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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Let Go Let God be Protected

I am grateful for the protection of divine love.
At times I may have felt unsafe and sought safety, but I understand that the Lord of my being provides the well-being I need. That certainty is a consistent reminder throughout the Bible, from Deuteronomy 31:6, “It is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you” to Romans 8:31, “If God is with us, who is against us?” As I enter into the new year, I remember and give thanks that I am protected and loved. I also welcome the opportunity to be a source of love and nurturing for all living beings and for the planet itself. By being an extension of God’s protecting presence, I affirm and strengthen my own sense of security. I am grateful for the protection of divine love.
Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.—Isaiah 1:17

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Let Go Let God Live with Purpose

I live and grow into my purpose by expressing my true self.
An example of divine order can be seen in the gentle unfolding of a rosebud into a beautiful bloom. The rose naturally fulfills its purpose by sharing its beauty with the world. In the same way, divine order works through me. I turn to God-life within for my hidden treasures to unfold and express. Divine life supports me in expressing the unique gifts—treasures in my heart—that have been within me since birth. I let all that is true in me shine and radiate into the world. Just as the rosebud gives way to what it is meant to be, I, too, give way to who I am in Truth. I live and grow into my purpose by expressing my true self.
And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”—Matthew 13:52

Friday, December 29, 2017

Let Go Let God with Wisdom

I listen to my inner wisdom and follow divine direction.
Wisdom is a gift, part of my spiritual makeup that points me toward my good. When I face uncertainty, I tune in to my inner wisdom. As I follow my guidance, I feel the rightness of my decisions. I wait for divine intuition that I am doing what is right for me in a particular time and situation. I use my gift of wisdom to make choices large and small: to eat good food in the right amounts, to spend my resources wisely, to choose the job that fulfills and blesses me. As I listen to the divine presence within, my wisdom grows. I trust this inner power to help me discern what is right and to provide good judgment for the best course of action. I give thanks for God’s presence within that guides me. I listen to my inner wisdom and follow divine direction.
Live, and walk in the way of insight.—Proverbs 9:6

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Let Go Let God as Inner Peace

I am at peace—one with the Presence of pure being.
Jesus taught the comforting news that all people are one with God. Inner peace comes when I shift my focus from the external to the internal—the presence of God within me. If I try to experience peace based upon my attachment to the world around me, I probably will not find that same lasting peace. Things in the physical world are constantly changing and out of my control. Yet I can access the source of infinite peace at any time because it is constant and always available to me. I make a daily practice of aligning my mind, body, and soul with the Christ Consciousness through meditation and prayer, and I am able to access the peace within. I am at peace—one with the Presence of pure being.
On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.—John 14:20

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Let Go Let God through Life

One with God, I am the architect of my life. I build my best life.
I am the architect of my life. My thoughts and actions shape my experience. As I think positively and act affirmatively, I affect every experience I encounter, bringing order to the world around me. If conditions in my life change in a way that is not part of my plan, I do not lose heart—rather I turn within and realign. I redraw the blueprint of my life, knowing divine order is the foundation on which my life stands. I view each change or challenge as an opportunity to realign. I hold to my faith and let my inner light shine. I embrace the moment and look for the blessing—what I can give to and what I can learn from each experience. I continually create the life that is best for me.
Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God. Go and build the sanctuary of the Lord God.—1 Chronicles 22:19

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Let Go Let God with Imagination

With the power of imagination, I envision new possibilities in my life.
Imagination is the power that pulls me through challenges in my life and the faculty that illumines the wisdom of God. I strengthen my imagination through simple practices that allow my thoughts to expand. Consciously thinking outside the box, I practice doing things in new and different ways. Imaginative play can be cultivated by drawing with crayons, collecting images that inspire me, and writing in a journal. Such activities release limitations and invite inspiration. With the power of imagination, I envision new possibilities and manifest them in my life.
I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the mind also; I will sing praise with the spirit, but I will sing praise with the mind also.—1 Corinthians 14:15

