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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Let Go Let God with Joy

My heart is overflowing with joy.
I wake up every morning with a song of joy playing in my mind. I choose to look forward in anticipation of all the wonderful things that lie ahead of me. Making a choice to be happy is not always easy but I know it is worth doing. It sets the tone for everything that is to follow. I commit myself to seeing the good in life. Even if something appears to be negative, I affirm that there is more to it than meets the eye. What seems to be wrong could be just a blessing in disguise! The joy I feel is so strong that I feel compelled to share it with others. I remind myself that one simple smile or kind word can turn someone’s day completely around. It fills me with happiness to know I can be an ambassador of divine joy and love.
Whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy.—James 1:2

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