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Friday, September 30, 2016

Let Go Let God be Protected

I prepare for my day, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I prepare myself mentally and physically for the day when I fix my first meal and look ahead to my schedule. I also prepare myself spiritually by centering myself in Truth with affirmations to align my thoughts and actions. I speak powerful words to myself that anchor me in the divine potential of spiritual essence—my I AM. “I AM Love” removes anger, judgment, or revenge. “I AM Wisdom” eliminates fear or doubt. “I AM Life” fills me with the healing peace of my eternal nature and releases the belief that any physical appearance could limit my divine nature. I print my statements and put them where I see them throughout the day. Reflecting on these Truth statements protects my mind from error thoughts.
From this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.—1 John 4:6

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Let Go Let God Open to Learning

My heart and mind are open to learning and growing.
A folktale shares how a spiritual master poured tea into a student’s cup until it overflowed. The student exclaimed, “The cup is full; there isn’t room for more!” The master stopped pouring and said, “Before you are ready to learn, you must empty your cup.” When my mind is seemingly full of preconceived ideas and beliefs, I am not leaving room for Truth to enter. In order to grow into who God created me to be, I must remember to keep my heart and mind open. I step forward into a new way of being when I remain curious and allow God’s wisdom to instruct me. I am grateful for a new understanding and for all that God is teaching me. I am ready to learn!
Let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and abundant welfare they will give you.—Proverbs 3:1-2

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Let Go Let God in Happiness

I joyously express my divine nature.
I experience happiness in many ways: a baby’s first smile, the laughter of friends, or the beauty of a sunset. But these things alone cannot make me happy. My happiness is a result of my attitude—my inner workings. I begin my day with “happiness treatments.” I can affirm to myself: I am a joyous expression of God. I can also make my morning habit one of looking in the mirror to see the light of love looking back at me. Happiness begins within me and radiates from me to give a touch of love and warmth to my world. Even when I face a challenging situation, I do not let it get the best of me. The best of me is within—the power and strength of God. I let my inner nature of happiness flow from me, and I find peace in any circumstance.

Let the faithful exult in glory; let them sing for joy.—Psalm 149:5

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Let Go Let God Forgive

When I forgive another, I become God’s love in action.
One of the most powerful ways God’s love is demonstrated is through forgiveness. When I forgive another, I become God’s love in action. Holding on to resentment, even for a short time, depletes my energy. So I refrain from doing so. I forgive readily and I forgive daily. Interestingly, the more willing I am to forgive, the less I need to. I see others in the light of acceptance and understanding. I know there have been times when I made some errors in judgment. Rather than living in regret, I make amends as I can. Then I consciously choose to extend the same forgiveness to myself as I do to others. I feel lighter and more on target with my purpose. That is the power of God’s love, through me, as forgiveness.
Neither do I condemn you.—John 8:11

Monday, September 26, 2016

Let Go Let God Soar

Faith lifts me up to greater heights of self-expression.
Eaglets learn to fly by first “branching”—moving away from the safety of the nest to nearby branches. In time, they move further from their comfort zone, strengthened by their wings and confidence. Eventually they move to the skies, taking a leap of faith to catch the wind currents and soar to new heights. Spirit in me will occasionally nudge me out of my comfort zone. Change is necessary for me to grow into my divine potential and rise to greater heights of self-expression. Even if I feel as though I am free-falling, I relax into my fears and trust the support of the Universe. I am created not merely to fly but to soar amid a radiant and ever-unfolding landscape of Spirit’s magnificent creation.
But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles.—Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Let Go Let God be Whole

I accept wholeness as the divine blueprint of my being.
Wholeness is the divine design of my being. When I align my thinking with this truth, I invigorate wholeness in every atom and cell. Myrtle Fillmore wrote: “God is the one perfect life flowing through us ... God is the only reality of us; all else is but a shadow.” I focus my awareness on patterns or beliefs that are not part of God’s will for me. I bring negative self-talk and doubts out of the shadow and release them into the light of transformation. Releasing lifts my consciousness to a new expectancy of wholeness. I speak words of truth, love, and gratitude to my body. My whole being—body, mind, and spirit—responds to divine life. I am renewed.
If then your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, it will be as full of light as when a lamp gives you light with its rays.—Luke 11:36

