Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Let Go, Let God

Through prayer, I shift my awareness from separation to oneness.
There is one power and one presence active in the universe and in my life, God the good, omnipotent. If I understand this concept of oneness, then it follows that I am an expression of the Divine. So when I pray, I do so from the awareness of my divine identity. My prayers are not to change the world, but to change my understanding of it. I remove my attention from the outer world and center on spiritual wisdom. I release worry and any sense of separation. I affirm unconditional love and let God be the universal good unfolding in my life. As my thoughts are transformed, I am renewed in understanding faith.
And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.—Luke 9:29

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