who lose their home--all experience different kinds of pain. In each case, the love and support of a dear friend or family member will help ease the hurt. And yet, as great as any love is, it pales in comparison to God's unconditional and eternal love. When I am sad or hurting, I turn to God's love to ease my mind and bring me comfort.

If my heart is aching, the soothing presence of God within brings me peace. In God's presence, I am encouraged and uplifted. We are all God's beloved children, and though, from time to time, we may become disheartened, the love of God is our eternal comfort.

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.--Isaiah 66:13

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let Go Let God in Excellence

I think and achieve excellence.

A children's story tells of a little train engine that was asked to pull a long line of cars over a steep mountain. It seemed an insurmountable task, but the little engine did it by repeating: "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can."
My thoughts are important in all I do. Fueled by optimistic and uplifting thoughts, I can excel. Anything is possible when I trust the power of God within to help me succeed. Step by step, I achieve my goals. Excellence is measured not by what others think of me but by the knowledge that I have done my best.
I approach life with an "I think I can" attitude, knowing I can overcome the mountains in my life with faith and hard work.
Beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just … if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.--Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let Go Let God Circulate

I give and receive in absolute faith.

The same holds true concerning giving and receiving. It is in giving that I receive. My life is open to the flow of divine blessings, and in that flow, I am able to give even more. I give unreservedly.
I recognize God as the Source of my supply. As I have freely received from the continuous flow of divine love and substance, I also freely give and keep the blessings circulating.
I am filled with a giving and grateful spirit, knowing that my positive prayers and actions will bless others as well as myself.

The divine law of giving and receiving is as natural as gravity. I don't question why my feet stay firmly planted on the ground. I simply trust in gravity, for I know it works.
The measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you.--Mark 4:24

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let Go Let God Live Life

I am whole. I am full of life.

My connection with the Divine helps me make loving and compassionate decisions. I am able to see new possibilities that honor me and others in my life. I am filled with hope. I celebrate today's blessings and look forward to the gifts of tomorrow.

At certain points in my life, I might feel overwhelmed and believe there are no answers to my problems. I may search frantically for solutions, and I may even lose hope. In those times, I bear in mind that I am one with Spirit. I am whole and have all I need, at this very moment. Through reflection upon this truth, I connect deeply with Spirit. I ask for direction and wait for guidance. I then take action and do what I am called to do.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.--Proverbs 13:12

Monday, October 10, 2011

Let Go Let God Know You are Safe

I turn my thoughts to God and know that I am safe.

When I feel divinely inspired to adventure into new places or situations, I pray and trust my intuition. I turn my thoughts to God and know that I am safe. I gather information and plan as I am led, and I move forward. Challenges may arise, but no problem is greater than God.
The presence of God in me will see me safely through whatever obstacles appear on my path. I remain in right relationship with God, attuned to my inner wisdom, and I journey safely through each new adventure.

One can scarcely imagine the faith and courage of the early explorers as they acted on their convictions and set sail into uncharted territory.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.--Proverbs 18:10

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let Go Let God Have Patience

Choosing patience today, I am compassionate and kind.

Every day I have the chance to cultivate and strengthen any trait I choose. Today I elect to develop the quality of patience. Co-creating my life with God, I choose to be patient and grow in my understanding that all things happen in their own time.
There is "a time for every matter under heaven." Affirming wholeness, abundance, peace and wisdom, I wait patiently for demonstration to occur in the right place and time. In the silence of prayer, I draw patience from the spirit of God within me.
In my dealings with others, I exercise my Spirit-directed patience in every conversation and interaction. I approach life with the kindness and compassion that are a natural result of a patient heart and mind.

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.--Colossians 3:12

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Let Go Let God Forgive

I forgive and I am forgiven. I have peace of mind and heart.

Saying "I'm sorry" isn't always easy. It often takes courage to be the first to make amends. However, the first step toward forgiveness is the first step toward peace of mind.
If I have wronged another or there is a perception of wrongdoing, I begin the healing process of forgiveness through prayer. I open to the healing power of God. Once admitting the need for action, I clear the way for healing, restoration and peace.
Spirit works within me and within the situation to establish harmony, soothe emotions, and assure wholeness. Through the power of God within, I give and receive forgiveness. I am at peace with myself and others. I am whole and free.

Bear with one another and … forgive each other.--Colossians 3:13

Friday, October 7, 2011

Let Go Let God Now

Now is the time of Spirit, of answered prayer, of manifest blessings.

