Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
Following Divine Orders Shop on Etsy - Doing God's Work

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let Go Let God Be Free

I experience life with optimism and confidence.

Through continued spiritual practice, including prayer, meditation, reading and discussion with others, I make new discoveries about my spiritual nature. As I grow in spiritual understanding, my consciousness expands and I notice changes taking place. My perspective widens to include new possibilities for a fulfilling life.
Surrendering to my Christ nature, I allow change to happen from within out. I gently release outgrown habits and thinking. I embrace, accept and exercise freedom based on my expanding awareness and application of Truth. Through Christ in me, I am free to experience life with optimism and confidence.

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.--Galatians 5:1

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Listings posted in Divine Orders

New offerings posted today in Divine Orders Shop on Etsy:

Let Go Let God in Remembrance

With gratitude and kindness, I remember all who have served.

Today I remember with gratitude the men and women who have died in military service. I pray for all who have lost a loved one. I pray for the safety of those serving today.
I may shed tears when I think of those who are no longer with us. I feel tenderness for families, spouses, children and communities who mourn their lost heroes. Today I share a kind word, give a loving embrace, or say an extra prayer of peace and serenity.
With an open heart, I remember that we are all one with Spirit. As my heart opens wider, I feel my connection to others expand and grow. I am forever connected to those who came before me and those who will follow, and I am grateful.

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.--Ephesians 1:16

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let Go Let God Promote World Peace

I am a peacemaker, contributing to a peaceful world.

Looking past physical, geographical or cultural differences, I see that everything and everyone is God's creation. God lives within each one of us as Spirit, filling us with love, compassion and strength.
As a peacemaker, I appreciate peace and think peace, which leads me to act in peaceful ways. My commitment is to bring harmony to my home and neighborhood. This peaceful intention flows from me, rippling out into the world.
We are all members of the universal family of God. Through prayer and loving action, I reach out to others, even those far beyond my physical location. I think, speak and act in ways that support a peaceful and prosperous life for all.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.--Matthew 5:9

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

In the sanctuary of my heart, I feel the peace and love of God.

Though responsibilities, interests and distractions compete for my attention, I am blessed with the ability to focus. I maintain space in my mind and heart for stillness and quiet. In this inner sanctuary, I find peace. I feel God's presence and love.
In the midst of any activity, I can pause for a moment and consciously shift my attention inward. It is as if I have touched the hem of the garment of Jesus and am experiencing a healing and soothing peace sweep over me.
During periods of extended meditation, I go even deeper into the silence. I welcome this respite and feel myself relax in mind and body. I am blessed by this conscious connection with the flow of good. Thank you, God, for your peace and love.

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.--Jude 1:2

Friday, May 27, 2011

Let Go, Let God

I let go of concern and let God be God in my life.

Sometimes life events lead to anxiety and worry. When I feel anxious, I take a moment to remember I am not alone. Whether I have a difficult decision to make, a challenge that seems overwhelming, or even a small matter that confuses me, I can take any issue into prayer.
Spirit works in unknowable ways. So in prayer, I let go of trying to control every outcome. I release my need to micromanage every detail. I gratefully acknowledge that all is working for good. I listen for guidance and prayerfully give thanks as I receive it. Releasing my concerns, I let God be God in my life, and then I do what is mine to do.

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you. --Psalm 128:2

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let Go Let God Live in Harmony

I live in harmony with all of God's creation.

Whether at a mountain top or the ocean's depths, on a fertile plain or an arid desert, each life system maintains a delicate balance. Growth, rest and renewal can be seen in every corner of the earth. Human beings move freely among diverse regions and adapt wherever we go. We have a responsibility to use our understanding and wisdom to help maintain balance and harmony within the system.
Harmony does not seek to destroy; it builds up and sustains. As a loving steward of the planet, I live in harmony with all of God's creation. I am aware of what I take from the earth and what I give back. I take no more than I need and leave the earth a place of beauty for generations to come.

Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God's mysteries.--1 Corinthians 4:1

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let Go, Let God Practice Acceptance

Freely and with love, I accept myself and others.

