I rest in the love of Spirit, knowing all is well.
on my face, a loving hug from a friend, a crackling fire, a soft
blanket, soothing candlelight, a hot bath, beautiful music … all of
these bring me comfort. I know how to create a nurturing environment for
my body, mind, and soul. I take good care of myself with gentleness and
love. I know that just as important as what I do is the
consciousness with which I do it. If I am conscious of the eternal love
of Spirit, I am more deeply soothed by each activity of well-being. My
awareness of God is the most fulfilling and lasting comfort of all.
However I choose to soothe myself in body, mind, and soul, I do so
knowing that I am eternally loved. And in the everlasting love of
Spirit, all is truly well.
Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise.—Psalm 119:76
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