I love the life I live now.
To live without regrets requires the discipline of awareness, the compassion to forgive and the courage to change. I am aware of my true nature--that I am a spiritual being, loved and guided by the Divine Infinite. Anytime I feel I have failed to be my best self, I remember that I am learning to live and love at the highest level of my soul's wisdom. I ask Spirit to reveal what I might change to move closer to being my best self. I then ask for the courage to make that change.
Knowing I am doing my best, I have compassion for myself. As I learn to forgive myself, I find it easier to forgive others. I am at peace with the path that has brought me to this place of understanding. I have no regrets, and I love the life I live now.
For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light.--Ephesians 5:8