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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Let Go Let God Experience Inner Peace

As I enter the Silence, I experience peace.
Time in the Silence as the highest form of prayer we know is quietly entering the inner chamber within the soul, shutting the door to the external thoughts of daily life, and seeking conscious union with God. The Silence is the stillness I find within my own being when I take these prayerful steps. The more I practice turning my attention inward and resting in Spirit, the more peace I feel throughout my day. Today I give myself the gift of peace. A few moments in the Silence bring peace to my mind and heart, and help me maintain peaceful relationships. I renew my vow to spend time each day in silent prayer, and open myself to an abundance of peace.
Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.–Psalm 119:165

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