Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
Following Divine Orders Shop on Etsy - Doing God's Work

Monday, November 6, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I follow my guidance with faith and gratitude.
Following the guidance of Spirit requires faith on my part. In quiet moments of prayer and contemplation, I recognize that Divine Essence permeates my being because I am a child of God. As such, I live from the inside out when I first turn to Spirit within for direction. I am guided by the divine spark of infinite knowledge and love. The potential to be all that I can be is always within me. I believe, and I take that belief to the ultimate level of fulfillment by living that faith. The veil of my once limited consciousness falls away, and I now see clearly through the eyes of Spirit. I follow my guidance with faith and gratitude.
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.—John 8:12

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