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

Divine love flows to me as abundant good.
Worries about how to pay the bills keep my attention focused on lack rather than gratitude for the good in my life. I make a commitment to change my focus one thought at a time, one moment at a time, to maintain an attitude of gratitude. In her book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Rev. Edwene Gaines shares, “You can live according to your divine purpose, in line with God’s plan, with everything you could possibly want or need at your fingertips.” If I am seeking work or a change in my financial situation, I remind myself of those words. I joyfully affirm: Divine love flows to me as abundant good. I have faith that, even now, God’s love is blessing me in abundant ways.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.—Luke 6:38

Friday, September 23, 2016

Let Go Let God Affirm Healing

Divine life infuses every cell of my being.
My body is a physical manifestation of the Divine. I give thanks for all that it does, sending blessings from my head to my toes. Affirming health and life energizes and engages divine life within each cell. During times of meditation, I reflect on the spiritual life energy coursing through my body. Divine energy courses through my veins with every beat of my heart. Like a light being lit from within, I feel the warm glow radiating outward through me. Every cell, organ, and system that comprises the physical me is being renewed and restored by this healing life energy. Right now, right where I am, I am whole and complete.
They … brought all who were sick to him, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.—Matthew 14:35, 36

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Let Go Let God be Free

Giving and receiving love frees me from negativity.
After his release, Nelson Mandela embraced his freedom, giving thanks for the blessings of life. He became an open vessel of acceptance, embracing the love of others and returning that love to all with whom he came in contact. Perhaps that is the true meaning of freedom—giving and receiving love. I embrace that concept today. If I feel unjustly treated, I forgive and free myself from bitterness. Love frees me from resentments and opens me to happier, more fulfilling experiences and relationships. I am free and encouraged to change my focus to one of inclusion rather than exclusion. I am free to live in harmony. As I give love, I receive love, and I am reminded of the words of Paul: “... love is the fulfilling of the law.”
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.—Romans 13:10

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let Go Let God Encourage World Peace

My harmonious actions inspire peace among others.
I am not alone. I am part of the worldwide community, and it is up to me to create peace and spread love and kindness. I look for ways to make a difference in my home, my community, and my environment. I take every opportunity to show compassion and understanding. My actions have a direct impact on those around me and in the world. The love of God within me is my guide in all that I do. Passing along positive thoughts and actions creates a ripple effect that expands to encompass the world. These deeds will eventually come full circle to bless me and my world in a multitude of ways. As I continue to practice love and kindness and express peace and love, my harmonious actions inspire peace among others.
Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.—Ephesians 6:18

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

God is my source for peace and comfort.

Living life fully may mean that there are times when I invite experiences that pull me out of my comfort zone. I may be moving into a new adventure in my life or working through relationship issues. I could be making changes at work or facing health or financial difficulties. Whatever I face, I do not become anxious. Instead, I turn within and open myself—mind, body, spirit—to the uplifting, ever-present wisdom of God. I know, regardless of my circumstances, that God’s reassurance and love stay with me every step of the way. I am open to the clear and continuous guidance and enlightenment of Spirit. I know what to do and when to do it. I find peace and comfort in God.
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us.—Luke 1:78

Monday, September 19, 2016

Let Go Let God Share it Forward

I am God’s love in expression.
A spirit of giving is one of God’s greatest gifts for it is God’s spirit of love expressing through me. I express my gratitude for my own blessings by “paying” my blessings forward. I share love and positive thoughts with a gentle touch, an encouraging smile. I give love freely as opportunities present themselves. I speak words of life and healing to everyone I meet. I may not know their individual need, but Spirit does. Freely and without hesitation, I offer myself as a vessel through which God blesses others. I am grateful for each opportunity God gives me to be God’s love in expression. Through paying my blessings forward, I am abundantly blessed in return.
The measure you give will be the measure you get.—Matthew 7:2