Monday, December 25, 2017

Let Go Let God It's Christmas

I welcome the rebirth of Christmas spirit into my heart today.
The spirit of Christmas shines in and through me today. Whether Christmas Day is filled with favorite foods, gifts, and celebration with family and friends or is one of quiet observance, I am filled with Christmas spirit. Throughout this holy day, I am mindful to reflect on what the birth of Jesus means to me. I experience a joyous rebirth of love, wonder, and light. I welcome the richness of cherished traditions, of childhood wonder and anticipation, and the timeless story of a child’s birth. As the angel said, “I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Today I celebrate with great joy, I give and receive with love, and I treasure the living presence of the Christ in all people.
You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.—Luke 1:14

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Let Go Let God on Christmas Eve

I am ready to give birth to new expressions of Spirit as I release limitations.
In one story the shepherds have left their sheep; in another the Wise Men have completed their journey. Joseph stands in loving support as Mary prepares for the birth of a new light into the world. I contain all these energies within my consciousness—the fear, the confusion, the anticipation, the joy. I cannot know what the new year will bring or predict just how my newborn Christ commitment will express. It is enough to be still and at peace, to embrace the uncertainty. I appreciate the choices that have brought me to this moment, the sources of love and support I’ve had along the way. Everything that I’ve experienced has prepared me for this holy night, as I commit to “giving birth” to new expressions of my true Christ Self in the world.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!—Luke 2:14

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Let Go Let God in the Silence

I find peace and love in the Silence.
I quiet myself as I enter my prayer and meditation time. In the stillness, I let the peaceful silence surround and enfold me. If my mind wanders, I gently bring it back to focus on my Source. As my mind calms, I feel God all around me. Prayer and meditation times strengthen me in ways I never imagined. Despite any outer conditions, I can turn inward to find peace and calm. Even in the darkness of night, the light is present, for God’s presence is always there. I open my heart and mind to divine love and peace that fill my soul. As I prepare myself for the upcoming celebration of the Christ child, I give thanks for the gift of this silent night for reflection.
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.—Isaiah 30:15

Friday, December 22, 2017

Let Go Let God Celebrate

I celebrate the glory of God with all that I am and in everything that I do!
Life provides many opportunities for celebration—birthdays and holidays, milestones like marriages, births, graduations, or promotions. Even during mundane moments, opportunities exist for celebration. Every day I can honor and praise my life and the power of God that lies within me. I might find it challenging to celebrate in moments of sorrow or despair, but celebration does not have to mean throwing a party or feeling happy. I celebrate when I see God in all things, and when I trust in divine order working in my life and others’ lives. I praise God daily as I practice my faith and celebrate every moment of life as a gift. In everything that I do and with everything that I am, I strive to celebrate God.
Do everything for the glory of God.—1 Corinthians 10:31

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Let Go Let God Renew Strength

In stillness, I renew my strength.
When I make it a regular routine to rest in the Silence of my own being, I am able to approach every life circumstance with unbounded faith and strength. I am grateful for my steady practice of inner stillness. Even in the most trying of times, I am readily able to maintain emotional stability and fortitude. Faith allows me to persevere with tireless hope and optimism. Even when facing an unusually daunting task list, I proceed with robust joy and vigor. I am able to complete every essential activity in my day. Even while pursuing seemingly impossible dreams, I exercise unflappable mental strength. I am able to stay the course in all that is mine to do because I rely on the infinite strength of Spirit, which is the very essence of my own being.
Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.—1 Chronicles 16:11

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Let Go Let God Receive

I prepare to receive as I give without an expectation of return.
With a few moments of consciously breathing in and out, I am reminded of the importance of releasing in order to receive. Similarly, in my everyday life, I prepare to receive when I am open to giving. I make room in my heart and life to receive love, compassion, and understanding by giving in kind. This may be a conscious practice, yet it becomes so much a part of me that it seems independent of my conscious awareness. My intent is sincere, for I do not give in order to receive. As I give with no thought of return, I open the way for blessings to flow continuously from a heart attuned to the Christ Presence within.
These are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance.—Luke 8:15

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Let Go Let God through Givng

I freely express my giving heart.

