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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Let Go Let God in Healing

I trust in the healing power of God within.
Healing is always in progress, no matter what appears to be happening on the outside. Underneath the surface, the energy of life is always unfolding toward wholeness. I trust in the process of healing for my body, mind, and soul. To help my healing, I remove my attention from any outer perceptions and attune to Spirit. I affirm: Wholeness is my birthright, my natural state of being. My healing is already under way. Beyond what I can see, feel, and touch, I trust wholeheartedly. I let go of any expectations as to how my healing may show up. I am grateful for the beautiful lessons the process brings. Every moment of my life is an opportunity for healing and growth.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.—Proverbs 3:5

Friday, February 27, 2015

Let Go Let God with Empathy

I live with an open heart.
The Dalai Lama once wrote, “When we resist indulging in a self-centered view of the world, we can replace it with a worldview that takes every living being into account.” No one is truly alone in this world. We are all dependent on others. The food we eat, the houses we live in, the clothes we wear, are all provided through the hard work and contributions of others. When I realize I am interconnected with all beings, I appreciate their presence. I am able to feel empathy for others, be kind, caring, and supportive. I look beyond myself and am compassionate toward anyone who is going through a loss, a challenge, or needs a listening ear. As I practice empathy, I live with an open heart and offer a helping hand.
Saul said, “May you be blessed by the Lord for showing me compassion!”—1 Samuel 23:21

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let Go Let God with Intuition

I recognize the will of God in my life.
Through my intuition, I recognize God’s will in my life. I ask, wait, and listen. I release any personal striving or temptation to wrestle with decisions. I let go of attachments to answers and outcomes. I become peaceful, receptive, and trusting. As I open myself to divine wisdom, I access knowledge beyond my personal resources. I develop my intuition every time I need to make a decision. When I want things to go only my way, I may experience constriction, heaviness, and pain. When I am consciously connected with Spirit and follow the will of God, I experience lightness and freedom. No situation is beyond the scope of my intuition. I recognize the still, small voice of Spirit, and I am guided to authenticity and peace.
God gave Solomon very great wisdom, discernment, and breadth of understanding.–1 Kings 4:29

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Protected

I am divinely protected.
If I feel distressed by any circumstance, I affirm that God is in the midst of it. I may not understand why things happen the way they do, but I trust that the love of God permeates it all. I keep my focus on Spirit—nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. No situation or person is more powerful than God. If I find myself slipping into doubt, fear, or anxiety, I deny that these feelings have any power over me. I turn my attention away from the circumstances that feed those feelings and affirm: God is all power. Divine Mind is all-knowing. Christ is the only Truth. Spirit is all love. There is nothing that is not of God. I am always safe and loved. I am forever protected by the eternal Presence that is in all.
Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.—Psalm 16:1

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Let Go Let God with Faith

I ignite my power of faith.
Am I using my God-given power of faith? I activate this ability through positive thoughts and words. Just as cars come with built-in features, I came into this world with the built-in feature of faith. I may sit in my car all day with the key in my hand, but until I put the key in the ignition and turn it, the car will not start. Similarly, I hold the key of faith within me—all I need to do is activate it. I ignite my faith through positive thoughts and words. I affirm: I have faith in the power of God in me. Through faith, I tap into Spirit, and my actions are guided on the road of life.
Love the Lord, all you his saints. The Lord preserves the faithful.–Psalm 31:23

Monday, February 23, 2015

Let Go Let God in Awareness

I am mindful of my body temple.
My body is a holy temple of Spirit. Its true purpose is to fully express and embody Divine Love and Life. I release any behaviors that may deplete my body. I support its vitality through my loving attention to its messages and needs. I honor my body by eating nourishing food and living a healthy lifestyle. I regularly send love and thanksgiving to all parts of my body, energizing them with affirmative words of Truth. My increasing body awareness helps me recognize and release challenging emotions that I may have repressed and stored as physical pain or illness. I honor my needs for rest and recreation. As I devotedly serve my body temple, I create space for the sacred to unfold in my life.
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God.—1 Corinthians 6:19

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Let Go Let God in Practice

My spiritual practice anchors me to Divine Love.
My spiritual practice might include time each day for prayer and meditation, sacred service, and reading scripture and other inspirational writings. The times I set aside to deepen my relationship with God are invaluable. They anchor me in knowing the unlimited love of Spirit. Such disciplines are just the beginning of my spiritual practice. They fortify me to bring the presence of God to every situation throughout my day. Each apparent challenge or blessing is an opportunity to strengthen my faith in the Christ within. As I lovingly express peace, gratitude, and generosity—even during difficult times—I experience the joy of God’s presence in every moment of my life.
Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.—1 Timothy 4:15