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Let Go Let God Live a Life of Meaning

I am a child of God, living a life of meaning and purpose.
Humankind has continually questioned the meaning of life. Joseph Campbell summed it up when he said, “The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.” Today I feel grateful to be alive, to be on the journey called life. I open my physical eyes to the beauty around me—the trees, the sun, the flowers, the people I meet. And I open my spiritual eyes to God, knowing that I am a child of God, on a divinely directed path of good—a unique and personal path. I don’t spend time worrying about what to do—I just embrace the day and all that it has in store for me. I open my eyes to the blessings of God, grateful to be alive!
The Lord will open for you his rich storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all your undertakings.—Deuteronomy 28:12

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Let Go Let God through Grace

I am continually in the flow of God’s good.
Grace is pure, divine love readily available and never withheld because it is one of God’s gifts. The Handbook of Positive Prayer shares, “Grace is God’s gift of love and mercy, given freely to us whether or not we deserve it. We cannot steal, borrow, buy, or earn it. We can only accept or refuse it.” I know that God is always there, providing for me and supporting me along my life’s journey. As I focus on God as a gentle, guiding presence, a sense of joy arises in my heart. When I recognize God’s powerful guiding presence, I naturally relax into the flow of good in my life. I let go of concerns as the love of God surrounds and fills me to overflowing. This is the grace of God uplifting and strengthening me.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Friday, September 16, 2016

Let Go Let God Follow Dreams

With persistence and faith, I follow my dreams.
Prolific dreamers, inventors, and innovators have given the world the most fascinating and useful insights and inventions. Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and more have had visions and dreams about the universe and about ways to enhance our lives. I, too, have dreams. I have visions and goals that are important to me. I may have put them aside due to obligations or time constraints, but they are still with me. I focus on my goals now. I revisit those dreams that inspire me and encourage me to stretch myself in new ways. I feel a new stirring within my soul to begin the steps to fulfill those dreams now.
But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.—2 Chronicles 15:7

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Let Go Let God in Divine Connection

I live in harmony, peace, and love with my universal family.
The eyes of a child shine with innocence and hope. The shuffling gait of the elderly speaks to years of wisdom. The posture of a homeless person is a reminder that life may not always happen as expected. We are each a part of God, united by love. This divine connection with all people encourages me to embrace the innocent, to care for the elderly, to share compassion to the homeless. Being aware of what I am thinking, saying, and doing keeps me connected to my universal family. I choose positive actions to create a ripple effect of harmony, peace, and understanding. I pray daily—for myself and others—that we may all feel the unity of God’s love.
Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.—1 Peter 3:8

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Let Go, Let God

I relax in the knowledge that God and I are One.
Spiritual Truth assures me that I am never separate from God. Human emotion, however, may cause me to feel lost. If I find myself feeling disconnected I need a gentle reminder to let go and let God. To realign my thinking with Truth, I remember to take a deep breath and, with a long exhale, release any limiting beliefs that keep me feeling separate from God-life within. As I continue to breathe deeply, I relax into my natural state of peace, ease, and well-being. Spirit is the air that I breathe. Spirit is the wisdom in which I act. Spirit is the love that never leaves or fails me. As I relinquish false ideas of insufficiency or lack, I allow Spirit to fill, nourish, and prosper me in every area of my existence.

But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.—1 Corinthians 6:17

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Divine wisdom guides and directs me.
Being at the right place at the right time is more than just coincidence. Every action I take is lovingly guided by Spirit. A divine plan is in motion. As I turn within and quiet my mind, I rise above the static of my everyday thoughts and find a new inner rhythm. I listen. Here, in the peace of my heart, I am guided to exactly what I need to do and how to do it. A feeling of tranquility washes over me. I breathe deeply and rhythmically. All tension lifts from me. I spend this time listening and waiting. No thought of concern disturbs this peace that comes from understanding. Divine wisdom guides and directs me.