Great freedom comes from accepting people and circumstances as they are. Through acceptance, I release my need to control or change people or situations that are not mine to control. Peace comes from allowing things to unfold as they will. Through acceptance, I am free to embrace every situation and every person in a spirit of love.
The most important person for me to accept is me. I see myself as a child of God following a divinely inspired path to spiritual unfoldment. I let go of self-criticism and trust God. With a renewed sense of freedom and peace, I accept the people and circumstances in my life with love. I give thanks for the blessings they bring.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.--John 13:35

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Let Go, Let God Give Guidance

With Divine Spirit as my guide, I make wise choices.

When we are troubled or confused, it is human nature to turn to others and ask, "What do you think?" Feeling the need to search outside ourselves for answers is understandable, but I am blessed when I keep in mind that my guidance is not outside of me. It is within.
When I sit in the silence and open to Divine Spirit, I find the answers I seek. In the quiet, I am rewarded with Truth. When I ask, I receive. Spirit's wisdom awaits my invitation. I need only be still enough to hear.
My simple request is "Lead me. Show me the way." Divine Spirit is always present, willing to assist me. Following this lead, I make wise choices.

Happy is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates. --Proverbs 8:34

Monday, May 23, 2011

Let Go, Let God and Show Thankfulness

I am gratitude in action!

True thankfulness is a state of being--a state created by my thoughts, words and actions. A word of kindness and support, a smile shared or a note of appreciation can positively influence those around me. My own life is improved as well.
If I look closely, I find so much to be thankful for. By developing the practice of recognizing my blessings, I become gratitude in action. I feel gratitude most deeply in prayer and meditation, giving thanks for the divine nature at the center of my being. This deep sense of gratitude changes me. I am grateful for life, for the love of those around me, for the abundance that sustains me, and for the lessons life offers me. Grateful to God and thankful for others, I become thankfulness itself--I am gratitude in action!

Be thankful.--Colossians 3:15

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let Go, Let God and Be Protected

I am one with the protecting presence of God.

God is everywhere present. If I am seeking greater peace and security in my life, I remember that I am never separated from God, for God is within me. I hold to this thought in moments of stress or anxiety and know that I am not alone. The protecting Presence shines on me, guides me and fills me with peace.
Through my awareness of the Divine in me and around me, I move forward with confidence. There is no need to feel anxious or fearful for I have a continuous light upon my path. Just as the light of each new day gives me a new perspective on life, the light of God gives me a new sense of peace and the assurance that I am at all times divinely guided and protected.

Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge. --Psalm 16:1

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blessed beyond measure

Divine Orders has been blessed. Other Etsians recently featured Divine Orders items in these treasuries:

Let Go, Let God Give Comfort

Releasing any burdens to God, I am at peace.

When experiencing change or loss, I turn to God for comfort. God is my sure and steady companion. One way to connect more deeply with God is to write a letter, perhaps as part of a diary or journal entry. As my words pour onto the page, I release any burdens I've been carrying. I share my thoughts and feelings with God as freely as I would my dearest friend.
My letter is a prayer. No particular structure is needed--just words from my heart. After writing, I sit in the silence and focus on God's love, which feels as though it has been poured over me. With God as my comfort, I am at peace.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them.--2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Friday, May 20, 2011

Let Go, Let God Be Stress-Free

I attune my soul to the melody of Spirit, and I am stress-free.

The strings of a cello, guitar or harp can make no music without tension--but when too much pressure is applied, the sound is off key and the strings may even break. With the proper tuning, however, the same strings can produce beautiful music.
Like the strings of an instrument, if the pressures of my family or workplace are high, I can experience stress. This provides an opportunity for growth and awareness. I turn within, breathe deeply, and attune my soul to the melody of Spirit. The stress is relieved.
Bringing my heart, mind and body back into harmony, I once again vibrate with positive energy. Attuned to Spirit, I resonate with the "music of the spheres."

I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the harp. --Psalm 49:4

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let Go, Let God Provide Prosperity

I am immersed in abundant life.