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Let Go Let God

I let go and let my God Self shine.
My mind creates many masks for me to wear based on my beliefs and the beliefs of others. Each appearance is shaped by what I think I “should” look like as a parent, spouse, friend, or worker. But wearing a mask hides who I really am and hinders my freedom. In Truth, I am a unique expression of the most amazing life force there is—God! When I drop my masks and let my God Self shine, I am honestly being the best I can be. My true self is wise and loving, compassionate and generous. When I own my divine inheritance, I have the guidance and power I need to be a good parent, spouse, friend, and worker. I no longer need any masks. I let them go, and let my God Self shine.
Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Isaiah 60:1

Friday, February 20, 2015

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

My soul is centered in God.
I am one with the peace of God. Today I cease to look for peace outside of me. What I am seeking already exists within me. To still my mind, I close my eyes, breathe deeply, and feel any tension fade away. Slowly, I move into a peaceful space inside my heart. In this place, my soul is quiet and my mind is calm. I reconnect with the peace of God. In the Silence, I meet with Spirit. I am enfolded in love and serenity. Calmness fills my entire body, and a divine Presence envelops my soul. My inner space is filled with Divine Love. As I go about my day connected to the peace of God, I radiate confidence and poise. All is well in my world.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.—Proverbs 3:17

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Let Go Let God with Spiritual Perceptions

I see through the light of Truth.
Someone lost at night and unequipped in an unknown forest may react with despair. Shadows may appear to be dangerous creatures. In the same way, I may feel fearful today based on perceptions of the past and respond to life from my fears. My responses may cause suffering. If I am afraid, instead of reacting, I stop and breathe mindfully. I ask Spirit to help me see through the light of Truth. I affirm: I recognize Spirit in myself. I recognize Christ in others. God is the only Truth. As I gain awareness, I kindle the light of clarity in my mind. I bring new understanding to my perceptions of the past. I release blame and resentment, and stop reacting from pain. As the sun dawns on my dark forest, the light of Truth transforms my life.
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us.—Luke 1:78

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Let Go Let God in Preparation

I prepare for a deeper understanding of God.
I welcome this Lenten season by preparing for a deeper understanding of God. Releasing habits, thoughts, and behaviors that no longer support me, I embrace a new life. Letting go is a gentle and loving process, free of judgment and filled with gratitude for lessons learned and discoveries made. Ready and willing to grow, I identify spiritual practices that support my intention. I may meditate and write my thoughts and feelings in a journal. I make a list of what I am releasing, tear it up, and let it go to God. I ask Spirit to reveal a new life for me. On a fresh, new page, I write my new story. I am open to unique ideas, beautiful experiences, and a profound relationship with Spirit.
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true.—1 John 5:20

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Let Go Let God with Joy

I play and return to joy, my natural state of being.
When I watch a toddler bounce to music or hear children squeal with delight, I remember human beings are meant to feel and express joy. I may sometimes wonder where my joy has gone; when did life become so serious? Then I have a good laugh, take myself and my life a little less seriously, and joy bubbles up again. Joy is never lost; sometimes I just lose sight of it. I make a playdate to bring joy into the forefront of my life. I may call a friend with a good sense of humor or spend the afternoon at a park playing with children or pets. I may plan a joyful surprise for someone else, or simply do what I love. In times of play, I feel lighter and brighter. I am returned to my natural state of joy.
You make the gateways of the morning and the evening shout for joy.—Psalm 65:8

Monday, February 16, 2015

Let Go Let God in Leadership

I bless the world by shining my inner light.
I develop my leadership by radiating my inner light and letting it ripple out into the world. This is my first step in leading a change. As I take action, it is imbued with a quiet presence and power that conveys real strength. When Jesus told the crowds not to hide their inner radiance, but to hold it high, he provided the formula for addressing all of our concerns. I connect with my light by becoming still and closing my eyes. I visualize my radiance flowing out through my whole body and into the world. As I let my light shine, my leadership flows from the inside out. I know what actions to take. I can truly make a difference toward harmony, peace, and love in the world.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.—Psalm 36:9

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Let Go Let God in Reconciliation

I make peace with myself and others.
Every day is an opportunity for reconciliation. I may be disconnected from others or experience the pain of unforgiveness. The people in my life are also aspects of my own consciousness. One way to reconcile with them is to reconnect with all aspects of myself. I forgive myself unconditionally for anything that may have harmed me or others. I make amends when necessary and embrace wholeness and happiness again. As I practice forgiveness and compassion for myself, I develop the capacity to let go of what others have done. I see that they are as human as I am, and also make mistakes. I welcome any opportunities to restore communication. With each reconciliation, I feel restored.
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ.—2 Corinthians 5:18