And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things to those who are spiritual.—1 Corinthians 2:13

Monday, September 12, 2016

Let Go Let God Pray for the Children

I bless all children in my prayers.
Children are precious gifts from God. Thinking of the children in my life and children around the world, I take this moment to lovingly place them in God’s care and affirm safety, wisdom, wholeness, peace, and joy with this blessing:
I place you in God’s care and keeping;
God’s presence guards and protects you,
God’s wisdom expresses through you,
God’s life sustains and perfects you,
God’s understanding inspires those who teach you.
I bless each person in your life, knowing divine love and wisdom guides their every thought, word, and action. Step out in love, joy, and faith to experience and express the infinite goodness of God.
You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you.—Isaiah 43:4

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Let Go Let God in Remembrance

I remember the truth of God’s love, and I heal myself and others.
Life on earth means things constantly change. The earth itself remains in motion as it rotates on its axis and orbits the sun. When I spend time in silent prayer with God, I remember that all things of spirit remain constant and unchanged. Jesus’ life and ministry remind me that I, too, am born of Spirit. I live in the physical world, but I am not of it. Through the Christ, I have access to the eternal life of Spirit. If someone I love passes on, I honor them in my thoughts and prayers. By remembering them, I keep their spirits alive in this world. I also remind myself of the underlying, eternal Spirit that unites us all.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.—Romans 12:2

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Let Go Let God be Carefree

I am confident, carefree, and courageous.
If I feel heavyhearted, one way to lighten my mood is to open the curtains and allow the warm sunshine to flow in. The golden beams are reminiscent of the light of God within my heart. This energy brightens my mood and I begin to feel a sense of hope. Instead of worrying, I bask in the peaceful presence of God and I feel lighter. As I tune in more deeply to God’s peace, I feel a sense of ease wash over me. My newfound enthusiasm pushes aside any anxieties. I refuse to waste time by worrying. Instead, I place my confidence in divine life within and let go and let God. I choose hope over concern; faith over doubt. I choose to be confident, carefree, and courageous.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.—Matthew 6:25

Friday, September 9, 2016

Let Go Let God with Joy

My greatest joy is my oneness with God.
God is always with me, for God and I are one. Because of my divine connection, all of the beautiful qualities of Spirit, such as joy, are also found within. Joy is a constant state of being that never changes, unlike happiness, which is dependent upon outer conditions. Joy is of the spirit and depends on no condition. I can access this divine gift despite any circumstance, even amid distress. I connect with the Christ Consciousness through prayer and meditation. When I know God, I know the joy within. For when I experience my oneness with God, I realize no greater joy exists.
Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.—1 Peter 1:8

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Let Go Let God on this World Day of Prayer

As I discover the power within, I unleash my divine potential.
Today is the World Day of Prayer—an opportunity to link my heart with the hearts of thousands of people around the world for the sole purpose of united prayer. As we pray together, we hold to the Truth that God’s boundless, unlimited love lives in us, as us, and through us. When we trust the power of God within, self-doubt, worry, and fear disappear. We boldly step forth to meet our divine potential. We act with surety and strength, kindness and compassion, to bless the world and our loved ones. Gratefulness fills our hearts as we affirm harmony, peace, kindness, and acceptance for all people, everywhere. Centered in divine love, we are one people, one thought, one world united in faith and peace.
Only believe.—Mark 5:36

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

My prayers for others are gifts from the heart.
Prayer is a gift of the heart that you can give again and again. Whether your prayer is for a loved one, a friend, neighbor, or a complete stranger, when you pray for others you give the highest blessing possible. As you do, place your faith in the unconditional love and wisdom of God. Let go of the person and situation, releasing any expectation of specific outcomes. Begin by centering your thoughts on God. Feel God’s love within and know this love surrounds, uplifts, and blesses all. Let the following words be the meditation of your heart as you pray: You are enfolded in God’s loving care. You are guided, whole and well, peaceful and free. I affirm for you the highest and best, knowing that only good can come to you.