As I think of the eternal now, I realize that now is the time of Spirit. In Spirit there is neither past nor future. Spirit recognizes only the now in which prayers are answered and desires are fulfilled. Now is the time in which blessings become manifest and visible, expressed and tangible.
Living in the eternal now of Spirit, I am in touch with the blessings that are already mine. Nothing prevents my good from coming to me.
Conscious of the eternal now, I no longer look to tomorrow for my good. I realize that my good is here in the present moment. I have only to accept it in order to see it in manifestation. I live in the eternal now, receiving the blessings of Spirit every moment.

The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near.--Mark 1:15

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Let Go Let God with an Open Heart

I open my heart and pray for others.

During Jesus' ministry, he often opened his heart to the needs and concerns of others and enfolded them in prayer. Following his example, I pray for others often. Whether I am at work, church, the grocery store, driving my car or doing household activities, I can hold another in prayer.
My prayer may be as simple as "Thank you" or "Bless you." Every moment in which I turn my thoughts inward to the spirit of God at the core of my being is a prayer. I am grateful for such moments, for they enable me to express my faith and bless the people whose lives touch mine. My prayers are loving, compassionate and supportive. By opening my heart in prayer, I send love to others and become a channel for good.

Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.--Philippians 2:4

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let Go Let God with Confidence

I greet life's opportunities with increasing confidence.

When a baby is learning to walk, the spills outnumber the successful steps. Early falls are important to the baby's process of learning to keep his or her balance. The stumbling doesn't discourage the baby. The support and encouragement of others provides the incentive to keep trying.
I take this lesson to heart as I explore my own untapped potential. I am grateful to know that I am divinely supported and guided as I learn new things and expand existing skills. When I experience difficulties, I keep pushing on. With practice, I make progress; with progress, I gain confidence.
By taking baby steps toward new opportunities, I build confidence in my God-given abilities.

I often boast about you; I have great pride in you; I am filled with consolation.--2 Corinthians 7:4

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let Go Let God Believe in World Peace

I live in peace with all humankind.

To watch the news, it may seem the world is consumed by chaos. What can I do to make a difference?
The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi suggests that we "not so much seek … to be understood, as to understand." I open to greater understanding in my life, and I pray for world leaders to find and understand what binds us together rather than what tears us apart.
Through prayer and meditation, I find peace in my own heart. Peace begins with me. As I feel peaceful, I generate an energy of peace. Where there was stress, there is now calm. I know the Truth: All people are my brothers and sisters, and we can live in peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled.--John 14:27

Monday, October 3, 2011

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

Divine life flows through me, healing my mind and body.

Within each seed is the perfect imprint of all it can become. Life flows out, mapping its growth into maturity. If a season is too warm or too cold, the leaves of a seedling may curl, but the imprint remains strong. With the proper nutrients, rain and sun, life surges forth into new leaves and blooms and fruit.
I may experience a season of doubt, sadness or physical challenge, but it is only a season. The imprint of perfect Life remains strong within me, ready to flow through me as renewed energy, health and peace. Each day in prayer I open my heart to the healing flow of God's Life in me. I am thankful for the healing seasons in my life.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.--Proverbs 4:23

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Let Go Let God in Joy

One with God and all life, I radiate pure joy!

The expression of joy is often contagious. A genuine smile or an honest burst of laughter can inspire joy within the hearts of everyone nearby.
Joy is one of the great rewards of my connection with God, with others and with all life. As I give in joy, I receive joyously. When I share a tender moment with another, watch an inspiring movie, or simply think about the people I love, joy often arises.
Turning within, I discover the great joy of God's gentle presence and the simple pleasure of being one with God. My time in the silence of prayer brings me a sense of soul satisfaction as joy wells up within me. Returning to the world around me, I radiate pure joy.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us.--Psalm 67:1

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

The answers I seek are found within.

When I read an instruction manual or guidebook, I learn what steps to take and the order in which to take them. Sometimes, however, there are no clear guidelines or guidebooks.
When I am challenged by my finances, a relationship or a major life decision, my judgment may be clouded by doubt or confusion. Yet I know the answers are available to me when I get worry and fear out of the way.
I go within and ask indwelling Spirit, "What is mine to do?" As I listen for the answer, I may receive it as an inner knowing or a quiet whisper. I know it is divine because it is uplifting and loving. The more I follow this guidance, the clearer the inner voice becomes. My faith and confidence grow as I rely on the guidance of Spirit.

Let us also be guided by the Spirit.--Galatians 5:25