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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Let Go Let God Breathe

I breathe in divine life, and I exhale peace.
My breath is my connection to all life, a continual responsiveness of the Divine. With each inhale, I breathe in the life of God. My lungs expand, and my heart pumps renewing life energy. Breath is the natural activity of my body, but if I face a situation that causes stress, my breath and heart rate may increase. I counteract this reaction by reminding myself to breathe with deliberate awareness of each deep inhale and exhale. My heartbeat slows, my mind calms, and my body relaxes. I breathe in divine life, and I exhale peace. By focusing on my breath, I give myself the time I need to reconnect with God within. In that moment, I react positively and respond from a place of peace.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!—Psalm 150:6

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