I awaken a fountain of joy deep within my heart when I am willing to let it flow forth. I envision myself as an outlet of generous spirit and feel it moving within me, ready to express wherever I go and in whatever I do. As I focus my attention on this abundance within, I notice it moving—first as a trickle, then as a stream, and finally as a rushing cascade of positive and beneficial energy. My generosity eagerly moves out into the world for the benefit of all. I am mindful of the opportunities I have to share this outpouring of energy that blesses others. No opportunity is too small to express kindness and generosity. I embrace each one as a sacred encounter with Spirit.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.—2 Corinthians 9:7

Monday, December 18, 2017

Let Go Let God Express Healing

I am an ever-renewing expression of Infinite Life.
With the totality of mind, body, and spirit, we are constantly expressing healing and renewal whether we are aware of it or not. Even during the rush of physical activity and the quiet of rest, we are being renewed. We are physical beings created with the capacity to heal, yet we are more. Made in the image and likeness of God, we are spiritual beings that are eternal, infinite expressions of God. As we cooperate with this truth—spirit, mind, and body—we are living the truth of who we are. Our thoughts of health and strength are powerful messages that align us wholly with our very nature as creations of life. We are ever-renewing expressions of Infinite Life.
And he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.—Luke 9:2

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Let Go Let God in Joy

I expand my own joy as I share my blessings with others.
The poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote: “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” During the holidays, I remember the true spirit of the season, which is the spirit of giving. My service to others can be as simple as sharing a smile with a stranger or sharing words of gratitude. It might be as involved as volunteering at a homeless shelter or offering childcare to a harried friend. With a full heart I willingly and lovingly share my joy with others today. As I focus on abundant generosity rather than seeking or getting this season, my spirit is uplifted. I experience joy and peace—the greatest gifts of the season!
For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.—Isaiah 55:12

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

Divine order is always at work in my life and in the universe.
Seasons change, the sun and moon rise and set, and my heart beats—all without my instruction or even my permission. Divine order is at work, even when it is not easy for me to see. I might even question that divine order exists when it appears that chaos is happening in my life. I simply cannot perceive the bigger picture. That is exactly when I need to remind myself: Divine order is always at work in my life and in the universe! Affirming divine order helps put me in a positive and hopeful frame of mind. When I let go and let God be in charge of all my life’s circumstances, I demonstrate trust in God and a faith in a higher outworking of all. I feel relief, knowing Spirit is in charge of all.
We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28

Friday, December 15, 2017

Let Go Let God Believe

My faith supports me through joys and challenges.
Life is full of ups and downs, joys and challenges. While I may feel overwhelmed by them at times, one thing I can be sure of is that God and I are one. Divine life within assures me I am abundantly provided for and that I can face any situation—great or small—that comes my way. Faith is a hard concept to define in a logical way, for it is intangible and personal. I believe that I am not walking this path called life alone. I believe that the presence of God is with me and within me, leading me in right ways and strengthening me. My faith supports me through joys and challenges, and I am grateful for the hope it brings me in times of need.
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.—Romans 4:20

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Let Go Let God be Free

I am a child of God, free to express my true self.
Every day I am called to new experiences of freedom. I consider these words written by Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla: “This moment ... is a brand-new moment in your life. You can choose to be more relaxed, more trusting, more forgiving, more loving. You can choose to be whatever you want. The question is: Are you treating this moment in a new way?” I am a child of God, capable, strong, loved, and free to express my true self. I am not bound by outgrown beliefs. I observe my thoughts, words, and actions and focus on that which is positive, supportive, and constructive. I embrace this moment as an opportunity to make new choices. I am free now to choose and experience my good.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

I find comfort in the wonders of God all around me.
At times, challenges or worries may seem to block my way. These things often bring on frustration and sadness. They can keep me from seeing the blessings I have experienced in my life. When I feel this way, I take time to quiet myself. I become calm and peaceful in the stillness, reminded that there is so much more to life than worry and fear. I visualize beautiful places that fill my heart and mind with awe. I smell the flowers. I watch birds and animals that bring a smile to my face. The more I notice, the more that come to mind. The list is endless and each reminder of God’s amazing gifts fills me with strength, confidence, and joy. I can now move forward, finding comfort in the wonders of God all around me!
This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life.—Psalm 119:50

