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Friday, May 11, 2018

Let Go Let God in Unity

The unity I see reflects the balance in my life.
To realize unity in the world, I must first create unity inside myself. My anger sends out ripples of anger; fear generates waves of fear. Peace and joy radiate outward too! Feelings and emotions are contagious—we all catch and spread them along. I am a creator of unity. When someone angers or hurts me, I have the bravery to look inside and see where similar behavior exists in me. Once I understand that I could be the cause of hurt or anger in others, I choose peace. I choose love and unity. My decision to connect consciously with what I am contributing to the world affects others. One choice at a time, I create waves of unity others can feel, thus inspiring them to make waves of their own!
I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one.—John 17:23

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