Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Let Go Let God with Expectation

I am centered in divine love and full of positive expectation.

Some people anticipate family gatherings with joyful expectation; others, with a sense of dread. Expectation is actually a powerful state of mind that can shape our experiences. If I am expecting an unpleasant experience, I may be replaying a painful past. Rather than recreate the same experience, I change my expectation. The past exists only in memory, so I let it go and begin anew. Regardless of what happens around me, I remain centered in what happens within me. I meet others with divine understanding and love. I am compassionate and kind. I release the need to change others, and I myself am changed. I am a radiating center of divine light, love and peace, full of positive expectation.
There is hope …, says the Lord: your children shall come back to their own country.—Jeremiah 31:17

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