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Let Go Let God Shine Guidance

Divine light shines in and through me as a beacon of understanding.
Until light enters a room, finding my way through the darkness can be difficult. In the same way, unless the level of my soul’s light is increased, there is little chance of discerning spiritual understanding. If I need more divine guidance, I must step up my vibrational energy and increase the light of my soul. One way I can do that is to focus the lens of my mind on a positive spiritual statement such as an affirmation or prayer throughout the day. This can serve as a mental focus to direct the energy of my soul into a greater intensity. As I shine the light of my inner being, a divine radiance begins to fill even the darkest corners of my mind and opens up my heart to greater understanding.
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.—Genesis 1:3

Monday, December 11, 2017

Let Go Let God in Relationships

I embrace the sacred opportunity in every relationship.
As I reflect on the relationships in my life, I appreciate their wide variety. From time spent with those I hold dear to a simple smile exchanged in the checkout line, every connection I make provides an opportunity to shine light into someone’s life—whether for an instant or a lifetime. I approach every relationship in my life aware of its sacred nature, ready to shine my Christ Light. I look for opportunities to share joy, create healthy boundaries, value the unique expression of God that each person is, and see parts of myself reflected in others. I recognize this sacred awareness in every connection I make, and I grow in Spirit. The possibility for spiritual evolution exists in every relationship I have, if I simply allow myself to see it.
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 2:5

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Let Go Let God with Hope

I behold the wonder of God.
Watching children discover the wonders of life reminds me that God is the source of life at the center of everyone. Holding this truth in mind, I know that each and every creation is precious to God. Because I know that all of nature is to be treasured, I help preserve the environment that supports the abundance of life. I honor God by honoring all creation because of our shared sacred heritage. Nothing can come between individuals or nations except our resistance to accepting who we are as God’s created. As I view the abundance and diversity of life with wonder, I take in the awesomeness of God that continues to unfold. I am eager to live from an awareness of the sacred presence that sustains all life.
Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.—Matthew 18:5

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Prosperity

My life is filled with an overflowing measure of God’s goodness.
I am a beloved child of God. Rooted in this awareness, I affirm prosperity as my divine inheritance. I believe in the sufficiency of God as my source and supply. There is no good being withheld from me. My life is filled with an overflowing measure of blessings. In my daily prayers, I give thanks to God as the inexhaustible source of all life. I am grateful for divine healing energy that flows through my body. I embrace the peace that washes over me when challenges appear. I express joy-filled gratitude that my physical needs are met. Like a magnet, this practice of gratitude draws ever more abundance to me. Every spiritual desire of my heart is fulfilled.
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8

Friday, December 8, 2017

Let Go Let God Forgive

I appreciate my innate capacity to forgive.
When I practice personal forgiveness, I free myself from the chains that have kept me bound to the past and I align myself with Jesus’ vision. This opens the way for me to see the glory that surrounds and fills me. I take a moment to stand in appreciation of my capacity to forgive. The choice I make to release the past is mine to make and it cannot be taken from me. Through forgiveness, I make myself available to the Divine. I am no longer distracted by the outer world for I am attuned to the presence of God. I forgive myself for holding on to limiting, false beliefs about who I am, and I let go of the past. New, bright understanding of my true nature replaces old, worn-out beliefs.
But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.—Psalm 130:4

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Praying for others is a double blessing.
Prayer is my time of connection with the perfect wholeness of Spirit, which is also our nature. First, I center in the perfect life and love that is the essence of my divine self. I then lift up the light of Spirit as it shines in others. I see others as they truly are, spiritually whole and free. I hold a vision of wholeness for people I don’t know, understanding the value of adding my positive energy to the greater vibration in our world. Sometimes I see the essence in others that they have forgotten or have yet to discover for themselves. If I feel they are receptive to my prayer support, I share my prayer practice with those I hold in prayer. Knowing the truth of my wholeness and then holding it for others is a double blessing.
Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.—Ephesians 6:18