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Let Go Let God with Unconditional Love

From the love of God within me, I send love into the world.
I was created from the unconditional love of God. No current or future conditions can defeat this Truth. Nothing outside of me defines who I really am now and forever—one with God’s love. The essence of Spirit lives within me as love and life: closer than my breathing and the beating of my heart. I love for the sake of loving rather than seeking to be loved in return. I share love simply because it is a natural part of me. I am love in action when I treat my loved ones with kindness, extend a helping hand, silently bless a passerby, and forgive those who have hurt me. God in me is infinite love, and I send loving energy into the world.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers ... will be able to separate us from the love of God.—Romans 8:38-39

Friday, February 13, 2015

Let Go Let God Through Friendship

My blessings multiply through true kinship and love.
The philosopher Cicero wrote, “Friend-ship makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it.” When an exciting event happens, whether the birth of a baby, a successful project, or a wedding engagement, sharing my good news with loved ones increases my joy exponentially. Similarly, my life is deeply enriched when I spend time with friends cooking, traveling, exploring nature, or appreciating art.
When challenges arise, sharing my feelings or remembering the brighter side of life with a trusted friend can significantly lighten my heart. My soul is nourished by my friendships, and my joy is multiplied by the blessings of true kinship and love.
May your friends be like the sun as it rises in its might.—Judges 5:31

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Let Go Let God Spread World Peace

I share my peace with the world.
I want to live in a peaceful world. Yet I may ask myself, What difference can I make? Mother Teresa once said, “We can do no great things—only small things with great love.” Each peaceful prayer and caring thought contributes to world peace. As I hold thoughts of kindness and compassion, they ripple out to bless the world. To feel the tranquil presence of Spirit, I pray and meditate every day. I let this energy of peace grow in me. I bring it to my daily interactions and to every situation of my life. When I envision and practice peace, I make a positive difference in the world. Serene in the presence of God, I help others experience peace.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.—John 14:27

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

As we pray together, we are one in Spirit.
When someone wants a greater expression of health, wealth, or loving relationships, I start by recognizing that their desires are the same as mine. The same feelings and needs echo in our hearts. To pray for others, I close my eyes and fall silent. As I settle down, I invite Spirit within to express through my thoughts and prayers. My mind becomes quiet, and I feel the Source of vibrant health, generous wealth, and unconditional love enfolding me. I listen to the insights of Spirit, and words of Truth arise. I see that others and I are one. I desire for others what I want for myself. We share the same Spirit, draw from the same well of Truth, and know the power of our oneness in God.
We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers.—1 Thessalonians 1:2

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Centered

Centered in Spirit, I live from peace.
I begin my day by sitting quietly and taking a deep breath. I follow my breath into my heart space while I affirm: I am one with Spirit. I am one with Peace. As this affirmation expands within me, I gently release my breath. I center my thoughts in the unchanging peace of Spirit. During the day, many things vie for my attention. As I move into the physical world, I may experience confusion. If I feel overwhelmed, I pause to breathe. I return my focus to my heart space, release any tension, and recenter in the peace of Spirit. I complete my day’s activities with thoughts and actions arising from my peaceful center. I end the day as I began it, with a centering breath. Peaceful gratitude prepares me for rest.
Abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.—Isaiah 32:18

Monday, February 9, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Divine guidance is always with me.
I am a student of life and God is my teacher. My Divine Teacher instructs me in all I need to know at the right time. The course of study is lifelong, sure, and true. I embrace the joy and fulfillment of learning. My Teacher shows me the way and supports me in new situations. When a life lesson comes, I take time in the quiet and listen to my divine guidance. I open my heart to the still, small voice and ask what path to follow, and what I need to learn. As I listen within, I hear the words “This is the way.” I am gently guided to my highest good. As I recognize and understand my lesson, I give thanks for my growth. I am never alone. My Teacher is always with me.
Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path.—Psalm 27:11

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

God’s good is ever present in my life.
My life is a channel for God’s everpresent good. I control the flow of divine substance in my life with my attitudes, thoughts, and actions. Just as water channels can get clogged, so my life can feel obstructed with ideas of fear, greed, lack, and unforgiveness. I clear any debris from my mind and open myself to a greater flow of good. I release the belief that anything or anyone outside of me can prevent my good. I participate in the circulation of blessings by giving generously and knowing I will receive in abundance. I keep my thoughts on gratitude and trust the constant flow of good in my life. I forgive myself and others for past hurts and receive the wealth of a peaceful heart.
They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.—Psalm 36:8

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Let Go Let God in Acceptance