Believing that my prosperity is measured only by the money in my bank account may leave me feeling vulnerable and concerned about scarcity and lack. But prosperity is not the possession of things, rather a recognition of divine supply.
There is no scarcity of air to breathe, no scarcity of love to share, no scarcity of divine ideas, substance or supply. When I recognize this and open my consciousness to it, I see divine substance everywhere. I affirm it not only for myself, but for everyone.
Realizing the boundlessness of my spiritual inheritance, I see that nothing is lacking in my world. I recognize and appreciate my abundant blessings. Prosperity is mine.

And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.--1 Thessalonians 3:12

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let Go, Let God Be Joy

Joy overflows from within me.

Joy is my nature as a child of God. It does not fluctuate based on what is happening in my life. While I may feel happy or sad in any given moment, these feelings cannot swell or dampen the joy built into my very being. The buoyancy I experience from outer events is temporary, eventually needing to be refreshed by the next pleasing experience. True joy is not something I acquire from outer events or things--it is something I release from within.
No matter what I am experiencing, when I take time to make contact with the Christ center within me, I feel joy. Christ in me is my spiritual foundation, my pattern of wholeness, my overflowing joy.

You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy. --Psalm 16:11

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Let Go, Let God as I Pray for Others

I add energy to the flow of good through prayer.

Prayer is a simple means of staying connected with others. I do not need to know the outcome of another person's current challenge; I have faith that each prayer adds energy to the flow of good that surrounds them.
When I enfold others in prayer, I am sending a blessing. I think of my co-workers with compassion and understanding and envision each one moving easily and confidently through their day. I envision those who need healing filled with light and aware of their inherent strengths. I hold community and world leaders in thoughts of peace and harmony. And I bless each animal with thoughts of safety, for they, too, are part of God's creation and benefit from the power of prayer.

I am grateful to God ... when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.--2 Timothy 1:3

Monday, May 16, 2011

Let Go, Let God Expand My View

I am open and willing to change my mind.

When I expand my mind, my heart follows. Expansion occurs when I open to a new thought or idea, or when I allow a question to attract an unexpected answer. If my mind is closed, I cannot effect change in the world. If I am entrenched in my beliefs, certain that I know the way, I am not able to see what is possible.
As I release limited thinking and invite Spirit to transform my mind, I see the world in its infinite possibility. It is like opening a magnificent gift. I see life anew and my defenses drop. I become open and willing to hear another point of view.
When my mind is open, the light of Spirit enters in. I anticipate and invite only my highest good, and I am richly blessed.

But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.--Matthew 13:16

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Let Go, Let God and I Am His Beloved

I live from the truth of who I am as God's beloved.

Whenever my spirit needs uplifting, I remind myself that I am a beloved creation of God. Whether I am seeking inspiration in a time of challenge or perseverance to accomplish a goal, I affirm the truth of my being: I am an expression of divine love and power.
My internal conversations reflect statements of truth--affirmations that feed my soul: I accomplish all that is before me with ease and efficiency. I am beloved of God and therefore capable of all the good I can conceive. I am strong and resilient.
As God's beloved, I have an open line to divine direction and support. I am empowered as I live from this truth.

Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.--Romans 8:39

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Let Go, Let God Provide the Right Choice

Following inner guidance, I make positive choices.

Every day I have decisions to make. With each choice, I experience both loss and opportunity. Each choice reveals expected and unexpected outcomes.
I treasure the gift of free will, and I make choices for the highest good of all concerned. As I prepare to make a decision, I go within for guidance. I get in touch with the still small voice within and let the flurry of my thoughts rest in a moment of silence. I find that the best choices have a sense of "rightness" to them.
It is comforting to know that the guidance of Spirit is within me. From a place of inner knowing, I make the right choice.

You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways. --Job 22:28

Friday, May 13, 2011

Let Go, Let God and Be Empowered

I am energized and empowered as I rest in an awareness of God.

