I act on divine guidance with confidence and faith.
comes to me as an insight, a feeling, or a sense of rightness. I
release my struggle for answers and open my heart to receive. I ask God
for clear guidance and the wisdom to recognize it. Then, I wait
expectantly, yet patiently. Knowledge and insight come to me naturally. My
spiritual practices of prayer and meditation fortify me for my next big
decision. I am attuned to my inner Christ Essence. I have unwavering
faith and trust in God. When decisions need to be made or when problems
arise, I instinctively turn within. I listen for God’s guidance, knowing
I will receive it in due time. I move forward with confidence and
will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and
acts on them. That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply
and laid the foundation on rock.—Luke 6:47, 48
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