I live in acceptance, serenity, and peace.
Many people recite the Serenity Prayer to feel at peace: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I deepen my understanding by focusing on each key word in this prayer. As I say “God,” I am turning to a Higher Power for help. Knowing Spirit is in me, I have the courage to move toward my good, and the wisdom to choose when to act and when to let go. The word “accept” is especially important because it means to let go and trust. Acceptance teaches me to have faith that God is in every situation, and the outcome will be right for all involved. When I live in acceptance, I am safe, serene, and at peace.
Let the Lord your God show us where we should go and what we should do.—Jeremiah 42:3

Friday, February 6, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Free

I am free to live with Spirit as my guide.
Today I claim the freedom to choose my path and make the right decisions for my life. Sometimes I may be tempted to act according to others’ expectations. At such times, I check with my inner wisdom and ask for the ability to discern which choices are best for me. To tune in, I focus on my heart space and imagine a peaceful setting—a sunset, a forest, or a lake. As I become calm and centered, I invite Spirit to guide me. I open my heart to the gentle voice of Spirit within. As I listen carefully, a deep inner knowing arises, and I know which path to follow. I choose the right and perfect actions for my journey. Guided by my inner wisdom, I am authentic, joyful, and free.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Inspiration

Divinely inspired, I go after my dreams.
Inspiration literally means “to breathe into.” All creation began with an idea and an inspiration. When I pray and meditate, I feel Spirit breathing divine ideas into me. Infused with a new awareness, I envision new possibilities. Through the powers of faith, imagination, and will, I bring my ideas to manifestation and achieve my dreams. When I am inspired, I draw all the resources I need to accomplish my goal. Inspiration comes from God—it is undeterred by outer circumstances or obstacles. As I act on my deepest inspirations, the energy of Spirit pulses through me. I embrace divine ideas and pursue my dreams with great courage, certainty, and faith.
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching ... so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient.—2 Timothy 3:16-17

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Let Go Let God in this Present Moment

Fully present in this moment, I live in continual blessing.
I may catch myself regretting the past or worrying about the future. Yet I know such preoccupation is not helpful to me. In truth, the present moment is all there is, so I choose to live fully in the now. I begin by appreciating what is present in my life right now—my family, my friends, my work, the beauty of nature, and life itself. I realize my thoughts and actions have brought me to this moment and its blessings. The seeds I planted in the past through my thoughts and prayers have come to fruition. Now, I plant new seeds of positive possibilities. I sow ideas of happiness, abundance, and love, and cultivate feelings of joy, prosperity, and appreciation. As I live fully in the present moment, I am continually blessed.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.—Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Let Go Let God in Comfort

Comforted by divine love and grace, I extend comfort to others.
In good times and difficult times, I open myself to the comforting love of Spirit. I relax into this Presence and let it soothe my emotions and bring peace to my mind. In the warmth of Divine Love, I feel strengthened, reassured, and at peace. I am one with God. In this consciousness, I know Spirit is active in me and those I love. I am a channel through which divinity flows. As I reach out to help others, I trust God to guide my actions and words, and make me an instrument of compassion. I may be close enough to hold a hand, give a hug, or help with physical care and support. Or I may be miles apart physically, yet near in spirit and heart. Just as I am comforted by God, I extend comfort to all.
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who ... gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts.–2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Monday, February 2, 2015

Let Go Let God in Renewal

I am renewed in the light of God.
Spring buds are preparing to blossom and fill the landscape with beautiful colors. My mind, body, and soul are also ready for new vitality and radiance. The light of God warms me, and I am renewed. Just as each blossom opens to the light of day, I open myself to the light of God. As I lean into that light, I am invigorated, healed, and renewed. I experience new strength, new vision, and a new sense of purpose. I am divinely guided toward my good. With a renewed quickening, I celebrate the presence of God’s light in the world. I look forward to spring with joy and enthusiasm. As Spirit renews me, I radiate my light to everyone around me. I live in gratitude for the blessings of God for us all.
The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.—Isaiah 60:19

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Let Go Let God Forgive

I forgive and begin anew.
An artist can seamlessly craft an erroneous brush stroke into a new and beautiful part of a painting. The canvas is forgiving, thus turning an apparent mistake into a fresh aspect. With forgiveness, I can turn seeming failures into opportunities to grow. To transform a painful event into a new and positive experience, I let go of attachment to what happened or what should have been. By releasing past hurts, I open myself to beautiful opportunities. When I forgive, I give way for the new to emerge in the canvas of my life. I can paint new experiences. I feel energized and embrace unlimited possibilities. As I forgive and move forward, I create my life as I want it to be.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32