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Let Go, Let God

I let go and open the way to new and bountiful good.
When I clean out my closet, I get rid of material things I no longer use. In the same way, I practice letting go of ideas or habits that no longer serve me. They may have been important at one time, but my philosophy has evolved. Perhaps I’ve grown beyond an idea or inclination that no longer feeds my soul. In the practice of letting go, I take stock of what I have or what I believe or what I need. I release the intangible thoughts and habits, and in doing so, I am helping myself. As I affirm I let go and let God, I feel liberated. I no longer feel tied to any thing or thought. This act of surrender opens the way to abundant blessings. I let go; I let God work in and through me.
Put these things into practice … so that all may see your progress.—1 Timothy 4:15

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Let Go Let God Share World Peace

I am one with God and all humanity in a universe of love and peace.
Jesus told us that the greatest commandment was to love God, and the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. In practice, loving God may come more easily for me than loving my neighbor. Since God is love, it is up to me to open my heart and love all, without judgment and without hesitation. When I exhibit patience and understanding, I feel the warmth of God’s love. I choose, therefore, to be an expression of God’s love as I provide acceptance and support. God’s love touches my heart whenever I give it away to others. As I give someone hope and encouragement, my spirits are lifted too. Truly, I love God, and I love my neighbor.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment.—Matthew 22:37-38

Monday, December 4, 2017

Let Go Let God Practice Meditation

I experience oneness through the art of meditation.
Pablo Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” I practice meditation as an art form that cleanses the dust of my mind. Like an artist absorbed in a craft, when I meditate upon God, I become engulfed in the present moment. The art of meditation may be practiced in a multitude of expressions. Allowing myself to experiment with different forms, I develop the styles that best suit me. I may explore meditation in silence or with instrumental music. I can practice centering meditation, focusing my thoughts on a sacred word or phrase. Mindfulness practice allows me to be fully aware of my senses and my thoughts in the present moment. I experience oneness through the art of meditation.
My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.—Psalm 49:3

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Let Go Let God with Faith

Spiritual understanding is always available through my Christ Self.
My mind “knows what it knows” through the input of my senses and experiences. While practical choices can easily be made through this knowledge, spiritual understanding is not a function of mind. I access it when I am prayerfully centered in the energy of my heart. It is not always specific, and it may not seem immediately relevant. Spiritual understanding provides me with a feeling of security and peace—a sense of being exactly where I am meant to be at any given moment. Spiritual understanding guides me through every choice. In faith, I know that God’s power is greater than any circumstance, and I call upon that energy for every choice or decision.
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. —Jeremiah 33:3

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Let Go Let God as Divine Power

Divine power is everywhere present— eternal and unlimited.

Every physical power is limited and temporary. The power of nature’s storms lasts minutes or days. The power of a fire is spent when the fuel is consumed. Only the power of the Divine endures beyond the reaches of our human concept of time and beyond the limits of our human understanding. It is this divine power everywhere present that can also heal the wounds and damage I may experience. Like a brave flower pushes up through volcanic ashes, Spirit in me nudges me to live and to love beyond the pain of earthly storms. When I feel brokenhearted, divine love enfolds me. When my body falters, Perfect Life stirs within and heals. What I perceive as lost, Spirit restores. I give thanks that divine power is eternal and unlimited.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.—Psalm 51:12

Friday, December 1, 2017

Let Go Let God in Synchronicity

I am attuned to God’s blessings that are continually being revealed.
Receiving a phone call from someone I have been thinking about; experiencing a dream that gives me clarity about a troubling situation; finding an object that I thought I had lost. These are examples of synchronicity —divine coincidences—that occur when I may need them the most. These divine coincidences are God Life in action. Prayer helps me synchronize—mind, body, and spirit—with the wisdom and power of God. The more attuned I become to the Divine, the more aware I am of the many coincidences that come my way. It is as if blinders have been taken off to reveal blessings that have always been in front of me. I see the world in a new, exciting way! I am attuned to God’s blessings that are continually being revealed.
Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.—Isaiah 65:24