I am on a spiritual journey to realize my divine nature.
countries celebrate the holiday of Epiphany in commemoration of the
Three Wise Men who traveled far to see the baby Jesus. They presented
the newborn king with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These items
represent the spiritual gifts that are our divine birthright. I have
these gifts within me, and my task is to discover them and express them
in the world. I align with Spirit by taking time in the Silence
every day. With practice, I awaken to my Christ nature and become aware
of the gifts of wisdom, joy, and love within. As I experience my own
epiphany, I become eager to share my gifts. Just as the Three Wise Men
brought gifts to Jesus, I bring wisdom, joy, and love to the world.
Opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.—Matthew 2:11
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