Pray for one another.—James 5:16

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

Divine order is actively at work—providing opportunities and direction.
Divine order is life unfolding as my Source intended, but that doesn’t mean I take a backseat on my journey of life, waiting for life to happen to me. I have an active role in the establishment of divine order in my life. I communicate with God, keeping my thoughts and feelings focused and centered. If I find myself in the middle of drama, I look again through a divine order perspective. Is there something in this situation I can learn from? Looking back—beyond tears, laughter, pain—I am now able to see how I grew and how divine order was actively at work. I am guided to new opportunities.
You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the land. The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches.—Psalm 80:9-10

Monday, September 5, 2016

Let Go Let God as Inner Peace

With mind and heart centered, I am at peace.
A turning wheel has obvious movement on the outer edges while the center appears to remain still. The same holds true for my life. Despite what happens in the outer realm, I remain steadfast when I stay centered on the spirit of God within. I begin with a shift in my feelings and attitude. As I focus my attention on God-life within, I move into a deeper understanding of the Divine. I find my peace. I know what it feels like to be uplifted and radiant, buoyant and expanded. Capturing that feeling, I move into a deeper awareness of the fluid movement of love in my heart. Now, I flow into that feeling. By taking such small steps several times each day, I find myself poised in a kind of peace that happens readily and easily. Inner peace sustains me at all times.
Peace be with you.—Luke 24:36

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Let Go Let God in Faith

I place my faith in God and expect the best.
Having faith is having joyous expectation. Placing my faith in God, I expect and accept positive outcomes. When I pray to successfully accomplish my goals, I receive clear direction. If I am praying for healing, I expect to be healed. When I pray for a loved one, I place my faith in the presence and activity of God at work within them to bring forth their highest good. I release negative thoughts, worries, or fears for they indicate my attention has drifted away from God. I redirect my expectations with positive outcomes in mind. Growing in spiritual understanding requires ongoing practice—it is a lifetime journey. So I step forward in faith with my mind and heart on God, secure in the knowledge that divine love is at work in me.
Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.—1 Corinthians 16:13

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Let Go Let God in Awareness

I am one with perfect life—the Christ in me.
Cresting a hill, a new vista appears before me. From this new perspective, I am able to see more than I have observed before. This frees me to choose alternate routes and explore new territory. While on my spiritual journey, I remain open to newness. A book, a scripture, or an insight received in prayer may reveal a fresh perspective. At a deep level I know my wholeness, my worth, my potential. I feel one with perfect Life, which is Christ in me. My expanding awareness of my Christ Self brings clarity to all that I do, all that I am. I am empowered and guided to take actions that nurture my relationships, prosperity, and health. My life is made new!
You ... have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator.—Colossians 3:9, 10

Friday, September 2, 2016

Let Go Let God be the Foundation

My enduring faith is my foundation for living.
The world offers shifting images of fame and wealth. My foundation is the everlasting nature of Spirit in me. Even if conditions around me seemingly crumble into chaos or soar with excitement, I remain focused on the wisdom, love, and peace of Spirit. Faith is my foundation for living. Rather than be influenced by outer conditions, I quietly affirm: I am wisdom; I am love; I am peace. This foundation of belief is deeper than acting wise or loving or peaceful in a moment. I am the very thing itself in my essence and I align with this truth. On the firm foundation of Truth, I look ahead with spiritual vision, knowing that my faith supports me along the way.

The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.—Matthew 7:25

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Let Go Let God Live Fearlessly

My faith allows me to live boldly and vibrantly.

Living boldly and vibrantly does not mean denying my fears. I acknowledge any feelings of fear or anxiousness, but I do not let those feelings govern me or eclipse my awareness of God’s omnipresent good. Instead, I recognize that now is the time to deepen and demonstrate the magnitude of my faith. Centered in Truth, I affirm that there is no worldly circumstance that can defeat the power of Spirit in me. I recognize that I have the strength and wisdom to meet any and all challenges in my life. Shifting fear to faith, I will prevail. Whether it is a physical challenge, emotional struggle, or financial concern, trusting in God, I always know what to do, where to go, and what to say. With faith, I boldly and vibrantly live each day to its fullest.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.—Psalm 56:3