At times I may not feel empowered to do anything at all. Rather, I may feel emotionally drained or unsure of myself. To remind myself of God's power within me, I stop and pray.
Releasing the burden of worry or self-criticism, I allow myself to feel the presence of God. As I pray, I realize that I am a spiritual being. I have powerful and unique gifts to give to the world. I have divine strength and energy to do what is mine to do.
Prayer empowers me. Moments of silence--spontaneous or planned--allow me to reaffirm my oneness with God. I emerge energized and enlivened, ready to face my responsibilities with renewed joy and confidence.

For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that he has chosen you.--1 Thessalonians 1:4

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Let Go, Let God Help Me to Forgive

I choose to forgive and free myself to move forward.

The act of forgiveness is a conscious choice to let go, to move past feelings of resentment, and to move forward in light and love. Holding on to unforgiveness is like carrying a bucket of stones. With each step the bucket seems to get heavier and heavier until it is exhausting to bear.
Choosing a quiet time and place, I examine the stones of unforgiveness that fill my bucket. One by one, I take them out, lay them aside and release them to God. Without the stones of unforgiveness and resentment, I move freely and can now use the bucket to gather flowers of light, peace and freedom. I choose to forgive and release to remain free of resentment.

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. --Matthew 6:12

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let Go, Let God Have Faith

All things work together for good.

Awakening early in the morning, I see the soft light of dawn announcing the rise of the sun. I have faith that every morning the sun will greet me, erasing the darkness of night with brilliant light and warmth.
When challenged by the darkness of fear or unknowing, I focus my faith on the light and warmth of Spirit. I feel and experience Spirit's presence, finding myself peaceful and calm, when moments earlier, I was uneasy.
I have faith that I am always provided for, always loved. Just as day follows night, a dawning awareness comes to me: All things work together for good in my life.
With positive anticipation and faith, I move forward into this day.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God.--Romans 8:28

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let Go, Let God Express Creativity

I allow creativity to express through me.

According to legend, Michelangelo insisted that his part in creating David--his masterpiece of sculpture--was only to carefully chip away at the marble, uncovering the David that lay within. Within me there is also a masterpiece awaiting expression. As I chip away at limiting thoughts that hinder my creativity, beauty and innovation flow forth.
Something within me is waiting to emerge. During my prayer time I listen for what is seeking expression; then I joyfully engage with whatever surfaces. Creativity takes many forms: writing, music, art, dance, business ventures and inventions. The possibilities are limitless. As I quiet my inner critic, I invite my creativity to come alive and I create my masterpiece.

Everything created by God is good.--1 Timothy 4:4

Monday, May 9, 2011

Let Go, Let God Provide Recovery

I am healthy and whole and continually renewed by the spirit of God within me.

Prayer is primary to my healing, whether I am recovering from an illness, surgery or even a broken heart. I begin each day with quiet moments of prayer. I give thanks for the life within me. I visualize the healthy, happy, energetic life I desire.
Healing takes time, and recovery takes many forms. A positive outcome will result if I give my body and mind the time they need. Patiently, I pray for the wisdom to know and do all I can to facilitate my recovery.
Turning my attention to the needs of others often helps my own recovery. Volunteering, even in a seemingly small way, renews me. Praying for others helps us all. Each prayer and every healthful activity supports my ongoing recovery.

Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.--Mark 11:24

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Let Go, Let God Bless Mothers

Mother's Blessing

I bless my mother and all mothers around the world.

We are all born out of the energy of Divine Love. Like a million tiny seeds blown across the earth, each of us takes root to grow into a unique expression of the one Love that created us.
Whether the seed of my being landed on a soft fertile place or a rocky path, I was created out of Love and I am an expression of Love. I give thanks for the womb that gave me life and the love that supported my growth. My eyes are opened to see anew all the love I have received. Strong and gentle, liberating and supportive, love has nurtured my growth. Whether the mother who gave me these gifts of love is with me now or not, I send a blessing of loving gratitude to her today.

Your mother was like a vine in a vineyard ..., fruitful and full of branches. --Ezekiel 19:10

Friday, May 6, 2011

Let Go, Let God with Enthusiasm

I live life with enthusiasm, positivity and hope.

I begin this day filled with the spirit of God. My positive energy and enthusiasm are contagious. My mind and heart are open to living life fully. I experience life differently when my attitude is positive and hopeful. Where I previously saw obstacles, I now see opportunities.
I check in with myself midday to refocus my energy and to assure I am living from an awareness of the Divine. If I have allowed outer conditions to distract me or pull me off course, I adjust my attitude and outlook.
As I end this day, I once again check in with myself and notice I have much to be thankful for. I live my life with enthusiasm, recognizing and appreciating the spirit of God that enlivens me.

Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.--Romans 12:11

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Let Go, Let God in Prayer

In communion with the indwelling Christ, I bring my good into manifestation.

In prayer, I am one with the Christ within. Prayer is a mental and spiritual attitude that lifts me up. I cease to believe that fear, disease or past choices have any power over me. My thoughts turn to Truth. My attention shifts from the world and is directed Christ-ward. In prayer, I do not beseech God for blessings; I open to God and all that God is and offers. I consciously identify with the good that I seek, bringing my good into manifestation.
I am praying when I cease to see lack and limitation and realize the riches of the presence of Christ. I am praying when love instead of hate fills my heart. I am praying when I still any clamoring thoughts and feel the presence of the indwelling Christ.

For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds.--Matthew 7:8

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let Go, Let God Create Mindfulness

I am mindful of the presence of God within and all about me.

Mindfulness is a spiritual practice that leads to a richer life experience. It infuses ordinary activities with love and joy. When I am mindful of my relationships, I become fully present with my loved ones, listening with love and sharing from my heart. When I am mindful of my physical well-being, I hold thoughts of health and wholeness. When I am mindful of my finances, I appreciate my prosperity and give thanks by sharing from my abundance.
When I am mindful of the presence of God within and all about me, I am more patient, loving and kind to myself and others. Mindful living allows me to enjoy all that life offers, one moment at a time.

For the Lord their God will be mindful of them and restore their fortunes. --Zephaniah 2:7

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let Go, Let God all is in Divine Order

My life is unfolding in perfect order.

If I am feeling overwhelmed, I may have difficulty recognizing that divine order is at hand. I remind myself to release my need to know how things will work out and trust the Universe for right outcomes.
I turn to nature for an example. A soft caterpillar plods through countless hazards to find food. Over time, he wraps himself in a cocoon, transforms his body, and pushes himself through a tiny opening to stretch and fill out his new butterfly wings. Observing the process, I see why each phase is necessary. I see order in his unfoldment.
My evolution is even more complex and miraculous. With renewed calm and appreciation for the order present in all life, I continue on my path of transformation.

Put things in order ... and the God of love and peace will be with you.--2 Corinthians 13:11

Monday, May 2, 2011

Let Go, Let God Lead Me in Grace

Through the grace of God, I am led to my highest good.
I am God's beloved child and the kingdom of God is my inheritance. I know this is the truth of who I am and that I am worthy of it--but at times, I may waiver in this certainty. God's grace is what brings me back. Grace allows me to remember the truth. It leads me home.
Whatever choices I have made, grace assures me I am still on the path to my highest good. God's love flows through me to bless and release me. I cannot fall from grace. I am spiritually secure, and my progress is steady and unimpeded. The grace of God shows me the way and reveals to me my next step. Even when I falter, I know I am moving forward. Through the grace of God, I am being led to my highest good.
I commend you to God and to the message of his grace.--Acts 20:32

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let Go, Let God Provide Healing

I am vibrantly alive and healthy.
The well-being of our bodies may be temporarily challenged by the appearance of disease, but the body has a marvelous capacity for renewal and restoration. Everything in us reaches toward life; health is our natural state. Faced with the appearance of ill health, we keep our thoughts on life and healing through prayers and affirmations of health and wholeness.
The power of prayer helps those in need of healing to rise up in faith, to enter into the rejuvenating stream of life, to be renewed and restored in mind and body. Whether I am praying for my own healing or for the healing of another, I affirm life. I affirm healing. I affirm that with God all things are possible.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. --Psalm 36:9